三一口语四级自选话题climbing mountain
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Climbing Mountains
What I like about climbing mountains
I am interested in climbing mountain. I like climbing mountains very much because it can relax me and make me stronger. When I climb the mountain, I can forget studying stress. My parents like climbing mountains too. They think climbing mountains is a good sports and it is good for my health.
When I went to climb mountains last time
Last time, on May 1st, we climbed the Baihuijian Mountain. There were 20 persons. It was a big group. There were nine students and eleven adults. Baihuijian Mountain was located at Changping district. At 8:30 Am, We began to climbed mountain. It took us about three hours to climb on the top of the mountain. When we got to the top of the mountain, we found ourselves sweating and out of breath. We sat on the stones in the sunshine. Although we were tired, we felt happy. At 8:00 Pm, we went home. We had a good time.
What I can see from climbing mountain
We can see many pine trees around us. The grass is getting green, the wind is soft and the air is fresh. Everything is so beautiful that I can’t help
shouting to the mountain aloud, “I love nature”.
How often I climb mountains
I climb mountains twice a year. Every year I am going to climb mountains with my parents and friends. Climbing mountains is very interesting and exciting. We can enjoy beautiful sceneries and breathe fresh air. So, I like climbing mountains very much.
1. What did you learn from climbing mountains? 2. Who do you often go with to climb mountains with? 3. When did you start climbing mountains?
4. How long do you often climbing mountain one time? 5. Do your parents like climbing mountains?
6. Do you think climbing mountains is dangerous or not? 7. Do you like other sports? And why or why not? 8. Do you think climbing mountains is an expensive sport? 9. Do your classmates have the some hobby with you?
10. Do you think what the most important thing about climbing mountains is?
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