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Lesson 87 A car crash 车祸 New Words and expressions 生词和短语 attendant n. 接待员 bring(brought, brought) v. 带来,送来

garage n. 车库,汽车修理厂 crash n. 碰撞

lamp-post n. 灯杆 repair v. 修理

try v. 努力,设法 attendant 1) n. 接待员,服务员 eg. There are 18 attendants in our hotel. 在我们酒店里有18个服务员. 2) adj. 随侍的,伴随的 waiter (餐馆等的)男服务员,男侍者 waitress 女服务生,女侍应生 attend v. 参加,出席 attend school 上学 attend a meeting 出席会议 attend a wedding 出席婚礼 attend a lecture 参加演讲 join v. 参加成为成员 join 参加某个组织,成为其成员 join the party 入党

join us 加入我们(指与某人一道参加某种活动) join in 与某人一道参加某种活动 join in a conversation 加入一次谈话 take part in v. 参加...活动 take part in 与某人一道参加某种活动,强调在其中起了作用 eg. Don't you want to take part in my birthday party? 难道你不想参加我的生日聚会? bring v. 1) 带,带着,带来 eg. Don't forget to bring your dictionary with you tomorrow. 你明天不要忘记了带字典来. eg. You'd better bring enough money with you. 你最好带上足够的钱. 2) bring sb/sth to 将某人或某物带到某处 eg. He brought some friends home. 他带了几个朋友回家. She brought her little brother to my birthday party. 她带她小弟弟来参加我的生日聚会. Don't bring your toys to school. 别把你们的玩家带到学校来. 3) bring sb sth = bring sth to sb 把某物带给某人 eg. Bring me today's paper. 把今天的报纸拿给我.

Bring today's paper to me. 把今天的报纸拿给我. 4) bring与take ,fetch bring 表示将人或物带到/拿到自己所在的位置. take 表示将人或物拿开/带离自己所在的位置. fetch 则表示去拿某物. eg. Take these plates away to the kitchen and bring some clean ones , please. 请把这些盘子拿到厨房去另外拿一些干净的来. eg. I'll fetch a glass. 我去拿个杯子来. garage n. 1) 车库 eg. He put his car in the garage. 他把车子停进车库. 2) 汽车修理厂 eg. How many mechanics are there in your garage? 你们的汽车修理厂有多少修理工? crash 1) n. 相撞,碰撞,坠落 eg. All the passengers were killed in the plane crash. 在那次飞机失事中,乘客全部遇难. crash helmet n. 安全帽,头盔 crash barrier n. 分离人行与车道或高速公路上的护栏.

2) n. 东西坠落或猛撞时的轰隆声 eg. The tree fell with a great crash. 那棵树哗啦一声倒了下来. a crash of thunder 雷声轰鸣 3) v. (飞机) 坠毁,使坠毁 eg. The plane crashed in the mountains. 那架飞机在山中坠毁. He crashed his car into the wall. 他的车子撞到墙壁. lamp-post 灯杆 lamp 灯 lamp shade 灯罩 a street lamp 街灯 an electric lamp 电灯 post 柱,支柱 a telegraph post 电线杆 a gatepost 门柱 a signpost 路标 repair 1) v. 维修.... repair a broken watch 修理坏掉的表 repair a road 修复道路 repair a bridge 修复桥梁 eg. I must have my car repaired

我必须把车子送去修理. 2) v. 补偿;恢复(体力等), 使恢复 eg. Nothing can repair the loss. 怎样都无法补偿那损失. 3) n. 修理,修复 eg. The hotel will be closed during repairs. 那饭店在整修期间停业. try 1) v. 努力,设法 eg. You should try it again and again. 你应该一再努力做这件事. try one's best 尽最大的努力 eg. We should try our best 2) try to do 设法....,试行... eg. I'll try to learn Spanish. 我要设法学习西班牙语. 3) try doing 试着做某事 eg. I tried opening the back door, but it was locked, too. 我试着开后门,但后门也上了锁. eg. He tried cleaning the spot with alcohol. 他试着用酒精擦拭那污迹. try to do 指试图做, 而 try doing 是想知道结果而尝试着做做看. 4) try on 试穿(衣服,鞋等) 试戴 eg. Please try the shoes on ./Please try on the shoes.

