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Book 3 Unit 3 Vocabulary

1. The red words ___against the white wall.

A. stand by准备,站到旁边 B.stand for代表,象征 C.stand out突出,显眼 D.stand back退后,往后站 解析:红色的字在白色的墙上显得突出。

2. Since the 1970s this small town has gradually been ___into a huge modern city. A. transferred职位调任 B. transplanted移植(器官) B. transmitted 转换 D. transformed转变

解析:从上世纪70年代开始,这个小镇逐渐转变成了一个巨大的现代化城市。 3. The poorly-paid civil servants are ___to bribery. A. vulnerable易受伤害的,易受攻击的,脆弱的 B. sensitive敏感的,敏锐的 C. subjected受...支配,经受

D. susceptible敏感的,感情丰富的,可以...的 解析:那些收入较低的公务员容易受到贿赂

4. Influenced by the financial crisis export has dropped by a large ___since last year. A. gap缺口,间隙,分歧,空白 B. difference差别不同

B. balance平衡,均势,身体,钱 D.margin空白,差额,边缘,幅度 解析:受金融危机的影响,出口量自去年以来大幅下降

5. When children are criticized by their teacher parents often see it as a reflection ___themselves. A.on B.to C.up D.about

解析:当孩子们受到老师的批评时,父母常常把它看作是对自己的一种反思。 6. Hearing the news I was ___in enormous joy.

A. buried专心致志的 B.indulged沉浸于...,放任,参加 C.bathed 被...覆盖,沐浴着... D.absorbed 全神贯注于.... 解析:听到这个消息,我沉浸在巨大的喜悦之中。 7. She endured the hardships without ___a complaint.

A. as much as(肯定句) B.so much as 否定句或一般疑问句 C.as many as (肯定句) D.so many as否定句或一般疑问句 解析:她忍受着苦难,连一点抱怨都没有。 as many as+可数=so many as+可数 as much as +不可数=so much as +可数 8. The firm moved to its new ___in 1997. A. sites地点,位置,现场 B.places 地方 C.premises地址 D.locations位置


places指特定用途或事情发生的地点,场所,城镇,建筑物,地方 premises(企业的)房屋建筑及附属场地,营业场所 location 指事情发生或存在的地方,地点和位置 解析:该公司在1997年搬到新址。

9. The discrimination against women was __system from the very beginning. A.built into建造,建立 B.built up 创建,增强 C.built on 依靠,以...为基础 D.built over盖满


10. The commander ordered his troops to___ on the enemies. A. close up愈合,靠近,关闭 B.close down关闭,停止播音 C.close off封锁,隔绝,结账 D.close in包围,迫近 解析:司令员命令他的部队向敌人逼近。 11. This film ___two of my favorite actors.

A.features 特点,特写,以…为主角 以..为特色 B.shows表明,展示,指,引导 C.specializes专攻,专门研究

D.specifies详述,明确规定,具体说明,指定 解析:这部电影以我最喜欢的两个演员为主角。

12. ____delicious food she is determined to become a gourmet. A. Hooked up to连接到 B.Hooked off 卸开

C.Hooked on挽住手臂,迷上 D.Hooked in拉拢,以钩钓住 解析:她迷上了美味的食物,决定成为一名美食家。

13. His father ___a fence around the garden to protect the flowers inside. A. put into使进入,把...放进 B.put up提供,建造,举起,提名,搭起 C.put off 推迟,扔掉,阻止 D.put down镇压,记下,贬低,制止 解析:他的父亲在花园四周筑起篱笆,保护里面的花。

14. The students found it easy to ___what the young professor taught. A.take to喜欢,开始从事 B.take on 承担,呈现,开始雇佣 C.take off起飞,脱下,匆匆离开 D.take in欺骗,吸收,接纳 解析:学生们发现很容易理解这位年轻教授所教的东西。 15. ____are that he will not show up at the board meeting. A. Opportunities机会 B.Possibilities可能性

B. Chances 可能性,机遇,碰巧 D. Occasions时刻,场合,原因




1. Yesterday the salesclerk caught two boys ___two packs of cigarettes from the convenience store. A. steal B.to stead C.stolen D.stealing



2. He claims to be an expert in astronomy but in actual fact he is quite ignorant on the subject.___he knows about it is out of date and inaccurate. A. So much这么多 B.How much有多少 C.So little如此之少 D.What little

解析:___he know about it 考察名词性从句,由what引导,而且根据意思选little


3. Although___instant critical acclaim in 1952he never completed a second novel publishing many short works instead.

A. first received by Ralph Ellisonthe novel Invisible Man was B. Ralph Ellison’s first novelInvisible Man received

C. Invisible Man was the first novel by Ralph Ellison received D. Ralph Ellison’s first novelInvisible Man was received 句意:尽管拉尔夫·埃里森的第一部小说《隐形人》在1952年获得了评论界的好评,但他从未完成第二部小说,而是出版了许多短篇小说。

4. Most doctor of the Colonial period believed ___was caused by an imbalance of humors in the body.

A. that disease B.of disease C.about disease D.in disease 解析:此处believe+that引导的宾语从句


5. My father closed all the doors before he left the house ___that it might rain. A. so that 因此 B.lest以免 C.for fear以免 D.unless除非

解析:lest(conj.)所连接的状语从句常用should或动词原形,for fear that+主语+(should/could/might)+动词原形 是一种虚拟用法 句意:我父亲在出门之前关了所有的门以防下雨。

6. A few species of mushrooms cause death or serious illness __. A. having eaten B.are eaten C.when eaten D.being eaten


7. Although a teenagerJohnny could resist__what to do and what not to do. A.being told B.having been told C.to be told D.to have been told 解析:resist+doing sth.


8. ___places on the Earth where plant and animals life has not been affected by the activities of humans

A. Few B.There are few C.Being few D.The few 解析:缺少主语,用there be 句型引导。

句意:地球上很少有植物和动物的生活没有受到人类活动影响的地方。 9. It is necessary that he __project by the end of next week. A.finish B.finishes C.finished D.will finish

解析:it is+adj.+that从句是虚拟用法,句型it is +adj.+that +(should)动词原形 句意:他必须在下周末之前完成这个项目。 10. It is no good ___for what has already happened. A.regretted B.to regret C.regret D.regretting

解析:it is+n.(no goodno usea waste of time)+doing sth./that 句意:对已经发生的事感到遗憾是没有好处的。

11.Navigators on ships and aircraft use a compass to determine ___they are heading. A.to where the direction B.that direction of which C.where the direction D.the direction in which 解析:考察定语从句的连接词。


12. The city of KalamazooMichiganderives its name from a native American word___‘bubbling springs’.

A. meant B.that is meant C.meaning D.whose meaning



13. Many English___were opposed to the American Revolution of 1776 moved to Canadawhere they were know as United Empire Loyalists. A. settling there B.settlers who C.they settled D.who were settles

解析:分开看,many English settlers/who were... 许多英国殖民者/他们,这是一个定语从句。 句意:许多反对1776年美国革命的英国殖民者移居加拿大,他们被认为是联合帝国的忠实拥护者。

14. Perhaps even more important than the accuracy and reliability of a meteorological instrument___. A.that its correct position B.that positioning it is correct C.is positioned correctly D.is that it be positioned correctly

解析:前面整体是主语部分,所以需要个谓语和表语,D答案符合了that引导表语从句。题干缺主谓,that代指meteorological instrument且应用被动语态。

句意:也许比气象仪器的准确性和可靠性更重要的是它的定位正确。 15. He doesn’t want to stay at home ___go to the movie theatre. A. more than多于,超出 B.much less than远小于

C.any more than至多,仅仅 D.no less than不少于,多达

解析:not... any more than(同no more than)不过,仅仅,同样....不,比较级混合 句意:他不想呆在家里,而宁愿去电影院。 他宁愿去电影院也不愿呆在家里。

