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Renting an Apartment

Mr. Wei: I saw your advertisement in this morning's New York Times, and I'd like to take a look at the apartment. Mrs. Jones: Come in, please. It's on the second floor. This way, please. Mr. Wei: How much does the apartment rent for?

Mrs. Jones: It's three hundred dollars a month…Here we are. This is the living room. There are windows in every room. The kitchen is on your left. Mr. Wei: There are two bathrooms. That's great! Mrs. Jones: By the way, we don't allow any pets here. Mr. Wei: I see. What about decorating?

Mrs. Jones: If you decide to move in, we will repaint the apartment on the condition that you sign a

two-year lease.

Mr. Wei: That means if I sign a one-year lease, there will be no redecorating at all? Mrs. Jones: That's right.

Mr. Wei: If I decided to take it, how soon could I move in? Mrs. Jones: You can move in any time you like. As you can see, it's already cleaned up. Mr. Wei: Good. Er. Mrs…? Mrs. Jones: Jones.

Mr. Wei: Mrs. Jones, I like this apartment very much, but I'd like to know my wife's and kids' opinions. I'll

come back this evening with them. Will that be convenient? Mrs. Jones: That's fine with me.

Mr. Wei: This is my business card. Thanks very much, Mrs. Jones. We'll see you tonight.


魏先生: 我在今天早上的纽约时报看到你们的广告,所以我来看一下公寓。 琼斯太太:请进。公寓在二楼。这边请。 魏先生: 请问这间公寓租金怎么算?

琼斯太太:三百块钱一个月。……我们到了。这是客厅。每个房间都有窗户。厨房在你的左边。 魏先生: 有两间浴室。好极了!

琼斯太太:对了,我们这儿不准养宠物。 魏先生: 我知道了。那装潢呢?

琼斯太太:如果你决定要搬进来住,我们会帮你重新油漆整间公寓,条件是你签两年的租约。 魏先生: 那就是说,如果我只签一年租约,就不会重新装潢了? 琼斯太太:没错。

魏先生: 如果我决定要租这间公寓,最快什么时候可以搬进来? 琼斯太太:你随时可以搬进来。你也看到的,公寓已经打扫干净了。 魏先生: 很好。呃,你是……? 琼斯太太:琼斯。

魏先生: 琼斯太太,我很喜欢这间公寓,不过我想听听我太太和小孩们的看法。我晚上再 和他们一起来,不知道方不方便? 琼斯太太:我没问题。

魏先生: 这是我的名片。谢谢你,琼斯太太。晚上见。 2.

At the Bank:

Anna:Excuse me, sir.

Clerk:Yes, May I help you?

Anna:I'd like to cash a check. Would you please tell me which window should I go to? Clerk:You can cash checks over there at window 5.


Anna:Thanks a lot. Clerk:Anytime.

Anna:I'd like you to cash this check for sixty dollars, please. Clerk:Do you have an account with us?

Anna:No. Actually I'd like to open an account right now, and deposit these other checks. Clerk:What kind of account would you like to open? Anna:A checking account.

Clerk:Please go to window 3 first. Tell the clerk at window 3 that you want to open a checking account.

He'll give you some forms. Fill them out, give him the checks you want to deposit, and after you finish everything, come back here. I'll tell you what to do next. Anna:Thank you.

(After 15 minutes. Back at window 5.) Anna:Mister, I have an account now.

Clerk:Now, how would you like this check cashed, ma'am? Anna:Six tens will be fine. Clerk:Here you are.

Anna:Thanks. Er, mister, if I want to deposit checks next time, what should I do?

Clerk:Just make out填写 a deposit slip存款单 and come here during bank hours. That's from 9 a.m. to

3 p.m. 在银行

安娜:对不起,先生。 职员:我能效劳吗?

安娜:我想兑现支票。请问我应该到几号窗口办理? 职员:在那边的五号窗口。 安娜:谢谢。 职员:不客气。

安娜:请你帮我兑现这张六十元的支票。 职员:你在本银行有账户吗?

安娜:没有。事实上我正想开个户,把其他的支票存进去。 职员:你想开那种账户? 安娜:活期存款。

职员:请你先到三号窗口。告诉三号窗口的职员您要开一个活期存款的账户。他会给您一些 表格。您把表格填好,把要存的支票交给他,等一切完成以后,您再过来这里。我会 告诉您下一步怎么做。 安娜:谢谢你。

(十五分钟之后。在五号窗口。) 安娜:先生,我现在有户头了。

职员:你要怎样兑换这张支票,小姐? 安娜:六张十元的钞票就行了。 职员:这是您的六十元。


职员:只要写好存款条,在上班时间来就可以了。我们从早上九点到下午三点。 3.

At the Post Office:

Lisa: I need stamps to send eight post cards. How much are they? Clerk: Eight cents each. Anything else?

Lisa: I also need ten fifteen-cent stamps....I want to send this package. Which window should I go to? Clerk: Go to the window marked \

Lisa: Thanks!(At parcel post window) I want to send this package parcel post, registered. Clerk: What does it contain?

Lisa: There are books and manuscripts. Clerk: Do you want it insured?


Lisa: Yes, please, for thirty dollars.

Clerk: That will be forty cents. Here are your stamps.

Lisa: Thanks!(Lisa sticks the stamps on the package and gives it to the clerk.) I also need to buy some

aerograms. Which window is that?

Clerk: Go to window 9. (Lisa walks away.) Wait a second, miss! Lisa: Yes?

Clerk: You forgot to put the return address on the package. Lisa: Oh, sorry. I'll put it on right now. Clerk: Now, here is your receipt. Lisa: Thanks. Is everything done?

Clerk: Yes, miss. You may go to window 9 now. 在邮局

丽莎: 我需要一些邮票寄这八张明信片、请问要贴多少钱邮票? 职员: 一张八分,还需要别的吗?

丽莎: 我还需要十张一角五分的邮票。……我想邮寄这个包裹。请问应该到哪个窗口? 职员: 到写着『包裹邮寄』的窗口。

丽莎: 谢谢。……(在包裹邮寄窗口)我要小包挂号邮寄这件包裹。 职员: 里面是什么东西? 丽莎: 是些书和手稿。 职员: 要保险吗?

丽莎: 要,请保三十元险。

职员: 总共是四角。这是您的邮票。

丽莎: 谢谢。(丽莎把邮票贴在包裹上,然后把它交给职员。) 我想买一些航空邮票。请问在哪一个窗口? 职员: 到九号窗口。(丽莎走了过去。)等等,小姐。 丽莎: 什么事?

职员: 您忘了写寄件人地址。 丽莎: 噢,对不起。我马上写。 职员: 好了。这是您的收据。 丽莎: 谢谢。都好了吧?

职员: 是的,小姐。您现在可以到九号窗口去了。 4.

At the Drugstore:

Patrick: I'd like to buy a bottle of Centrum, a dozen tooth brushes, some baby's wipes, and a small bottle

of aspirin.

Clerk: Centrum? We have bottles of thirty and one hundred tablets. Which kind do you want? Patrick: Give me one bottle of one hundred tablets. Clerk: And what kind of toothbrushes would you like? Patrick: Can I have a look at them?

Clerk: Sure. This brand is supposed to be very good, but they're expensive. Those are new products.

They come in可提供 several colors and sizes. There is also hard, soft, and medium. Patrick: Are they cheaper?

Clerk: This one is 10 % off. That one has no reduction, but you can get a free tube of toothpaste with six


Patrick: So if I buy a dozen, I'll get two free tubes of toothpaste? Clerk: That's right.

Patrick: Good. I'll take a dozen of them then.

Clerk: And here is your aspirin. What else did you say you want? Patrick: Baby's wipes. Johnson's. Clerk: Anything else?

Patrick: Well, actually I'd like to buy some vitamins for my son. He's five months old. Can you suggest


Clerk: Sure. Here you are. This one is excellent. Just mix one drop of it with milk.


Patrick: Thanks. That'll be all. 在药房

派屈克: 我要买一瓶善存、一打牙刷、一些婴儿尿巾,还有一小瓶阿斯匹灵。 伙计 : 善存?我们有三十粒装和一百粒装的。你要那一种? 派屈克: 我要一百粒装的。 伙计 : 你要哪种牙刷? 派屈克: 我可以看看吗?

伙计: 当然可以。这个牌子的牙刷不错,不过也很贵。这些是新产品,有各种颜色与大小。还有分硬

毛、软毛,以及软硬适中三种。 派屈克: 有比较便宜吗?

伙计: 这种打九折。那种没打折,不过买六枝免费送一个牙膏。 派屈克: 如果我买一打,那就有两支免费的牙膏了? 伙计 : 没错。

派屈克: 很好。那我就买一打。

伙计 : 这是你要的阿斯匹灵。你说你还要什么来着? 派屈克: 婴儿尿布。娇生的。 伙计 : 还需要别的吗?

派屈克: 呃,事实上,我想买些维他命给我儿子。他有五个月大。你能不能给点建议? 伙计 : 可以。这个就是了。很好的维他命。只要在牛奶里加一滴就行了。 派屈克: 谢谢。就买这么多了。 5.

At a Restaurant:

Waiter : May I take your order, sir?

Mr. Wu: Well, it's very hard to decide. Is there any particular dish you would recommend? Walter : The roast chicken is very good tonight. Mr. Wu : Anything else?

Waiter : How about fish? Fish is one of the house specialties. We have filet of sole, flounder, and baked


Mt. Wu : I'm not very fond of 喜欢fish. I feel like a porterhouse steak tonight....What is this castle steak

on the menu?

Waiter : It's a small steak cooked on a grill. Mt. Wu : Oh!

Waiter : Maybe you'd like to try today's special--roast beef, which includes appetizer, soup, salad,

choice of dessert, and tea or coffee. Mr. Wu : I think I'll try that.

Waiter : What appetizer would you like? Mr. Wu :I'll have the fruit cocktail. Waiter : And the soup?

Mr. Wu : I'll have the cream of mushroom soup, and I'd like French dressing on my salad. Waiter : Very well, sir.

Mr. Wu : Can I order my dessert now?

Waiter : Yes, of course. We have pumpkin layer pie, peach pie, rice pudding, ice cream, and chocolate


Mr. Wu : I'll have rice pudding and black coffee. Waiter : Very well, sir. 在餐厅

侍应生: 您要点菜了吗,先生?

吴先生: 呃,很难决定。有没有什么特别的餐点你可以推荐? 侍应生: 今晚的烤鸡不错。 吴先生: 还有没有别的?

侍应生: 鱼好不好? 鱼是本店的招牌菜之一。我们有上等螺沙鱼排、比目鱼,还有烤鲱鱼。 吴先生: 我不很喜欢吃鱼。……我今晚想来点大块的牛排。…菜单上这个城堡牛排是什么?


侍应生: 是炭烤小牛排。

侍应生 :也许您会想尝尝今天的特餐--烤牛肉,附有餐前开胃饮料、汤、沙拉,并可任选甜点、茶或咖啡。 吴先生: 我想就来这个好了。 侍应生: 您要什么餐前开胃饮料? 吴先生: 我要水果鸡尾酒。 侍应生: 汤呢?

吴先生: 我要奶油蘑菇浓汤,另外我的沙拉要法国沙拉酱。 侍应生: 好的,先生。

吴先生: 我可以现在点甜点吗?

侍应生: 当然可以。我们有南瓜千层派、水蜜桃派、西米布丁、冰淇琳 ,和巧克力蛋糕。 吴先生: 给我西米布丁和咖啡。 侍应生: 好的,先生。 6.

Sick Leave:

John:Do you have any tissue, Eveline? I've used all mine. Eveline:Here. Are you all right? John: Thanks. I'm all right. It's just my nose. It must be an allergy过敏....Do you have any aspirin? I have a terrible headache. Eveline: I don't have an aspirin. Perhaps you should go to a doctor.

John : No, no. I'm okay. It's the weather. It was warm and sunny this morning, and now it's chilly寒冷

and raining.

Eveline: Really, John! I still think you should go to a doctor. You've been sneezing ever since从…开始

you entered the office this morning. Why don't you take this afternoon off? If you don't want to see a doctor, at least you can go home and have a good rest.

John: I can't. I'm already behind schedule. Besides, you know Mr. Thomas. He would think that I was

putting him on.

Eveline: You didn't do anything but sneeze this morning, and you can't do anything this afternoon like

this. (She places her hand on John's forehead.)Gee! You've got a fever! John: Do I? ...Oh, no!

Eveline: Listen to me. You go home now. I'll call my doctor and have him go over, OK? John: What about Mr. Thomas?

Eveline: I'll handle him. Now go home. I'll call you after work. John: Thanks a lot, Eveline. Good-bye. 请病假

约翰 : 你有没有面纸,伊芙琳? 我的都用完了。 伊芙琳: 拿去。你没事吧?

约翰 : 谢谢。我没事。只是我的鼻子。一定是过敏。……你有没有阿斯匹灵? 伊芙琳: 我没有阿斯匹灵。也许你该去看医生。

约翰 : 不,不用。我很好。是天气的关系。早上明明又暖和又出太阳的,现在却阴凉凉的,还下雨呢。 伊芙琳 :说真的,约翰,我还是认为你该去看医生。你从今天早上一进这办公室就开始打喷嚏打个不停。


约翰: 不行。我的工作进度已经落后了。而且,你也知道汤玛斯先生那个人。他会以为我是在骗他。 伊芙琳: 你今天早上除了打喷嚏以外,什么也没做,而且像现在这样,今天下午什么也做不成的。(她伸

手摸约翰的前额。) 天哪! 你在发烧呢! 约翰 : 我有吗?……哦,糟糕。

伊芙琳: 听我说。你现在回家去。找打电话叫我的医生过去。好吗? 约翰 : 那汤玛斯先生怎么办?

伊芙琳: 我会跟他说的。你回去吧。下班后我再打电话给你。 约翰 : 谢谢你,伊芙琳。再见。



At the Doctor's Office:

Ralph:Excuse me, miss. I made an appointment to see Dr. Lee at 3 p.m. this afternoon. My name is

Ralph Williams.

Nurse: Let me check, Mr. Williams....Yes, Mr. Williams. Dr. Lee is expecting you. You may go in now. Ralph: Hello, doctor.

Doctor: Well, what seems to be the trouble, Mr. Williams? Ralph:It's nothing serious actually, doctor. It's.... Well…I get tired very easily recently, and I often doze off

during meetings, office hours, sometimes even while I'm dining. Doctor: How long has this been going on?

Ralph: About two months. I didn't pay much attention to it at the beginning, but you see, I got fired this

morning. I dozed off while we were having an important meeting, right in front of the boss. I was very embarrassed. Doctor: how is your appetite? Ralph:Pretty good, I'd say.

Doctor: You haven't lost weight, have you? Ralph: No, doctor. Actually, I've put on two lbs. Doctor: Unbutton your shirt, please.

(Ralph unbuttons his shirt and the doctor carries out the physical examination.) Ralph: Well, doctor?

Doctor: You'll have to have some laboratory examinations to know for sure. Ralph: What examinations?

Doctor: Blood test and urine test. You can come back next week. Say sixteen, to see the results. 在医生诊所

洛夫: 对不起,小姐。我和李医师约好今天下午三点来看病。我叫洛夫·威廉斯。

护士 :我查一下,威廉斯先生。……没错,威廉斯先生。李医师已经在等你了。你现在可以进去了。 洛夫 : 你好,医生。

医生 : 那儿不舒服啊,威廉斯先生?

洛夫 : 其实没什么大下了的,医生,是……呃……我最近很容易觉得疲倦,而且我常常在开会和上班的

时候打瞌睡,有时候甚至吃饭吃到一半也会睡著。 医生 : 这种情形已经多久了?

洛夫 : 大概有两个月了。刚开始我并不在意,但事情是这样的,我今天早上被开除了。我在开一个重要

会议的时候,当着老板的面睡着了。好惭愧。 1 医生 : 你胃口好吗?

洛夫 : 应该算相当不错吧。

医生 : 那你应该体重也没减轻吧?

洛夫 : 没有,医生。事实上,我还重重了两磅呢。

医生 : 请把衬衫扣子解开。(洛夫解开他的衬衫,医生做身体检查。) 洛夫 : 怎么样呢,医生?

医生 : 你还得做些实验检查才能知道。 洛夫 : 做什么检查?

医生 : 抽血和尿液检查。你下星期,十六号吧,再来看检验结果。 8.

At the Dental clinic:

Bonny: Doctor, I'd like to have a check-up on my teeth. Doctor: Hi, Bonny. You haven't been here for over a year. Bonny: Oh, that long? I thought it was only one month.

Doctor: You're still as naughty as you used to be. What seems to be the problem this time? Bonny: My teeth seem to be sensitive to heat and cold. It'll bleed when I brush as well. Doctor: Let's take a look.... Open your mouth wide, please....Does it hurt? Bonny: No. Doctor: Here?


Bonny: Ouch! Doctor: It hurts?

Bonny: Of course it hurts. Do I have any decayed teeth?

Doctor: Yes, there are two of them. Does the gum ever ache or become sore to the touch? Bonny: Yes, sometimes. usually around the canine tooth!

Doctor: The teeth in that area seem to be sound. It might be a kind of gum disease. We may as well take

an X-ray just to be sure.(Doctor adjusts the machine.) Bonny: What about those two decayed teeth?

Doctor: The decay hasn't gone deep into the teeth yet. We can put in a gold filling. Bonny: I think I'll do that next time. I'm in a hurry today.

Doctor: As you wish. Don't put it off too long, though. It'll get even worse. 在牙医诊所

邦妮 : 医生,我想检查一下我的牙齿。 医生 : 嗨,邦妮。你一年多没来了。 ;

邦妮 : 哦,有那么久吗?我以为才一个月而已呢。 医生 : 你还是跟以前一样调皮。这次又有什么毛病了?

邦妮 : 我的牙齿对热的和冰凉的东西都会敏感。刷牙时也会流血; 医生 : 我们来看看……请把嘴巴张大。……会痛吗? 邦妮 : 不会。 医生 : 这里呢? 邦妮 : 哎哟! 医生 : 痛吗?

邦妮 : 当然痛啊。我有蛀牙吗?

医生 : 有,有两颗。碰到牙龈的时候会痛或酸痛吗? , 邦妮 : 有时候会。通常都是在犬齿附近。

医生: 犬齿附近的牙齿看来都很好。可能是某种齿跟疾病。我们不妨照个X光确定一下。(医生调整镀器


邦妮 : 那两个蛀牙怎么办?

医生 : 让牙还没坏到牙齿内部。我们可以把洞填补起来。 邦妮 : 我想下次再做吧。今天我赶时间。

医生 : 随便你。但别拖太久。那样会使蛀牙恶化。 9.

A Clearance Sale:

Jennifer: Hi, Wendy. I'm going to Isabel's. Are you coming?

Wendy: No. The things there are too expensive for me. I can't afford it.

Jennifer:That is no problem at all. Isabel's is having a clearance sale, and today is the last day. You don't

want to miss such a good chance, do you?

Wendy: Really? That's wonderful. Can you wait a second? I need to change. Jennifer: All right, but hurry up. It always takes you hours to change.

Wendy: I will. Do you think we can still get something really nice and cheap? I mean, since this is the

last day.

Jennifer: I think so. They don't sell shoddy clothes for one thing.

Wendy: Should we ask Cindy to come along? She saw an evening gown made of silk there last month

which she wanted to buy very much. She didn't buy it of course. It would cost her three months' salary.

Jennifer: She already bought that evening gown. Wendy: When?

Jennifer: Yesterday. She wore that gown last night, and showed off to everybody at Mr. Miles' party. Wendy: Oh! That isn't like her.

Jennifer: Hurry up, will you? We'll have to go to a gas station first. Wendy: All right, all right. I'm ready now. Let's go.



珍妮佛 :嗨,温蒂。我要到伊莎贝尔去。你要不要跟我一块儿去? 温蒂: 不了。那儿的东西太贵了。我买不起。

珍妮佛: 那不成问题。伊莎贝尔正在清仓大拍卖,今天是最后一天。你不会想错过这个好机会吧? 温蒂: 真的吗?那太好了。你等我一下好吗?找去换衣服。 珍妮佛:好啊,但要快点。每次你换衣服都要好几个小时。

温蒂 :我会的。你想我们还买得到又好又便宜的东西吗?我是说,既然今天已经是最后一天了。 珍妮佛: 我想可以吧。至少他们不卖粗制滥造的衣服。 ;

温蒂: 我们要不要约辛蒂一起去?她上个月在那裏看了一件绛质的晚礼服,她很想买。当然她后来没有买,

那会花掉她三个月的薪水。 珍妮佛 : 她已经买了那件晚礼服了。 温蒂 : 什么时候买的?

珍妮佛 : 昨天。她昨天晚上就穿了,向每个参加麦乐斯先生宴会的人炫耀。 温蒂 : 哦!她平常不会那样的。

珍妮佛 : 快点,好吗?我们还得去加油站呢。 温蒂 : 好了啦。我准备好了。咱们走吧。 10. At the Gas Station

Mr. Lin: Fill it up, please.

Attendant: Premium or regular, sir?

Mr. Lin: Premium, please. Could you check my tires, too? I think they need air.

Attendant: No problem, sir. (He fills the tires with air.) Should I check the air in the spare tire as well? Mr. Lin: I don't think so. It's brand-new.

Attendant: Should I clean the windshield for you?

Mr. Lin: Yes, please. I also need you to check the oil and the radiator.

Attendant: All right, sir.( He checks the oil.) It's just a little below the full mark.(He checks water level in

the radiator.) There's hardly any water in the radiator. That's dangerous, sir. You could break down because of the heat, you know. Mr. Lin: Please fill it up with water then. Attendant: What about the oil?

Mr. Lin: I don't think it needs to be filled. Just fill the radiator up. Attendant: Anything you say, sir. Mr. Lin: Do you take credit cards?

Attendant: No, we don't. Sorry. It's four dollars and ten cents in total. Mt. Lin: Four dollars and ten cents? ...Here you are. Attendant: Thank you, sir. Have a nice drive.


林先生 : 请加满。

服务员 : 高级还是普通汽油?

林先生 : 高级汽油。待会儿你能不能帮我检查一下轮胎?我想它们气不够。 服务员 : 没问题,先生。(他帮轮胎打气,)备胎要不要顺便也看一下? 林先生 : 不用了。备胎是全新的,

服务员 : 要不要我帮你把挡风玻璃擦一下?

林先生 : 好的,谢谢。我还需要你俭查一下机油和冷却器, 服务员 : 好的,先生(他检查机油。)机油大约是九分满。(他俭查冷却器的水平。)冷却器里几乎快没水

了。太危险了,先生。高温可能会引起车子抛锚的,你知道吧。 林先生 : 请加满水。 服务员 : 那机油呢?

林先生 : 我想不需要了。只要把冷却器的水加满就好。 服务员 : 悉听尊便,先生。 林先生 : 你们收不收信用卡?

服务员 : 不收。抱歉。总共是四块十分钱。


林先生 : 四块十分钱?……拿去吧。 服务员 : 谢谢,先生。祝您旅途愉快。 11. Checking in at a Hotel

Mr. Woods: I'd like a double room for tonight. Clerk: Do you have a reservation?

Mr. Woods: Yes. I called you last week from New York. My name is George Woods.

Clerk: Wait a second, please. (She checks the computer.)Yes, Mr. Woods, we have a room reserved for

you. How long do you plan to stay?

Mr. Woods: Probably two days. My wife will join me tomorrow. Then we'll decide when to leave for


Clerk: Would you sign the register, please?

Mr. Woods: By the way, does my room have a private hath? Clerk: Certainly. Every room in this hotel has a private bath.

Mt. Woods: Does my room have twin beds or a double? I prefer a room with twin beds.

Clerk: Your room has twin beds, Mr. Woods. It also has a view. I'm sure you'll like it....This is your key.

It's on the eighth floor, room 801. The elevator is over there. Mr. Woods: Thank you. One more thing, where is your restaurant?

Clerk: The restaurant is on the second floor. We also have a cafeteria on the top floor. If you would like

something to drink, you can either call room service or come down here. The bar is right behind the lobby.

Mr. Woods: Thank you! You're very kind. Clerk: You're welcome. 住旅馆

伍兹先生: 我要一间双人房。 职员: 有预先订房吗?

伍兹先生: 有的。我上星期从纽约打过电话来。我的名字是乔冶伍兹。 职员: 请稍候。(她查了一下电脑。)是的,伍兹先生,我们帮您留了一间房。您打算待多久呢,伍


伍兹先生: 大概两天左右。找太太明天会来和我会合。然后我们才决定什么时候离开这儿前往西雅图。 职员 : 请您在登记簿上签个名好吗?

伍兹先生: 对了,我的房间有单独的浴室吗?

职员 : 当然有。这里的每个房间都有单独的浴室,

伍兹先生 : 我的房间是两张单人床还是一张双人床? 我比较喜欢有两张单人床的房间。

职员 : 您的房间有两张单人床,伍兹先生。屋可以看得到风景呢。我相信您一定会喜欢的。……这是您

的钥匙。房间在八楼,八O一号房。电梯就在那边。 伍兹先生: 谢谢你。还有一件事,你们的餐厅在那里?

职员 : 餐厅在二楼。我们在顶楼屋有自助餐厅。如果您想喝一杯的话,您可以叫服务生送去或者是下来

这里。酒吧就在大厅的后面。 伍兹先生: 谢谢你。你真亲切。 职员 : 不客气。

12. Asking for Directions

Dale: Excuse me. Could you tell me how to get to the Palace Museum? Nancy: You can take Bus 5. The driver will tell you where to get off. Dale: Yes, but I'm driving my own car. Nancy: Oh, then you drive along this street , turn right at the third crossroad, then take the first left. Keep

straight on until you see a road sign that says \will direct you to the Palace Museum.

Dale: Drive along this street, turn right, turn left, keep straight, and then I'll see the road sign? Nancy:That's right.


Dale: Are you sure that I won't bump into any one-way streets?

Nancy:Well,...I don't think you will....I don't see any car around here. Where is your car? Dale: I parked it over there. You see?

Nancy:Oh, no. You'd better move it before a policeman sees you parking there. Dale: Why? I don't see any \Nancy::But you're parking in a bus zone.

Dale: Here comes a policeman. I'd better run....Thank you, miss....Oh, by the way, how long will it take

for me to get to the museum? Nancy:About half an hour.

Dale: Thanks again. You've been very helpful. Nancy:Hurry up, or you'll get a ticket. 问路

达尔: 对不起。请问到皇家博物馆怎么走?

南茜: 你可以搭5号公车,司机会告诉你在哪儿下车。 达尔: 是的,但我是自己开车去。

南茜: 哦,那你沿着这条街开,在第三个十字路口右转,然后在第一个转弯处左转,一直走,然后你会看

到一个写着皇家博物馆的路标,跟着它的指示走就对了。它会带你到皇家博物馆的。 达尔: 沿着这条街开,右转,左转,直走,然后就会看到路标? 南茜: 没错。

达尔: 你确定我不会闯进单行道?

南茜: 呃,……不会吧。我没看到这附近有车。你的车停在那儿? 达尔: 就在那边。你看到了吗?

南茜: 哦,糟了。你最好趁警察还没来以前赶紧把它开走。 达尔: 为什么?我没看到有『禁止停车』的标志。 南茜: 但是你停在公车区呀!

达尔: 警察来了。我最好赶快走。……谢谢你了,小姐。……哦,对了,到皇家博物馆大概要花多少时间? 南茜: 大约半小时。

达萌: 再次谢谢你。你帮了大忙。

南茜: 快走吧,否则你就会收到罚单了。 13. On the Bus:

Bus driver: Move to the rear of the bus, please. There're plenty of seats in the rear. Daisy: How much is the fare, please? Bus driver:Thirty cents. Drop it in the box. Daisy: Does this bus go to Washington Park? Bus driver:Take Bus No. 9. This is No. 6.

Daisy: But somebody told me this is the right bus. I'm going to Park Avenue. Bus driver:This is the right bus. I'll let you off when we get there. Daisy: Thanks a lot, driver.

Willie: Driver, I want a transfer to the 66th street cross-town bus. How much is the fare? Bus driver: (Giving him a transfer.) There's no charge for transfers.

Willie:Is it good on any cross-town bus or only on the 66th street cross-town? Bus driver: That transfer is only good on the 66th street bus.

Willie: I'm going to First Avenue. Is 66th Street my best way to get there? Bus driver: Yes.

Judy: Driver, does this bus go to Washington Square? Bus driver: No, take Bus No. 10 across the street. Judy: Thank you. 在公车上

公车司机 : 请向后移。后面有很多的空位。 黛西 : 请问要给多少钱?

公车司机 : 三角。投到箱子里。


黛西 : 这车到不到华盛顿公园?

公车司机 : 去搭九号公车。这是六号。

黛西 : 可是有人告诉我要搭这辆公车。我要去公园大道。 公车司机 : 搭这辆公车没错。到了我会让你下车。 黛西 : 谢谢你,司机。

威利 : 司机,我要一张到第六六街公车的转车票,多少钱? 公车司机 : (给他一张转车票。)转车票是不用钱的.

威利 : 这张票是所有的公车都有效还是只能坐六六街公车? 公车司机 : 你那张票只能坐六六街公车。

威利 : 我要到第一大道。六六街是不是去那里最快的路? 公车司机 : 没错。

茱蒂 : 司机,这辆车到下到华盛顿广场? 公车司机 : 不到,你去街对面搭十号公车。 茱蒂 : 谢谢。 14. Taking a Taxi:

Miss Kao: Taxi! Taxi! (A cab stops and she goes in.) Cab driver: Where to, miss?

Miss Kao: Diamond Hotel on Beach Avenue. How much do you think the fare will be?

Cab driver: Well, about three dollars. I can't tell exactly, but whatever it is, it will show on the meter. Miss Kao: I took a taxi yesterday from the station to Diamond Hotel, and the driver charged me six


Cab driver: Was it rush hour? Miss Kao: No, it wasn't.

Cab driver: Well, there is nothing I can say, miss.

Miss Kao: Do you think he intentionally drove all around instead of driving directly to Diamond Hotel? Cab driver: No. Why would he want to do that?

Miss Kao: For more money! He thought I was someone who can be taken advantage of.

Cab driver: I wouldn't say that, miss. Any cab driver would lose his license if he got caught doing a thing

like that.

Miss Kao: I didn't know that.

Cab driver: Now you know. Are you new in this city?

Miss Kao: Yes. I'll probably stay here for two more weeks.

Cab driver: In that case, you can try to call a cab company to send you a cab next time when you need

one. That'll certainly make you feel safer.... Here you are, Diamond Hotel. Miss Kao: Thank you for the advice. How much is it? Cab driver: Two dollars and ninety-eight cents! Miss Kao: Here is three dollars. Keep the change. 坐计程车

高小姐 : 计程车! 计程车(一辆计程车停下来。她上车。) 计程车司机: 小姐到哪里?

高小姐 : 海滩大道的钻石饭店。大概要多少钱?

计程车司机 :呃,三块钱左右。正确的车资多少我也不确定,不过不管是多少钱,都会在计程表上表示出


高小姐 : 昨天我从车站坐一辆计程车到钻石饭店,结果司机跟我要了六块钱。 计程车司机: 是在交通高峰时间吗? 高小姐 : 不是。

计程车司机: 我不好说什么,小姐。

高小姐 : 你想他是不是故意绕圈子而不直接到我钻石饭店? 计程车司机: 不会吧。他为什么要那么做?

高小姐 : 可以赚多一点钱哪。他认为我是那种可以被占便宜的人。

计程车司机 :我不这么想,小姐。任何计程车的司机如果这么做而被抓到的话,会被吊销执照的。


高小姐 : 我并不知道有这种规定。

计程车司机: 现在你知道了,你是第一次来这个城市吗? 高小姐 : 是的。我可能还要再待上两个星期。

计程车司机: 既然这样,下次你要坐计程车的时候,可以试试看打电话给计程车公司,叫他们派车给你。

那样你一定会觉得比较安全的。……钻石饭店到了。 高小姐 : 谢谢你的忠告。多少钱? 计程车司机: 两块九毛八分。

高小姐 : 这里是三块钱不用找了。 15. At the Airport

Mrs. Fu: Hurry up! We don't have much time left. Mr. Fu: Take it easy. We still have two hours.

Mrs. Fu: Come on! This is my first time ever to take a plane. I don't want anything to go wrong. Mr. Fu: Let me take care of everything, all right? Now, let's go to the check-in counter. Airline Clerk: May I see your tickets and passports, please? Mr. Fu: Here they are.

Airline Clerk: Would you put all your baggage on the scale, please?....Ah, thirty-eight kilos. Mrs. Fu: Is that inside the free allowance? Airline Clerk: Yes, we allow twenty kilos each.

Mrs. Fu: That's lucky! (To her husband) What's next?

Mr. Fu: They'll have to check our baggage. Why don't you wait for me upstairs at the refreshment


Mrs. Fu:All right! (She goes off.)

Airline clerk: Open your baggage, please.

Mr. Fu: Sure. (He opens the bags. The airline clerk examines them.) Airline Clerk: All right. Thank you, sir.

Mr. Fu: (Upstairs at the lounge.) What did you order for me? Mrs. Fu:Black coffee! What do we do now?

Mr. Fu: Let me finish this coffee and then we will go to gate 5. They're announcing our flight. Mrs. Fu: I didn't hear anything.

Mr. Fu: It's on that sign board up there. See? UA 801. At gate 5! Have you paid the check yet? Mrs. Fu: Yes.

Mr. Fu: Let's go then.


傅太太 : 快点!我们没剩多少时间了。

傅先生 : 慢慢来别急。我们还有两个小时呢。

傅太太 : 快点!这是我生平第一次坐飞机。我可不想出什么差错。 傅先生 : 让我来处理所有的事好吗?现在,我们到报到处去。 航空职员 : 请给我您的机票和护照。 傅先生 : 都在这儿。

航空职员 : 请您把所有的行李放到秤上好吗?……呃,三十八公斤, 傅太太 : 没有超过免费标准吧?

航空职员 : 没有,每个人可以带二十六斤的行李。 博太太 : 真好运!(对她先生)下一步呢?

傅先生 : 他们还要检查我们的行李。你何不到楼上的餐厅去等我? 傅太太 : 好。(她走了开。) 航空职员 : 请打开您的行李。 傅先生 : 没问题。(他打开行李。航空职员检查它们。) 航空职员 : 好了。谢谢你,先生。

傅先生 : (在楼上的餐厅)你帮我点了什么?


傅太太 : 纯咖啡。我们现主要做什么?

傅先生 : 让我把这杯咖啡喝完,然后就到五号登机门去。他们已经在叫我们登机了。 傅太太 : 我什么也没听到呀。

傅先生 : 在那边上面的荧幕板上,看到了吗?联合航空八-O号班机。在五号登机门.你付过账了吗? 傅太太 : 付过了。 傅先生 : 那我们走吧. 词汇:

1. check in n.

指在机场、旅馆的报到 2. free adj. 免费的

3. lounge n. 休息室

\指可边喝饮料或吃东西、边休息的场所。 16. Having a Haircut:

George: I'd like a haircut, please.

Barber: Would you care for a shave and a shampoo as well? George: No, thanks!A haircut will be just fine. Barber: All right. How do you like your hair cut?

George: Don't cut it too short on the sides and the back. Just trim it a little. Barber: How about on top?

George: You can thin the top out a little, but just a little. Barber: Very well.

George: Say, my hair is kind of oily, and dandruff bothers me very much. I've tried several shampoos in

vain. Can you recommend me something effective?

Barber: Well, have you tried Head And Shoulders? It's supposed to be good for the dandruff. George: I'll try it.

Barber: And you can try Vidal Sassoon's hair tonic. It's used after you wash your hair. It'll keep your hair

clean-looking and oil-free.

George:I'll try that, too. Thank you, barber!

Barber:It's done. That will be five dollars and thirty cents. 剪头发

乔治 : 请帮我剪个头发。

理发师: 要不要也修一修下面,洗个头? 乔治 : 不用了。剪头发就好。 理发师: 好的。你要剪什么样式?

乔治 : 两边和后面不要剪太短。只要稍微修一下就好。 理发师: 那头顶呢?

乔治 : 头顶部分可以剪薄一点,但也是只剪一点点就好。 理发师: 好的。

乔治 : 对了,我的头发蛮油的,而且头皮屑令我很困扰。我试过好几种洗发精,但是都没用。你能不能


理发师 : 这,你试过伦仙度丝没有?它应该对消除头皮屑方面的问题很有用的。 乔治 : 我会试试看。

理发师 : 另外你也可以试试威多撒颂的发水。洗完头之后使用,可以使你的头发看起来清爽而不油腻。 乔治 : 那我也要试试看。真谢谢你啊,理发师。 理发师: 剪好啦,总共是五块三毛钱。 17. At the Beauty Parlor:

Hairdresser: It's been a long time, Mrs. Lee.


Mm. Lee: Yes. I went to Hawaii on a vacation with my husband. Hairdresser: When did you come back? Did you have a good time?

Mrs. Lee: We came back the day before yesterday. I enjoyed myself there very much. The beach was

beautiful. You should go there some day. The sun was lovely, too.

Hairdresser: I will. How would you like to do your hair today? The same style as usual?

Mrs. Lee: I have a special party to attend tonight, and I'd like to change styles....Actually, I'm thinking

about a perm. My sister is getting married next month. I think if I have a perm now, then it'll look natural by then. What do you say?

Hairdresser: That's true. Here are some samples of hair styles. What do you think about this one? Mrs. Lee: No, I don't like short hair....I like this one. The wave looks beautiful, and fits my age too. Hairdresser: Very well. You're not in a hurry, are you?

Mrs. Lee: No. You can take your time....Oh, I also want a manicure while I'm having the perm. Hairdresser: OK. The manicurist will be right here. Mrs. Lee: Thank you. How much will this cost?

Hairdresser: It's one hundred and twenty dollars in all. 在美容院

美发师: 好久不见了,李太太。

李太太: 是的。我和我先生到夏威夷度假去了。 美发师: 那什么时候回来的?玩得愉快吗?

李太太: 前天回来的。我玩得很开心。那儿的海滩好美啊。哪天你也应该去那儿玩玩。阳光也好可爱。 美发师: 我会的。你今天要做怎样的发型?和往常一样的吗?

李太太 : 今晚我有个很特别的宴会要参加,所以我想换个发型。……事实上,我是在考虑烫头发。我妹

妹下个月要结婚。我想如果我现在烫头发的话,到时候看起来就会很自然了,你说是不是啊? 美发师: 那倒没错。这里有几个发型的样本。你觉得这个如何?

李太太 : 不好,我不喜欢短发。……我喜欢这个,卷得好漂亮,也适合我的年龄。 美发师: 好的。你不赶时间吧?

李太太: 不赶时间。你们可以慢慢来。……哦,我烫头发的时候想修个指甲。 美发师: 好的。修指甲师马上就过来。 李太太: 谢谢你,一共多少钱? 美发师: 总共是一百廿块钱。 18. At a Menswear Shop:

Shop- assistant: Can I help you?

Mrs. Liu: I'm just looking at these jackets.

Shop- assistant: May I know who is it for? Maybe I can give you some suggestions. Mrs. Liu: Sure, it's for my son. Shop- assistant: How old is he? Mrs. Liu: He is eighteen.

Shop- assistant: How tall is he? Mrs. Liu: He's about five feet eleven inches tall. He's very strong. I always buy him clothes of larger size. Shop- assistant: I see. How about this one? It's very fashionable. Mrs. Liu: No. He prefers simple styles. Shop- assistant: How about this one?

Mrs. Liu: The style is all right, but I'm not sure about the color. He looks good in dark colors, but I always

think that a young man should wear something lighter....I don't know. Let me think...

Shop- assistant: That's easy. They come in different colors. Here. There is dark blue, green, brown,

black, ivory white, melon yellow, and sky blue.

Mrs. Liu: Well....Can I change it if he doesn't like the color? Shop- assistant: Of course.

Mrs. Liu: I think I'll take the dark blue one.

Shop- assistant: Very well. That's fifty-nine dollars....Here is your receipt. Thank you, ma'am. 在男装店


店员 : 需要我效劳吗?

刘太太 : 我只是看看这些夹克。

店员 : 能不能告诉我是帮谁买?我也许可以给您一些建议。 刘太太 : 好啊,是给我儿子买的。 店员 : 他今年多大了? 刘太太 : 十八岁。 店员 : 那他多高呢?

刘太太 : 他身高大约五尺十一寸时。他很壮。我通常都帮他买大号的衣服。 店员 : 我知道。这件如何?很流行的。 刘太太 : 不好。他比较喜欢简单的样式。 店员 : 那这件呢?

刘太太 : 款式是不错,但是颜色我就不敢说了。他穿深色的比较好看,不过我总觉得年轻人应该穿些颜


店员 : 那简单。这衣服有不同的颜色。看,有深蓝、绿色、棕色、黑色、象牙白色、蜜瓜黄以及天空蓝。 刘太太 : 哦……如果这些颜色他不喜欢的话,我可不可以拿回来换? 店员 : 当然可以。

刘太太 : 我看我拿深蓝色的好了。

店员 : 好的,这件是五十九块钱,……这是您的收据。谢谢您,夫人。 19. A Christmas gift:

Shop-assistant: May I help you, sir?

Mr. Yung: Er …I wart to buy my wife a gift for Christmas, but I don't know what she would like. Shop- assistant: How about an evening gown? These are all from Paris.

Mr. Yung: No. She has very good taste in clothes. I don't want to take the risk. Shop- assistant: What do you have in mind then?

Mr. Yung: I'm thinking about jewelry or something valuable and won't be out of fashion. Shop- assistant: We've got beautiful jewelry here. Not much, but each one is unique. If you're interested,

I can show you.

Mr. Yung: Do you give guarantees of their genuineness?

Shop- assistant: Yes, we do. (He leads Mr. Yung to another counter.) Here we are. Well, what do you


Mr. Yung: They are lovely, I must say....Can I take a look at that necklace? Shop- assistant: Which one? This one?

Mr. Yung: No, no....The third one from the left....Yeah, that's the one. (Shop assistant gives him the

necklace.) Is this ruby genuine?

Shop- assistant: We don't sell fakes here, sir. This one is a masterpiece, and I'm sure your wife will love

it. You can't find a second one in New York, and it only costs you three thousand six hundred dollars. You can pay by cheque if you like.

Mr. Yung: Three thousand six hundred? .... OK, I'll take it....Here is the cheque. Oh, please gift-wrap it. 圣诞礼物

店员: 我能效劳吗,先生?

杨先生 : 呃…我想给我太太买个圣诞礼物,但不知道她喜欢什么。 店员 : 买件晚礼服怎么样?都是巴黎进口的,

杨先生 : 不。它对衣服的品味很高。我可不想冒这个险。 店员 : 那您心中已有想好要买的东西了吗?

杨先生 : 我是想买些珠宝或那些不脱离流行的东西。

店员 : 我们这儿有漂亮的珠宝,不很多,但件件都是独一无二的精品。如果您有兴趣,我可以拿给您看。 杨先生: 你们保证这些珠宝都是真品吗?

店员 : 是的。(他带领杨先生到另外一个柜台。) 到了。……你觉得如何? 杨先生 : 我得承认它们都很美。……我可以看看那条项链吗? 店员 : 那一条?这一条吗?

杨先生 : 不,不。……左边算起第三条。……对了,就是那条。(店员给他那条项链。)这颗红宝石是真



店员 : 先生,我们这儿不卖假货。这条项链可是件杰作啊,而且我相信您夫人一定会喜欢它的。在纽约

您绝对找不到第二条这种项链,而且它只要三千六百元。您愿意的话,也可以用支票付款。 杨先生 : 三千六百元?……好,我买了。……这是支票。(请用礼品包装) 20. Fixing Dinner:

Daughter: Is there anything I can do to help, Mom? Mother: Yes, just keep away from this kitchen. Daughter: Come on, Mom. I want to help.

Mother: You don't have to. Besides, it's almost done.

Daughter: Mom, I'm seventeen years old now. Ever since I was a little girl, you have never let me help

you in the kitchen. Don't you think it's time for me to learn house-work?

Mother: All right. If you really want to help, you can peel these potatoes and carrots. Daughter: Good....How should I peel them? With a knife? Mother: No, with a peeler. It's in the left drawer over there. Daughter: I see....Am I doing it right? Mother: Yes....Put this on the burner.

Daughter: (She puts it on the burner.) Shall I turn the burner on? Mother: No, not yet. Have you finished peeling? Daughter: Almost. Anything else that I can do?

Mother: Yes, open these cans. Here is the opener. After that you can set the table. Daughter: My pleasure, Mom! 准备晚餐

女儿:有没有我可以帮忙的地方,妈? 母亲:有,离这个厨房远点儿就行了。 女儿: 别这样,妈。我想帮你忙嘛。

母亲: 你不一定要帮忙啊。何况我都做得差不多了。

女儿: 妈,我已经十七岁了。打从我还是个小女孩开始,你就不让我帮你做厨房里的事。你不觉得现在是


母亲 : 好吧。如果你真的想帮忙,那你就帮我削这些马铃薯和红萝卜好了。 女儿 : 好极了。……我要怎么削?用刀子吗? 母亲 : 不是,用削皮的削。在那左边的抽屉。 女儿 : 原来如此。……这样对吗?

母亲 : 对。……把这个放在瓦斯炉上。 女儿 : (她把东西放在瓦斯炉上,)要不要开瓦斯炉? 母亲 : 不,还不用。你削好了吗?

女儿 : 快了。还有我可以帮得上忙的事吗?

母亲 : 有把这些罐打开。开罐器在这儿。开完以后你可以去摆碗筷。 女儿 : 亲爱的妈妈,我非常乐意。 21. At a Grocery Store:

Sarah: Anybody here?

Shop-keeper: Coming, I'm coming.…… Hi, Sarah. What do you want today?

Sarah: Quite a lot!I need one pound of potatoes, three pints of milk, a dozen brown eggs, two pounds

of corn, one pint of olive oil, one pound of cucumber, half a pound of mushroom, and one pound of tomatoes.

Shop- keeper: Do you need any fruit? Our fruit is very fresh today. Sarah: How do you sell the lemons?

Shop- keeper: Lemons are three for ten cents. Sarah: Are they juicy? I want to use them for juice.

Shop-keeper: They are ripe and juicy, so are the watermelon.


Sarah: No, I don't want watermelons. They're not in season yet. Just give me a dozen lemons. Shop- keeper: Very well. Anything else?

Sarah: I also need a loaf of sliced bread and a pound of coffee. Shop- keeper: What kind of coffee? Drip or instant?

Sarah: Give me the coarser grind. We make coffee in a percolator at home. Shop- keeper: All right.

Sarah: And a bottle of catsup. Any brand will do.……Can you send this order to my house this


Shop- keeper: Certainly!

Sarah: Thanks. How much will that be? I'll give you a cheque now. 在杂货店

莎拉 : 有人在吗?

店家 : 来啦!来啦!……嗨,莎拉,你今天要买些什么?

莎拉 : 挺多的。我要一磅马铃薯,三品脱牛奶、一打黄鸡蛋、两磅玉米、一品脱橄榄油、一磅小黄瓜、


店家 : 你要不要水果?今天的水果很新鲜。 莎拉 : 柠檬怎么卖? 店家 : 三个十分钱。

莎拉 : 汁多下多?我要用来榨果汁的。 店家 : 又熟汁又多,西瓜也是。

莎拉 : 我不要西瓜。现在还不到西瓜(上市)的季节。你只要给我一打柠檬就好了。 店家 : 好的。还需要其他的吗?

莎拉 : 我还要一条面包,要切片的,还有一磅咖啡。 店家 : 那一种咖啡? 滴泡的还是即溶的?

莎拉 : 给我粗颗粒的。我们在家都用有过虑器的咖啡壶煮咖啡。 店家 :好的。

莎拉 : 还要一瓶蕃茄酱。任何牌子都可以。……你能不能把这些东西下午送到我家去? 店家 : 当然可以。

莎拉 : 谢谢。一共是多少钱?我现在开张支票给你。 22. A Family Get-Together:

Candy: Mommy, when will we have dinner? I'm starving.

Mother: Soon, honey. We have to wait for grandmom and grandpa. Candy: Aren't they in Canada for the World's Exhibition? Mother: They were, but they will join us for dinner today.

Mike: Hi, Mom. I'd like you to meet my girlfriend. Jill Lee. Jill, this is my mother. Jill: How do you do, Mrs. Miller.

Mother: How do you do, Jill. I'm glad you can join us. (To Mike) Ask your father to come downstairs. I

need his help. (To Jill) Make yourself at home, Jill. Jill: I will, Mrs. Miller. (The door bell rings.) Candy: I'll get it....Grandmom! Grandpa! Grand- Parents: Hello, my little princess.

Mother: (They embrace each other.) How was your flight?

Grandmom: It was tiring!...Look who is here ! Mike! (They embrace.) You've grown taller and stronger

since I last saw you. And who is this beautiful young lady? Mike: She's my girlfriend. Jill, come meet my grandmom. Jill: How do you do?

Candy: Could we have dinner now, Mommy? Mother: OK, Candy. Go upstairs and tell Daddy that everybody's here. Then come help me set the table. Candy: All right, Mommy. 家庭聚餐

甜甜 : 妈咪,我们什么时候可以吃饭?我饿坏了。


母亲 : 快了,小甜心。我们总得等爷爷奶奶来呀。 甜甜 : 他们不是在加拿大看世界博览会吗?

母亲 : 是啊,但是他们今天会来和我们一起吃晚饭。

迈克 : 嗨,妈。我希望你见见我的女朋友李吉儿。吉儿,这是我妈妈。 吉儿 : 您好,米勒太太。

母亲 : 你好,吉儿。欢迎你加入我们。(对迈克),叫你爸下楼来。我需要他帮忙。(对吉儿) 不要客气啊,


吉儿 : 我知道,米勒大大。(门铃声响。) 甜甜 : 我去开。……奶奶!爷爷! 爷爷奶奶: 嗨,小公主。 母亲 : 飞机坐得还好吧?

奶奶 : 累死人了。……看谁在这儿!迈克! (他们拥抱。) 你比上次我见到你的时候还要高大强壮。这位漂


迈克 她是我的女朋友。吉儿,过来见见我的奶奶。 吉儿 : 您好

甜甜 : 我们现在可以吃饭了吗,妈咪?

母亲 : 可以,甜甜。到楼上去告诉爸爸大家都到了。然后再来帮我摆碗筷。 甜甜 : 是的,妈咪。 23. A Car Accident:

Lucy: It was a red light, William. You should've stopped the car. William: Sorry. I didn't see it.

Lucy: I told you not to drink so much. Your breath reeks of alcohol. We'll get into trouble if we run into a

policeman....Slow down a bit.

William: I'm only going 60 mph. (They see a dog right in the middle of the road.) Lucy: Look out!..(William swerves to avoid the dog and almost hits a car coming the opposite way. That

car happens to be a police car.)....Oh, no! William: That damn stray dog!

Policeman: OK, buddy, your driving license.

William: Here!....Listen to me, officer, it wasn't my fault. It was that dog. Policeman: What dog? I didn't see any dogs.

Lucy: It's true, officer. There was a dog in our lane. If it wasn't for the dog, we wouldn't have almost hit


Policeman: You could have braked, couldn't you? How fast were you going? William: Well it was about 50 mph or less. I was driving very slow.

Policeman: 50 mph? Don't you know the speed limit downtown is 40 mph?.... All right. That'll be one

hundred dollars.

William: Wait a second! What do you mean \

Policeman: The fine. It's one hundred dollars. Speeding and driving under the influence of alcohol. You

can't fool me with that smell of alcohol in your breath. 车祸

露西 : 刚刚是红灯,威廉。你应该停车的。 威廉 : 对不起,我没有看到。

露西 : 早告诉过你别喝那么多。现在你满口的酒臭。万一碰到警察,我们就麻烦了。……开慢一点。 威廉: 才时速六十英里而已。(他们看到路中央有一只狗)。

露西: 小心!……(威廉改变车向,把车子驶向另一边,结果差点儿懂上迎面而来的车子,(那辆车不巧正是

一部警车。)…… 噢,这下糟了。 威廉 :那只该死的野狗!

警察 : 好啦,老兄,你的驾照。

威廉 : 在这儿!……听我说,警察先生,不是我的错。是那只狗。 警察 : 什么狗?我没看到有狗。

露西 : 是真的,警察先生。刚刚我们的车道上有一只狗,要不是那只狗,我们也不会差点撞上你呀。


警察 : 你可以刹车不是吗?你刚刚的时速是多少? 威廉 : 大概五十里左右,或者更低些。我开得很慢。

警察 : 时速五十? 你不知道在市区开车的速限是每小时四十里吗?……好啦。一百块钱。 威廉 : 等一下!你说『一百块钱』是什么意思?

警察 : 罚款。一百元。超速和酒后驾驶。满身的酒味,你骗不了我的。 24. After Work:

Celia : Shall I punch out for you, Rose? I'm leaving now. Rose : No, thanks! I've to work overtime.

Celia : But today is Friday. You're not going to work overtime on Friday evening, are you?

Rose : Well, I am. I'll have to finish this report for next Monday's meeting....Is Ted coming to pick you


Celia : No. We'll meet at my house. He invited my family to spend the weekend with his family at their


Rose : That's nice. Where is his villa?

Celia : It's not his villa, but his father's. I think it's somewhere in Florida. I'm not sure myself. Rose : Sometimes I envy you a lot. Ted is a good guy.

Celia : Come on. You just haven't met the right person. And I think that you work too much. You should

learn how to entertain yourself and enjoy your life. Rose : I know, but I am a work maniac.

Celia : Well, suit yourself! I've got to run now. Rose : Have a nice weekend!

Celia : You too.... Oh, I forgot to tell you one thing. A guy called this afternoon. He said he was your

ex-boyfriend. He wanted you to call him back. Rose : Did he mention anything else?

Celia : No, nothing else.... See you Monday. Rose : See you. 下班以后

西莉亚: 要不要我帮你打卡,罗丝? 我现在要下班了。 罗丝 : 不用了,谢谢。我得加班。

西莉亚: 可是今天是星期五呀。你不会在星期五晚上加班吧?

罗丝 : 我是要加班。我得把这份报告做完,下星期一开会要用的。……泰德要来接你吗? 西莉亚: 没有。我们要在家里碰头,他邀请我们全家跟他们家一起去他们的别墅度这个周末。 罗丝 : 很好啊。他的别墅在哪儿?

西莉亚: 不是他的别墅,是他爸爸的。我想大概是在佛罗里达州的某个地方吧。我自己也不太清楚。 罗丝 : 有时候我真羡慕你。泰德是个不错的青年。

西莉亚: 得了。你只是还没遇到合适的对象罢了。而且我觉得你工作太多了。你应该学学如何娱乐自己,


罗丝 : 我知道,可是我是个工作狂。 西莉亚: 那就随便你了!我得赶紧走了。 罗丝 : 祝你周末愉快!

西莉亚: 你也是……。哦,我忘了告诉你一件事,今天下午有一个人打电话给你。他说是你以前的男朋友,

还要你回他电话。 罗丝 : 他还有没有说别的?

西莉亚: 没有了。……星期一见。 罗丝 : 再见。

25. At the Hospital:

Mrs. Brown: (Carrying her baby in her arms) Excuse me, where is the department of paediatrics?

Information-Clerk: Go along that corridor and then you will see a sign, which will lead you to the

department of paediatrics. It's on the second floor.


Mrs. Brown: Thank you. (She finds the sign, and follows the direction and finds the department of

paediatrics.) Here we are, precious. Soon you will be okay. Nurse: Have you registered yet?

Mrs. Brown: No, and this is my first time here. Nurse: Any designated doctor? Mrs. Brown: Yes, Dr. Hurt, Cliff Hurt.

Nurse: Here is your registration card. Dr. Hurt is at clinic No.3. You can sit over there and wait for your


Dr. Hurt: Hello, little fellow. You're David Brown, right? ....Well, Mrs. Brown, what seems to be the


Mrs. Brown: I've got the flu these days, and I think he's been infected by me. He started to cough last

night. I took his temperature this morning. It was 39 degrees.

Dr. Hurt: Unbutton his clothes, please. (Doctor examines the baby with his stethoscope.) The back,

please! ( Mrs. Brown turns baby's back to the doctor.) All right. Now open your mouth … Mr. Brown: Well, doctor?

Dr. Hurt: Not very serious. I'll write you a prescription. If you follow the directions, your child will soon be

okay. 在医院



布朗太太: 谢谢你。(她找到标示,循着标示找到了小儿科。) 到了,小宝贝。待会儿你就没事了。 护士 : 您挂号了吗?

布朗太太 :没有,我第一次来。 护士 : 要找指定医生吗?

布朗太太 :是的,赫特医生,克里夫·赫特。

护士 : 这是您的挂号证。赫特医生在第三诊。您可以坐那边等护士小姐叫您。 赫特医生: 嗨,小朋友。你叫大街·布朗,对吗?……布朗太大,他那儿不舒服?

布朗太太: 我这几天得了流行感冒,我想他大概是被我传染了。昨天晚上他开始咳嗽。今天早上我帮他量


赫特医生: 请你解开他的衣服。(医生用听诊器检查小婴儿。) 请转过去检查背部。(布朗太太把婴儿转身

背对医生。) 好了,现在张开嘴巴…… 布朗太太 : 怎么样呢,医生?

赫特医生 : 不很严重。我给你开个药方。如果你按指示给他吃药,他很快就没事了。 26. At the Office:

Manager: Rudy, will you please make ten copies of this report? Rudy: I'd like to, but the photocopier is out of order. Manager: Then use the Xerox machine. Rudy: It broke down one year ago.

Manager: Oh, forget it then. Hey, I told you to put files on the \

Rudy: The pile is over ten feet high. I'm afraid it'll fall all over and bury you underneath if I put this file on

top of it.

Manager: Very funny! What's wrong with you today? You are my secretary and you are not supposed

to talk to me in that tone of voice. Didn't you know that?

Rudy: What do you expect? I've been working for you for three years, and you've never given me a

holiday. I don't feel well today because I have a terrible headache. I'm not in the mood for being gentle and polite. If you can't stand it, it's your problem. I'm not going to change because I think it suits you best.

Manager: Keep your voice down, Rudy. I know you've had a hard day today, but you should at least

show some respect for me. If you really don't feel well, go home. There isn't much work today anyway.

Rudy: I apologize for forgetting myself, but I do need some time off.



经理: 露蒂,请你帮我把这份报告影印十份好吗? 露蒂: 我很想,但是影印机坏了。 经理: 那就用复印机好了。 露蒂: 复印机去年就坏了。

经理: 噢,那就算了。嘿,我告诉过你把文件放在『待处理』篮子里,不要放在我的桌上。

露蒂: 那堆文件已经十尺多高了。我怕如果我把这份文件再放上去的话,它会倒下来,把你压死。 经理 : 真好笑,你今天是怎么了?你是我的秘书,你不应该用那种语气跟我说话的。你不知道吗?

露蒂: 你想怎么样?我已经帮你工作三年了,你从来没让我休过假。我今天头很痛,我不舒服。我也没心


经理: 小声点,露蒂。我知道你今天很累,但至少也该对我尊敬点。如果你觉的不舒服,那就回家去吧。


露蒂: 对不起我失态了。不过我是真的需要休息。 27. A Date:

Brother: Hey, Sally! Are you going to stay in that bathroom for the rest of your life? Sister: (From the bathroom) Come on, I just got in here.

Brother: You're kidding me. You've been in there for two hours twenty-four minutes and fifteen seconds. Sister: All right! Five more minutes, OK? Brother: What're you doing in there?

Sister: (Coming out from the bathroom) Taking a bath. What do you do in a bathroom? Get a suntan? Brother: A bath for two and a half hours?

Sister: What's wrong with that? I'm going out with Daniel tonight.

Brother: You what? No way! Mom doesn't let you go out on dates. Everybody knows that. Sister: Yes, she does: She said I was old enough to make decisions. Brother: That's a quick change.

Sister: Do I look good in red? Or maybe black?

Brother: No, you look awful in either red or black. I think white is better. Sister: Is that so?...I better ask Mom for opinions. Are you free tonight? Brother: Yeah....No, you're not going to use my car.

Sister: Come on, this is my first time going out on a date. I'll give you Stella's telephone number in


Brother: That's a deal. 约会

哥哥: 喂,莎莉!你要在浴室待一辈子是不是? 妹妹: (从浴室)拜托,我才刚进来而已。

哥哥: 开玩笑,你已经进去两小时二十四分钟又十五秒啦。 妹妹: 好了!好了!再五分钟就出来,可以吗? 哥哥: 你在浴室干什么呀?

妹妹: (由浴室出来)洗澡啊。你在浴室会做什么?晒太阳不成? 哥哥: 洗个澡要花两个半小时?

妹妹: 那又怎样?我今晚要和丹尼雨出去。

哥哥: 你要干什么?不可能的!妈根本不让你出去约会。大家都知道的。 妹妹: 妈允许我去的。她说我已经够大了,可以自己做主。 哥哥: 事情转变得可真快。

妹妹: 我穿红的好下好看?还是黑的?

哥哥: 不好看,你穿红的或黑的都不好看。穿白的比较好看。 妹妹: 是吗?……我还是去问妈的看法吧。你今晚有空吗? 哥哥: 是啊……。不行,你不可以开我的车。

妹妹: 拜托嘛,这是我第一次约会。我给你史黛拉的电话号码作为交换。 哥哥: 一言为定。


28. At the Supermarket:

Mother: Is there anything on the shopping list that we missed?

Daughter: Let me check. Milk, eggs, cheese, crackers, ice cream, sugar bowl, pepper, salt, chicken,

fish...We've got everything except soap powder, canned soup, and bread. Mother: Do you think we need some lettuce or carrots? They look fresh. Daughter: Why not? I love carrots.

Mother: What kind of soup should we buy? Cream of chicken or cream of mushroom? Daughter: We can buy both. I also want clam chowder.

Mother: One or two?I think one will be enough. No one is going to share it with you anyway. Daughter: I want two....Mom, the soap powder is on sale. Should we take one more?

Mother: I'd love to, but this shopping cart is almost full and I don't think we can carry that much. Daughter: All right....Here is the bread. Mother: Take the plain ones. Two loaves.

Daughter: Now we've got everything. Let's go to the checkout counter.

Mother: There is a long line on the left. Let's go to the right checkout counter. 在超级市场

母亲 : 还有没有在购物单上没买到的东西?

女儿 : 我看看。牛奶、鸡蛋、乳酪、苏打饼干,冰淇琳、糖罐、胡椒、盐、鸡、鱼……。除了洗衣粉、


母亲 : 你想我们需不需要买些莴苣还是红萝卜?它们看起来挺新鲜的。 女儿 : 好啊,我喜欢吃红葡萄。

母亲 : 我们要买哪种罐头汤? 鸡汤还是蘑菇浓汤? 女儿 : 都买。我还要蛤蜊汤。

母亲 : 一罐还是两罐? 我想一罐就够了吧。反正只有你要喝,别人不会跟你分的。 女儿 : 我要两罐。……妈,洗衣粉在打折。我们要不要多买一包?

母亲 : 我很想,不过这台购物车已经装得差不多满了,我想我们提不动那么多东西的。 女儿 : 好吧。……面包在这里。 母亲 : 拿白吐司。两条。

女儿 : 都买到了。咱们去柜台算账吧!

母亲: 左边的队伍好长、我们到右边的柜台去。 29. Table Manners:

Mother: Go wash your hands, Danny. Dinner is ready. Danny: Yes, Mom.

Mother: All right, everybody. Time for dinner! Father: It makes my mouth water, Mother. Mother: Set a good example for the kids,

Father.(Danny stands up and reaches for the saltshaker.) Don't do that, Danny. Danny: But I want the salt.

Mother: You can ask Fanny to pass the saltshaker.

Danny: All right.(To Fanny)Will you please pass me the saltshaker? Fanny: Sure. Here you are. Danny: Thank you.

Fanny: You're welcome....Shall I serve the soup, Mother? Mother: Yes, please.(Fanny serves everybody soup.) Danny! Danny: What is it this time?

Mother: Don't make any sound when you have your soup. Danny:...Yes, Mother.

Father: Don't be so hard on him, Mother. He's only a child. Mother: He's old enough to learn table manners.

Father: You can teach him in a more pleasant way. You'll spoil his appetite.


Mother: Maybe you're right. I shouldn't have blamed him before I taught him. 餐桌礼仪

母亲 : 去洗手,丹尼。晚饭已经好了。 丹尼 : 是的,妈。

母亲 : 好了,大家。吃饭罗!

父亲 : 我口水都快流出来了,孩子的妈。

母亲 : 给孩子们做个好榜样,孩子的爸,(丹尼站起来,伸手拿盐罐。不行,丹尼。 丹尼 : 可是我要盐啊!

母亲 : 你可以请芬妮拿给你。

丹尼 : 好吧。(向芬妮说) 请把盐递给我好吗? 芬妮 : 好的。拿去。 丹尼 : 谢谢。

芬妮 : 不客气、……我要不要帮你们盛汤,妈? 母亲 : 好的,麻烦你。(芬妮帮每个人盛汤。)丹尼! 丹尼 : 又怎么了?

母亲 : 喝汤的时候不要发出声音。 丹尼 : ……是的,妈,

父亲 : 别对他那么凶,孩子的妈。他只是个小孩子。 母亲 : 他已经大到可以学餐桌礼仪了。

父亲 : 你可以用比较温和的方式教他。你这样会破坏他的胃口的. 母亲 : 也许你说的对。我是不该在没教他以前就先责备他。 30. At the Beach:

Jim: Aren't you going to swim?

Cindy: Are you kidding? Don't you know I can't swim?

Jim: You're not telling me that we drove fifty miles to come here just for a sunbath, are you?

Cindy: Hey, don't shout! Come here!....Sit closer....Now, Jim, we've had a lovely day. Don't spoil it now. Jim: What about your beautiful bathing suit? We shopped all day. Don't you want to show it off? Cindy: Everybody who walks past me sees it. Besides, it's a good sunbathing suit. Jim: All right. Suit yourself. I'm going to swim. Cindy: Jim? Jim: Yes?

Cindy: Can you get me a beach umbrella and a deck chair? I'm kind of tired of lying in the sand. Jim: I've a better idea. Why don't we hire a boat and go out for a ride? What do you think? Cindy: Are you serious? That'll be wonderful. Jim: Let's go! 在海边

吉姆 : 你下去游泳吗?

辛蒂 : 你开什么玩笑?你不知道我不会游泳吗?

吉姆 : 你不会是说我们大老远开了五十里路来这儿,只是为了做日光浴吧?

辛蒂 : 嘿,别那么大声! 过来!……坐近一点儿。……吉姆,我们今天玩得很高兴,不要破坏它。 吉姆 : 那你漂亮的游泳衣呢?我们逛了一整天。你不想炫耀一下吗?

辛蒂 : 每个走过我旁边的人都看得到它呀。何况,这是一套不错的日光浴装。 吉姆 : 好吧。随你的便。我要去游泳了。 辛蒂 : 吉姆? 吉姆 : 什么事?

辛蒂 : 你能不能帮我弄个海摊伞和折叠椅? 我在沙滩上躺得有些累了 吉姆 : 我有个更好的主意。我们何不租一条船出去兜风?你觉得怎么样? 辛蒂 : 你说真的吗?那太好了, 吉姆 : 走吧!


31. Dance:

Phil: Hi, Paul.

Paul: Hi, Phil. This dance is really nice, isn't it? Phil: It sure is. Lots of food and drinks! Paul: Where's Sandy?

Phil: She's over there, dancing with that fatty, and enjoying herself. Paul: Aren't you enjoying yourself?

Phil: Well, it's a great dance all right, but I'm fed up with these parties. Paul: You sound like you've been to quite a few parties lately.

Phil: I have. Eight parties in two weeks! If you count this in, it'll be nine. Paul: That sure is a lot.

Phil: Did you come here alone?

Paul: No, of course not. Melody is with me. Have you met her?

Phil: No. You have at least one dozen girlfriends. Even if I met her before, I won't be able to remember. Paul: Melody isn't my girlfriend. She is my sister. Here she comes. Let me introduce her to you. Here,

Melody!...(To Melody) I'd like you to meet my best partner, Phil Miller. (To Phil) This is Melody, my sister.

Melody: Hi, Phil. Paul talks about you a lot. Phil: Mostly good things I hope.

Melody: I don't want to interrupt you, but I'm getting bored. Can we go home now? Paul: All right. It's getting late anyways. Good-bye, Phil. 舞会

菲尔 : 嗨,保罗。

保罗 : 嗨,菲尔。舞会很不赖,不是吗? 菲尔 : 是啊。好多吃的和喝的。 保罗 : 珊蒂呢?

菲南 : 她在那边,跟那个胖子跳舞,玩得正高兴呢。 保罗 : 你玩得不高兴吗?

菲尔 : 呃,这个舞会是很棒,没错。不过我对这些舞会已经腻了、厌倦了。 保罗 : 听你的口气好像最近参加了不少这类舞会似的。

菲尔 : 是啊。两个星期参加了八次舞会。再加上这次的话,一共是九次。 保罗 : 是蛮多的。 菲尔 : 你一个人来的?

保罗 : 当然下是。美乐蒂和我一起来的,你见过她吗?

菲尔 : 没有。你的女朋友至少有一打,就算我以前见过地,我也记不得了。 保罗 : 美乐蒂不是我女明友,是我妹妹。她来了。我给你介绍一下。 喂,美乐蒂!…… (对美乐蒂) 来见见我最好的伙件,菲尔·米勒;(对菲两)这是美乐蒂,我妹妹。 美乐蒂: 嘿,菲尔。保罗常跟我提起你。 菲尔 : 希望说的都是好话。

美乐蒂: 我并不想打扰你们,不过我觉得有点无聊,我们能不能回家? 保罗 : 好吧,反正也晚了,再见,菲尔。 32. At the Concert:

John:(Whispering) How long is it going to last? We've been here for hours. Daphne: Shhh!

John: (Whispering) I want to go out. Daphne: Shhh!

John: (Whispering) I'm going out. I'll wait for you outside. (After the concert)

Daphne: How could you do this to me? How could you just walk away in the middle of the concert? That

was rude.


John: You told me this was a Jazz concert, but it wasn't.

Daphne:I thought you would like it. I did have two tickets for Jazz, but I exchanged them for this concert.

You told me you liked classical music, so I...

John: Forget it, Daphne. I feel like a cup of coffee. Are you coming? Daphne: All right....John, I'm really sorry about this. John: That's all right. How was the concert? Daphne: It was good, but I prefer your company.

John: I shouldn't have walked away like that. I apologize.

Daphne: Don't be silly. Why don't we go to a movie? I want to make up. John:Good idea, but let's go for a cup of coffee first. Daphne:All right, It's on me. 音乐会

约翰 : (低声说话) 还要多久?我们已经来好几个小时了。 黛芙妮: 嘘!

约翰 : (低声说话j我要出去。 黛芙妮 : 嘘!

约翰 : (低声说话)我出去了。我在外面等你。 (音乐会後)

黛芙妮: 你怎么可以对我做这种事?你怎么可以听音乐会听一半就走掉了?真没礼貌。 约翰 : 你跟我说这是爵土音乐会,但并不是啊。

黛芙妮 : 我以为你会喜欢。我本来有两张爵士音乐会的票,但是我把它们拿去眼别人换这场音乐会,你


约翰 : 算了,黛芙妮。我想去喝怀咖啡,你要不要一起来? 黛芙妮: 好啊……约翰,我真得很抱歉, 约翰 : 没关系,音乐还好吗?

黛芙妮: 下错,但找比较喜欢有休陪伴, 约翰 : 我实在不应该那样走开,我道歉:

黛芙妮 : 别傻了。我们去看电影好不好? 我想补偿。 约翰 : 好主意,但先喝咖啡。 黛芙妮: 好。我请客。

33. At the Stationery Store:

Flora: Do you have birthday cards?

Shopkeeper: Sure, we have cards for all occasions- birthdays, weddings, invitations, thank you, and all

sorts of celebrations. They're all kept on the shelves over there. Flora: Thank you.

Shopkeeper: Take your time. They're all very lovely.

Flora: Does this writing paper have envelopes to go with it?

Shopkeeper: Yes, but they sold out yesterday. The new ones won't arrive until next Monday. Flora: I see. I'll come back on Monday then. Where do you keep thumbtacks and paper clips? I can't find


Shopkeeper: They're on the corner. Anything else?

Flora: I also need a dozen file folders, some carbon paper, one hole puncher, one stapler and one refill

for my Parker ball point pen.

Shopkeeper: Come with me. Here are the folders and carbon paper. Here are the hole punchers,

staplers. and here are your refills. Flora: Thank you.

Shopkeeper: You're welcome. I've never seen you before. Are you new in this town? Flora: Yes, I moved here last week. I work for a food company at the building next door. Shopkeeper: Then we'll have a lot of business to do in the future. Flora: Sure....How much are these, please? Shopkeeper: That'll be thirteen dollars in all.



芙乐拉: 你们有没有生日卡片?

老板 : 当然有,我们有各种卡片--生日卡,结婚卡、邀请卡、感谢卡,以及各种节庆用的卡片。它们全

部都摆在那边的架子上。 芙乐拉: 谢谢你。

老板 : 慢慢挑。它们都很可爱。

芙乐拉: 这个信纸有没有成套的信封?

老板 : 有,不过昨天就卖完了。要到下星期一新货才会到。

芙乐拉: 这样啊。那我星期一再来好了。……请问你图钉和回纹针放在哪里? 我找不到。 老板 : 在角落那边。还要其他的东西吗?

芙乐拉: 我还要一打文件夹、一些复写纸,一个打孔机、一个钉书机,和一支派克原子笔的笔心。 老板 : 跟我来……这里是文件夹……和复写纸。……这里是打孔机、钉书机……笔心在这边。 芙乐拉: 谢谢你。

老板 : 不客气。我以前没见过你。你是新搬来的?

芙乐拉: 是的。我上星期刚搬来。我在隔壁的大楼里一家食品公司做事。 老板 : 那我们以后还有很多生意可做了。 芙乐拉: 是啊……。这些总共是多少? 老板 : 一共是十三元。 34. A Meeting:

Mr. Brook : Does everyone have a copy?

Miss Reeds : Do you have a spare copy? The one I got didn't come out very clearly.

Mr. Brook : Certainly! (He passes her a copy.) Now, this is a list of things that we're going to discuss in

today's meeting. Let's start with the first one: Where shall we site our third exhibition store in this city. Everyone can bring out his suggestion and support reasons.

Mr. Hanks : Obviously the eastern part of this city is the best location. Business grows fast there. Miss Reeds : I think the south is better, since we already have one downtown, one in the west of the city,

and the south is emerging. It has good prospects. Mr. Green : I agree with Miss Reeds.

Miss Joyce : I support Miss Reeds' proposal too.

Mr. Brook : Miss Reeds just brought out a good suggestion. Are there any other proposals? (Silence) Is

everyone in favour then? Others : Yes.

Mr. Brook : All right! Mr. Blake, you're now given the authority to take charge of this. Work on the details

and hand in a report a week from now. Mr. Blake : Yes, Mr. Brook!

Mr. Brook : Now let's move to the second! 会议

布鲁克先生: 每个人都拿到一张影印了吗?

瑞兹小姐 : 你有没有一张多的? 我这张不怎么清楚。 布鲁克先生: 当然。(他递给她一份影印)现在,这是一张今天我们在这个会议中要讨论事项列表。我们


汉克斯先生: 很显然的,东区是最好的地点。生意在那里发展的很快。

瑞兹小姐 : 我认为南区比较好,既然我们在市中心区和西区已各有一个展示店,而南区又正在发迹崛起,


格林先生 : 我同意端茹小姐的说法。 乔伊斯小姐: 我也支持瑞菇小姐的提案:

布鲁克先生: 瑞兹小姐刚提出了一个很好的建议。有没有其他的提案? (沈默)那么大家都赞成? 其他人 : 是的。

布鲁克先生: 好。布莱克先生,这件事现在起就由你全权处理。仔细研究好细节,一个礼后缴一份报告上



布莱克先生: 是的,布鲁克先生。 布鲁克先生: 现在我们看第二点…… 35. Renting a Car:

Joe: Do you hire out vans?

Clerk: Yes, sir. Ten people or six? Joe: Six.

Clerk: You're lucky, sir. We still have two spare vans. This is the high season, you know. Nearly ninety

percent of our cars have been reserved. Joe: Can you let me take a look at the vans? Clerk: Sure. This way, please. Joe: Are they in good condition?

Clerk: Certainly. Each one of our cars is in perfect condition. We don't allow even slight problems. When

customers return them, we always have a thorough examination and give them good maintenance. It's our wish to provide our customers with good vehicles and good trips. Joe: Nice saying, but I'd like to have a test drive.

Clerk: You're welcome to do so. Here are the keys. Which one would you like to try first?

Joe: This one. (They get in the first car, drive around two blocks and then come back.) Not bad. The

seats are comfortable as well. Clerk: Should we try the other one?

Joe: No, I don't think so. This one is all right. How much is the rent for this one? I'll hire it for this

weekend, from Friday afternoon to Sunday evening. Clerk: Thirty-five dollars each day! Now please fill in this form, and give me a deposit. You can come for

the van anytime on Friday. 租车

乔 : 你们有没有旅行车出租?

店员 : 有的,先生。十人座的还是六人座? 乔 : 六人座。

店员 : 您真幸运,先生。我们还剩下两辆旅行车。现在是旺季,您知道的。几乎百分之九十的车子都被


乔 : 我能看一下旅行车吗? 店员 : 当然可以。这边请。 乔 : 车况很好吗?

店员 : 当然。 我们的车子每一辆的车况都很好。我们不容许车子有任何一点小毛病。客人把车子送回来


乔 : 说得好,不过我还是想试一下车,

店员 : 欢迎试车。这是钥匙。您要先试那一辆?

乔 : 这一辆。 (他们坐进第一辆车,开了两条街之后回来。) 不赖嘛。座椅也很舒服。 店员 : 要不要试另外一辆?

乔 : 我想不用了。这一辆就可以了。这辆车的租金是冬少?我这个周要用,从星期五下午到星期日晚上。 店员 : 一天三十五元。请您填好这扮表格,给我订金。星期五您随时可以来开车子。 36. Summer Vacation:

Judy: Hi, Jack. Who are you writing to?

Jack: I'm writing to my parents telling them I'll stay here this summer.

Judy: You're not going home? I thought you were going on a trip to Japan with your family. Jack: Well, I intended to go with them, but I thought again and changed my mind.

Judy: Tell me. I'm interested in knowing what keeps you from joining your beloved family and staying

here. It certainly is not studying.


Jack: No, certainly not. Michael arranged for me to work at his uncle's institution. Judy: How much will you be paid?

Jack: Judy, I don't do it for money, but for experience. Besides, it's voluntary work. Judy: You work without payment? That's really something. What kind of work is it? Jack: I'll be a teacher in one of his uncle's orphanages. Judy: Oh, Jack, I'm impressed.

Jack: When will you leave for home?

Judy: Tomorrow. We'll fly to Hawaii two days after. I really have to pack now. Jack: Go then. Have a nice vacation! Judy: I'll send you postcards. 暑期

茱蒂: 喃,杰克。你在写信给谁?

杰克: 给我爸妈,跟他们说我暑期不回去。

茱蒂: 你不回家? 你不是要和你家人一起去日本旅行吗?

杰克: 我本来是要和他们一起去的,下过我考虑再三之后,决定不去了。 茱蒂: 告诉我。我很想知道是什么事情可以使你不和你亲爱的家人聚在一起而留在这儿,决不是为了功课? 杰克: 当然不是。麦克安排我在他叔叔的机关做事。 茱蒂: 多少薪水?

杰克: 茱蒂,我不是为了钱做这份工作的,而是为了经验。何况,这是一份义务性的工作。 茱蒂: 你做没钱的工作? 那可真是了不起。是怎样的工作? 杰克: 在他叔叔的一家孤儿院当老师。 茱蒂: 哦,杰克,我好感动o 杰克: 你什么时候回家?

茱蒂: 明天。两天后我们要飞去夏威夷。我得去整理行李了。 杰克: 去吧。祝你假期愉快! 茱蒂: 我会寄明信片给你的。 37. On the Airplane:

Alice: Darling, isn't this a non-smoking area? George: Yes, that's right.

Alice: But that man over there is smoking. Would you ask him not to smoke?

George: We better ask the stewardess to do such things. Here comes one....Excuse me.. Stewardess: Yes, sir?

George: I believe this is a non-smoking area. Would you ask the passenger over there not to smoke? Stewardess: Yes, sir.

Alice: Er, miss. When will you serve drinks?

Stewardess: I'll be bringing the trolley round soon after take-off, ma'am.

Alice: Good. Thank you. (The stewardess goes off.)...Oh, I forgot to ask her when the bar will open. George: What for?

Alice: I'd like to buy some bottles of whisky. They're duty-free, aren't they?

George: They are, but it's no hurry. You've got plenty of time. How do you want to kill the time? How

about playing cards? Alice: No, I want to write my friends some postcards. They offer airline postcards on the plane and they'll

post them free.

George: I guess I'll have to read magazines then. Shall I use the call button and have them send you


Alice: No, just wait for a stewardess to come by. 在飞机上

爱履丝 : 亲爱的,这是不是禁烟机舱? 乔治 : 没错。

爱履丝 : 可是那边那个人在抽烟,你可不可以叫他别抽?

乔治 : 我们最好还是请空中小姐做这种事。有一位空姐过来了。……对不起,


空中小姐: 什么事,先生?

乔治 : 我想这是禁烟机舱没错吧:你能不能请那边那位旅客不要抽烟? 空中小姐: 好的。

爱千丝 : 呃,小姐,你们什么时候上饮料?

空中小姐 : 飞机一起飞我就会推车过来,小姐。 爱履丝 : 好极了,谢谢你!(空中小姐走开了)哦,我忘了问她酒吧什么时候开? 乔治 : 做什么?

爱履丝 : 我想买几瓶威土忌。威士忌是免税的,不是吗?

乔治 : 是免税的,不过不要着急呀。你有足够的时间。你要怎样打发时间?玩牌好不好?

爱履丝 : 不要,我想写些明信片给我的朋友。他们在机上供应航空明信片,而且邮票是不用钱的。 乔治 : 我想我只好看杂志了,要不要我按呼叫钮帮你叫他们送明信片来? 爱履丝 : 不用了,等有空中小姐过来再说好了。 38. At the Cafeteria

Head-waiter: Good evening, sir.

Henry: Good evening. We'd like a table for four, please. Head- waiter: Do you have a reservation, sir?

Henry: No, I'm afraid not. Can we sit over there? There's a table free by the window.

Head-waiter: Sorry, sir. That table has been reserved. Come this way, please. (He leads them to a free

table.) How about this one, sir?

Henry: Fine. We'll sit here.

Head-waiter: Would you like some drinks? Henry: What would you like to drink, Stella?

Stella: I don't know anything about drinks. I'll drink whatever you order for me. Henry: All right. Give us a bottle of red wine and a bottle of white wine. Head- waiter: Very well, sir.

Stella: Why did you order two bottles?

Henry: I know that you never eat steaks or pork, so I ordered the white wine for you. The red wine is for

myself. I love steak.

Stella: I see. Do we help ourselves? Henry: Yes, it's self-service here.

Stella: I hope they have good shrimp or crab here.

Henry: They have the best sea food in this city. You can eat your head off. It's on me.


领班 : 您好,先生!

亨利 : 你好。我们要一张四人桌。 领班 : 您先预订了吗,先生?

亨利 : 没有。我们可以坐那边吗?靠窗户那边有张空桌子。

领班 : 对不起,先生。那个桌位已经有人订了。这边请。(他带领他们到另一张空桌位),这个桌子好吗?


亨利 : 好。我们就坐这儿。 领班 : 要不要来点儿饮料?

亨利 : 你想喝点什么呢,史黛拉?

史黛拉: 我对酒没有概念,你点什么,我就喝什么。 亨利 : 好。给我们一瓶红酒,一瓶白酒。 领班 : 好的,先生。

史黛拉: 你为什么要点两瓶?

亨利 : 我知道你是不吃牛排或猪肉的·所以我帮你点了白酒。红酒是为我自己叫的。我喜欢吃牛排, 史黛拉: 我懂了。我们要自己来吗? 亨利 : 对,这儿是自助式的。

史黛拉: 我希望他们有好吃的虾子或螃蟹。


亨利 : 他们的海鲜在本城是最好的。你可以尽情的点。这餐由我请客。 词汇

1.Self-service.adj.自助的。亦可做名词,表示自助式。 2.Shrimp n. 虾子

39. Hitchhiking:

Lora: I'm exhausted, Harry. Harry: I know, but no one has stopped. Cheer up! Someone will give us a ride as long as we keep trying. Lora: Can we sit here and wait? I can't go on. Harry: All right. Let's take a rest. Lora: Hey, here comes a van!

Driver: (As he drives by) Sorry, we have no room!

Lora: Oh, not again! I shouldn't have come with you on this silly hitchhiking trip. Harry: Don't say that, Lora. We've had a lot of fun in the past few days, haven't we?

Lora: We did have, but now I'm...Hey, here comes another van...Stop, please!... Oh, he won't stop. Harry: Look! It's stopped. Let's go. Lora: Thank God.

Driver: Get in the car, kids.

Harry: Thank you for the ride, sir.

Lora: Thank you, sir. Who knows how long we'd have to wait if you didn't stop.

Driver: Don't mention it. When I was your age, I liked to hitch- hike myself. I know how it feels when you

see cars speeding away one after another.

Lora: Yeah, it feels like being deserted by the rest of the world. I'd rather go on a trip on bicycles or cars

next time. 搭便车旅游

萝拉 : 我累死了,哈利。

哈利 : 我知道,可是没人停车啊。打起精神吧!只要我们继续试,总会有人让我们搭便车的。 萝拉 : 我们能不能坐下来等?我走不动了。 哈利 : 好吧。咱们休息一下好了。 萝拉 : 嘿,有车来了!

司机 : (车子驶过时) 抱歉,我们没有多余的位子。

萝拉 : 噢,又是这样!我根本就不应该跟你来这趟愚蠢的搭便车旅游 哈利 : 别这么说嘛,萝拉。我们这几天不是玩得很高兴吗?

萝拉 : 我们是玩得很高兴,可是我现在……喂,又有一辆旅行车来了……停车,拜托!…哦,他不肯停。 哈利 : 看! 它停了。我们走! 萝拉 : 谢天谢地。 司机 : 上车,小伙子。

哈利 : 谢谢你肯载我们一程,先生。

萝拉 : 谢谢你,先生。要是你没有停车的话,我们不知道还要等多久呢。

司机 : 不客气。我在你们这个年纪也喜欢搭便车到处旅行。我知道当你们看到车子一辆接著一辆飞驰而


萝拉 : 是啊,奸像被世界遗弃了似的。下回我宁可骑脚踏车或开车旅行。 司机 : 那你铁定会错过很多事物的。 40. At the Train Station:

Angela: When is the next train to New York? Ticket- Clerk: Nine-thirty. Angela: One ticket, please. Ticket- Clerk: Three dollars. Angela: Which platform is it?


Ticket- Clerk: Number 2. Angela: Thanks.

Mag: A ticket to Washington D.C., please!

Ticket- Clerk: The train has just gone. You'll have to wait fifty more minutes for the next train. Mag: That's all right. I don't like to take the bus anyway. Ticket- Clerk: Here you are.

Mag: Excuse me. Is this the right platform for Washington D,C.?

Angela: I think you are in the wrong place. This is for New York. I'm not very sure about it. You'd better

ask somebody else who knows. Mag: Thank you. I'll ask the ticket clerk.,..(To the ticket clerk) Which is the platform for Washington D.C,? Ticket- Clerk: Platform No. 2!

Mag: Thank you. (She goes back to platform No. 2.) Hi, miss. Do you mind my sitting next to you? Angela: No, not at all! It's nice to have company while waiting for the train.

Mag: I hope the train will come on schedule. They're always late. I remember one time.... 在火车站

安琪拉: 下班到纽约的火车几点开? 售票员: 九点半。

安琪拉: 请给我一张票。 售票员: 三元。 安琪拉: 那个月台? 售票员: 二号月台。 安琪拉: 谢谢

玛格 : 请给我一张到华盛顿特区的车票。

售粟员: 火车刚开走了。你得再等五十分钟下班才会来。 玛格 : 没关系。反正我不想去搭乘公车。 售票员: 这是你的票。

玛格 : 对不起。请问到华盛顿特区是不是在这个月台等火车?

安琪拉: 我想你走错了。这是到纽约的月票。我也不太清楚:你最好找个知道的人问。

玛格 : 谢谢你。我还是去问售票员好了……。(对售票员,列华盛顿特区是在那个月台等火车? 售票员: 二号月台。 玛格 : 谢谢你。(她走回二号月台。)嗨,小姐,你不介意我坐在你旁边吧? 安琪拉: 不介意。等火车的时候有个伴总是好的。

玛格 : 我希望火车会准时到。它们老是误点。我记得有一次…… 41. Going to a Movie:

Pearl:Look! They're playing \

Ben: You're right. Look at the crowd. Do you think we'll still be able to get tickets? Pearl:I don't know. If we can't, we can buy from the ticket scalpers. Ben: No way. I'd rather go to another movie house.

Pearl:Come on! We're already here. Besides, I want to see this picture. Ben: All right! Let's see when the next picture is on.

Pearl:Seven-thirty. There's only ten minutes left, and look at the long line. Ben: Shall we take a chance?

Pearl:Yeah, let's do so. (They line up.) Ben: It's moving so slow.

Pearl:What can you expect with this crowd? I'm praying that nobody will cut in the line. Ben: Nobody dares.

Pearl:I hope so.... We're getting closer.... Two more.... One more.... It's our turn. Ben: Two tickets, please.

Ticket- Clerk.: Will first row do? The others are all sold out. Ben: Yes, that's fine. (Ticket Clerk gives him two tickets.) Pearl: How exciting! To see \


Ben: Come on. I'll buy you popcorn and a cola. 看电影

珍珠: 你看!他们今天上映『蓝波第三集』。

班 : 是啊。你看看这些人潮。你想我们买得到票吗? 珍珠: 不知道。要是买不到,我们可以向黄牛买. 班 : 办不到。我宁可到别家电影院。

珍珠: 别这样嘛!我们都已经来了。何况我想看这部电影。 班 : 好吧!我看看下一场是几点开始。

珍珠: 七点半。只剩下十分钟了,可是队伍还有那么长。 班 : 要不要碰碰运气?

珍珠: 好啊,咱们就碰碰运气吧。(他们排队) 班 : 移动得好慢哦。

珍珠: 队伍这么长你还能指望怎么样?希望没有人会插队。 班 : 没有人敢这么做的。

珍珠: 但愿如此。…我们快接近了……。还有两个……。还有一个……。该我们了。 班 : 请给我两张票。

售票员:第一排可以吗?其他座位都卖完了。 班 : 没关系。(售票员给他两张票。) 珍珠: 真刺激! 坐第一排看『蓝波』。 班 : 走吧。我买爆米花和可乐给你。 42. A Football Game:

Martin: The game will soon begin.

Belinda: I can't wait to watch the game. This is the first time I've ever been to a soccer game at a

stadium. I always watch them on TV at home.

Martin: This is not a soccer game. It's football. American football. Belinda: You mean it's a rugby game?

Martin: No, no, no. You've got them all wrong.... The game is on. Look! They use an elliptic ball in an

American football match. They can also pass the ball with their hands.

Belinda: I see. Soccer uses a round ball and the players can't touch the hall with their hands. Is that


Martin: You're smarter than I thought. Now watch the game. Belinda: Oh, that is violent!

Martin: What are you talking about? It's exciting.

Belinda: Listen, Martin. I can't stand this. I don't like American football at all. I came here only because I

thought this was going to be a soccer game.

Martin: Don't be silly, Belinda. You'll love it. It's just begun. Belinda: Please. I want to go home.

Martin: All right, all right. This is crazy. What will my friends say about this?... Belinda: You can stay if you want. I can go home by myself. 美式足球比赛

马丁 : 球赛快开始了。

贝琳达: 我等不及看这场球赛了。这是我第一次在球场看足球赛。以前我都是在家看电视。 马丁 : 这不是足球赛。是美式足球。 贝琳达: 你是说橄榄球赛?

马丁 : 不对,不对。你把它们全搞错了。……球赛开始了。你瞧!在美式足球赛里他们用的是隔圆形的球。


贝琳达: 我懂了。足球用的是圆形的球,而且球员不可以用手触球。对吗? 马丁 : 你比我想象中还聪明。现在看球赛吧。 贝琳达: 哦,好粗鲁哦!

马丁 : 你在说什么呀?那是精彩刺激。

贝琳达: 你听我说,马丁。我没办法看这场球赛。我一点也不喜欢美式足球。我来看是因为我以为这是场



马丁 : 别傻了,贝琳达。你会爱上它的。球赛才开始呢。 贝琳达: 拜托。我要回家。

马丁 : 好,好,好。这真是疯狂。我的朋友们要是知道了会怎么说我? 贝琳达: 你想看的话可以留下来看。我自己会回去。 43. A Baseball Game:

Anthony : Sorry I'm late. How is it going?

Allan : Sit down. I saved a seat for you. You've missed the most exciting part. Anthony : Really? What's the score now? Allan : 7 to 5.

Anthony : Who has 7?

Allan : The Japanese team. Anthony : Which inning is it?

Allan : The top of the fifth inning. The Japanese team hit a home run in the bottom of the third inning

and got three runs.

Anthony : So we're losing the game?

Allan : It's still hard to say. The two teams are evenly matched. This is a close game. Anthony : Look! The batter hit a fly ball.... Oh, it's a foul ball. Allan : He's got two strikes now. Anthony : No balls?

Allan : No balls, and already two players out. I don't think we'll get any runs in this inning. No runners

are on base.

Anthony : Look, he hit a single.

Allan : That was a nice hit. The ball slipped from the first baseman's glove. It should be the first

baseman's error instead of the batter's base hit.

Anthony : I brought some beer with me. You want one? Allan : Yeah, thanks.... Here comes my favorite player. 棒球比赛

安东尼 : 对不起我来晚了。球赛如何了?

亚伦 : 坐下来,我帮你留了个位子,你错过了最精彩的部分。 安东尼 : 真的吗?现在的比数多少? 亚伦 : 七比五。 安东尼 : 谁七分? 亚伦 : 日本队。

安东尼 : 现在是第几局了?

亚伦 : 第五局上半局。日本队在第三局下半局时,击出了一支全垒打,得到三分。 安东尼 : 这么说我们输了?

亚伦 : 还很难说,两队旗逢对手,这是场势均力敌的球赛。

安东尼 : 你看! 打击者击出了一支高飞球……。噢!是个界外球。 亚伦 : 他已经打了两个好球了。 安东尼 : 没有坏球?

亚伦 : 没有坏球,而且已经两人出局。我想这局我们是不会得分了。没有跑者在垒。 安东尼 : 你看,他击出了一支一垒安打。

亚伦 : 打得好。球从一垒手的手套滑了下来。这个球应该算是一垒手的失误,而不算是打击者的安打。 安东尼 : 我带了啤酒来。要不要来一罐?

亚伦 : 好啊,谢了。……我最喜欢的球员上场了……。 44. A Basketball Game:

Jane: Come quick, Andrew! It's your favorite basketball match. The Detroit Pistons vs. the Los Angeles



Andrew: Great! How long has it been going?

Jane: About five minutes. The score is 12 to 12 now.

Andrew: Oh, look! He has a good chance to shoot. Come on! What a nice shot! Jane: You're always so exciting while you're watching basketball games. Andrew: This is a great match! Jane: Shall I get you a beer?

Andrew: Sure. Thanks! Great! Oh., wonderful! A nice tip-in shot! Look! Jane! Look! Jane: Here is your beer.

Andrew: It's a foul play. What is the referee doing? He didn't see it. Jane: Calm down!

Andrew: Look at the slow motion! What a perfect slam and dunk! Magic Johnson is so great! Jane: You bet he is.

Andrew: Oh, he deserves a penalty shot. He could have scored if he wasn't pushed. Jane: Oh, it's a beautiful bank shot.

Andrew: You know more and more about basketball, Jane. You even know what a bank shot is.

Jane: I can't help it. You watch nothing but basketball games, and this is the only television in this house. 篮球比赛

珍 : 快来呀! 安卓! 是你最喜欢的篮球比赛。底特律活塞队对洛杉矶湖人队。 安卓 : 太棒了!开始多久了?

珍 : 大概五分钟吧。现在比分是十二比十二。

安卓 : 哦,你看!他有投篮的好机会。快呀!投得真好! 珍 : 每次看篮球你都这么兴奋。 安卓 : 这是场精彩的球赛! 珍 : 要不要我帮你拿罐啤酒?

安卓 : 好。谢了!太棒了! 哦,棒极了!一个漂亮的投篮入筐,看! 珍!你看! 珍 : 你的啤酒来了!

安卓 : 犯规!裁判在做什么?他没看到。 珍 : 冷静一点!

安卓 : 你看慢动作!多完美的灌篮。摩术强生真了不起! 珍 : 可不是吗,

安卓 : 哦,他应该罚球的。要不是被推了一把,他一定会得分的。 珍 : 哦,一个漂亮的擦板得分。

安卓 : 你对篮球愈来愈懂了,珍。现在你甚至知道什么叫擦板球。

珍 : 没办法。你除了看篮球比赛之外,还是看篮球比赛,而这又是这屋子里唯一的一台电视机。 45. Morning Jogging:

Husband: Wake up, darling.

Wife: What for? It's only 5 o'clock in the morning. Husband: You forgot? We're going to jog.

Wife: This early? I haven't had enough sleep.

Husband: Get out of bed! It's our agreement. Don't break it on the first day. Wife: All right! Let me take a shower.

Husband: No, you can take a shower after we come back. Now get up and get dressed. Wife: What shall I wear?

Husband: Sportswear and jogging shoes! Wife: I don't have jogging shoes.

Husband: Yes, you have. We bought them yesterday.

Wife: We did?....Oh, look! It's spotting with rain outside. We can't go jogging this morning. Husband: It isn't raining outside and we are going to jog this morning. Come on! Get dressed. Wife: But ....

Husband: No buts. It'll be good for your health, and keep you in shape as well. Wife: All right. But you have to understand that I'm doing it for your sake.


Husband: No, it's for your own sake.

Wife: I'm ready....It's dark and chilly outside.

Husband: Let's warm up before we go. Ready? Do as I do. One, two, one, two .... 晨跑

丈夫 : 起床啦,亲爱的。

妻子 : 做什么?现在了凌晨五点。 丈夫 : 你忘了吗?我们要去晨跑。 妻子 : 这么早? 我睡眠不够。

丈夫 : 起床!我们说好了的。别在第一天就不遵守。 妻子 : 好!我先冲个凉。

丈夫 : 不行,回来以后你再冲凉。现在起床穿衣服。 妻子 : 我要穿什么?

丈夫 : 运动服和慢跑鞋。 妻子 : 我没有慢跑鞋。

丈夫 : 你有,我们昨天买的·

妻子 : 是吗?……哦,你看外面在下毛毛雨了,我们今天早上没办法去慢跑了。 丈夫 : 外面没有在下雨,我们要去慢跑。快!穿衣服。 妻子 : 可是……。

丈夫 :别可是了。慢跑对你的健康有益,还可以保持你的身材。 妻子 : 好。可是你要明白,我这么做都是为了你。 丈夫 : 不,是为了你自己。

妻子 : 我准备好了……。外面又黑又冷。

丈夫 : 我们先暖暖身再出门。好了吗?我做什么你就跟我做。:一,二,一,二…。 46. A Wedding:

Sophia: It is a grand wedding, isn't it?

Peter: It sure is. I am happy to see Jack and Daisy get married. Sophia: So am I. They've been in love for ten years.

Peter: That's not what I mean. I'm glad Daisy is the bride and you are the bridemaid. Sophia: Don't talk nonsense.

Peter: I'm serious. There were times when I thought you would marry Jack.

Sophia: This isn't the right time to discuss this. Here come the bride and the groom. Daisy: Sophia! So you're here with Peter. I've been looking all over for you. Peter: Congratulations, Jack.

Jack: Thank you. Did you enjoy yourself?

Peter: Yes, a nice wedding party. Have you opened the gift I gave you?

Daisy: Yes, thank you so very much. Las Vegas is a nice place for honeymoon. Sophia: What did he give you as a wedding gift?

Daisy: Two plane tickets to Las Vegas. I want to thank you as well, Sophia. I love the watches. They are

just what we need.

Sophia:I'm glad you like them…It's late. I think I'll go home now. Peter: I'm leaving too. I can give you a ride.

>Daisy: I'm glad you came, Peter. I'll call you when Jack and I come back from our honeymoon, Daisy. Jack: Thank you for coming. 婚礼

苏菲亚: 好盛大的婚礼,不是吗?

彼得 : 是啊。真高兴看到杰克和黛西结婚。 苏菲亚: 我也是。他们已经恋爱十年了。

彼得 : 我不是这个意思。我很高兴黛西是新娘,而你是伴娘。 苏菲亚: 别胡说。

彼得 : 我是说真的。以前有段时间我以为你会嫁给杰克。 苏菲亚: 现在不是谈这种事的时候。新娘和新郎来了。


伊莲:他们回来了!快! 苏珊:开灯!

吉伯生太太:这儿怎么这么黑?我以为孩子们会在家。麻烦你们开个灯。 吉伯生先生:他们有跟你说过今晚要出去吗? 吉伯生太太:没有。(吉伯生先生开灯。) 孩子们:结婚三年周年纪念日快乐!

吉伯生太太:哦,这太可爱了!你们那儿弄来这些玫瑰的?一定花了你们两个一大笔钱。 吉伯生先生:且慢。今天几号? 伊莲:今天是十月二日,爸。

吉伯生先生:是吗?哦,对不起,珍娜。我忘了。 苏珊:那真是不可原谅哪,爸。


伊莲:你说谎。妈。你骗人。我那天听到你和卡本特太太的谈话。 吉伯生太太:你这个淘气的女孩。

伊莲:快嘛,妈。你帮爸买了什么?给我们看吧。 吉伯生太太:好。这是给你的,亚当。 苏珊:哦,一条金怀表。好漂亮。

吉伯生先生:我也有东西要给你。…….打开它。你不会真以为我忘了这个值得怀念的日子吧? 吉伯生太太:我就知道你绝不会忘记的。好可爱的珍珠项链。谢谢你,亚当。 54. Out of Work:

Scott: Hi, Henry, What's new?

Henry: Where have you been? I've been trying to get in touch with you for two days. Scott : I went to Salt Lake City on business. What's up? Henry: I got fired.

Scott: How come? Last time I saw you, you told me it was a good job and you would like to take it as a

career. That was only one month ago. Why this sudden change?

Henry : It's a long story. In a word, I didn't do a good job of it.I messed up a business deal, a deal that

would make ten million dollars and I messed it up.

Scott : What are you going to do now?

Henry : I'm trying to find a job as soon as possible. Nancy doesn't know yet. I didn't tell her. I spent the

past three days at the coffee shop next to your office She thought I went to work as usual.

Scott : That's not the way to solve the problem. Did you look in the classified advertisements column? Henry: Yes, I did, but I wasn't qualified to most of the jobs that I was interested in. Scott : Listen. I'll see what I can do, OK? You go home and tell Nancy about this problem you have now.

She is your wife, and I'm sure she'll understand.

Henry: I just don't know how to bring it up.... Well, all right. She has the right to know anyways. 失业

史考特:嗨,亨利。有什么新鲜事儿吗? 亨利:你跑到那里去了?我找了你两天啦。 史考特:我到盐湖城出差了。什么事? 亨利:我被开除了。



亨利:说来话长。总的一句话,我没把工作做好。我搞砸了一笔生意,一笔一千万元的生意,而我搞砸了。 史考特:那你现在打算怎么办?








亨利:我就是不知道该怎么跟她提这件事。……好吧。她终究是有权利知道的。 55. Mother's Day:

Brother: Hi, Angela. What are you doing? Sister:Trying to figure out how to bake a cake.

Brother: Forget it, Angela. You can't even make a sandwich. Sister: Keep your mouth shut.

Brother: What do you want to bake a cake for anyway? Are we having any visitors today? Sister: No. It's for tomorrow.

Brother: Tomorrow? You can ask Mom to give you a hand. Sister: Tomorrow is Mother's Day.

Brother: That's why you want to bake a cake, eh? Tell you what, why don't you just buy a card or a dozen


Sister: Will you lend me twenty bucks? Brother: Say it again.

Sister: You heard what I said.

Brother: You have your own pocket money.

Sister: What a stingy man you are. What gift did you buy for Mom? Brother: It's a secret.

Sister: I knew you wouldn't let me know. Who cares?

Brother: If you don't have enough money to buy a gift, why don't you just clean up the house? Mother will

be pleased. She'll have an easy day tomorrow.

Sister: Sounds like a good idea. But how about cooking? Brother: Don't worry. Leave it to me. 母亲节

哥哥:嗨,安琪拉。你在做什么? 妹妹:我正在设法搞懂怎么烤蛋糕。

哥哥:算了吧,安琪拉。你连三明治都不会做。 妹妹:闭上你的嘴。

哥哥:你烤蛋糕要做什么?今天有客人要来吗? 妹妹:没有。是明天要用的。 哥哥:明天?你可以请妈帮忙啊。 妹妹:明天是母亲节。

哥哥:所以你要烤蛋糕?我跟你说,你为什么不干脆买张卡片还是一打康乃馨呢? 妹妹:借我二十块好不好? 哥哥:再说一次。

妹妹:你听到我说什么了。 哥哥:你有你自己的零用钱。

妹妹:你真是个小气鬼。你买了什么礼物给妈? 哥哥:这是秘密。


哥哥:如果你不够钱买礼物,你何不把家里打扫干净?妈会很高兴的。明天她就会很轻松啦。 妹妹:听起来是个好主意。但是煮饭怎么办? 哥哥:放心。我会处理的。 56. At a Nursery School:

Mr. Rich: Excuse me. My wife and I would like to look around this place, if possible. Who should we talk


Mrs. Newman: I'm the principal here. They call me Mrs. Newman.

Mr. Rich: How do you do? Mrs. Newman. Paul Rich. This is my wife.

Mrs. Newman: How do you do, Mr. Rich...and Mrs. Rich I'11 be very glad to show you around. This way,


please. As you can see, this is the playground.

Mrs. Rich: What a beautiful garden.

Mrs. Newman: I personally don't think it's a good idea to keep a child, no matter what age, indoors all day

long. Letting the children get close to nature is the best way to take care of them and satisfy their curiosity.

Mr. Rich: I agree with that, but safety is important as well.

Mrs. Newman: That you don't have to worry about. Besides the teachers, we have two assistants in each

class to keep an eye on the children....This is a bedroom. We insist on a one-hour nap after lunch.

Mrs. Rich: It looks very clean, neat, and comfortable. Mrs. Newman: It sure is. How old is your child, by the way?

Mrs. Rich: He is only two years and eight months old. My husband and I both need to work, and we

need somebody to take care of him.

Mrs. Newman: As for children at his age, we have a babysitter to take care of two at one time. In that way,

they can both be well looked after and have playmates You can send him here every morning before you go to work and pick him up after work.

Mr. Rich: Could you show us some more? Mrs. Newman: No problem..... 在托儿所

瑞奇先生:对不起。如果可能的话,我太太和我想参观一下这儿。我们该和谁谈? 纽曼太太:我是这儿的院长。他们都叫我纽曼太太。 瑞奇先生:你好,纽曼太太。我是保罗·瑞奇。这是我太太。

纽曼太太:你好,瑞奇先生……瑞奇太太。我很乐意带你四处看看。请这边走。你看到的,这是操场。 瑞奇太太:好漂亮的花园。






瑞奇太太:看来非常干净、整齐,而且舒适。 纽曼太太:没错。对了,你们的小孩多大?




瑞奇先生:你能否带我们看看其他地方? 纽曼太太:没问题。 57. A Fight:

Eva: How many times shall I tell you? Put ashes in the ashtray, not in a glass. Clark: sorry.

Eva: And the newspapers. Look! You scatter them everywhere. Clark: I'm sorry.

Eva: How much longer do you plan to watch TV? Don't you have anything else to do? Clark: Will you stop nagging?

Eva: What?.. You know what you are? You are a lazy bone. You're a born loser. If you'd ever listened to

me, we wouldn't be living in this rotten place. You....

Clark: That's enough. Don't go too far. I don't want to have words with you. Eva: That's because you're a coward.

Clack: Shut up, Eva! Why do you have to be like this? Don't annoy me.

Eva: you can't be annoyed. You don't have the guts. Do you know how much Melody's husband makes?

Thirty thousand a year! How much do you make?

Clark: That's because you spend too much, you want too much, and you nag too much. You'll be much


more better off if you're content with the life you have now.

Eva: How can you say that to me? I'm not the one to be blamed. You are. Clark: You're unreasonable.... Where are you going? Eva: Out! I'll spend the night at Melody's place. Clark:But how about dinner ? Eva: That's not my business. 吵架

伊娃:你要我跟你说多少次?烟灰弹在烟灰缸里,不要弹在玻璃杯里。 克拉克:对不起。

伊娃:还有报纸。你看!你把报纸到处乱放。 克拉克:对不起。

伊娃:你打算看多久的电视?你没有别的事可以做吗? 克拉克:别唠叨了好不好?



克拉克:够了。别太过分。我不想和吵架。 伊娃:那是因为你懦弱。



克拉克:那是因为你花太多钱、需要太多东西、唠叨太多。要是你能满足你现有的生活,你会好过得多。 伊娃:你怎么可以那样说我?我不是该受责备的人。你才是。 克拉克:你真是不可理喻。……你上那儿去? 伊娃:出去!我要在美乐蒂家过夜。 克拉克:那晚饭怎么办? 伊娃:不关我的事。

58. Applying for a Job:

Birna : I heard that you have a vacant position for a secretary I've come to apply for the job. Receptionist : Please wait here for a second. Brina: OK.

Mr. Graham : Who is the next applicant? Receptionist: Miss, it's your turn. Brina:I am.

Mr. Graham: Come this way, Please. Do you have your resume with you? Brina:Yes,here it is.

Mr. Graham: Sit down, Miss Faulkner.... You're presently working at Creative Advertising Company? Brina : Yes, as a sales representative.

Mr.Graham : What makes you want to quit the job?

Brina : Frankly, it is an interesting job, but I'm not suitable for it. Too much tension and pressure. Mr.Graham: Is it hard work?

Brina: I don't mind hard work and working overtime. It's the atmosphere that drives me crazy.

Mr.Graham: It'll be tough work to be a secretary here, you must understand that. The boss is very

touchy and hard to get along with. Have you been a secretary before?

Brina: Yes, I have. I was a pretty good secretary. I know how to handle a bad-tempered boss. I'm sure I'll

be a competent secretary if you take me on your staff.

Mr. Graham: Thank you for coming, Miss Faulkner. I'll let you know as soon as we've made a decision. 应征工作

克娜:听说你们有个秘书的空缺。我是来应征的。 接待员:请在这儿稍候。 克娜:好的。

格姆先生:下一个应征者是谁? 接待员:小姐,该你了。



格姆先生:请这边走。有没有带履历表来? 克娜:有,在这儿。

格姆先生:请坐,福克纳小姐。………你目前在创作广告公司上班? 克娜:是的,当业务代表。


克娜:坦白说,那是份很有趣的工作,但是我不适合。太紧张,压力太大了。 格姆先生:辛苦吗?






格姆先生:谢谢你来,福克纳小姐。我们一有决定,我就会通知你。 59. An Open-Air Coffee Shop:

Ivy: This is romantic. How did you find this place?

Ted: I came here frequently when I was in college. This is a nice place to relax and to chat with friends. Ivy: It's hard to find a quiet place like this downtown. Ted: The service here is good, too. Ivy: And it's cheap.

Ted: Well. Not so cheap, but not too expensive either. Ivy: They even have a band. What do they perform?

Ted: All kinds of music. Jazz, Rock & Roll, and anything you can think of during the night, they usually

have a violinist.

Ivy: I can almost hear the violin. Soft and sweet. Ted: When the sky is clear, you can see the moon shining and the stars twinkling. If you close your eyes,

you can feel the breeze blowing gently. It's really an enjoyment.

Ivy: Can we stay here till evening?

Ted: Some other time, Ivy. My parents want to meet you this afternoon.

Ivy: Ted! Why didn't you tell me on the phone? I can't meet them like this I didn't wear any makeup and

this dress is too casual. Above all, I'm not prepared to meet them.

Ted: You look just as lovely as usual. Don't worry. I like the way you are. They'll like you, too. Ivy: But.... well, I hope they won't think I'm sloppy.

Ted: They won't. Waiter! The bill, please....Let's go. They're waiting at home. 露天咖啡厅


泰德:我在大学时常来这儿。这是休闲以及和朋友聊天的好地方。 艾薇:在市区很难找到像这儿这么安静的场所。 泰德:这儿的服务也很好。 艾薇:也很便宜。



泰德:所有音乐。爵士、摇滚,以及任何你想得到的音乐。通常在晚上还会有一个小提琴手。 艾薇:我几乎听到小提琴声了。轻柔而甜美的乐声。










泰德:他们不会的。服务生!请给我账单。……走吧。他们在家里等着呢。 60. At the Hotel Room:

Wife: Darling, we don't have enough towels. There is only one. Husband: Shall I call room service?

Wife: Please do.... Wait a moment. I don't feel like going out for breakfast. Can we ask them to send

breakfast to our room?

Husband: Why not? What would you like for breakfast?

Wife: There is a menu.... I think I'll have a sandwich, a boiled egg, a cup of orange juice, and coffee with


Husband: Do you really want that much? You usually have only a cup of milk for breakfast at home. Wife: Well, it's different. I don't have to fix breakfast here. When you don't have to cook, you enjoy the

meal more.

Husband: That's why I wanted you to have a holiday and brought you on this trip. I want you to forget

everything and have a good time.

Wife: You're the most considerate husband in the world. Husband: And you are the most perfect wife in the world.

Wife: Thank you for the compliment. Oh, can you help me with the hot water? I feel like a shower, but I

don't know how to turn the water on. I've never seen a faucet like that in the bathroom before.

Husband: Right now or after I make the call? Wife: I can wait. You can call room service now. Husband: What number shall I dial? Wife: 9.

Husband: Hello, this is Room 1108. We'd like .... 在旅馆房间

妻子 : 亲爱的,我们的浴巾不够,只有一条。 丈夫 : 要我叫房间服务吗?

妻子 : 是啊。……等等。我不想出去外面吃早餐。我们可不可以叫他们送早餐到房里? 丈夫 : 为什么不呢? 你想吃什么早餐?

妻子 : 这儿有菜单。……我想我要一个三明冶、一个煮蛋、一杯柳橙汁,和一杯加奶精的咖啡。 丈夫: 你真的要那么多吗?在家里通常你只喝一杯牛奶当早餐的。

妻子 : 嗯,不一样啊。在这里我又不用做早餐。当你不用下厨的时候,你会比较能吃得出那顿饭的味道。 丈夫 : 所以我才要你放个假,带你来旅行。我要你忘掉所有的事情,尽情玩乐。 妻子 : 你是世界上最体贴的丈夫。 丈夫 : 而你是世界上最完美的妻子。

妻子 : 谢谢你的恭维。噢,你能不能帮我开个热水?我想冲个澡,但是我不知道水要怎么开。我从来没看


丈夫 : 现在吗?还是等我打完电话?

妻子 : 我可以等。你可以现在打电话叫房间服务。 丈夫 : 我该拨几号? 妻子 : 九。

丈夫 : 喂,这里是1108号房,我们想要…… 61. A Charity Bazaar:

Hank: Hi, Anne. What are you up to? Anne: Designing a uniform.

Hank: I didn't know you are a costume designer. Anne: You never asked. I am a costume designer. Hank: Oh, sorry. What is this for anyway?

Anne: There'll be a charity bazaar for the handicapped the week after next week. They decided that


every participant should wear a uniform.

Hank: Where will it be held? Anne: At the National Park!

Hank: Is there anything I can do to help? Anne: Yes, give me some inspiration.

Hank: I don't have the slightest idea about costumes.

Anne: I can see that. Who would wear a green shirt with orange pants and red socks? Hank: Don't make fun of me. This is fashion. What do you have in that charity bazaar? Anne: Most of them are the products of our company such as T-shirts, short pants, hats, and bags. They

come in different styles, but the patterns are all the same-a big heart.

Hank: Can I join you? I've never done such a thing before.

Anne: You never pay attention to the people around you, not to mention showing concern about this


Hank: Don't say that. I'm eager to be one of you. Let me try.

Anne: I'll have to ask permission from the manager. Call me next Monday evening and I'll let you know. 慈善义卖

汉克: 嘀,安。你在干嘛? 安 : 设计制服。

汉克: 我不知道你原来还是个服装设计师呢。 安 : 你从来没问过呀。我是服装设计师。 汉克: 哦,抱歉,这到底是做什么用的?

安 : 下下星期有个残障人士的慈善义卖。他们决定每个参加的人都应该穿制服。 汉克: 在那里举办? 安 : 国家公园。

汉克: 有没有我帮得上忙的地方? 安 : 有啊,给我一些灵感。

汉克: 我对服装一点儿概念也没有。

安 : 看得出来。谁会穿件绿衬衫配橘红长裤和红袜子?

汉克: 别取笑我。这是流行。……你们那场慈善义卖里卖些什么?

安 : 大部分是我们公司的产品,诸如运动衫,短裤、帽子,和袋子。样式不同,但是图案部是一样的一


汉克: 我可以参加吗?我以前没做过这种事。

安 : 你从不注意在周围的人们,更别提关心这个社会了。

汉克: 别这么说。我热切的想成为你们的一份子。让我试试吧。

安 : 我必须得到经理的同意。下星期一下午打电话给我,我再告诉你。 62. On St. Valentine's Day:

Brenda: Hi, Pouline. What are you doing here? Pouline: What do you mean? This is my room.

Brenda: But I saw Daniel outside the dormitory. Wasn't he waiting for yon? Pouline: Daniel?

Brenda: Yes, with a bunch of roses in his hands. Pouline: Really?

Brenda: Why would I lie to you? Pouline: He didn't come for me.

Brenda: Of course he did. He is your boyfriend.

Pouline: Not any more. I saw him going out with Cindy. We had a fight and broke up.

Brenda: It can't be that bad. Perhaps he's regretful and wants to apologize. Give him a chance. Pouline: Let's not talk about this. I like your earrings. Are they new?

Brenda: Oh, you like them? They're a gift. Tom bought them last night, and a box of chocolate. Pouline: Why? Was it your birthday?

Brenda: No. Today is Valentine's Day! Don't tell me you don't know that.


Pouline: Is it today? What a sad day! I didn't get anything from anybody, not even a card. Brenda: It's mutual. Why don't you take the initiative? This is the twentieth century after all. 情人节

布兰达: 嗨,宝琳。你在这里做什么? 宝琳 : 什么意思? 这是我的房间。

布兰达: 但是我刚看到丹尼尔在宿舍外面。他不是在等你吗? 宝琳 : 丹尼尔?

布兰达: 是啊,手上还捧了一束玫瑰呢。 宝琳 : 真的?

布兰达: 我骗你做什么? 宝琳 : 他不是来找我的。

布兰达: 他当然是来找你的。他是你的男朋友啊。

宝琳 : 再也不是了。我看到他和辛蒂在一起。我们吵了一架,分手了。 布兰达 : 没那么严重吧。也许他后悔了,想来道歉。给他一个机会嘛。 宝琳 : 别谈这件事。我喜欢你的耳环。新买的吗?

布兰达: 哦,你喜欢吗?这是汤姆昨晚买来送我的礼物,还有一盒巧克力。 宝琳 : 为什么?昨天是你的生日吗?

布兰达: 不是的。今天是情人节。可别告诉我你不知道今天是什么日子 宝琳 : 是今天吗?多悲哀的一天哪!我什么也没收到,连张卡片也没有。 布兰达: 这是双方面的事。你为什么不采取主动呢?毕竟这是二十世纪呀。 63. At the Bar:

Barman:Good evening, Mr. Anderson. What would you like tonight? Mr. Anderson: I'll have a double whiskey on the rocks. Barman: Right away, Mr. Anderson. Mr. Anderson: Anything new?

Barman: Not much. As you can see, this place is full of drunk rowdies as usual. Luckily, no trouble up to


Mr. Anderson:Who is that guy over there?

Barman: You mean the one in grey suit? He is a reporter for a small magazine. I can't remember the

name of the magazine. He's come here frequently in the past two weeks.

Mr. Anderson: Have you seen Irving lately?

Barman: No, he hasn't been here for a month. I got word that he had an accident and broke his arms.

Do you know his wife?

Mr. Anderson:No. Why?

Barman: She ran away with a truck driver. What a scandal! Mr. Anderson: Poor Irving....Give me another whiskey. Barman: Here it is. It's on the house.

Mr. Anderson: You don't have to do this, Sam. Every time I come here, you buy me drinks. Barman: That's all right. I like you. Did I ever tell you about my sister Sally ? Mr. Anderson:No. What about her?

Barman: She's coming to New York. I can't read much but she's a graduate student. I'm so proud of her.

She's ...


酒保:你好,安德生先生。今晚想喝什么? 安德生先生:双份加冰的威土忌。 酒保:马上好,安德生先生。 安德生先生 : 有什么新鲜事儿?



安德生先生 : 那边的那个家伙是谁?

酒保 : 你指穿灰西装的那个人吗?他是一家小杂志的记者。我记不得杂志的名称。这两星期来,他常常过



安德生先生 : 最近有没有看到欧文?

酒保 : 没有,他一个月没来了。听说他出了意外,手臂断了。你认识他太太吗? 安德生先生 : 不认识。干嘛?

酒保 : 她跟一个卡车司机跑了。真是丑闻一件!

安德生先生 : 可怜的欧文。……再给我一杯威士忌。 酒保 : 来了。本店请客。

安德生先生 : 你大可不必这样,山姆。每次我来,你都请我喝酒。 酒保 :没关系。我喜欢你。我有没有跟你提过我妹妹莎莉的事? 安德生先生 : 没有。她怎么样?

酒保 : 她要来纽约了。我没认识多少字,但她可是个研究生。 我好以她为荣。她…… 64. Taking Pictures:

George: Stand back a little....Move left. One more step....That's right. Ready? One, two, three, smile!

This one is great.

Julie: I don't want to take any more. It takes at least ten minutes for you to take one picture.

George: Come on, Julie. I want these pictures to come out good. You wouldn't understand. You don't

know anything about photography.

Julie: That's right, but I do know lots of photographers. They can definitely take more than one picture in

ten minutes.

George: Take it easy, Julie. Why don't we take a break? I'll buy you.....an ice cream, OK? Julie: OK. I want chocolate ice cream, double.

George: You get it! Wait here. I'll be right back.(After a few minutes )Here is your ice cream. Julie: Thank you.

George: After you finish the ice cream, we'll go on. There are only three more to go. Julie: All right. When these pictures are developed, will you give some to me?

George: Certainly. You can pick out the one you like best, and I'll make an enlargement of it. Julie: That's very nice of you. Thanks. George: Are you ready? Shall we start? Julie: Sure. 拍照

乔治: 退后一点。……向左栘。再一步。……好。准备好了吗?一、二、三,笑!这张太好了。 茱莉: 我不拍了。你拍一张照至少要花十分钟。

乔治: 别这样,茱莉。我希望这些照片照得好看啊。你不会懂的,你对摄影一无所知。 茱莉: 没错,但是我却认识许多的摄影师。在十分钟之内,他们铁定能拍不止一张照片。 乔治: 别发火,茱莉。休息一下好吗?我买……冰淇琳给你吃,好吗? 茱莉: 好,我要巧克力冰淇琳,双份的。 乔治: 没问题!你在这儿等。我马上回来。(几分钟后。)你的冰淇淋来了。 茱莉: 谢谢。

乔治: 等你吃完冰淇琳,我们再继续。只剩三张了。 茱莉: 好。照片洗好以后,你会不会送我几张? 乔治: 当然。你挑张最喜欢的,我把它放大。 茱莉: 你真好,谢谢。

乔治: 你准备好了没?我们可以开始了吗? 茱莉: 可以了。


瑞德纳小姐 : 好的。我相信您一定看过由稻草人广告公司设计的电视广告和大型广告看板,如果我们能


寇柏先生 : 我对目前为我们设计广告的公司很满意。

瑞德纳小姐 : 请别为了拒绝而拒绝。这儿有一些我们的设计样本。如果您乐意的话,请过目。 寇柏先生 : 好吧。……的确是很不错,但是……

瑞德纳小姐 : 我们的酬金相当合理。况且没有契约的束缚。如果您对我们不满意,我们还会把酬金退还



寇柏先生 : 我想试试看是真没有害处的。把你的名片留下来吧,下一批产品准备好可以上市时,我会打

电话给你。 65. A Business Call

Miss Redner : Hello, Mr. Cooper. I'm Lina Redner, sales representative for Scarecrow Advertising


Mr. Cooper : I don't think we have an appointment.

Miss Redner : No, we don't. You'll have to excuse me for this. Mr. Cooper : Since you are already here, what can I do for you?

Miss Redner : Well, as far as I know, your company was founded three years ago and your business

has been good for the past two years.

Mr. Cooper : I'm quite busy, Miss Redner. If you don't mind, just get straight to the point.

Miss Redner : OK. I believe that you must have seen a lot of S.A.C. designed TV commercials and

billboards, and if we cooperate, it'll certainly make your pro-ducts better known and sold. What do you think?

Mr. Cooper : I'm quite satisfied with the company that designs our advertisements at present.

Miss Redner : Don't say no for no's sake, please. Here are some samples of our designs. Have a look,

if you please.

Mr. Cooper : All right! They're pretty good indeed, but ....

Miss Redner : The payment we ask for is very reasonable. Besides, you won't have the bondage of a

contract. If you're not satisfied with us, we'll refund the money. But, of course, such a thing has never happened. We'll redo the commercial or billboard over and over again until you're satisfied.

Mr. Cooper : There's no harm in giving it a try, I think. Leave your card. I'll call you when the next new

product is ready to go on the market.


瑞德纳小姐 : 你好,寇柏先生。我是丽娜·瑞德纳,稻草人广告公司的业务代表。 寇柏先生 : 我们没有先约好吧。

瑞德纳小姐 : 没有。这点还请您原谅。

寇柏先生 : 既然你已经来了,不知有何贵干?

瑞德纳小姐 : 呃,就我所知,贵公司于三年前创立,而过去两年来,您的生意一直很好。 寇柏先生 : 我很忙,瑞德纳小姐,如果你不介意的话,就有话直说吧。

瑞德纳小姐 : 好的。我相信您一定看过由稻草人广告公司设计的电视广告和大型广告看板,如果我们能


寇柏先生 : 我对目前为我们设计广告的公司很满意。

瑞德纳小姐 : 请别为了拒绝而拒绝。这儿有一些我们的设计样本。如果您乐意的话,请过目。 寇柏先生 : 好吧。……的确是很不错,但是……

瑞德纳小姐 : 我们的酬金相当合理。况且没有契约的束缚。如果您对我们不满意,我们还会把酬金退还


寇柏先生 : 我想试试看是真没有害处的。把你的名片留下来吧,下一批产品准备好可以上市时,我会打



1 . refund n. 退钱

2. on the market 推出销售 66. A Health Checkup:

Wife: Do you have time now? There is something I want to tell you.

