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- 热释电红外传感器实验推荐度:
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能产生热释电效应的晶体称之为热释电体或热释电组件,其常用的材料有单晶(LiTaO3 等)、压电陶瓷(PZT等)及高分子薄膜(PVFZ等)[2]
式中,h——普朗克常数,h=4.14×10-15(evs)=6.625×10-34(JS) c——光速,c=3×1010cm/s
热释电红外传感器和热电偶都是基于热电效应原理的热电型红外传感器?不同的是热释电红外传感器的热电系数远远高于热电偶。 结构图
人体辐射的红外线中心波长为9~10--um,而探测组件的波长灵敏度在0.2~20--um范围内几乎稳定不变。在传感器顶端开设了一个装有滤光镜片的窗口,这个滤光片可通过光的波长范围为7~10--um,正好适合于人体红外辐射的探测,而对其它波长的红外线由滤光片予以吸收,这样便形成了一种专门用作探测人体辐射的红外线传感器。 热电组件
内部的热电元由高热电系数的铁钛酸铅汞陶瓷以及钽酸锂?硫酸三甘铁等,其极化强度随温度的变化而变化?为了抑制因自身温度变化而产生的干扰可以在工艺上将两个特征一致的热电元反向串联或接成差动平衡电路方式, 以抑制由于自身温度升高而产生的干扰。因而能以非接触式检测出物体放出的红外线能量变化,并将其转换为电信号输出?
工作电压(常用的热释电红外传感器工作电压范围为3~15V) 工作波长(通常为7.5~14 μ m)
源极电压(通常为0.4~1.1V,R=47kΩ) 输出信号电压(通常大于2.0V)
2、模块不接负载时能正常工作,接上负载后工作紊乱,一种原因是因为电源容量很小负载比较耗电,负载工作时引起的电压波动导致模块误动作,另一种原因是负载得电工作时会产生干扰,例如继电器或者电磁铁等感性负载会产生反向电动势,315M发射板工作时会有电磁辐射等都会影响模块。解决办法如下:A、电源部分加电感滤波。B、采用负载和模块使用不同的电压的方法,例如:负载使用24V工作电压,模块使用12V工作电压,其间用LM7812三端稳压器隔离。C: 使用更大容量的电源。 3、人体感应器模块工作环境应该避免阳光、强光直接照射,若工作环境有强大的射频干扰,可采用屏蔽措施。若遇有强烈气流干扰,关闭门窗或阻止对流。感应区尽量避免正对着发热电器和物体,以及容易被风吹动的杂物和衣物
5、如果要求红外探测器的探测角度小于90度时,可以用不透明胶纸遮挡镜片或裁剪缩小镜片来实现。 6、人体感应器模块采用双元探头,人体的手脚和头部运动方向与感应灵敏度有着密切的联系,如果设置安装不当,会影响感应效果。
热释电红外传感器具有价格低廉、技术性能稳定、开发使用简 单等特点,除了以上的监控报警和自动开关典型应用外,在众多其 它领域有广泛应用,如自动开停的空调机、饮水机、电视机、自动 拍摄人和动物活动的摄像机或数码相机等,随着电子技术发展,热 释电红外传感器必将更加广泛地应用在自动控制领域。
Pyroelectric infrared sensor
Pyroelectric infrared sensor is a very potential applications of the sensor.It can detect people or animals, the infrared transmitter and converted into anelectrical signal output. As early as 1938, it was proposed detection using pyroelectric infrared radiation effect, but not taken seriously. Until the sixties, with the laser, infrared technology is developing rapidly, it has contributed tothe pyroelectric effect and research on pyroelectric crystals application development. In recent years, along with the rapid development of integrated circuit technology, as well as the characteristics of the sensor depth study of the relevant application
specific integrated circuit processing technology is also growing rapidly.
This article first describes the principle of the pyroelectric sensor, and then
describe the relevant ASIC processing technology.
Pyroelectric effect
In nature, any more than the absolute temperature (-273K) objects will have
infrared spectra, objects at different temperatures the wavelength of infrared energy released is not the same, so the level of infrared wavelengths is related to temperature, and radiation energy size and surface temperature.
1μm wavelength of visible light is usually less, but more than 1μm light the human eye can not see, but can be an appropriate instrument to detect the energy oradiation.
When some of the crystal is heated, the crystal will have an equal number of both ends of the opposite sign of charge, such as heat of changes in the polarization phenomenon, known as the pyroelectric effect. Typically, the crystals produced by the spontaneous polarization bound charge is attached to the air from the surface of free electrons in the crystal and in its spontaneous polarization electric moment can not be
demonstrated. When the temperature changes, positive and negative charges in the crystal structure of the relative center of gravity shifts, the spontaneous polarization changes, the crystal surface will have run out of charge, charge depletion is proportional to the polarization degree of the situation, Figure 1 shows the pyroelectric The principle effect of the formation.
Pyroelectric effect can produce a crystal or call the pyroelectric pyroelectric
body components, the material commonly used in single crystal (LiTaO3, etc.), piezoelectric ceramic (PZT, etc.) and polymer film (PVFZ, etc.) [ 2]
When represented LiTaO3 pyroelectric material is self-polarized state, the absorption of infrared incident, the crystallization of the surface temperature change, since the polarization has changed, crystal surface charge becomes imbalanced, the imbalance taken out of charge voltage can be measured by infrared. Pyroelectric materials produced only when the temperature changes the voltage, if the infrared radiation has been, there is no imbalance in voltage, if no infrared radiation, the crystal surface charge on the in an unbalanced state, so the output voltage
Pyroelectric infrared sensors, infrared light irradiation due to gain or lose
heat and shelter, resulting in voltage output. In principle should be independent of the wavelength, but the material made by the pyroelectric sensor has a light transmission window, the translucent windows and wavelength selection of a relationship. To SiO2 as the window material, such as sensors, it can almost all visible light, while others near the window material can only 4μm wavelength of light, and some wavelengths of light through 6.1μm, and some through 8μm ~ 14μm wavelength of light, so use a different window materials which can be confirmed that the heat generated by the wavelength of light.
Quantum-type infrared detector
Quantumponse, response sensitivity and infrared wavelength. The energy generated by each incident photon E = hc / λ = 1124λ
Where, h - Planck constant, h = 4.14 × 10-15 (evs) = 6.625 × 10-34 (JS) c - the speed of light, c = 3 × 1010cm / s
1μm infrared light energy 1.24eV, 10μm infrared light energy of 0.12eV,
compared with the visible light, infrared light energy smaller. Quantum-type infrared sensor light conductive type and is divided into two kinds of light force. Components of light conductive material PbS, PbSe, Hg, Cd, Te, etc., it is the use of infrared radiation to reduce the characteristics of impedance detection signal to obtain; and light force type is in Ge, IrSb formed on a substrate such as semiconductor PN Results, when the infrared radiation generated when the light force, Ge band gap for the 0.6ev, Ge diode of 0.6μm and 1.9μm more sensitive to infrared light, infrared light when the wavelength of the incident in the 0.6μm ~ 1.9μm, in the PN junction force formed with the increase of the amount of incident light, thereby detecting amplified output signal.
Pyroelectric sensor
temperature-sensitive sensor. It consists of oxides or ceramic piezoelectric crystal components, the component made of two surface electrodes, when the temperature within the sensor monitoring the change ΔT, the pyroelectric effect in the two electrodes will produce the charge ΔQ, ie between two electrodes in a weak voltage ΔV.
Pyroelectric infrared sensors and thermocouples are based on the principle of
thermoelectric thermoelectric infrared sensors. Different pyroelectric infrared sensors is the thermoelectric coefficient is much higher than the thermocouple.
Pyroelectric infrared sensor structure and the internal circuit shown in Figure
Sensors are mainly case, interference filters, pyroelectric component PZT,
FET, FET and other components.
Human central wavelength of infrared radiation 9 ~ 10 - um, the wavelength
sensitivity of the detection component in 0.2 ~ 20 - um range is almost constant. The top of the sensor chip has opened a window with filter, this filter through the wavelength range of 7 ~ 10 - um, just right for the detection of infrared radiation in the human body, while the other infrared wavelengths by the filter film to be absorbed, thus forming a special body for detection of infrared radiation sensor. Thermoelectric components
Thermoelectric materials will be a certain thickness of the sheet, and in its metal electrodes deposited on both sides, and then power on its polarization, this will
make the pyroelectric detectors. As the voltage increases polarization is extremely nature and therefore, the detection element is polarized positive 、 negative in nature.
Thermoelectric element within the Seebeck coefficient by the high iron titanate ceramic lead and mercury, and lithium tantalate 、 Triglyceride iron sulfate, and its polarization changes with temperature. In order to suppress the temperature change due to their interference can be generated process will be the same two features reverse thermoelectric element connected in series or poor way of balancing the circuit, to suppress its own temperature as a result of the interference. Thus able to detect objects in non-contact infrared energy emitted changes and converts it to electrical signal output.
FET impedance transformation
Pyroelectric infrared sensors in the structure aims to introduce complete FET
impedance transformation. Thermoelectric element as is the charge output signal, resistance up to 104MΩ, so the introduction of the N-channel JFET common drain pipe should be connected in the form of that the source follower to complete the impedance transformation.
Because of its high output impedance, so the sensor has a field effect
transistor for impedance transformation. Pyroelectric effect will be produced by the charge ΔQ with combination of ions in the air disappeared, when the ambient temperature stability constant, ΔT = 0, the sensor no output. When the body into the detection zone, because the body temperature and ambient temperature differential, resulting in ΔT, is a signal output; if the body does not move into the detection zone, the temperature does not change, the sensor has no output, so this sensor can detect body or animal activities.
Reference Selection
The commonly used models of pyroelectric infrared sensors are P228,
LHl958, LHI954, RE200B, KDS209, PIS209, LHI878, PD632 and so on. Pyroelectric
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