英语翻译 K机电091 魏范凯(最终版)

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Manufacturing System Engineering with Mechatronical Units Abstract

To deal properly with mechatronical units within manufacturing system engineering they have to be defined, described and used in an appropriate way establishing a mechatronical engineering process.

This paper describes from good practice experiencehow mechatronical units can be modeled and used within the mechatronical engineering process, how the datadescribing mechatronical units can be structured within tools and exchange formats, and how mechatronical units can be derived to be re-usable within the mechatronical engineering process.

Thereby, this paper gives advices for an efficient and proper application of mechatronical units within engineering processes of manufacturing systems.


Within the last years the engineering process of manufacturing systems (EP) has drastically changed due to changing economical and technical conditions. The share of cost caused by engineering activities among the overall lifecycle costs of a manufacturing system has increased. Hence, today manufacturing companies are interested in reducing the engineering costs [1]. This reduction can be reached by several ways. One of the most often considered ways is shortening the EP by abridge and interlink the different engineering activities.But this activity is difficult to achieve [2, 3] since the crucial point of EP shortening is the necessity to ensure consistency among the different engineering activities with respect to the applied and developed engineering artifacts.

A second often discussed problem, the EP has to cope with, is the need of more flexible manufacturing systems created within the EP [4]. A maximal flexibility with respect to possible products, applied technologies, and used resources is claimed. But these flexibility requirements contradict the intended shortening of the engineering process as both an increasing product variety and an increased technology flexibility increase complexity of the manufacturing system.

To solve this problem within the last years the well known mechatronic paradigm has been adapted to manufacturing systems [4]. Based on mechatronical units (MU) and a mechatronical engineering process (MEP) it seems to be possible to reduce the engineering efforts and time while enabling manufacturing system flexibility.The MEP considers a distinction between customer projects independent and customer project dependent engineering activities. The project independent engineering activities consider the definition of invariant system building blocks and the definition of interfaces to these invariant building blocks establishing MU.The project dependent engineering steps will use/reuse the MU within engineering discipline crossing


engineering processes as depicted in the upper part of Figure 1.

Figure 1: Dependencies betw. MEP and MU

But the success of MEP shortening and manufacturing system flexibility increase strongly depends on the way are exploited within the MEP. This use is based on a set of questions (see Figure 1 lower part).

The first set addresses the way engineering information is structured and reflected generally for both engineering process types. It claims a basic concept for the modeling of mechatronical units which has to be mapped to the different tools and exchange format applied within the MEP.This set of questions is considered in section 2,3 and 4 of this paper. The second set of questions deal with the application of MUs within the project dependent engineering process. Here the amount of basic actions supported by the MU information structure and its integration within the overall work flow of the MEP is relevant. Based on them an optimized tool support can be developed. This is addressed in section 5 and 6.The third set of questions consider the application of MUs within the project independent MEP. It asks how reusable MUs can be derived and is drafted in section 7.

2、Principles of modeling MUs The idea of MUs is not new [5]. It has also been considered within manufacturing system engineering [6, 7]. Also this idea has found its way into standardizationdocuments [8]. Within control system engineering a MU will be understood as combination of mechanical, electrical,and control related components.This combination is made with the special purpose to ensure a dedicatedunit behavior which can be provided to an overall system.Thereby,

mechatronical systems are seen as hierarchy of MUs [7]. At the lowest level of the hierarchy so-called basic blocks establish an energetical, material,and informational flow of the controlled system (i.e. the manufacturing process), actuators, sensors, and information processing units. At the higher levels the MUs connect lower level MUs with information processing units of the higher level.

Figure 2: Information structure of the MU 图2: MU的信息结构

Within the MEP MUs are considered as units providing dedicated manufacturing functionalities to the manufacturing system.These functionalities and the conditions required for its provision are the main information modeling paradigm considered within the MEP. Hence, and also following the history of engineering with different independent engineering activities and disciplines, the MU is seen within the MEP as consistent combination of information sets of different engineering disciplines with dependencies among the information while the different involved information can be


classified. This classification can follow engineering discipline related [9],plant

structure related [20], or data related [13] structures. But all of these approaches are not complete. They have to be combined. The resulting structure is depicted in

Figure 2. (The capital letters within this figure are used to describe the mapping of information to data storing structures described later on.) The named information set consists of 6 main subsets:

? The process control data consists of all control relevant information including control code and control code specifications of any kind (B) and signal information like signal list and variable definitions (A).

? The mechanical data (C) cover all information about the mechanical construction including geometry and kinematics data.

? The electrical, pneumatic, and hydraulic data (D) describe the electrical, pneumatic, and hydraulic construction of the MU including the connections and wiring of the different types and its plugs.

? The topological data (E) cover the hierarchy of MUs

and devices. They give an overview about the structuring and the interfaces within the hierarchy.

? The function describing data will give a functional description of the. This contains relevant functional parameters (F), and technological descriptions

and guidelines (G), and functional models of the uncontrolled (H) and controlled behavior (I) of the MU.

?Finally, the generic data (J) summarize further organizational, technical, economical and other data.They cover for example article codes and manufacturer identifications and addresses, weight and size of the MU, supply information for electrical and other power, costs for acquisition and maintenance, and user manuals.

Additionally to the data sets the information structure has to ensure consistency among the different data sets. For example, the size information within the generic data has to match the size information in the geometry descriptions and the power supply information has to conform the electric, pneumatic, and hydraulic data.

3.Modeling of mechatronical units within computer aided engineering tools

Among others, one tool supporting the application of MUs within the MEP is the SIMATIC Automation Designer by Siemens AG [10, 11].SIMATIC Automation Designer [AD] follows the vision of digital engineering from transfer of the planning phase CAD data, through configuring of the automation solution, right up to use during live operations. It allows the integrated representation of mechanical components, electrical systems and automation in one mechatronic plant model and enables modular configuration of manufacturing automation projects based on parameterizable engineering templates. By using engineering templates, MUs can be predefined, stored in libraries and used to model multiple manufacturing systems by selection, instantiation, parameterization,extension and interlinking.


AD offers high flexibility of modeling, reflecting its integration in different MEPs and system environments. For comprehensive modeling and tool support it is necessary to map the information sets of our MUs concept to the AD modeling structures.

Therefore, the following mapping reflects strongly the manufacturing automation relevant parts of the MU without neglecting all others.

The suggested information structuring is based on the idea that MUs will provide functions to the overall system. These functions can be primary functions directly used within the manufacturing process like transportation functions in the case of conveyers, manufacturing functions in the case of machines, cells, or robots, or supporting functions in the case of clam sets. In addition to the primary functions there can be secondary functions required for correct behavior of the MU.Such functions can be maintenance functions or preparation functions like manufacturing parameter adjustment.

Figure 3: Possible modelling of one mechatronical unit in AD

Within the suggested information structuring the internal structuring of the functions should be standardized.Each function is controlled by appropriate control code.This code implements a behavior specification given by a program organization unit (POU).To connect the functions to the underlying MUs and devices and to parameterize them, appropriate interfaces and parameters are defined.

To provide the functions the MU consists of lower level MUs and devices which are given within the devices part.To be used from the higher level MUs each unit has an execution interface with appropriate parameters for the overall. This interface structure of a MU is given in Figure 4.

Figure 4: Interface structure of MU

The behavior of the MU will be described within the sequences part of the information structure.Here models of controlled as well as uncontrolled behavior can be integrated for analysis purposes like virtual commissioning.

Finally there is a separate sub-information set for the geometry and kinematics information. The described structure is given in Figure 3. The capital letters within Figure 2 und 3 give the mapping of the different data sets relevant for the MU to the suggested representation in AD.Thereby, it can be seen, that:

? the MU itself contains functional parameters (F), functional descriptions (G) , and generic data (J), the functions (primary as well as secondary) directly covers the technological descriptions (G), the function sub-structure POU gives the controlled behavior (I),


? the function substructure Code gives control code (B)

? the function substructure device interface + parameters gives parts of the signal information (A), electrical, hydraulic, and pneumatic data (D), and functional parameters (F),

? CAD data / kinematics gives geometry and kinematics information (C), ? the devices gives the topology information (E),

? the sequences give the controlled (I) and uncontrolled (H) behavior models, and ? the execution interface and parameters gives further parts of signal information (A), electrical, hydraulic, pneumatic data (D), and functional parameters (F). Thus the mapping is complete. 。

4.Modeling mechatronical units within exchange formats One of the recently developed exchange formats applicable for MUs is the AutomationML exchange format.

The project dependent MEP starts with the process planning.Within this step the necessary manufacturing steps, required to establish the intended product resp.products are defined.Beneath the characteristic product parameters especially the manufacturing functions required to manufacture the product are specified.

Within the second engineering step the general layout of the manufacturing system is planned.Therefore, the required manufacturing functions are mapped to manufacturing resources which are sequenced in a corresponding order. This engineering activity starts with a mapping of required manufacturing functions to MUs with the capability to execute the manufacturing functions. These MUs are concretised by necessary dimensioning and control application and placed in the manufacturing system resulting in a general manufacturing system layout afterwards.

In the subsequent realisation by functional engineering all necessary details of the manufacturing system are specified. Within nearly parallel processes the mechanical,electrical, and control system related engineering activities are implemented.

Thus, the general manufacturing system layout is concretised up to the detailed mechanical drawings, wiring planes and control code. Within this step the pre-developed engineering information of MUs is exploited to increase the engineering quality / efficiency while reducing engineering duration.

The final engineering phase is assigned to the final implementation and commissioning of the manufacturing system based on the detailed system specification.

As pointed out, the MU is used in all of these four engineering steps. In the first step


they are used as a guideline to evaluate available manufacturing functionalities utilisable within the manufacturing process. In the second step the opposite direction of evaluation is used. In this case the most fitting manufacturing resources are selected based on the description of manufacturing functions provided by MUs. Within the third step basic engineering information are (re-)used like initial mechanical drawings or wiring planes of the MUs covering the unit internal wiring and its interfaces, or the control code fragments which are integrated in the entire control applications of the production system. An overview about the different engineering steps and their relation to each other is depicted in the lower part of Figure 6.

Figure 6: Global structure of mechatronical engineering process [17]

The project dependent MEP requires a library of useable MUs. These re-usable MUs have to be developed and tested prior to its application.The development of these re-usable objects starts with a requirement analysis, an investigation of available technologies at the market and further market conditions, and an analysis and modularization of best practice solutions. Based on these evaluations devices as well as components are planned, engineered, and realized in the same way as in the project oriented engineering process. Within a final step the engineered device or component is tested. Thereby, re-useable engineering artifacts are established which can become part of a library.

6. Application of mechatronical units within the mechatronical engineering process As mentioned above, MUs are applied within the MEP several times. Application

cases most relevant for project dependent MEP shortening are in the planning and the engineering phase of the MEP. They will be described in more detail in this section with a strong focus on control application design. The mechanical, electrical, etc. constructions are executed in a similar way.

Figure 7: Planning phase activities of MEP 6.1. Planning phase

Within the planning phase of the MEP appropriate MUs are selected usable for the execution of relevant Selection of manufacturing function to be realized

Are there mechatronical engineering units within the library fulfilling the required function?

Is it possible to divide the manufacturing ? function in sub-functions? Apply mechatronical unit! Yes, no.

Divide function and proceed with sub-functions

Design a new mechatronical engineering unit for the manufacturing function


Which devices or lower level mechatronical units are required?

Which execution interfaces are required to control the manufacturing function ? Which device interfaces are required to control the underlying devices and mechatronical units?

Which primary functions have to be fulfilled? Which secondary functions have to be fulfilled? How will the function behavior look like?

Which parameters are required for the execution of the required manufacturing function?

How the control application looks like? How the control interface looks like?

Design the mechatronical units based on the above questions yes no

Is this unit optimal for the intended function? yes ,no.

Integrate the mechatronical unit within the library manufacturing steps. This

selection process can directly exploit the information structure given in section 3. The process starts with the selection of a manufacturing function to be realized. To this manufacturing function an appropriate MU will be selected following the technological description given in the primary functions of the MUs.Two cases may happen, an MU can be found which is optimal for the execution of the required manufacturing function or no such MU exists. In the first case the next function can be considered.In the second case the function of interest should be divided into subfunctions if possible. If this is not possible a new MU has to be specified in the project independent MEP.

For this specification process a set of main questions has to be answered. The process starts with the questions about primary and secondary functions which have to be fulfilled.Based on the definition of these functions the overall behavior of the MU has to be specified. Therefore, the primary and secondary functions with its programmable organization units will be given. As next step, the parameters for the proper behavior of the functions, the required devices and lower level MUs, and the interfaces to them have to be named. Thus, the device interface+ parameter object and the devices object are detailed. Afterwards, the control application is characterized. Therefore, the programmable organization units and the sequences objects are applied. Finally, the interface to control the MU from a higher level is defined by completing the execution interface + parameter object.This process is given in Figure 7. 6.2. Engineering phase

The engineering phase of the MEP is dedicated to the detailed definition of the overall construction of the manufacturing system out of the selected. Therefore, it has to detail the behavior of the different MUs, mutually connect them, and generate the control code. For this process at first it has to be ensured that all necessary MUs


are available within the library. If there are MUs missed they have to be developed as given above. If all necessary MUs are available within the library, the relevant amount of MUs has to be instantiated by defining MU occurrences within the planned system. Afterwards, all of them are detailed by the definition and instantiation of the necessary sub-units and devices within the device objects and the specification of the overall behavior of the MUs by defining new and connecting existing behavior descriptions within the controlled behavior part of the sequences object. If all relevant MUs and devices are given, they are connected by interlinking the signals given in the device interface + parameter objects of the different functions with the signals defined in the execution interface + parameters of the underlying MUs and devices. The same holds for the different parameters within these objects. After the complete interlinking of the MUs and devices the control code is generated Theoretically, all different available model based control code generation methodologies can be applied [19]. Generally, at first the control hardware (i.e. PLC structure) is defined, then the necessary code objects like function blocks are named,the mapping of the code object variables to signals is made, and the necessary variables are specified.Finally, the real code lines are generated. This structure is depicted in Figure 8.

Figure 8: Planning phase activities of MEP 6.3. Application of MU structure within MEP

One essential point connecting this process with the described information structure of the MUs are capabilities of the MU structure to support the process by the MU

structure.Two examples of these capabilities are the automatic generation of MU structures depending on different function structures of the MU and the automatic integration and connection of interfaces within the hierarchy of MUs.

As seen in Figure 5, the information structure of MUs is constant except the number of primary and secondary functions as well as the amount of MUs and devices within the MU hierarchy and, thereby, the amount of interfaces among them. Thus, the integration of MUs within an engineering project can be automated by application of appropriate templates for MUs, functions, and interfaces. These templates can be part of a library and automatically exploited. Within AD this can be implemented by using “e-blocks”.

The automatic integration and connection of interfaces within the hierarchy of MUs exploits the interface templates and creates the necessary interfaces and connections between a MU and its subunits or underlying devices. Therefore, for each execution interface of the underlying MU an appropriate interface within the device interfaces structure is created and automatically connected by “e-blocks” as depicted in Figure 9.


Figure 9: Automatic integration and connectionof interfaces within MU hierarchy

7.Specification of re-usable MUs

Generally, the specification of re-usable MUs is a trade-off between detailed modeling and engineering of MUs and its applicability in special application cases.As more detailed a MU is given as small is the set of application cases it can be applied within. Hence, a good balance between both intentions (huge application range and large amount of re-use) has to be found.

Following [9] and [20], manufacturing systems can be structured hierarchically in 6 layers. The highest layer is the plant itself. It consists of manufacturing cells and manufacturing lines which all can be split to main groups of functional units like robots, milling machines or conveyer systems. These main groups consist of function groups like clamp sets, robot effectors, single conveyers, and so on.Each function group itself consists of subassemblies like motion groups within conveyers or axis of robots. Finally, each subassembly consists of single parts like drives and mechanical components. This structure is given in Figure 10.

From the authors point of view all layers between subassembly and manufacturing cell can be considered as MUs within the MEP. Single parts are considered as devices while the complete plant is out of scope.

Nevertheless, the definition of library elements is most efficient for MUs representing subassemblies or function groups.In special cases also the main groups are relevant for library element definition.

Figure 10: Hierarchical structure of MUs

within a manufacturing system (enriched from [9]) .The reasons for this view are the following.On the subassemblies and function groups layers sensor and actuator devices are directly coupled with information processing units like PLCs. Here usually a clear and strongly limited range of primary functions, the MU provides, is given. Hence, the versions variety of a MU is limited at this layer while its application range is large.Thus, maximal re-usable MUs can be specified.


For the specification of MUs at this layer the sequence of the following questions should be answered.

? Which primary functions have to be fulfilled? ? How will the function behavior look like?

? Which parameters are required for the execution of the required manufacturing function?

? Which devices or lower level MUs are required?

? Which device interfaces are required to control the underlying devices and MUs? ? Which execution interfaces are required to control the manufacturing function? ? How should the control application look like? Based on these questions MUs can be specified.

On the main group layer several primary functions of the function group are combined. Here, in general the problem of complexity explosion is given.In parallel,the application range of the main function reduces in comparison to the function groups.Thus, theoretically, each possible combination of function groups has to be integrated within the library where the probability of reuse of each MU is much smaller.

Practically, in each industry usually only a limited amount of combinations is useful. For example, in the cases of soldering machines, welding robots, or chipboard press plants only a limited ranges of systems are useful. In such cases also main groups can be part o Practical considerations have shown that nearly each manufacturing cell is a one-time system. Hence, libraries of such system will not make sense.

Thus, the definition of library elements representing MUs based on the layers subassemblies or function groups seems to be most promising.The definition, engineering implementation, and test of these MUs requires a small amount of resources compared to the capability of re-use. Without re-use the necessary efforts for multiple engineering of the same information is much higher. But with increasing MU complexity and decreasing numbers of reuse this benefit is lost on the higher levels of the plant structure.

8 、Conclusion

Within a common research activity of Siemens AG and Otto-von-Guericke University Magdeburg the represented mechatronic engineering process has been executed for a laboratory plant using SIMATIC Automation Designer. The focus of this activity has been on the development of a library of re-usable mechatronical units, the development of automated support functions for engineering activities, and the evaluation of the MEP up to final generation of control code and control hardware configurations. The evaluation showed, that our modeling approach was practically feasible and consistent. The resulting project dependent engineering effort was strongly reduced


based on the application of the defined information structure for MUs, the library developed, and the automatic engineering support.

Within further research activities the design methodology for MUs (like identification and management of variants) as well as further extensibility of automatic engineering support like model based code generation and parameter based MU instantiation will be considered.


This work was partially founded by the German Federal Ministry Research (BMBF) under the project SPES 2020.


of Education and

翻译: 制造系统工程与电机单位 文摘



因此,本文提出了一些在工程制造系统的过程内有效并且合理正确运用电机单位的建议。 1、动机

在过去的几年,生产工艺生产系统(EP)由于变化的经济、技术条件发生了巨大变化。股票工程活动引起的在制造系统整体生命周期成本的成本中 增加了[1]。因此,今天制造公司对降低工程成本感兴趣。这减少通过几种方式可以达到其中一个最 常被认为是缩短EP的方式是省略和互连不同的工程活动。


另一个经常讨论的问题,EP不得不应付的是更多的柔性制造系统以内创造的环保[4]的需求。最大的灵活性伴随尊重 可能的产品、应用技术、使用资源是被宣布的。但是这些灵活性要求反驳了目的性缩短工程过程既是一个增加产品品种和一个技术的复杂性增加、弹性增加的生产制造系统。

在过去几年,解决这个问题,熟知的机电一体化被改变为装备制造业系统[4]。基于电机单位(MU)和电机工程过程(机电) ,似乎可以降低工程成果和时间,可以制造系统的灵活性MEP认为客户的项目工程独立和客户的项目工程依赖工程活动之间是有区别的。独立的工程项目活动考虑活动不变系统的定义和这些不变的积木建立接口定义建立MU。这个项目依赖工程措施将使用/重用MU在工程学科交叉工程过程之内如在上方的图1所描述。

图1: 依赖betw。MEP和MU

但MEP缩短和生产系统柔性提高的成功强烈依赖于在MEP内利用MUs的方法。该应用是以一组问题(参见图1下方) 为基础的。

第一组记下结构化以及一般都反映工程过程类型工程信息地址。它宣称模拟电机单位要绘制出来不同的工具和在MEP内交换格式的基本概念。这组问题被思考是在第二节,以及本论文的3号和4号。第二组问题,处理在依赖工程过程的项目内的MU应用。这里的由MU信息结构及其在整个工作流程机电整合支持的基本动作的数量是相关的。在此基础上优化工具的支持 得到发展。这是记在第5部分和第6部分。第三组问题考虑在该工程中独立机电MUs应用,它总是问如何可重用的MUS衍生和起草在第7节中。


MUs的想法不是新的 [5]。它也在制造系统工程(6、7)内被考虑 。这个观念也标准化文献[8]中发现了它的路子。 在控制系统工程内,一MU将被理解为多种机械,电气, 和控制相


关的组件。这一组合采用特殊目的,以确保一个专注的可以提供一个整体的系统单位的行为。因此,电机系统被视为Mus的层次结构[7]。 在最低水平的层次结构,所谓的基本块建立一个能量,材料, 和控制系统的信息流量(即 制造过程),致动器、感测器与信息加工单位。在更高的层次MUs的连接着低水平和更高的水平信息处理单元。

在机电内MUs是被认为提供专业制造系统功能的 单位。这些功能和条件 提供所需的MEP内考虑的建模方法的主要信息。因此, 并遵循不同的独立的工程活动以及学科的工程历史,在MEP内MU被看作依赖信息而不同的涉及信息又可以分类的不同的工程学科信息组一致的组合 。分类可以遵循工程学科相关的[9]、植物结构相关[20],[13]或相关的数据结构。但是所有这些方法都不是完整的。 他们必须被结合起来。 在图2中产生的结构描述(在这个数字中的大写字母用于描述数据映射的信息,到后来所描述的存储结构。)。指定的信息集包含了六个主要支干:


?机械数据(C)覆盖所有的关于机械施工包括几何运动学数据的信息 。 ?电动、气动、液压数据(D)描述

?MU的电动、气动、液压建设 包括不同类型及其插头的线路和连接。

?拓扑数据(E)覆盖MUs和设备的层次。他们对构建和在层级之内的接口作一概述。 功能描述数据将给MU一个功能性的 描述。 它包括相关职能参数(F)和技术的描述和指南(G)和悖逆的(H)的 功能模型和MU的控制为(我) 。

?最后,通用的数据(J)总结进一步的组织, 技术、经济和其他文件资料。它们覆盖例如文章代码和制造商身份和地址,重量和MU大小,提供为采集和维护的电器,电力,费用信息和用户使用手册。

除了数据集,信息结构 必须确保在不同的数据集一致。例如, 在通用的数据中尺寸信息必须与尺寸信息几何描述和电源资讯又要符合电动、气动、液压数据。


除其他外,一个在MEP内支持申请MUs的工具是通过西门子公司[第十条、第十一条]的SIMATIC自动化设计师。SIMATIC自动化设计师[广告]遵循数字工程视觉 从转让计划阶段CAD数据,通过配置的自动化解决方案, 在生活操作中使用的 权利。它允许综合表示机械部件、电气系统和在机电自动化模型,以及 通过使用工程模板, MUs可以被预先定义的,因此, 模块化结构的基于parameterizable工程模板的制造自动化工程。储存在图书馆和通过选择、实例化、参数化、推广和interlinking用于模型的数倍 制造系统。

广告提供高弹性的建模,反映出它在不同的MEPs和系统环境下的整合。对综合建模和工具支持来说, 我们的MUs概念对这则广告模型结构映射信息集,是必要的。

因此,下面的映射强烈的反映制造自动化没有忽略所有其他人的有关MU的部分。 提出的信息构建是基于MUs 将为整个系统提供功能的想法。这些函数可以直接使用在制造过程中如输送机械情况下的运输功能,机器功能、细胞、或机器人的生产功能或蛤集的支援功能 等主要功能。此外对主要功能可以有MU的正确行为方式所需的二次函数。这样的函数可以维护功能或准备功能,如生产参数调整。

图3: 广告里电机单位的可能的造型




图4: MU的界面结构



? MU本身所含有的功能参数(F), 功能说明(G)和通用的数据(J), 功能(初级和次级)直接覆盖技术说明(G), 次级结构POU的功能给出控制行为(I), 功能次级结构代码给出控制代码 (B),

?功能次级结构设备接口+参数,给出部分信号信息(A)、电气, 液压和气动数据(D),和功能参数(F),

? CAD数据/运动学给几何学和运动学信息(C), ?仪器给出拓扑信息(E),






依赖机电项目从过程规划开始。在这一步,必要的制造步骤, 需要建立计划中的产品进入。产品是被定义的。在具有特色鲜明的产品参数,尤其是生产函数参数要求的生产产品是在合同中规定的。

在第二个工程步骤中,制造系统的总体布局是计划的。因此, 要求的生产函数映射到在相应有序的制造资源。该工程活动以测绘的要求的有能力执行加工功能的MUs生产函数来开始的。这些MUs是由必要的尺寸和控制应用concretised的,和安置在以后发生于系统布局内导致的制造系统中。

在后来的功能工程现实中,所有制造系统必要的细节的是具体的。几乎并行的过程,机械, 电气、控制系统相关工程活动得到执行。


最后设计阶段被指定到最终实施和基于详细的系统规格制造系统调试的 。

正如指出的, MU用于所有这四个工程步骤。 在第一步他们用作评估可制造的utilisable的在制造的过程功能指南 。在第二步,评估的相反方向被使用。 在这种情况下最好的制造资源是在由MUs提供的生产功能描述基础选择的。在第三步的基础工程信息


(re -)用于像最初的MUs的机械图纸或线路覆盖单位内部接线及其接口,或在生产系统的整个控制应用集成的控制代码碎片。不同的工程措施和他们彼此联系的大致情况如下方图6所示的。


这个依赖机电项目需要一个可用MUs的图书馆 。这些可重复使用MUs必须在应用程序前发展和测试。这些可重复使用的物品的发展开始于一个需求分析, 一项现有技术进入市场并进一步市场情况的调查,以及最好的做法解决方案分析和模块化。在此基础上评价装置以及各部件是在同样的方式如专题的工程过程项目下计划、建设工程和实现的。在最后一步工程设备或部件进行测试。因此,可重用的能成为图书馆的一部分工程建立了。


如上所述, MUs是应用在机电好几次了。与依赖机电项目缩短最相关的应用情况是在规划与机电工程阶段。他们将在在控制应用设计上与一个强大的焦点在本节的内容中被更详细地描述。机械、电气、等结构以类似的方式执行。

图7: 机电的计划阶段活动 6.1计划阶段

在机电的规划阶段合适的MUs为执行相关生产函数的选择去实现选择为可用 。 有电机工程单位在图书馆实现所需要的功能吗?

有可能把生产函数分解到子函数中吗?应用电机单位! 是的,没有。


为生产功能设计了一种新的电机工程单位, 哪些装置或低水平的电机的单位是必要的? 哪些执行接口需要执行控制生产的功能接口?

哪一个装置接口必须控制潜在的设备和电机的单位? 哪些主要职能必须预兆? 哪些二次函数需要预兆?

如何功能的行为看起来将像什么? 哪些参数需要要求的生产功能执行? 控制应用的长相如何? 控制接口的长相如何?

设计基于以上问题电机单位 。是的,没有。 这是预期的功能最佳的单位吗? 是的,没有。

在图书馆制造步骤整合电机单位。这样的选择过程可以直接利用第3节给出的信息结构。这个过程开始于一个制造功能实现的选择。 对于这个生产函数,将随着MUs给出的主要功能的技术性描述选出一个合适的MU。两种情况可能发生,一为执行所需的制造函数或没有MU的存在最优的MU才能被发现 。在头一种情况下下一个函数可以考虑。在第二种情况下,如果可能的话收益功能应分为次级功能。如果一个新的MU必须在独立机电工程指定是不可能的。


对这个具体过程一组主要的问题必须回答。这个过程开始于问题关于必须应验的一、二级的函数。在这些功能界定的基础上MU的整体的行为必须被指定 。因此,编程组织单位一、二次函数的将被扣分。下个步骤、参数的功能适当行为,所需的设备和低等级Mus,以及他们的介面必须命名。因此,设备接口+参数对象和设备对象详细化了。后来,控制应用被特点化。因此,可编程的组织单位和和序列对象被采用。最后, 控制MU的界面,一个更高的水平被完成执行界面+参数对象定义。图7给出了这个过程。 6.2 工程实施阶段

机电的工程实施阶段是专门为选择的MUs外的制造系统全面建设的详细的定义。因此,它必须详细的化不同MU的行为, 相互连接他们,产生控制代码。这个过程首先它必须确保在图书馆所有必要的 MU可用。如果有错过的MUs,他们就不得不如以上给出的发展。 如果一切必要MU在图书馆内可用,有关MU的金额必须在计划经济体制通过定义MU事件被实例化 。后来, 所有的必要次级单位和这个设备对象内的设备以及通过定义新的和连接现有在序列对象控制行为部分行为描述的MU行为整体规格定义和实例化都被详细化。如果所有相关MU和装置给出了,那就通过在不同的作用装置界面+参数对象内给出的互联信号与潜在的MU和设备的执行+参数定义的 信号连接 。在这些物体中的不同参数同样的适用。完成MU的互联和设备后,控制代码生成。从理论上讲,所有不同的可用的基于控制代码生成方法的模型可以应用(19)。一般来说,起初,控制硬件(如下,可编程序控制器(PLC)结构)被界定,然后必要代码物体,如功能块被命名, 代码对象变量与讯号的映射,和必要的变量被指定。最后,真正的代码的行产生。这种结构如图8所示。

图8:计划阶段机电的活动 6.3在机电内MU结构的应用

用MU的描述信息结构连接这个过程的一个关键点是是支持MU结构过程MU结构的能力。这些能力的两个例子是 根据不同MU的功能结构的MU结构自动生成,以及在MU层级内的集成和接口连接 。

图5中所见到的MU信息结构,除了初级和高级功能的数量以及MU的数量和在MU层次设备,还有, 在他们中间一定数量的接口是连续的。因此, 在一个工程项目内MU的整合通过适当的MU模板,函数和接口应用可以被自动化。这些模板可以成为图书馆一部分和自动化开发。在广告中,这可以通过“e-blocks”实施。




一般地,可反复使用的MU规格是详细的建模和MU及其特殊应用案例适用场合工程之间的协调。随着进一步详细化,给出的小MU是案例应用序列,,它可以在中应用。因此,良好的平衡, 在双方意图(巨大的应用范围和大量的重复)之间必须被发现。

以下[9]和[20],制造系统在6层被递阶结构化。最高的层是植物本身。它由制造细胞和都可以分裂为主要功能单位组的生产线, 就像一个机器人,铣床或输送系统。这些主要


的集团由功能集团如夹套,机器人对比、单输送机械, 等等组成。每个函数组成的集团由群体如有输送机械运动组件或轴机器人组成。最后,每个组件由单身部分像驱动和机械部件组成。图10给出了这结构。


然而, 图书馆元素的定义 是MU最有效的代表组件或功能组。 在特殊情况下的主要群体也是对图书馆元素定义相关的。

图10: MU的层次结构


在组件和函数组层,传感器及致动器的设备能直接结合的信息加工单位,比如plc。这里对通常一个清晰的而强烈的主要功能的有限范围的,MU规定,进行了分析。因此, MU的各种版本在这一层是有限的,而其应用范围非常大。因此,最大可重复使用的MU可以指定。

对这一层MU的描述,下列问题应回答: ?哪些主要职能有预兆呢? ?功能行为如何?

?哪些参数是施工要求的生产功能所需的? ?哪些装置或低水平MU是要求的?

?哪一个装置接口需要控制潜在的设备和MU? ?哪些执行介面需要控制生产功能? ?应该怎样控制应用?


在主要的组织层上, 很多功能组织的初级功能结合。在这里,在总体上给出了问题的复杂性显现。同时,主要功能应用范围比功能组减少。 因此,从理论上讲,每一种可能的必须集成在回收再利用每一MU的图书馆的功能组组合会小得多。

实际上,在每一个行业通常只有有限的组合有用。例如,在焊机器,焊接机器人,或纤维板按植物的情况下, 只有有限系统的范围是有用的。在这种情况下主要集团可以成为部分o型。实践因素表明,几乎每一个制造细胞是一种一次性的系统。因此, 这样的系统图书馆将毫无意义。

因此,图书馆元素的定义的代表基于层组件和功能团体的MU 似乎是最有前途的。定义、工程、实现和测试这些MU的要求少量的相比重复能力资源。没有重用,为相同的信息的多个工程必要的工作高很多。但随着MU复杂性和减少在植物的结构更高水平重用这个好处的数量失去了。


在西门子公司和Otto-von-Guericke马格德堡大学常用的研究活动中代表性的机电工程过程已经为使用SIMATIC自动化设计师实验室工厂 执行。这次活动的焦点已经在一个可重复使用的电机单位的图书馆的发展, 工程活动自动化支持功能发展,以及到最后一代的控制规范和控制硬件配置机电评估。评估表明,我们的建模方法的实际是可行性和一致的。依赖于工程努力的项目在应用为MU定义的信息结构,,图书馆的发展,和自动工程支持的基础上强烈减少了。




这项工作是部分由项目SPES 2020下的德国联邦教育部和研究(BMBF) 创立的。



