Constitution Reflection

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Constitution Reflection

After finishing the project, I keep asking myself what I have learned from this. As all we learned, the first version of the constitution of the United State is established in Philadelphia Convention on Sept 17, 1787 which is the first written constitution in the world. In April 1789, the first United States Congress began running and the Constitution came into executed.Since then, the constitution has been amended 27 times.In September 25th of 1789, Bill of Rights which is the first ten amendments is written. Not only the paramount importance of the US Constitution, but also freedom and rights Americans can get from bill of Rights and ratified amendmentsimpress me a lot. However, what most impress me arethe principles of the Constitution, separation and restriction and balance .

Admittedly, it is well known that absolute power leads to corruption absolutely, regardless of whether this power is from people or in an honest man s hand. Therefore, the US Constitution has separated the power of government into three parts: the executive branch, the legislation branch and the judicial branch. These three branches are similar to the three legs of the bronze tripod which is regarded as the symbol of dynasty in ancient China. Specifically, the legislative branch of the federal government is granted to the Congress which consists ofsenate and House of Representatives based on Article One, the executive branch of the federal government goes to the president of American according toArticleTwo, and in Article Three the judicial branch is the court system, including the Supreme Court and other federal courts.

The designing of three branches represents the restriction and balance of power. Moreover, they formulate a mutual connected and restricted system. The system can be described as bellow. On the one hand, only passed by a Senate and House of Representatives,a law can be enacted. Moreover, the president can veto the passed bill andafter judicial review, the Supreme Court can also identify it as unconstitutional.


On the other hand, although the Supreme Court formed by justices has jurisdiction, the judges should be appointed by the president and agreed by the Senate agreed. Last but not the least, the president can veto the bill whichpassed by the Congress, but this veto can also be a veto if the Congress voted 2/3 to re-veto. In this way, the Constitution builds an interconnectedsystem which is the foundation of the US political system. Becausethe Constitution has been complied with strictly, thus the people of the united states create the most powerful and abundant country with political stability and economic prosperity.

However, such dedicated and sophisticated system is not enough for Americans. Thereby they additionally set up Bill of Rights to protect their rights. The first protection is from “No legislation clause”. This provision means that even if the bill is passed by the house and senate respectively, and furthermore president does not veto it, and meanwhile the Supreme Court does not judge it as the "unconstitutional", but if the bill violated the basic liberty and rights of citizens, the act will be rejected as illegal. The other is the Bill of Rights which offers specific protections of people s liberty and justice, and meanwhile places restrictions on the powers of American government (Ritchie&Donald; Gordon, Lloyd). These two protections guarantee the various kinds of rights of Americans to protect themselves and their properties.

Consequently, after studying the Constitution of PRC and the Constitution of the United Stated, it is quite apparent that there is a wide gap between them by comparing the related provisions. And unfortunately, this gap cannot benarrowed for a day or two, so we should learn the constitution of the United States to promote the improvement.



Donald, Ritchie. (n. d.)."Bill of Rights".AnnenbergClassroom - Glossary. Leonore Annenberg Institute for Civics of the Annenberg Public Policy Center of the University of Pennsylvania [On-line]. 17 October, 2014.

Gordon, Lloyd. (n. d.)."Introduction to the Bill of

Rights". TheAshbrook Center at Ashland

University [On-line]. 17 October, 2014.

