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- 企业所有权结构推荐度:
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【英文摘要】The cost of equity capital serving as the key reference of the investment and finance choice of the firm and the valuation of firm,is one of the hot issues of many researchers.So far,the study of the cost of equity capital pay more attention to following aspects:the measure of cost of equity capital and how corporate characters and corporate governance micro-factors influence the cost of equity capital.But they don’t cover all the factors may affect cost of equity capital,few researchers study whether ultimate ownership structure and legal environment affect cost of equity,or combined internal corporate governance
micro-factors with institutional environment to study the cost of equity capital.So, based on institutional background in China,Whether ultimate ownership structure and legal environment influence cost of equity capital and how? Whether legal environment affets the relationship between ultimate ownership structure and the cost of equity capital and how?Based on the above questions,this paper considers institutional background in China, and then theoretically deduces the influence of ultimate ownership structure and legal environment on the cost of equity capital, and the influence of legal environment on the relationship between ultimate ownership structure and the cost of equity capital. Controlling corporate character variables and corporate governance variables, this paper adopts balanced panel data of 775 Chinese non-financial listed companies from 2004 to 2006(2325 samples in all) and applies ordinary least squares (OLS) to empirically examine how ultimate ownership structure and legal environment affect firm’s cost of equity capital and how legal environment affects the relationship between ultimate ownership structure and the cost of equity capital. The empirical evidence provided by the paper shows that ultimate ownership structure and legal environment do affect the cost of equity capital, what’s more
legal environment do affects the relationship between ultimate ownership structure and the cost of equity capital. To be specific, (1)comparing with non-state owned firms, the equity capital cost of state owned firms is lower; (2) the control proportion of ultimate controller have significant negative effects on the cost of equity capital, and the cash flow rights of ultimate controller have significant negative effects on the cost of equity capital. In other words, the higher cash flow rights is, the lower the equity capital cost is;(3) the better the legal environment is the stronger the protection of minority shareholders is,which can ease the agency conflict between the ultimate owner and minority shareholders, then reduce the cost of equity capital at the same time. And good legal environment can weaken the relationship between the ultimate ownership structure and the cost of equity capital.This paper expands the former studies about the corporate and cost of equity capital based on the previous papers and provides empirical evidence for the later researchers.At the same time,this paper give some suggestions on policy to help improve the corporate governance and improve the development of capital market in China.
【关键词】终极所有权结构 法律环境 权益资本成本 经验证据
【英文关键词】Ultimate Ownership Structure Legal Environment Cost of Equity Capital Empirical Evidence
第1章 绪论
1.1 研究背景及国内外研究现状11-14
1.1.2 研究意义13-14
研究背景11-131.2 本文的研
1.2.1 本文的逻辑思路和
1.2.2 本文的研究方法15-16
2.1 权益资本成本的度量模型综述
2.2.1 公司特征
2.2 实证研究现状述评
2.2.2 公司治理与权益资本成本
2.2.3 制度环境与权益资本成本23-25
第3章 理论分析和研究假设
3.1 终极控制人性质和权益资本成本27-29
3.3 法律环境和权益资本成本31-32
3.4 法律32-33
环境对终极控制人和权益资本成本之间关系的影响章 变量定义、数据来源和样本选择33-4033-3634-35择36-40
4.1.1 被解释变量33-344.1.3 控制变量35-364.2.1 数据来源36
4.1 研究变量定义4.1.2 解释变量4.2 数据来源和样本选
4.2.2 样本选择
第5章 经验研究设计40-455.2 经验证据41-45
5.1 经验模型设定
第六章 结论
6.2 本文的参考文献
6.1 研究结论和政策性建议45-46
第5章 经验研究设计40-455.2 经验证据41-45
5.1 经验模型设定
第六章 结论
6.2 本文的参考文献
6.1 研究结论和政策性建议45-46
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