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高考题型专题复习单 项 填 空 题命题特征命题要点 解题技巧 专题练习

单 项 填 空 的 命 题 特 征

知识覆盖面广 语境地位突出 交际性原则明确 试题题干新颖 迷惑性较大 灵活性较高

非 谓 语 动 词

动 词 时 态

句 子 结 构

动 词 语 态

情 态 动 词

短 语 动 词

惯 用 短 语

介 词 搭 配

形 容 词 、 副 词

连 词 、 代 词


近几年的NMET单项选择填空题的命题原 则是:“突出语境,强化语意,强调运用”。 纯语法题逐年减少,语境题逐年增加。知识 覆盖面广,题目设计灵活多样。此类题型的 设置旨在测试考生基础知识在特定语境中的 应用,词法、习语的识记与理解以及语用能 力。由于高考是选拔性的测试,所以单项填 空题有一定的难度,这使得我们在此类题目 上费时较多又得分率不高。

语境题包含语境信息。题干中的语 境信息常是单词、短语或句子,有时

甚至是一个标点符号 。准确把握语境 信息可以成功地解答单选题。

单项填空的解题指导要想在8-10分钟内完成15道题且能得 到较好的分数,应试者首先必须具备扎实 的英语基础知识,然后掌握一定的解题技 巧。倘若这两点都能做到,就水到渠成了。


解题技巧:●还原法 ●排除思维定势 ●克服汉英差异

●注意题干惯性 ●区分形近,义近词 ●弄清语言环境


●标点符号干扰 ●省略句干扰 ●排除法●分析句子结构 ●当心陷阱

一.还原法题干以省略句,疑问句,被动句, 倒装句,强调句或使用从句等形式, 避开考生所熟悉的陈述句结构,从而 加大了难度。 例如:

c the honor for the success. 1. To all of you _____ A.belongs to B.belong to C.belongs D.belong 分析:倒装句,还原后为: The honor for the success belongs to all of you.C 2. Time should be made good use of ___our lessons well. A. learning B. learned C. to learn D. learns 分析:将题干改写为主动句,则为 We should make good use of time ____ our lesson well. 3.——What made her mother so angry? B ——____the exam.

A. Because she did not pass C. She did not pass

B. Her not passing D. Because her not passing

分析;将题干改写为:____the exam made her mother so angry.

解题决窍:将不熟悉的疑问句,倒装句,被动句,强调句等 还原为熟悉的陈述句;也可将残缺的部分补出或将多余 的部分删除。

二.排除思维定势利用思维定势的影响来设题, 这是最容易让我们上当的题。因为 我们背记了许多语法规则,词汇, 词的固定搭配和句子结构等,做题 时只注意这些熟悉的语法规则,结 构和局部固定搭配,往往在

没有完 全弄清整个题干意思时就作出了选 择,结果当然出错。 例如:

C the floor of the classroom. 1.I‘m sorry I can‘t help _____ A. sweeping B. swept C. to sweep D. to sweeping 2. Global warming pushes the temperature higher __ January in China A A.for B.with C.in D.over A he referred to? 3. Do you have any idea of the reason _____ A.that B.where C.why D.when 4. –What do you think of the plan? A – I feel ____that we ought to give it up at once. A. strongly B. strong C. stronger D. it strong5 . They doubt C __the fire may have been started by candle. A. if B. whether C. that D weather 6.--- Is there any chance of my borrowing your I-pod? -----For how long? B -----___the end of the week. A. Since B. Until C. From D. By


正确理解句意,避免定势思维。在学习过程中,尤 其是复习阶段,我们应就一些常见的、重要的词、词组及 句型加以反复训练,以加深印象,以避免思维定势的干扰。

三.克服汉英差异 英汉在表达习惯,思维方式等方面 具有很多不同,命题者常利用汉英差 异出题。如汉语的“参加”在许多情 况下都适用,如参加会议,参加考试, 参加解放军等,而在英语中则因不同 的宾语用不同的动词,如: take part in the celebration, attend a meeting, join the army, take an exam, join in a discussion 例如:

1. ---I can‘t repair these until tomorrow , I am afraid. ---That‘s ok. There‘s ___ D A. no problem B. no wonder C. no doubt D. no hurry

D the castle. 2. There was once a cruel king _____in A. lived B. who lives C. was living D. living3. You‘d better wash the shirt in cold water or the color will___. B A. lose B run C go D die

解题决窍: 留心英汉表达差异 ,平时要多读﹑多比较﹑多归纳, 尽量避免Chinglish。

四. 注意题干惯性 此种类型的题多以对话形式出现, 我们答题往往会借助原题干的动 词时态和结构等来判断选项,结 果造成错选。例如:

1. -Alice. you feed the bird today, _____ ? -But I fed it yesterday. A.do B.to will you C. didn t you 2. --Youyou haven't been Beijing, have you? --_____.How I wish to go there! D D. don't you3. I hear many people are on the beach after the rainstorm for there A ___thousands of kinds of seashells. A. being B. are C. having D. have 4. ----I‘d like some more cheese. B -----Sorry, there‘s __left. A some B none C a little


You get up at six every day, don‘t you?

A. Yes, I have C. No, I have

B. Yes, I haven't D. No, I haven't



1. -Alice. you feed the bird today, ___ __ ? -But I fed it yesterday. A. do you B. will you C. didn‘t you D. don't you You

get up at six every day, don’t you?

