更新时间:2023-09-20 14:25:01 阅读量: 医药卫生 文档下载
“When people succeed, it is because of hard work. Luck has nothing to do with success.” Do you agree or disagree with the quotation above? Use specific reasons and examples to explain your position.
Many people attribute success to luck. However, I agree with the quotation that success comes only through hard work and absolutely not through luck. It takes non-stop(continuous/constant) and even painful efforts in order to succeed.(If one wants to succeed, he must work hard continuously, and sometimes spare no efforts不遗余力.) Relying on Goddess Luck will get you nowhere at all(not at all). 没有一点好处
Success is the fruit borne only after long-term efforts. Each of us has our goals and ambitions for which we are continuously striving. Only when the preset once-far-away goals finally jump into our vision and within easy reach can we enjoy the happiness of success.(only放在句首要倒装) Without one hundred percent hard work, a person can hardly excel in his or her field or attain success. For example, a student who fails to concentrate on studies and at the last moment tries to cram, hoping to get away with it, finds the result more often than not=often frustratingly unsatisfacory. Only sheer hard work and planned efforts can bring ultimate success.
Luck is definitely unreliable. Anyone dreaming to realize success through sheer luck is doomed to fail and be fooled by Fate. We can take the case of (举例说明)an athlete preparing for an upcoming event. The athlet can never depend on Goddess Luck to win the event. He or she has to work terribly hard so as to obtain the stamina and energy needed for success. If it were true that success comes out of(由…产生,从…而来) luck, all the athlete needs to do is to pray to Goddess Luck and then go straight to the field and then success would be his or hers. But, that is not what occurs in reality. Ironically具有讽刺意味的是, the opposite usually happens. It is the common criterion for everything in life that success comes only through hard work. Very true is the saying that hard work never goes unrewarded. Thus success in sweet and lasting to those who have really strived for it. But, only momentary satisfaction is felt if the success is obtained by accident(只有才). Hence, we can say for sure that success comes purely out of hard work and luck is a mere coincidence. Also, there is no substitute for hard work and without it success is nothing but fantasy. To conclud, hard work alone can bring success and nothing else can equal it. It is +adj+for sb to do sth It is +nice/kind/ +of sb to do sth
Only with hard work can we make progress.=we can make
progress only with hard work.
Only being looked after the patients can they get better earlier. =the patients can get better earlier only being looked after.
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