中职英语 试讲教案大全

更新时间:2023-09-30 11:51:01 阅读量: 综合文库 文档下载


Unit 6 Weather


The emphasis of this period will be placed on speaking and grammar.Make students describe different seasons with new words.The grammar talks about how to change noun into adjective.


1.Knowledge object:To master the words about the weather. 2.Ability object:To talk about the weather and express their feelings as well as developing their ability of speaking English. 3.Emotion object:Inspire the students’ sense of protecting environment.


1.Master new words and phrases.

2.How to talk about different weather.


1.A multimedia 2.A taper recorder 3.The blackboard


Step 1 Lead-in

Give some pictures of four seasons on ppt.and have a talk with students.

Step 2 Learn the new words


Step 3 Fast reading

Let students find out the topic of each paragraph. Step 4 Skimming

Read the text again and help the students master the important points. come out, be good for,on vacation,go swimming,get cooler,be happy with,trees turn green.

Step 5 Grammar and Sentences 1.Grammar:名词变形容词

rain—rainy, wind—windy, sun—sunny, snow—snowy cloud—cloudy 2.Sentences

What’s the weather like today? / How’s the weather today? It’s cloudy/rainy/sunny/snowy/windy. Where are you going?/I want to go sightseeing . Step 6 Have a drill

Ask and answer in pairs.What’s your favorite season and give the reason.

Step 7 Listening

Listen to the tape and do the exercises on the book. Step 8 Sum up Step 9 Homework

1.Master the new words and useful language points 2.Writing:Reply a letter about the weather

Step 10 Reflection after teaching

Stimulating students’ interest with multimedia’s help.Encouraging students to be confident in speaking English and cultivating the students’ sense of cooperative learning in a group. I will improve my teaching methods and create a lively atmosphere in the classroom.

Unit 11 Friendship


The article talks about “making friends”,in order to tell students that

we should get on well with others, and to make friends with others.The emphasis of this period will be placed on speaking and reading.Make students describe the characteristic of their friends .Help students to learn new words and phrases when canning the text.


1.Knowledge object:To master the words and point phrases.

2.Ability object:To talk about how to make friends with others as well as developing their ability of speaking English.

3.Emotion object:Inspire the students’ sense of getting on well with others and being friends with others.


1.Master new words and point phrases.

2.Improve students’ ability of communicating with others . 3.Be able to summarize the main idea of this article.


1.A multimedia 2.A taper recorder 3.The blackboard 教学过程

Step 1 Lead-in

1.Play a game:Please describe one friend in class,then ask another one

to guess.

2.Show the students some questions and help them think of these questions.

(1) Do you want to make new friends?

(2) What should a good friend be like? Step 2 Fast reading

Read the text quickly and decide whether the following statements are T or F.

( )(1) Friends don't play an important part in our lives.

( )(2)We may get on well with many people,but we make friends with only a few of them.

( )(3) “Best friends”or “close friends” aren’t people who have known each other for a long time.

( )(4)Close friends are those who can share joy and sorrow with you . ( )(5)A good friend is someone who will do anything for you . Step 3 Skimming

Read the text again and help the students master the important points.

Words:friendship,honest,rich,funny,freely,sorrow,welling,treasure ,yet.

Phrases:play a part in,the number of/a number of,a few of,rely on,share with,lend a hand to,be willing to.

Step 4 Listening

Play the tape for the students to listen and practice pronunciation and tone.then summarize the meaning of each paragraph

Step 5 Conclusion

Make a conclusion about “making friends”and describe the characteristic of their friends .

1.Friends play an important part in our lives. 2.Friendship is one of life’s greatest treasure. 3.A friend in need is a friend indeed.

