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Level 2 - Unit 2 - Part 1 - [1] Describing People 1. Dan is a pilot.

2. He works for Global airlines.

3. Global Airlines is an airline company. 4. Dan flies airplanes all over the world. 5. He’s tall and he has brown hair. 6. He often wears sunglasses. 7. Lisa is a student. 8. She has black hair. 9. She has a round face.

10. She’s wearing a yellow dress. 11. Kathy lives in Canada. 12. She has three children. 13. Her husband is Paul.

14. She has brown hair and blue eyes. 15. This man is 65 years old. 16. He has three grandchildren. 17. He has grey hair.

18. He also has a grey beard. 19. He always wears glasses.

20. He wears glasses because he can’t see very well.

Level 2 - Unit 2 - Part 1 - [2] Lisa’s Class Schedule 1. This is Lisa’s class schedule for today. 2. She gets to school at 7:55. 3. Her first class starts at 8:00. 4. It’s her math class. 5. It lasts for 50 minutes. 6. It finishes at 8:50.

7. She has a 10-minute break from 8:50 until 9:00. 8. Her second class starts at 9:00. 9. It finishes at 9:50.

10. Then she has another 10-minute break. 11. Her third and fourth classes go until 11:50. 12. She and her classmates have lunch at 12:00. 13. They eat in the cafeteria.

14. After lunch she has her first afternoon class. 15. It’s starts at 1:00 and finishes at 1:50. 16. Today it’s her science class.

17. Her last class starts at 2:00 and finishes at 2:50. 18. After school, she walks to the subway. 19. She gets home around 3:45.

Level 2 - Unit 2 - Part 1 - [3] Spatial Relations

1. The girl is standing behind the boy. 2. The boy is standing in front of the girl.

3. This boy is standing behind a chair near the door. 4. Two women are standing next to each other. 5. They are talking to each other. 6. They are facing each other across a table.

7. They are sitting at a table near a window. 8. The boy is facing the stairs.

9. The girl is facing away from the stairs.

Level 2 - Unit 2 - Part 1 - [4] Jobs & Places 1. A mechanic.

2. A mechanic fixes cars. 3. Doctors and nurses.

4. Doctors and nurses help sick people. 5. A dentist.

6. A dentist cleans and fixes teeth. 7. A salesperson.

8. A salesperson sells things in a store. 9. A bank teller.

10. A bank teller works in a bank. 11. A waiter.

12. A waiter works in a restaurant. 13. A bank.

14. You can get money at a bank. 15. A hospital.

16. Sick people go to a hospital.

17. There are many doctors and nurses in a hospital. 18. An office building.

19. There are many office workers in an office building. 20. There are many offices in an office building. 21. An office.

22. Office workers usually work in an office. 23. A hotel.

24. Many people stay in a hotel. 25. You can get a room in a hotel.

Level 2 - Unit 2 - Part 1 - [5] Directions & Time A

1. Excuse me?

2. Is there a bank around here? 3. Yes, there is.

4. There’s one in the shopping center. 5. Which way is the shopping center?

6. Go to the end of the street, and turn left. 7. From there is about 50 meters. 8. When does the bank close? 9. I think it closes at 6:00. 10. Oh, it’s almost 6 now.

11. It’s 5:45, so you still have 15 minutes. 12. If you walk fast, you can get there. 13. The bank is next to a clothing store. 14. Thanks for your help.

15. You are welcome. Good luck. B

1. Do you know what time it is? 2. Sure, it’s 10:45, why?

3. I don’t see Steve in his office.He’s usually here by 9:30. 4. Do you know where he is?

5. Yes, I do.He is in a taxi. He is on his way to the airport. 6. Why is he going to the airport? 7. He’s going to meet a friend.

8. That’s nice. Do you know who it is? 9. Yes, I do. But it’s asecret. 10. A secret?

11. Yes, so don’t tell anyone. 12. I won’t, who is it? 13. Sorry, I can’t tell you. 14. Is it the man or woman?

15. Sorry. I can’t tell you anything.

16. Steve doesn’t want anyone to know she’s here. 17. I see.

Level 2 - Unit 2 - Part 1 - [6] Small & Large Numbers 1. Zero point one equals one-tenths. 2. Zero point two equals two-tenths. 3. Zero point two five equals one-fourth. 4. Zero point five equals one half.

5. Zero point seven five equals three-fourths. 6. Zero point zero one equals one hundredth. 7. One point five equals one and a half.

8. Zero point zero zero one equals one one-thousandth. 9. One point two five equals one and a quarter. 10. Zero point nine equals nine-tenths. 11. One hundred.

12. One thousand. (1,000) 13. Ten thousand. (10,000)

14. One hundred thousand. (100,000)

15. One million. (1,000,000)

16. Three thousand five hundred. (3,500) 17. Three hundred fifty thousand. (350,000)

18. Four hundred fifty-seven thousand one hundred. (457,100) 19. Four million one hundred thousand and ten. (4,100,010) 20. One billion. (1,000,000,000)

Level 2 - Unit 2 - Part 2 - [1] At School 1. This is Lisa’s daily schedule.

2. She goes to school five days a week. 3. She gets up at 6:30.

4. She gets dressed between 6:30 and 6:40. 5. At 6:45 she eats breakfast.

6. After breakfast she brushes her teeth. 7. She leaves for school at 7:00.

8. It takes between 40 and 50 minutes to go to school. 9. Sometimes she takes the subway. 10. Sometimes she takes a bus.

11. She usually gets to school around 7:45. 12. Her first class begins at 8:00.

13. At 12:00 she has lunch with her friends. 14. After lunch she has classes until 2:50. 15. She leaves school around 3:00.

Level 2 - Unit 2 - Part 2 - [2] After School 1. After school she goes home.

2. She usually gets home around 3:45.

3. When she gets home she cleans her room.

4. Then, at 4:00, she sits down at the piano and begins to practice. 5. She usually practices for about 45 minutes until around 4:45. 6. But sometimes she practices for an hour. 7. After practicing, she does some homework.

8. She does homework until dinner time, which is at 6:00. 9. After dinner she washes the dishes.

10. Then she goes to her room and starts doing her homework. 11. From 7:00 until around 9:00, she does her homework. 12. She also talks with her friends on the phone.

13. Sometimes they work on their homework together. 14. Sometimes she has a lot of homework.

15. On those nights she does homework until 9:30 or later. 16. After finishing her homework, she likes to read. 17. Lisa loves to read good books in bed. 18. She usually reads until around 10:30.

19. She usually goes to bed between 10:00 and 10:45.

20. Sometimes she goes to sleep right away.

21. Sometimes she can’t sleep, so she listens to some piano music. 22. She’s usually sleeping by 11:00.

Level 2 - Unit 2 - Part 2 - [3] Jobs & Places 1. A bus driver.

2. A bus driver drives a bus. 3. A fisherman.

4. A fisherman catches fish. 5. Policemen.

6. Policemen catch people who drive too fast. 7. A farmer.

8. A farmer grows food such as rice or tomatoes. 9. A thief.

10. A thief steals things such as purses and wallets. 11. Business people.

12. Businesspeople often work in office buildings. 13. A coffee shop.

14. You can have coffee and some food in a coffee shop. 15. A cinema.

16. You can see a movie in the cinema. 17. A department store.

18. You can buy clothes and many other things in a department store. 19. A supermarket.

20. You can buy food, toothpaste and shampoo in a super market. 21. A stadium.

22. You can watch sports in a stadium.

Level 2 - Unit 2 - Part 2 - [4] Daily Actions 1. Wake up.

2. She’s waking up. 3. Get dressed.

4. He’s getting dressed. 5. Brush teeth.

6. She’s brushing her teeth. 7. Take a shower

8. He’s taking a shower. 9. Eating breakfast.

10. She’s eating breakfast.

Level 2 - Unit 2 - Part 2 - [5] Ben’s Invitation A

1. Good morning Lisa. 2. Good morningTom.

3. What are you doing today? 4. Nothing.

5. It’s Saturday, so I’m just staying home. Why? 6. I feel like seeing a movie.

7. Why don’t we go to the cinema this afternoon? 8. A movie?

9. Sure. There are several movies showing in the cinema. 10. I can get tickets online. 11. I don’t know. Maybe.

12. If the movies aren’t good, we can do something else. 13. Like what? It’s cold, and it might rain. 14. We can go to the mall and getpizza. 15. Okay, I’ll ask my mom and call you back. 16. Great. I hope your mom says okay. 17. Yes, me too. 18. ByeTom. B

1. Tom. 2. Hi, Lisa.

3. Sorry, but I can’t go.

4. My mom wants me to stay at home. 5. Why does she want you to stay home? 6. She wants me to finish my homework. 7. That’s too bad.

8. Sorry, maybe we can see a movienext week, okay?

9. Sure, next week would be fine. Anyway, have a good day. 10. Thanks, Tom. You too.

Level 2 - Unit 2 - Part 2 - [6] Letter, Times & Numbers 1. Sunday is the last day of the week. 2. Tuesday is the second day of the week. 3. If today is Monday, tomorrow is Tuesday.

4. If today is Thursday, the day before yesterday was Tuesday. 5. One minute is sixty seconds. 6. Thirty minutes is half an hour. 7. Six thirty is half past six.

8. Six forty-five is a quarter to seven. 9. January is the first month of the year. 10. February is the second month of the year. 11. Zero point one equals one-tenths.

12. Zero point zero zero one equals one one-thousandth. 13. One million. (1,000,000)

14. Three hundred fifty thousand. (350,000)

Level 2 - Unit 2 - Part 3 - [1] Ben’s Weekly Schedule 1. This is Ben’s weekly schedule.

2. On weekdays, he goes to school from 8:00 until 3:30. 3. He usually has basketball practice after school. 4. On Monday his team practices for two hours. 5. They practice from 3:45 until 5:45.

6. On Tuesdays and Thursdays, they practice for an hour and a half. 7. They finish practicing around 5:15.

8. On Wednesdays they practice until 6:00. 9. On Fridays they have a short practice.

10. They finish at 5:00, so he can go home early. 11. On Saturday they have their games. 12. They play against other schools. 13. The games are in the afternoon. 14. This year their team isn’t doing well. 15. Their record is 3 wins and 4 losses. 16. Ben never has practice on Sundays. 17. On Sundays he does homework.

18. In the afternoon, he and his family spend time together. 19. Sometimes they watch a movie. 20. Sometimes they just stay at home. 21. Ben likes to play chess with his father. 22. His father is a good chess player.

Level 2 - Unit 2 - Part 3 - [2] Ken’s Schedule 1. Ken is a taxi driver.

2. He and his wife live in Tokyo. 3. Ken is 40 years old.

4. His wife Seiko, is a nurse. 5. She works in a hospital. 6. Ken owns his own taxi. 7. His schedule varies. 8. It changes every day.

9. On rainy days he works for 8 hours.

10. It’s easy to get passengers on rainy days. 11. On other days he works for 5 or 6 hours. 12. He usually works 5 or 6 days a week. 13. He never works on Sundays.

14. He prefers to work at night, from six until midnight. 15. There is less traffic at night.

16. That means there are fewer cars on the road. 17. During the day, there is a lot of traffic.

18. The streets are crowded with too many cars. 19. Too many cars on the road means heavy traffic.

20. Ken doesn’t like driving in heavy traffic. 21. The traffic doesn’t move. 22. There are too many cars. 23. Ken likes being a taxi driver.

24. He likes to talk to his passengers. 25. Most passengers are very nice. 26. Some of them are very interesting. 27. They come from different countries. 28. They have different kinds of jobs.

29. Unfortunately, some passengers are very rude. 30. They get angry and are not polite. 31. They never say ‘Please’ or ‘Thank you’.

32. They want him to drive fast, even in heavy traffic. 33. It’s not possible to drive fast in heavy traffic. 34. And they don’t say ‘Thank you’when they leave.

Level 2 - Unit 2 - Part 3 - [3] Daily Actions & Emotions 1. Leave.

2. They are leaving home in the morning. 3. Return.

4. They are returning home in the evening. 5. Arrive.

6. He is arriving at work in the morning. 7. Work.

8. She is working at her desk in an office. 9. Talking.

10. He is talking with a friend on his phone. 11. Listening.

12. She is listening to music. 13. A happy face.

14. She’s smiling because she’s happy. 15. A sad face.

16. She has a sad face because she’s sad. 17. An angry face.

18. This person is angry. 19. Afraid.

20. This man is afraid of something. 21. Tired.

22. This man is tired because he doesn’t get enough sleep.

Level 2 - Unit 2 - Part 3 - [4] Measure 1. A box.

2. This box has three dimensions: length, width and height. 3. Its length and width are both 1cm.

4. Its height is 1.5 centimeters. 5. A grey ball.

6. This ball weighs 1 kilogram, or 2.2pounds. 7. A moving car.

8. This car’s speed is 60 miles per hour, or about 97 kilometers an hour. 9. Two moving cars.

10. These two cars are moving in the opposite direction. 11. The red car is going west, and the green car is going east. 12. Two purses.

13. These two purses look the same, but their cost is quite different. 14. The purse on the left costs $100 more than the purse on the right.

Level 2 - Unit 2 - Part 3 - [5] Taxi Chat 1. Good evening.

2. Where do you want to go?

3. I want to go to the train station. 4. I am in a hurry.

5. My train leaves in an hour. 6. Which train station?

7. The East station or the West station? 8. It’s the East station.

9. Oh, the traffic is very bad now. 10. It’s going to take time. 11. How much time? 12. Maybe 40 minutes.

13. Please hurry.I don’t want to miss my train. 14. Driver, can you go any faster?

15. Sorry sir, as you can see, the traffic isn’t moving. 16. Sorry, but you’re going to miss your train. 17. Okay, let me out at that subway stop. 18. Maybe I can get there by subway. 19. How much do I owe you? 20. Just a minute. 21. The fare is $15.

22. Do you want a receipt? 23. No thanks.

24. I don’t need a receipt.

Level 2 - Unit 2 - Part 3 - [6] Steven’s New Friend 1. What do you think of Steven’s new friend? 2. She’s very pretty. 3. But I don’t like her. 4. Why not?

5. She just talks about herself.

6. She talks and talks, but she never listens. 7. I don’t know why Steve likes her so much. 8. Well, she is pretty.

9. Yes, she’s pretty and boring. 10. Don’t you agree?

11. Yes, I see what you mean. 12. She is boring.

13. But maybe she isn’t always boring. 14. What do you mean?

15. Maybe she just doesn’t know how to be around other people, 16. Maybe you’re right.

17. Steve really likes her, soshe must be nice. 18. Right, we still don’t know her very well. 19. Let’s give her more time.

20. Okay, at least she’s nice to look at.

Level 2 - Unit 2 - Part 4 - [1] Christina’s Daily Routine 1. Christina works in a department store. 2. She sells women’s clothing.

3. She also sells cosmetics, like lipstick and perfume. 4. Many of her customers are young women. 5. They spend lots of money.

6. They buy dresses because they want to be beautiful. 7. Christina helps them decide which dress to buy. 8. Christina works from 10:00 until 7:00. 9. After work she meets her boyfriend.

10. They usually meet in the front of the department store. 11. He is always waiting there, except in rainy weather. 12. On rainy days, he waits at the subway stop.

13. It’s across the street from the department store. 14. They usually have dinner together.

15. Sometimes they eat dinner in his apartment.

16. He has a nice apartment because he has a good job. 17. He earns a lot of money. 18. He is also an excellent cook.

19. He can cook Italian and Mexican food. 20. Cristina isn’t a very good cook. 21. She doesn’t like cooking.

22. But she likes to design new clothes.

23. She wants to become a clothing designer. 24. Someday, she wants to open her own shop

Level 2 - Unit 2 - Part 4 - [2] Seiko’s Work 1. Seiko is a nurse.

2. She works in a hospital in the center of Tokyo. 3. She takes a bus to and from work.

4. The trip from home to the hospital takes about 30 minutes. 5. Her schedule varies.

6. She usually works 4 or 5 days a week. 7. In some weeks she works late at night. 8. In other weeks she works during the day. 9. When she finishes work, she’s always tired. 10. Seiko works very hard, but she likes her job. 11. She likes to help her patients. 12. Some of her patients are very old. 13. Some of them are very close to death. 14. Some of them are very young. 15. They have a long life ahead.

16. Some of her patients have broken bones. 17. It takes time for them to get better.

18. She also enjoys working with the doctors. 19. The doctors in her hospital are very good. 20. She and the doctors work well together. 21. They do their best to help the patients. 22. She thinks it’s an excellent hospital. 23. She is happy to work there.

Level 2 - Unit 2 - Part 4 - [3] Shapes & Daily Actions 1. A triangle.

2. A triangle has three sides.

3. In this triangle, sides AB and BCare perpendicular to each other. 4. A square.

5. A square has four equal sides.

6. All four angles are right angles, or 90 degrees. 7. Two intersectinglines.

8. These two lines intersect, or cross, at a 90-degree angle. 9. They are perpendicular to each other. 10. A circle is round.

11. All points on a circle are the same distance from its center. 12. Two parallel lines.

13. These two lines never intersect, because they are parallel. 14. An angle.

15. These two lines meet at a 30-degree angle. 16. A circle has no straight lines. 17. Watch something.

18. They are watching a movie on television. 19. Meet someone.

20. He is meeting her for the first time.

21. Talk with someone.

22. He is talking with a friend on his phone. 23. Work with someone.

24. She is working with her co-worker. 25. Interview someone.

26. She is interviewing a famous basketball player.

Level 2 - Unit 2 - Part 4 - [4] Measure 1. A box.

2. This box has three dimensions: length, width and height. 3. Its length and width are both 1cm. 4. Its height is 1.5 centimeters. 5. A grey ball.

6. This ball weighs 1 kilogram, or 2.2 pounds. 7. A moving car.

8. This car’s speed is 60 miles per hour, or about 97 kilometers an hour. 9. Two moving cars.

10. These two cars are moving in the opposite direction. 11. The red car is going west and the green car is going east. 12. Two purses.

13. These two purses look the same, but their cost is quite different. 14. The purse on the left costs $100 more than the purse on the right.

Level 2 - Unit 2 - Part 4 - [5] Hotel Reservation 1. Good evening sir. 2. May I help you? 3. Good evening.

4. I’d like a room please.

5. Do you have a reservation? 6. No, I’m afraid not. 7. No reservation? 8. I’m sorry, sir.

9. We don’t have any rooms for tonight. 10. I really need a room. 11. Don’t you have anything? 12. No, sir.

13. We’re completely full.

14. Is there another hotel nearby? 15. Can you recommend one?

16. There’s another 5-star hotel just down the street. 17. Maybe they still have rooms. 18. Yes, I know that hotel. 19. It’s too expensive.

20. Do you know any other hotels nearby?

21. Well, there’s a 3-star hotel not far away. 22. The room’s small, but it’s clean. 23. Could you give me its number? 24. I can call them for you if you’d like. 25. Yes, could you?

26. Sir, I called them, and they have several rooms. 27. You can go there now and check in. 28. Thanks, I’ll stay there tonight. 29. How about tomorrow night?

30. Do you have any rooms for tomorrow night? 31. Yes, I think we do.

32. Okay, I’d like to reserve a room for the next three nights. 33. Here’s my credit card.What time can I check in tomorrow? 34. Check in time is 2:30.

35. Okay, I’ll be back at 2:30 tomorrow. 36. Thanks for your help. 37. You are welcome, sir.

Level 2 - Unit 2 - Part 5- [1] Today’s Schedule 1. This is what Lisa did earlier today. 2. This morning she got up at 6:30.

3. She got dressed between 6:30 and 6:40. 4. It took ten minutes for her to get dressed. 5. At 6:45 she ate breakfast.

6. After breakfast she brushed her teeth. 7. She left for school at 7:00.

8. This morning she took the subway to school. 9. It took 45 minutes to get to school. 10. She got to school at 7:45. 11. Her first class began at 8:00.

12. At 12:00 she had lunch with her friends. 13. After lunch she had classes until 2:50. 14. She left school around 3:00.

15. She got home a few minutes ago at 3:45.

16. This is what Lisa is going to do for the rest of the day. 17. It’s now 3:55 and she’s cleaning her room. 18. She’s putting away her clothes.

19. She’s also deciding what she’s going to wear tomorrow. 20. In about 10 minutes she’s going to practice the piano. 21. She usually practices for about 45 minutes.

22. After practicing, she’s going to do some homework. 23. She does homework until dinner time, which is at 6:00. 24. After dinner she’s going to wash the dishes.

25. From 7:00 until around 9:00 she’s going to do her homework.

26. She may call her friends on the phone so they can work together. 27. After finishing her homework, she’s going to read. 28. She’s reading a very good book. 29. She started it last week.

30. Tonight she’s going to finish it.

31. After she finishes it she’ll turn off the light and go to sleep.

Level 2 - Unit 2 - Part 5- [2] Party Plan

1. This Sunday Den is going to have a party. 2. It’s going to be at his house.

3. The best way to go there is by subway. 4. If you go by car, there’s no place to park. 5. These are the directions to Den’s house. 6. Take the subway to West 8th Street. 7. Go out the north exit.

8. In front of the exit is a park.

9. Turn right and go two blocks, to 3rd Avenue.

10. When you get there, turn left and go about 50 meters. 11. The house will be on your right. 12. The address is 755 3rd Avenue.

13. Sometimes there’s a large dog in front of the house. 14. Don’t be afraid. It won’t bite.

Level 2 - Unit 2 - Part 5 - [3] Shapes & Body Parts 1. Acube.

2. A cube is a three-dimensional object with equal sides 3. A circle

4. A circle has a radius and a diameter. 5. A sphere.

6. A sphere is round and has the shape of a ball. 7. Perpendicular lines.

8. Perpendicular lines meet at a 90-degree angle. 9. Area.

10. The area of a rectangle is its length times its width. 11. Volume.

12. The volume of a cube is its length times its width times its height. 13. Fingers.

14. We have five fingers on each hand. 15. We use our fingers to hold things. 16. Toes.

17. We have five toes on each foot. 18. They are at the end of each foot. 19. Legs.

20. We use our legs to walk.

21. Our feet are at the end of each leg. 22. Arms.

23. We use our arms to carry things.

24. Our hands are at the end of each arm. 25. Teeth

26. Our teeth are in our mouth. 27. We use our teeth to chew food.

Level 2 - Unit 2 - Part 5 - [4] Astronomy 1. The Sun.

2. The Sun gives us energy. 3. The Moon

4. The light from the Moon comes from the Sun. 5. Earth.

6. This is our planet. It goes around the Sun once a year. 7. Stars.

8. We see stars as small points of light in the night sky. 9. Galaxy.

10. A galaxy has billions of stars.

11. Except for our own galaxy, they are very far away.

Level 2 - Unit2 - Part 5- [5] Shopping for a Dress 1. Good afternoon. 2. May I help you?

3. Yes, I’d like to look at some of your dresses. 4. They’re on sale, right? 5. Yes, everything is on sale.

6. Can you recommend something? 7. Is this for business or casual? 8. It’s something for the office.

9. Well, we have some very nice black dresses. 10. May I see them?

11. Sure, please come with me.

12. Here are two very nice black dresses.

13. One is fairly short, and the other is ankle length. 14. They both look very nice. 15. Why don’t you try them on?

16. There’s a dressing room over there. 17. Sure, thanks.

18. The short one is nice, but a bit too sexy for the office. 19. What do you think?

20. It looks very nice on you.

21. If you wear this white jacket with it, it doesn’t show too much. 22. Yes, it covers my arms. I like it.

23. How much is it?

24. After the discount, it’s $300.

25. $300? Does that include the white jacket? 26. No, it doesn’t.The white jacket is $150.f

27. What about the other dress?I’d like to try it on too. 28. What do you think?

29. I think it looks great on you.

30. It shows your figure, but not too much. 31. I think it’s too big in the waist. 32. We can fix that.

33. We can take it in a bit. 34. What about the price?

35. After the discount, it’s $350.

36. If I buy the white jacket too, can you give me a better price? 37. Yes, I think I can give you another 10% discount. 38. So that’s $450 for both of them, right? 39. Yes, that’s right.

40. Okay, could you hold them for a couple of hours? 41. I want my husband to see them. 42. He can help me decide.

43. Okay, I’ll hold them for you until 4:00. 44. Thanks, I’ll be back in around an hour.

23. How much is it?

24. After the discount, it’s $300.

25. $300? Does that include the white jacket? 26. No, it doesn’t.The white jacket is $150.f

27. What about the other dress?I’d like to try it on too. 28. What do you think?

29. I think it looks great on you.

30. It shows your figure, but not too much. 31. I think it’s too big in the waist. 32. We can fix that.

33. We can take it in a bit. 34. What about the price?

35. After the discount, it’s $350.

36. If I buy the white jacket too, can you give me a better price? 37. Yes, I think I can give you another 10% discount. 38. So that’s $450 for both of them, right? 39. Yes, that’s right.

40. Okay, could you hold them for a couple of hours? 41. I want my husband to see them. 42. He can help me decide.

43. Okay, I’ll hold them for you until 4:00. 44. Thanks, I’ll be back in around an hour.

