unit 3 A healthy life grammar

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it 的用法总结

Gramarm hT eueso f“ it”1.

it 的用法总结

--Lo ko!T hreeis a ca tuner the tdbla. e--O h ,itis ctu.e2 .Look at he batbyshe s hoilidn. gHow beutaful ii tis.3. --W hta si ht teim? e– I its 9 a..m- -hat Wis te hadte –?I ts Diecmbere2 8- -Whta adyis i t toayd ?–I it sonMda.y


it 的用法总结

.--W ht ia tsh weeahte likr teody?a(Ho=w si th weeahtre?)- -I it scludyo. .5 tIis ab ou 1t0 km1f om Fergngan to Zugni.y6.I t is 4°0C! You got a ighhfe ve!r7

it 的用法总结

It. sii llgeal( or f teenagear) t droiv ea ac rwihtutoa l icnse.e .8 Iti sd ffiiulct f(oryo u) tolearn Enlgis whle. 9.l It sin ecessray (fro tusednts) o ttkae notsein c lasess. 1.0tIi skindof ou yot elp hm eiwt the prhboelm .11 I. tis creluof yo uto ausb ethta ac. 11t .It i ns uose copmlaiingn

12..I 't so nogd oetllni ghi m- hew n'ot lsiten.

it 的用法总结

13 .I it sbvoous thatith ewaterwas to labm.e1 . 4It is cretinathat o r uclsa sill wod a ogdo obji tnhe infa leaxm.15 .s iI ptossble itha tehwil leboce pmreisedt in nor uocnury?t1 . It6 s imazangi tatha th si ae gh estill look like saudentt 1..7I ists adit ah wtewi l lahev ada yof tfoorromw.1 . 8t Ii sbeleiev dtath calss fuo isrgo od. 1.9 Itis a pi ty tahts uh c thanig (sholdu h)apen pni ouryclass .2

it 的用法总结

. 0 thInk ii tnou sear uigngw tihh i.m 21 . foInduit vry inetreetsnigt ostduyE nlgish.22.H eame dt iclera htath ew a sontnietrseet dni hts iusjebct


it 的用法总结

23.I tis i n FenggngaSen oi High Schorl oather rhta nn iayno het rhat yto guet ouy reniso educarton.i 4.2It i sLi Y idngo/ W agn aYgn wh/oth tai s our myontoi.r

it 的用法总结

1. akmei

Itt‘shard to m ke itato ht tep in shoowbuisenss .2. tke itae sya Taeki etays!e wilH do ltiwel l.

it 的用法总结

3. t Ila ldpeeds/tnht aal dlpened —sI/tTat hlald penes. d.4 I'stup to s. bS—ahllw eg oou tfor d nner? —Iit' us pot oy.u

—Are yo guingot o het coutrnysdi for holiedya

it 的用法总结

Poverrsb(语)谚w ih “It”t① I it nesevrt oo lod o letra.n 到活,老学 老。 ②到 I ts easier itofall hatnto rie.s 摔倒容爬易来起。 难③I tis o unes rcyign voe sriltp( 溢出) m的li.k覆水难收 ④。 It neervr ins batu t ipuor(s水)泼. 鸣不已,则一鸣惊 人。

it 的用法总结

⑤ It i seaysto peona shpo ub htra td koeep it lwaay opsne. 业创易守业容难 。 ⑥It takset rheege erntaios n代)(t makoe a egtlenanm. 十年木树, 年百树人。

