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The introductions of tablewares(餐具) Part one: glasses

Water Goblet White Wine Glass Champagne glass Brandy Glass

Use to fill water Use to fill white wine Use to fill champagne Use to fill brandy

The method of use glasses is:

Use the thumb、middle finger and forefinger holding the cup angle ,the little finger put in the bottom of the cup and fix The specific order is:

With a knife before the water glass as the base ,turn right under the dining table with 45 degree angles.

Followed by : champagne glass ,red wine glass ,white wine glass ,sherry glass ,brandy glass

Part two: Fork& Knife

Soup Spoon Salad Fork/Knife Dinner Fork/Knife Fish Fork

Use to fill soup Use to eat salads Use to eat main course Use to eat fish

Steak Knife Butter Knife Cheese Knife Dessert Fork/Spoon Use to cut steak Use to wipe butter Use to cut cheese Use to eat desserts

Tea/Coffee Spoon Serving Fork/Spoon Lobster Pick

Use to stir tea/coffee Use to service guest meal Use to pick the lobsters

Fork is also very particular about the use of:

1. If have not finished eating , the plates have not empty ,and also want to continue dinner ,put the knife and fork apart ,about triangular in the shape . Then the waiter will not take your dishes.

2. If have finished eating ,you can put knife and fork parallel on the plate be the same side of ,then the waiter will take the dishes away.

3. If the plate is empty ,and you also want to eat,devide the knife and fork with eight-shaped,then there will have waiter to serve you the food.

Part three

8 decimetres dessert plate 10 decimetres dinner plate 13 decimetres place plate Use fill the desserts or salads Use to fill the main courses just use to table decorations

Soup Plate & Soup Cup and Saucer Sugar Bowl Creamer

Use to fill soup Use to fill sugar Use to fill coffee cream or milk

coffee Cup & Saucer Tea Cup & Saucer Use to fill coffee Use to fill tea

餐具摆放(the place of the table ware)

In formal settings, all the silverware, glassware, cups, saucers and the like are placed on the table, so it’s often difficult to know which fork to use when or which water glass is yours. As a general rule to thumb, silverware is lined up in the order in which a person will use them, going from the outside, in. For instance, the fork and knife used for the salad are placed in the outermost of the setting, farthest from your plate (with the exception of the spoon). Dessert silverware, if not brought out with the dessert, are placed at the top of your entrée plate. Glassware, cup and saucer are placed to your right, while the napkin, bread plate and butter spreader to your left.

餐具的使用(the use of the tableware)

Rules on flatware(扁平的餐具,指刀,叉,匙等)

Start from the outside and work your way in toward the plates as the meal progresses. Usually,the big fork is for the entree ; the big spoon for the soup .(餐具的使用根据上菜的顺序由外向里使用。通常,最大的叉子是用来食用主菜的,最大的汤匙是用来喝汤的。)

According to the “BD” gesture: Eat bread is on your left,drink is on your right,use the knife by your right hand,and use the fork by your left hand.

Once a utensil(餐具) has been used ,it never goes back on the table .when you are taking break ,rest your fork and knife entirely on the plate .when you are finished ,place them diagonally(对角地) on the plate ,side by side ,with the handles (手柄)at 4 o\The knife blade(刀片) should face the center of the plate ,not point out toward another guest (an ancient sign of aggression)

The order of dishes in China(待定)

The meal usually begins with a set of at least four cold dishes, to be followed by the main courses of hot meat and vegetable dishes. Soup then will be served to be followed by staple food ranging from rice, noodles to dumplings. If you wish to have your rice to go with other dishes, you should say so in good time, for most of the Chinese choose to have the staple food at last or have none of them at all.

The order of dishes in the West

Dinner start with a small dish, which is often called an a starter .After the starter you will get a bowl of soup. Then ,fish course. The next dish is the main course,it usually is a beef steak . A vegetable salad will be served.Then a delicious dessert will appear at the table .At last is a cup of tea or coffee.

Manners in the West

1)When leaving the table during the course of your meal, put your napkin on your chair, not the table. No one wants to see your stained napkin. And at the completion of the meal, place it on the left of your plate, or if your plate has been cleared, in the center.

2) When in a situation where you have to pass food or condiments to others at the table, pass it to your right, or counter clockwise. Never do a “boarding house reach” across the table.

3) While cutting meat, the correct way is to cut a piece and then switch your fork to your right hand to pick it up. This method is considered the “American”

way. Not switching your fork and using your left is called the “Continental” way, and is done most often in European

countries. This way is gaining acceptance and I wouldn’t be surprised if one day soon it’s considered acceptable in fine dining. Also, cut meat a piece at a time. Cutting the entire meat up into pieces or cutting more than one at a time is tacky

4) When you’re done with your meal, the proper placement of the silverware is to lay them parallel to each other and across the plate with the handles facing the right. To clarify, the ends would be facing 10 o’clock and four. Note: Not all waiters will know this and they still may ask you if it’s okay to clear your plate. At least you appear classy.

Manners in China(待定)

1) Spitting Out the Bones

In China it is also common practice to spit things out on the table or the floor. Often food has small pieces of bone or other inedible parts that need to be removed from the mouth. Using chopsticks, a hand or a tissue is a polite way around the problem.

2)Touching Tables

Though in the West it is sometimes considered rude to put one’s elbows on the dining table, this is quite acceptable in China, particularly when eating noodles. You however may want to avoid this in some restaurants where the table is only wiped with an old cloth and there may be some unseen residue from the previous patrons’ meals.


Eating something sweet for dessert is not a Chinese custom. Sweet things can be found hidden among everything else on a Chinese menu. Fruit salads and caramel covered apple are Chinese sweet dishes that are popular with Westerners.


Beer is very popular in China, but it is all very similar with none of the stronger or darker varieties brewed in the West. The other popular alcoholic drink is rice wine. Beware, this can be very strong .In China, drinking alcohol is still mainly a male custom.Male guests are routinely offered alcohol and cigarettes at meal times. Just politely refuse if you don’t want them. An empty glass is always refilled, no matter about protests that the guest has had enough, as a mark of politeness or good will. Often a refusal has to be given three times. See Chinese Guest and Host Customs.

Beer is very popular in China, but it is all very similar with none of the stronger or darker varieties brewed in the West. The other popular alcoholic drink is rice wine. Beware, this can be very strong .In China, drinking alcohol is still mainly a male custom.Male guests are routinely offered alcohol and cigarettes at meal times. Just politely refuse if you don’t want them. An empty glass is always refilled, no matter about protests that the guest has had enough, as a mark of politeness or good will. Often a refusal has to be given three times. See Chinese Guest and Host Customs.

