剑桥商务英语授课教案Unit 3

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Unit 3 Exam focus: Vocabulary I. Teaching Objectives:

i. To provide Ss with useful strategies for coping with unknown vocabulary ii. To present useful ways of organising and storing new vocabulary II. Materials needed: None III. Teaching Process: i.Unit overview

·Vocabulary in the examination

Warmer: To writes up the words vocabulary and grammar to introduce the

topic. T ensures Ss understand why vocabualry is an Exam focus unit.

·Understanding words: Ss identity types of words then label the types of

words gapped in sentences and complete the gaps.

Ss guess the meaning of potentially unfamiliar

words through the use of context.

·Stroing new vocabulary: Ss discuss the addvantages and disadvantages of

five ways of physically recording vocabulary. Ss then look at examples of five ways of organising vocabulary and discuss which they use and how they are useful. Ss then assign groups of words to the most approproate means of atorage.

·Vocabulary cards: Ss look at an example of a vocabulary storage cards and

complete cards in a similar way. Ss work I pairs and ·discuss which types of information they would choose to store on cards.

·Buildig your vocabulary: Ss focus on word families and notes ways of

changing from through suffixes, prefixes etc. They then build up words and write example sentences.

ii.Detailed study of this unit Step1 Vocabulary

Ex1. Ss work in pairs to identify the types of words. Ss then identify which type of words can fill the gaps and complete the sentences.

Ex2. T makes up some sentences using nonsense words to make the point about information around the unknown word indicating its meaning. Help Ss guess the meaning of the words in italics from the information in the rest of the sentence.



Step 2 Storing new vocabulary

Ex1. Ss work in pairs as they discuss the advantages and disadvantages of the five ways of physically storing vocabulary. T encourages Ss to report any other ways they know and which they can recommend to other Ss.

Ex2. This exercise is to introduce five basic strategies for organising and recording vocabualry. They are diagrams, tables, keywords, scales and word fields. Ex3. Ss work in pairs and decide how best to store the groups of words. Step3 Vocabulary cards

Ex1. Ss look at an example of a vocabulary storage cards and complete cards in a similar way. Ss work I pairs and discuss which types of information they would choose to store on cards.

Step4 Building your vocabulary

Ex1. T directs Ss to look at some common ways of changing the forms of words and double check in the dictionaries.

Ex2. Ss work in pairs and brainstorm as many different forms of the words as possible.


