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Part I


Part II

6. Honolulu. 7. Palm trees and hula dancing. 8. In June or July. 9. An umbrella. 10.

Because they don’t want the rain to keep visitors away.

Part III

11. history 12. major 13. 1993 puter 15. reserve

Part IV

16. rewarding 17. open doors 18. cultures 19. similarities 20. a great deal

Part V

21—25 CDADD 26—30 BBADC

Part VI

31. spends 32. with 33. afternoons 34. both 35. volunteers 36. on 37. build

38. hours 39. well 40. average

Part VII

Text A.

41—45 TTFFT

Text B.

46. because 47. lend 48. next / following 49. using 50. clubs

Text C.

51. It means a mistake in which you forget something or do not notice something.

52. thecoursebooks do not deal with speaking by breaking it down into micro-skills work.

53. Yes, it is.

54. 本文认为直接的讲授策略可用来帮助学习者发展口语技能,特别是能帮助他们了解互动模式。

55. 学生在双向沟通方面的成功不仅取决于输出的内容,也取决于他们参与到会话交流中的有效程度。

Part VIII. Omitted.


A. 隐性素质制约的技能:判断正误

1—5 √ √ × √ √ 6—10 √ × √ × × 11—15 √ × × √ × 16—20 √ √ × × × 21—25 √ √ × √ × 26—30 √ × √ √ ×


1—5 AACCC 6—10 BBCBA 11—15 BABBB

16—20 CCACA 21—25 CCACA

26. 课程和教学改革,创新教育观念、教学内容、教学方法

27. 计划、行动、观察、反思

28. 学习能力、实践能力、创新能力

29. 在什么时间、地点、如何对谁说什么话

30. 感性经验认识阶段和理性思考认识阶段

31. 关爱学生,严谨笃学、淡泊名利,自尊自律,以人格魅力和学识魅力教育感染学生

32. 语言、数学-逻辑、空间、身体运动、音乐、人际、自我认知、自然认知智能

33. 语言习得机制,或LAD

34. 稳步推进

35. 语言知识,运用语言



The 5th National Teaching Skills Contest for English Majors of

Normal Universities (Band 2)

Listening Section

Part I. (5 points)

In this part, you will hear five short conversations. At the end of each conversation, a question will be asked. Choose the best answer to each question, and then transfer your

answer to the answer sheet. Both the conversation and the question will be read ONLY ONCE.

1. W: This yellow T-shirt is twenty dollars. The blue one is sixteen dollars.

M: I like the blue one best. I’ll take it.

Q: How much is the blue T-shirt?

2. M: Have you taken your temperature?

W: Yes, I have. But I haven’t got a fever.

Q: What’s the probable relationship between the man and the woman?

3. W: How do you spell your name and your number please?

M: T-O-double M-Y. My phone number is 6-5-double 8-5-4-6.

Q: What is the man’s phone number?

4. M: It’s a quarter to eleven. It’ll take twenty minutes to get to the railway station by bus. W: Oh, my train will leave at ten past eleven. There are only twenty-five minutes left. I must

hurry up.

Q: How will the woman manage to reach the station?

5. W: Hmm... Let me see. Oh yes, I like this!

M: Can I help you at all? Lovely skirts, aren’t they? They just came in our shop this week. Would you like to try one on?

Q: What does the woman want to buy?

Part II. (5 points)

In this part, you will hear a conversation. Listen to the conversation carefully and answer the following questions briefly, and then transfer your answers to the answer sheet. The conversation will be read ONLY ONCE.

M: Have you just come from Hawaii? Those are beautiful flowers!

W: Thank you! Yes, I’ve just arrived from Honolulu.

M: Honolulu! That’s exciting! Palm trees, and hula dancing... I bet the weather is nice there now. W: Yes, it’s beautiful right now. It’s always nice and hot in June and July. And it’s the best time to visit now.

M: So I hear. And it never rains, does it?

W: You’d be surprised! In fact, it rains quite a lot from November to February. So if you go there during the winter, you should take an umbrella. I think the hotels keep silence about the rain. They want to keep it a secret!

Part III. (5 points)

In this part, you will hear a speech. Fill in the blanks with the exact words or phrases you hear in the speech, and then transfer your answers to the answer sheet. The speech will be read ONLY ONCE.

The student had to do a research paper for history. There was a major book that he needed. He tried the card catalog in the library but it was not there. Then he was told by the librarian that all acquisitions since 1993 were in the computer, and the book he needed was just published in 1998. All he had to do was to type in the title or the author’s name, and the computer would tell him whether the book was out or not. And it would also tell him if the book was on the shelf, in the reserve room or at the bindery.

Part IV. (5 points)

In this part, you will hear a speech. Complete the speech with the exact words or phrases you hear, and then transfer your answers to the answer sheet. The speech will be read ONLY ONCE.

Learning to communicate in another language may be very difficult and frustrating at times, but it can also be one of the most rewarding experiences of your life. Being able to

communicate in another language will open doors for you to experience a world of new people, places, and ideas. It will offer you a look at cultures from every part of the earth. And if you have the opportunity to live in another culture, the experience will show you many things — above all, about your own culture. It will reveal cultural similarities and differences that you had never noticed in the past. In addition, the experience can also show you a great deal about our own personal beliefs, attitudes, and perceptions. Within a short time in another culture, you will find that you begin to learn a great deal about yourself and your own country and culture.

This is the end of listening section.

