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年级 八 科目 英语 教师 何希云 小组 编号 8下1R

Unit 1 Will people have robots?复习导学案(三课时)

复习目标:1.复习本单元的词汇:astronaut rocket space space

station fly took moon I’ll fall in love with alone

pet parrot probably go skating suit able dress casually

which even the World Cup wrote robot, paper money, credit

card, leisure time, pollution, apartment, Mars fiction

unpleasant scientist already made factory huge such bored

everywhere human shape earthquake possible electric toothbrush

seem impossible housework rating in the future hundreds of

重点词语译解 in prep.(1)在 里面,在 之内in the room 在

房间里 in class 在课堂上(2)在(某段时间)之间in the morning

在早上in the past 在过去I‘ll come back in a day or two 我过


拓展记忆: in,after,later 接时间段,都可表示“(一段时间)之


①“in+一段时间”指“(将来的)一段时间之后”。What will you be

in five years?五年之后你干什么?We’ll start off in ten minutes.



间看来)一段时间之后”。He went home after two days. 他两天后

回家了。Three years later,she had a baby 三年后,她生了一个婴



4.less adj. 较少的;少量的(little的比较级) They buy less beer

and fewer cigarettes now 现在他们买的啤酒和香烟比以前少了。

拓展记忆:fewer 也表示较少的,少量的. 但less和fewer有区别 less

一般修饰不可数名词. fewer 修饰可数名词.

Today,fewer people like smoking. 今天,喜欢吸烟的人少了。Our

leisure time is less and less. 我们的闲暇时间越来越少了。

5.besides prep. 而且;再者;还有(区别于 beside “在 旁边;

在 附近”) I sit beside John.我坐在约翰旁边。 He tried two ways


6.In ten years 十年后I′ll be a reporter in ten years.十年后

我会是一个记者 I′ll be a hero in ten years.十年后我又是一条好


7.fall in love with 爱上 fall in love with a girl 爱上一

个女孩 fall in love with a country 爱上一个国家[注] fall 是

“陷入”的意思. 它与feel(感觉)很像。

fall→fell→fallen feel→felt→felt.

8.alone adj.(只作表语) adv. 独自;单独 He was alone in the

house 他一个人在屋里 I went to the movies alone,I felt lonely.


知识拓展: alone表示“单独的,独自一人的”,不含感情色彩.做形



做定语和表语。如: a lonely village 孤寂的村庄


9.keep vt.& vi. keep 有好几个意思,在本课中做“饲养;喂养”

讲,相当于feed。 keep a pet parrot 养一只宠物鹦鹉 feed a cat with

fish 给猫喂鱼1)保住;保留:I’ll try my best to keep my job. 我


(2)保守(秘密):keep a secret(这对我来说可是太难了)

(3)保持(某状态):Keep silent! 保持沉默! Keep top side up!


(4)继续;持续:They kept walking. 他们继续步行。

重难点: 背会本单元的单词及短语。

复习句型which ----------?及其回答

写作内容:1. 我的未来不是梦:总结过去,计划将来

2. 讨论对未来世界的设想



4. fewer 与less的用法, will表示将来时的用法

复习过程:帮你学:few, a few, little, a little, much, many

few和a few修饰或代替复数可数名词,few表示否定意义,a few

表示肯定意义;little和a little修饰或代替不可数名词,little表

示否定意义,a little表示肯定意义。

可数名词和不可数名词前都可用some, any, a lot of, lots of 等

修饰。可数名词表示不确定数量时,用a few, few,many修饰。询问

数量时用how many;不可数名词表示不确定数量时,用a little,

little,much 修饰。询问数量时,用how much。


宾语从句 、原因状语从句:我想我将和我最好的朋友住在一个公寓里,


① 本句是含有宾语从句的复合句。在宾语从句中,又含有由because


② alone adv. 单独地;孤独地,相当于by oneself。She went home

alone.她独自回家去了。③ alone adj. 独自的,常作表语。 The girl is alone. 这女孩独自一人。

④ alone和lonely

I was alone, but I didn’t feel lonely.


Tom lives alone in the lonely village, but he is never lonely.

He has many friends.汤姆寡居于偏僻的小村中却从未感到孤单。他有



(3)On the weekend, I’ll be able to dress more casually.


① be able to 有能力做某事;

会做某事He is able to swim. 他会游泳。

② be able to 和can二者都可以表示“能;会”。在表示现在和过去

“力所能及”时,二者可以互换。I can/ am able to speak a little

English. 我现在会说一些英语。

He was able to/ could run fast when he was eight years. 他八岁




一、 一般将来时1.用be doing表示将来:主要意义是表示按计划、

安排即将发生的动作,常用于位置转移的动词。如:go, come,

leave, arrive等,也可用于其他动作动词。

We are having fish for dinner.We are moving to a different

hotel the day after tomorrow.




A: Where are you going?B: I am going for a walk. Are you coming

with me?

A: Yes, I am just coming. Wait for me.

2.用be going to do表示将来:主要意义,一是表示“意图”,即打

算在最近的将来或将来进行某事。 Are you going to post that letter?

How long is he going to stay here

复习自测 一)词汇复习,你能写出下列单词和短语吗?电脑工程

师 太空站 爱上 去滑

冰 能够 世界杯 实

现 在将来 帮助做家务 例

如 寻找 一百年前 感到厌

倦 一些日本公司 醒来 将,会,要 机

器人 每件事物 纸,纸

张 较少的,更少的 污

染 树,树木 建筑物,楼房 再

过五年 宇航员,航天员 火

箭 太空 飞行 月亮,月

球 落下,落 单独地,孤独地 宠

物 鹦鹉 大概 穿衣 随意

地 哪几个 甚至 写 未来,将来 实


现,达到 hundreds of 更少的工作 帮助做某事 in some science fiction movies

根据文章将下列短语补充完整。1.爱上(某人或某物) _______

2.be able to ___________

3. space station ______ 4. wenty years from now ____ 5. help

sb. with sth. ______ 6. make sb. do sth. _____ 7.get bored

______ 8. _____like humans正好象人类

9.____ ___ the housework 帮助干家务 10.do the ___ things ___ us

做和我们一样的事情11. ______ up 醒来 12.______ bored 变得厌

烦 13.have less work __ __有更少的事情要做 14.have many

different __有很多不同种形状 15.help __ __people __ __帮助寻找

建筑物下的人们 16. _____电动牙 17.seem___似乎不可能

18._____and____again 一次又一

用more. less or fewer填空.1.There will be houses.

2.There will be________ pollution.3.There will be

_______________ schools.

4.There will be _______________ people.5.There will be

_________________ snow.

6.There will be __________________ movie theaters.

复习自主检测(一)单选1.They _____rockets to the moon when I grow

up. A. will put B will fly C. will take

2.If there are _____trees, the air in our city will be ____



A. less more B. more; more C. more; much

3.I predict he will be an engineer _____ten years because he is

so interested in making things.

A. in B. after C .later

4.There were many famous predictions that never____.

A. come true B. came ea C. came true

5.“The work of Picasso will never be ___anything,” someone said.

A .cost B. worth C. spend

6.What _ the life __in the future?

A. is like B will is like C.will be like D. will like

2. He will __ pass the exam if he studies hard.

A. is able to B be able to C. can D. could

3. Let’s go _________(skate).

4.I think I __________ (be) a reporter in the future

英译汉1) Some scientists believe that there will be such robots

in the future

2) Japanese companies have already made robots walk and dance .

3) We never know what will happen in the future .

4)What do you think life will be like in 100 years?

5) Will kids go to school

6)There will be fewer trees. 7) I'll be a reporter in ten years.

翻译句子:1. 十年后,将会有更多的人。

2. 孩子们将不会去学校。他们在家里用电脑学习


3. 100年后,污染将会减少吗?

4. 100年后,学校将会是个什么样子?5. 有一天,我可能会到澳大利



1.There won’t be any_ (钞票).Everybody will have a __ _(信


2.The students hope teachers will give them_____(少) homework than

last term.

3.That house is very expensive, but I think it’s_____(值)the


4.Mr Brown came to China last year and he soon___ ___ ____ ____(喜

欢上)this great country

5.We have successfully sent many_____(火箭)into space.

单选:1.He is happy that he __in a tall apartment next year.

A. live B .lives C. will live

2.—Will there be more people in 100 years ,do you think?—_____,I


A. No ,there isn’t B. No ,there aren’t C .No ,there won’t

3 .I hope I have __leisure time. I don’t like to keep busy.

A. more B. less C. many

4.—Do you like the city life or the country life?

—It’s hard to say. In the city there is ___ entertainment, but

in the country there is _____ pollution.


A. less; more B. more ;less C. more; fewer

5.My life will be___ better than it is now.

A. a lot B. a lot of C .a few

复习自主检测(三)1.The city will have _____ trees and _____


A. more; lot B.less; fewer C.more; less D.less; less

na’s father will go to Paris ___ seven o’clock

.A. on B. after C .in D. at

3.There is only time left.We must hurry.

A. little B. a little C. few D. a few

4. How long will cats live ___? A. to B. to be C. for D. on

5. Industrial____ has killed much of the river’s wildlife.

A. pollution B. prediction C. subway D. paper

(二) 用括号中所给动词的正确形式填空

1.I won’t ________(be) free tomorrow.

2 .The students ____(have) a meeting this weekend.

3.It’s ____(rain) this evening.

4._____you _____ (be) free tomorrow?5.My sister ______( not

move )to France this year.

中考链接1. A: When do you think ________? B: About half past five.

I will pick him up at the airport.

A. he will come B. will he come C. did he come D. he came

2. No hurry . The bus will arrive ___ ten minutes.


A. at B. for C. in D. by

3. —Why are you in such a hurry ,Mike?

There _____ an NBA basketball game in ten minutes.

A. will have B. will be C.is going to have D. are going to be


1.-Where did you l_____ before. -I lived in Beijing.

2.Jim will be a____ to meet his old friend next month.

3.I will have a job____(面试)tomorrow. I need to look smart.

4.On the weekend, I’ll be able to dress more _____(随便).

5.-Who _____(写) this letter? -Tom did.

单项选择1.I’m sure my dream will _____.

A. come in B. come true. C. come into D. come out.

2. I’ll fly to the rocket with the ______ like Yang Liwei.

A. astronaut. B. computer programmer C. engineer D. reporter

3.-Let me help you to carry the box.-No, thanks. I can do it

by _______.

A. me B. my C. mine D. myself.

4. There are about two ____ students in the newly-built school,

A.thousand B.thousands C.thousands of D.thousand


5. Mr Johnson asked me do remind you of the meeting this afternoon.

Don’t forget it! -Ok, I_____.A. won’t B. don’t

C. will D. do



1. 在未来的家庭中拥有一台机器人是很有可能的。

It’s ____ _____ _______ a robot at home in the future.

2. 对孩子们来说早起是好事。____ good _____ children ____ ____

____ early.


They will __ ___ ___ live in the room __2:00 this afternoon.

4.我们爱上这座美丽美丽的城市。We ___ ___ ___ ___ the beautiful



1.–Do you know ______ tomorrow?

--Mary said anytime was OK, she needn’t go to work tomorrow.

A. what time will we meet B. what time we will meet

C. where we will meet

2.—Are you going to the picnic with us tonight? –Yes.

—You won’t be late, __?

A. should you B. will you C. don’t you D. can you




