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PART Ⅰ LISTENING COMPREHENSION(15 minutes, 15points) Section A (1 point each)

Directions: In this section, you will hear nine short conversations between two speakers. At the end of each conversation, a question will be asked about what was said. The question will be spoken only once. Choose the best answer from the four choices given by marking the corresponding letter with a single bar across the square brackets on your Machine-scoring Answer Sheet. 1. A. A red car. B. A ride to work. C. A job in the factory.

D. A car part.

B. Turn on the electric fan. D. Extinguish his cigarette.

2. A. Offer the woman a cigar.

C. Air out the room.

3. A. Ray will have a class at 1:00. B. Ray will go to the library at 2:00.

C. Ray will go home immediately after this class. D. Ray will go home around 3:00. 4. A. A house tour.B. A party invitation. C. A view from the window. 5. A. To help Mary study. C. To invite Mary for sightseeing. 6. A. Paul is the right man for help.

B. Paul offered help to the man.

C. Paul doesn't know much about computer. D. Paul was the last one who used the computer. 7. A. Recycling trash.

B. Saving our planet. D. Cleaning the ground.

C. Using water sparingly.

D. A visit to the neighborhood.

B. To take a walk with Mary. D. To study anthropology.

8. A. The man was accompanying the woman to visit his business.

B. Both speakers were on a tour with the travel agency. C. The woman was paying a visit to the man's house. D. They were talking about business while eating at a restaurant. 9. A. Over radio. D. On television. C. In newspapers.

D. By door-to-door promotion.

Section B (1 point each)

Directions: In this section, you will hear three short passages. At the end of

each passage, there will be two questions. Both the passage and the questions will be read to you only once. After each question, there will be a pause. During the pause. you must choose the best answer from the four choices given by marking the corresponding letter with a single bar across the square brackets on your Machine-scoring Answer Sheet.

10. A. It has been the center of royal power for centuries.

B. It drew the best craftsmen and technicians of the world. C. All Japanese commerce is handled there.

D. Tradition and innovation are a nice mix there. 11. A. It lost all its power and glory.

B. It was the most industrialized city of Japan.

C. It was not so charming as before.

D. It became a city where the new Tokyo government was. 12. A. European countries expanded their business into Kyoto.

B. Chinese influences have been the major ones on Kyoto.

C. Kyoto's development had much to do with royal power. D. Kyoto has undergone a rather smooth civilization. 13. A. They needn't have repeated earlier materials. B. They have bad habits rather than bad memories.

C. They should make continuous effort to train memory. D. They can improve their memory by working hard. 14. A. We should adopt some methods of unconscious learning.

B. Slow as it is, adopt some methods of unconscious learning.

C. Our working memory can be improved by doing a lot of reading. D. It is necessary to learn consciously by trying word lists. 15. A. Laborious. Effortless.

B. Conscious.

C. Appropriate.


PAPT Ⅱ STRUCTURE & VOCABULARY (25 minutes, 15 points) Section A (0.5 point each)

Directions: Choose the word or words below each sentence that best complete the statement, and mark the corresponding letter of your choice with a single bar across the square brackets on your Machinescoring Answer Sheet. 16. Knowing that the cruel criminal has done a lot of unlawful things, I feel

sure that I have no __________ but to report him to the local police. A. time B. chance C. authority D. alternative

17. Behind his large smiles and large cigars, his eyes often seemed

to__________regret. A. teem with look with

B. brim with

C. come with


18. There is only one difference between an old man and a young one: the

young one has a glorious future before him and the old one has a __________future behind him. A. splendid imminent

B. conspicuous

C. uproarious


19. That tragedy distressed me so much that I used to keep indoors and go out

only __________ necessity.

A. within reach of B. for fear of C. by means of D. in case of

20. A young man sees a sunset and, unable to understand or express the

emotion that it__________in him, concludes that it must be the gateway to

a world that lies beyond. A. reflects

B. retains

C. rouses



21. __________the heat to a simmer and continue to cook for another 8-10

minutes or until most of the water has evaporated. A. Turn off B. Turn over C. Turn down Turn up

22. Banks shall be unable to__________, or claim relief against the first 15% of any loan or bankrupted debt left with them.

A. write off

B. put aside

C. shrink from


come over

23. I am to inform you, that you may, if you wish, attend the inquiry, and at the

inspectors discretion state your case__________or through an entrusted representative. A. in person

B. in depth

C. in secret

D. in


24. In his view, though Hong Kong has no direct cultural identity, local art is

thriving by “being__________,”being open to all kinds of art. A. gratifying B. predominating C. excelling accommodating

25. In some countries preschool education in nursery schools or

kindergartens_________the lst grade.



A. leads advances

B. precedes C. forwards D.

26. Desert plants__________two categories according to the way they deal

with the problem of surviving drought.

A. break down refer to

27. In the airport, I could hear nothing except the roar of aircraft engines

which_____all other sounds. A. dwarfed B. diminished devastated

28. Criticism without suggesting areas of improvement is not__________and should be avoided if possible. A. constructive B. productive C. descriptive D. relative

29. The Committee pronounced four members expelled for failure to provide

information in the __________of investigations. A. case

B. chase

C. cause



30. Since neither side was ready to_____what was necessary for peace,

hostility was resumed in 1980.

A. precedeB. recedeC. concedeD. intercede

31. Such an__________act of hostility can only lead to war. A. overt ultimate

B. episodic

C. ample


C. drowned


B. fall into

C. differ in


32. __________both in working life and everyday living to different sets of

values, and expectations places a severe strain on the individual. A. Recreation B. Transaction C. Disclosure



33. It would then be replaced by an interim government, which

would__________be replaced by a permanent government after four months. A. in step

B. in turn

C. in practice

D. in


34. Haven't I told you I don't want you keeping_______with those awful

riding-about bicycle boys? A. company place

B. acquaintance

C. friends


35. Consumers deprived of the information and advice they needed were quite

simply ________every cheat in the marketplace. A. at the mercy of C. by courtesy of Section B (0.5 point each)

Directions: In each of the following sentences there are four parts underlined and marked A, B, C and D. Indicate which of the four parts is incorrectly used. Mark the corresponding letter of your choice by drawing a single bar across the square brackets on your Machine-scoring Answer Sheet. 36. The auctioneer must know fair accurately the current market values of the goods he is selling.


37. Children are among the most frequent victims of violent, drug-related crimes that have nothing C

doing with the cost of acquiring the drugs. D

38. A large collection of contemporary photographs, including some taken by Mary are on display at A B



the museum.

39. There is much in our life which we do not control and we arenot even responsible for.






B. in lieu of D. for the price of

40. Capital inflows will also tend to increase the international value of the

dollar, make it more difficult A B


to sell U.S. exports. D

41. It can be argued that the problems, even something as fundamental as theever-increased world C

population, have been caused by technological advance. A



42. It tales the most cool-headed and good-tempered of drivers to resist the temptation to revenge A


43. While experts in basic science are important, skilled talents should be the overriding majority A C

since they are at heavy demand in the market.


44. Retailers offered deep discounts and extra hours this weekend in the bidto lure shoppers. A B C D 45. The amendments of the laws on patent, trademark and copyright have enhanced protection of

A intellectual property rights and made them conform to WTO rules.







as subjected to uncivilized behavior.

PART Ⅲ CLOZE TEST (15 minutes, 15 points)

Directions: There are 15 questions in this part of the test. Read the passage through. Then, go back and choose one suitable word or phrase marked A, B, C or D for each blank in the passage. Mark the corresponding letter of the word or phrase you have chosen with a single bar across the square brackets on your Machine-scoring Answer Sheet. At least since the Industrial Revolution, gender roles have been in a state of transition. As a result, cultural scripts about marriage have undergone change. One of the more obvious__46__has occurred in the roles that women__47__. Women have moved into the world of work and have become adept at meeting expectations in that arena,__48__maintaining their family roles of nurturing and creating a (n)__49__that is a haven for all family members.__50__many women experience strain from trying to “do it all,” they often enjoy the increased__51__that can result from playing multiple roles. As women's roles have changed, changing expectations about men's roles have become more__52__. Many men are relinquishing their major responsibility__53__the

family provider. Probably the most signficant change in men's roles, however, is in the emotional__54__of family life. Men are increasingly__55__to meet the emotional needs of their families,__56__their wives.

In fact, expectations about the emotional domain of marriage have become more significant for marriage in general. Research on__57__marriage has changed over recent decades points to the increasing importance of the emotional side of the relationships and the importance of sharing in the “emotion work”__58__to nourish marriages and other family relationships. Men and women want to experience marriages that are interdependent,__59__both partners nurture each other, attend and respond to each other, and encourage and promote each other. We are thus seeing marriages in which men's and women's roles are becoming increasingly more__60__. 46. A. incidents B. changes C. results D. effects 47. A. take B. do C. play D. show 48. A. by

B. while B. garden

C. hence C. arena C. Since

D. thus D. paradise D.

D. incomes D. apparent D. for D. point D. predicted D. D. if D. necessary D. because D.

49. A. home 50. A. When

Nevertheless 51. A. rewards 52. A. general 53. A. as

B. Even though B. profits B. acceptable B. of

B. constituent B. expected B. as will as B. what B. only B. although

C. privileges C. popular C. from C. domain C. advised

54. A. section 55. A. encouraged 56. A. not to mention expecially 57. A. how 58. A. but 59. A. unless 60. A. pleasant manageable

C. including C. why C. enough C. where C. similar

B. important

PART Ⅳ READING COMPREHENSION (60 minutes, 30 points)

Directions: Below each of the following passages you will find some questions or incomplete statements. Each question or statement is followed by four choices marked A, B, C and D. Read each passage carefully, and then select the choice that best answers the question square brackets on your Machine scoring

Answer Sheet.

Passage 1

The man who invented Coca-cola was not a native Atlantan, but on the day of his funeral every drugstore in town testimonially shut up shop. He was John Styth Pemberton, born in 1883 in Knoxville, Georgia, eighty miles away. Sometimes known as Doctor, Pemberton was a pharmacist who,during the Civil War, led a cavalry troop under General Joe Wheeler. He settled in Atlanta in 1869, and soon began brewing such patent medicines as Triplex liver Pills and Globe of Flower Cough Syrup. In 1885, he registered a trademark for something called French Wine Coca—Ideal Nerve and Tonic Stimulant; a few months later he formed the Pemberton Chemical Company and recruited the services of a bookkeeper named Frank M. Robinson, who not only had a good head for figures but, attached to it, so exceptional a nose that he could audit the composition of a botch of syrup merely by sniffling it. In 1886—year in which, as contemporary Coca-Cola officials like to point out, Conan Doyle unveiled Sherlock Holmes and France unveiled the Statue of Liberty—Pemberton unveiled a syrup that he called Coca-Cola. It was a modification of his French Wine Coca. He had taken out the wine and added a pinch of caffeine, and, when the end product tasted awful, had thrown in some extract of cola nut and a few other oils, blending the mixture in a three-legged iron pot in his back yard and swishing it around with an oar. He distributed it to soda fountains in used beer bottles, and Robinson, with his flowing bookkeeper's script, presently devised a label, on which “Coca-Cola” was written in the fashion that is still employed. Pemberton looked upon his mixture less as a refreshment than as a headache cure, especially for people whose headache could be traced to over-indulgence.

On a morning late in 1886, one such victim of the night before dragged himself into an Atlanta drugstore and asked for a dollop of Coca-Cola. Druggists customarily stirred a teaspoonful of syrup into a glass of water, but in this instance the man on duty was too lazy to walk to the fresh-water tap, a couple of feet off. Instead, he mixed the syrup with some soda water, which was closer at hand. The suffering customer perked up almost at once, and word quickly spread that the best Coca-Cola was a fizzy one. 61. What does the passage tell us about John Styth Pemberton?

A. He was highly respected by Atlantans.

B. He ran a drug store that also sells wine.

C. He had been a doctor until the Civil War. D. He made a lot of money with his pharmacy.

62. Which of the following was unique to Frank M. Robinson, working with the Pemberton's Company?

A. Skills to make French wine.

B. He ran a drug store that also sells wine. C. He had been a doctor until the Civil War. D. Ability to work with numbers.

63. Why was the year 1886 so special to Pemberton?

A. He took to doing a job like Sherlock Holmes's. B. He brought a quite profitable product into being.

C. He observed the founding ceremony of Statue of Liberty.

D. He was awarded by Coca-Cola for his contribution.

64. One modification made of French Wine Coca formula was__________.

A. used beer bottles were chosen as containers

B. the amount of caffeine in it was increased C. it was blended with oils instead of water

D. Cola nut extract was added to taste

65. According to the passage, Coca-Cola was in the first place prepared especially for__________.

A. the young as a soft drink

B. a replacement of French Wine Coca C. the relief of a hangover

D. a cure for the common headache 66. The last paragraph mainly tells__________.

A. the complaint against the lazy shop-assistant B. a real test of Coca-Cola as a headache cure C. the mediocre service of the drugstore

D. a happy accident that gave birth to Coca-Cola

Passage 2

Between 1883 and 1837, the publishers of a “penny press” proved that a low-priced paper, edited to interest ordinary people, could win what amounted to a mass circulation for the times and thereby attract an advertising volume that would make it independent. These were papers for the common citizen and were not tied to the interests of the business community, like the mercantile press, or dependent for financial support upon political party allegiance. It did not necessarily follow that all the penny papers would be superior in their

handling of the news and opinion functions. But the door was open for some to make important journalistic advances.

The first offerings of a penny paper tended to be highly sensational; human interest stories overshadowed important news, and crime and sex stories were written in full detail. But as the penny paper attracted readers from various social and economic brackets, its sensationalism was modified. The ordinary reader came to want a better product, too. A popularized style of writing and presentation of news remained, but the penny paper became a respectable publication that offered significant information and editorial leadership. Once the first of the successful penny papers had shown the way, later ventures could enter the competition at the higher level of journalistic responsibility the pioneering papers had reached. 

This was the pattern of American newspapers in the years following the founding of the New York sun in 1833. The Sun, published by Benjamin Day, entered the lists against 11 other dailies. It was tiny in comparison; but it was bright and readable, and it preferred human interest features to important but dull political speech reports. It had a police reporter writing squibs of crime news in the style already proved successful by some other papers. And, most important, it sold for a penny, whereas its competitors sold for six cents. By 1837 the Sun was printing 30,000 copies a day, which was more than the total of all 11 New York daily newspapers combined when the Sun first appeared. In those same four years James Gordon Bennett brought out his New York Herald (1835), and a trio of New York printers who were imitating Day's success founded the Philadelphia Public Ledger (1836) and the Baltimore Sun (1837). The four penny sheets all became famed newspapers. 67. What does the first paragraph say about the “penny press?”

A. It was known for its in-depth news reporting.

B. It had an involvement with some political parties. C. It depended on the business community for survival. D. It aimed at pleasing the general public. 68. In its early days, a penny paper often__________. A. paid much attention to political parties

B. provided stories that hit the pubic taste

C. offered penetrating editorials on various issues D. covered important news with inaccuracy

69. As the readership was growing more diverse, the penny paper__________.

A. improved its content B. changed its writing style

C. developed a more sensational style D. became a tool for political parties

70. The underlined word “ventures” in Paragraph 2 can best be replaced by__________.

A. editors

B. reporters

C. newspapers



71. What is true about the Philadelphia Public Ledger and the Baltimore Sun?

A. They turned out to be failures.

B. They were later purchased by James Gordon Bennett. C. They were also founded by Benjamin Day.

D. They became well-known newspapers in the U.S.

72. This passage is probably taken from a book on__________.

A. the work ethics of the American media

B. the technique in news reporting

C. the history of sensationalism in American media D. the impact of mass media on American society Passage 3

Forget what Virginia Woolf said about what a writer needs—a room of one?s own. The writer she has in mind wasn't at work on a novel in cyberspace, one with multiple hypertexts, animated graphics and downloads of trancey, charming music. For that you also need graphic interfaces, RealPlayer and maybe even a computer laboratory at Brown University. That was where Mark Amerika—his legally adopted name; don't ask him about his birth name—composed much of his novel Grammatron isn't just a story. It's an online narrative(grammatron. com) that uses the capabilities of cyberspace to tie the conventional story line into complicated knots. IN the four years it took to produce—it was completed in 1997—each new advance in computer software became another potential story device. “I became sort of dependent on the industry,” jokes Amerika, who is also the author of two novels printed on paper. “That's unusual for a writer, because if you just write on paper the ?technology?is pretty stable.”

Nothing about Grammatron is stable. At its center, if there is one, is Abe Golam, the inventor of Nanoscript, a quasi-mystical computer code that some unmystical corporations are itching to acquire. For much of the story, Abe wanders through Prague-23, a virtual“city” in cyberspace where visitors

indulge in fantasy encounters and virtual sex, which can get fairly graphic. The reader wanders too, because most of Grammatron's 1,000-plus text screens contain several passages in hypertext. To reach the next screen just double-click. But each of those hypertexts is a trapdoor that can plunge you down a different pathway of the story. Choose one and you drop into a corporate-strategy memo. Choose another and there's a XXX-rated sexual rant. The story you read is in some sense the story you make.

Amerika teaches digital art at the University of Colorado, where his students develop works that straddle the lines between art, film and literature. “I tell them not to get caught up in mere plot,” he says. Some avant-garde writers-Julio Cortazar, Italo Calvino-have also experimented with novels that wander out of their author's control. “But what makes the Net so exciting,” says Amerika, “is that you can add sound, randomly generated links, 3-D modeling, animation.” That room of one's own is turning into a fun house. 73. The passage is mainly to tell__________.

A. differences between conventional and modern novels B. how Mark Amerika composed his novel Grammatron C. common features of all modern electronic novels

D. why mark Amerika took on a new way of writing

74. Why does the author ask the reader to forget what Virginia Woolf said about

the necessities of a writer?

A. Modern writers can share rooms to do the writing. B. It is not necessarily that a writer writes inside a room.

C. Modern writers will get nowhere without a word processor. D. It is no longer sufficient for the writing in cyberspace.

75. As an on-line narrative, Grammatron is anything but stable because it__________.

A. provides potentials for the story development

B. is one of the novels at grammatron. com C. can be downloaded free of charge

D. boasts of the best among cyber stories

76. By saying that he became sort of dependent on the industry, Mark Amerika meant that ______.

A. he could not help but set his Grammatron and others in Industrial


B. conventional writers had been increasingly challenged by high technology

C. much of his Grammatron had proved to be cybernetic dependent D. he couldn't care less new advance in computer software

77. As the passage shows, Grammatron makes it possible for readers to__________.

A. adapt the story for a video version B. “walk in” the story and interact with it C. develop the plots within the author's control D. steal the show and become the main character 78. Amerika told his students not to__________.

A. immerse themselves only in creating the plot B. be captivated by the plot alone while reading C. be lagged far behind in the plot development

D. let their plot get lost in the on-going story Passage 4

In 1993, a mall security camera captured a shaky image of two 10-year-old boys leading much smaller boy out of a Liverpool, England, shopping center. The boys lured James Bulger, 2,away from his mother, who was shopping, and led him on a long walk across town. The excursion ended at a railroad track. There, inexplicably, the older boys tortured the toddler, kicking him, smearing paint on his face and pummeling him to death with bricks before leaving him on the track to be dismembered by a train. The boys, Jon Venables and Robert Thompson, then went off to watch cartoon.

Today the boys are 18-year-old men, and after spending eight years in juvenile facilities, they have been deemed fit for release-probably this spring. The dilemma now confronting the English justice system is how to reintegrate the notorious duo into a society that remains horrified by their crimes and skeptical about their rehabilitation. Last week Judge Elizabeth Butler-Sloss decided the young men were in so much danger that they needed an unprecedented shield to protect them upon release. For the rest of their lives, Venables and Thompson will have a right to anonymity. All English madia outlets are banned from publishing any information about their whereabouts or the new identities the government will help them establish. Photos of the two or even details about their current looks art also prohibited.

In the U. S., which is harder on juvenile criminals than England, such a ruling seems inconceivable. “We're clearly the most punitive in the industrialized world,” says Laurence Steinberg, a Temple University professor who studies juvenile justice. Over the past decade, the trend in the U. S. has

been to allow publication of ever more information about underage offenders. U. S. courts also give more weight to press freedom than English courts, which, for example, ban all video cameras.

But even for Britain, the order is extraordinary. The victim's family is enraged, as are the ever-eager British tabloids. “What right have they got to be given special protection as adults?” asks Bulger's mother Denise Fergus. Newspaper editorials have insisted that citizens have a right to know if Venables or Thompson move in next door. Says conservative Member of Parliament Humfrey Malins:“It almost leaves you with the feeling that the nastier the crime, the greater the chance for a passpor to a completely new life.”

79. What occurred as told at the beginning of the passage?

A. 2 ten-year-olds killed James by accident in play. B. James Bulger was killed by his two brothers. C. Two mischievous boys forged a train accident.

D. A little kid was murdered by two older boys. 80.










A. have been treated as juvenile delinquents

B. have been held in protective custody for their murder game C. were caught while watching cartoons eight years ago D. have already served out their 10 years in prison

81. The British justice system is afraid that the two young men would__________.

A. hardly get accustomed to a horrifying general public B. be doomed to become social outcasts after release

C. still remain dangerous and destructive if set free

D. be inclined to commit a recurring crime

82. According to the British courts, after their return to society, the two adults will be__________.

A. banned from any kind of press interview

B. kept under constant surveillance by police C. shielded from being identified as killers

D. ordered to report to police their whereabouts

83. From the passage we can infer that a US counterpart of Vanables or Thompson would__________.

A. have no freedom to go wherever he wants

B. serve a life imprisoment for the crime C. be forbidden to join many of his relatives

D. no doubt receive massive publicity in the U. S.

84. As regards the mentioned justice ruling, the last paragraph mainly tells that__________.

A. it is controversial as it goes without precedent B. the British media are sure to do the contrary C. Bulger's family would enter all appeal against it

D. conservatives obviously conflict with Liberals

Passage 5

Can the Internet help patients jump the line at the doctor's office? The Silicon Valley Employers Forum, a sophisticated group of technology companies, is launching a pilot program to test online “virtual visits” between doctors at three big local medical groups about and 6,000 employees and their families. The six employers taking part in the Silicon Valley initiative, including heavy hitters such as Oracle and Cisco Systems, hope that online visits will mean employees won't have to skip work to tend to minor ailments or to follow up on chronic conditions. “Which our long commutes and traffic, driving 40 miles to your doctor in your hometown can be a big chunk of time,” says Cindy Conway, benefits director at Cadence Design Systems, one of the participating companies.

Doctors aren't clamoring to chat with patients online for free; they spend enough unpaid time on the phone. Only 1 in 5 has ever E-mailed a patient, and just 9 percent are interested in doing so, according to the research firm Cyber Dialogue. “We are not stupid,” says Stirling Somers, executive director of the Silicon Valley employers group. “Doctors getting paid is a critical piece in getting this to work.” In the pilot program, physicians will get $ 20 per online consultation, obout what they get for a simple office visit.

Doctors also fear they'll be swamped by rambling E-mails that tell everything but what's needed to make a diagnosis. So the new program will use technology supplied by Healinx, an Alameda, Calif—based start-up. Healinx's “Smart Symptom Wizard” questions patients and turns answers into a succinct message. The company has online dialogues for 60 common conditions. The doctor can then diagnose the problem and outline a treatment plan, which could include E-mailing a prescription or a face-to-face visit.

Can E-mail replace the doctor's office? Many conditions, such as persistent cough, require stethoscope to discover what's wrong-and to avoid a

malpractice suit. Even Larry Bonham, head of one of the doctor's groups in the pilot, believes the virtual doctor's visits offer a “very narrow” sliver of service between phone calls to an advice nurse and a visit to the clinic.

The pilot program, set to end in nine months, also hopes to determine whether online visits will boost worker productivity enough to offset the cost of the service. So far, the Internet's record in the health field has been underwhelming. The experiment is “a huge roll of the dice for Healinx”, notes Michael Barrett, an analyst at Internet consulting firm Forester Research. If the “Web visits” succeed, expect some HMOs (Health Maintenance Organizations) to pay for online visits. If doctors, employers, and patients aren't satisfied, figure on one more E-health start-up to stand down.

85. The Silicon Valley employers promote the E-health program for the purpose of__________.

A. rewarding their employees B. gratifying the local hospitals

C. boosting worker productivity D. testing a sophisticated technology

86. What can be learned about the on-line doctors' visits? A. They are a quite promising business.

B. They are funded by the local government. C. They are welcomed by all the patients. D. They are very much under experimentation.

87. Of the following people, who are not involved in the program? A. Cisco System employees.

B. Advice nurses in the clinic. C. Doctors at three local hospitals. D. Oracle at three local hospitals.

88. According to Paragraph 2, doctors are__________. A. reluctant to serve online for nothing

B. not interested in Web consultation C. too tired to talk to the patients online D. content with $ 20 paid per Web visit

89. “Smart Symptom Wizard” is capable of__________. A. making diagnoses

B. producing prescriptions C. profiling patients's illness D. offering a treatment plan

90. It can be inferred from the passage that the future of online visits will

mostly depend on whether__________.

A. the employers would remain confident in them B. they could effectively replace office visits C. HMOs would cover the cost of the service

D. new technologies would be available to improve the E-health project


PART Ⅴ TRANSLATION (25 minutes, 10 points)

Directions: Put the following passage into English. Write your English version in the proper space on your Answer Sheet Ⅱ.


PART Ⅵ WRITING (35 minutes, 15 points)

Directions: Write an essay of at least 150 words on the topic given below. Use the proper space on your Answer Sheet Ⅱ. TOPIC

With her entry into the WTO, China is being plunged into an international competition for talents, and in particular, for higher-level talents. To face this new challenge, China must do something, among other things, to reform her graduate (postgraduate) education system. State your opinion about this reform, and give the solid supporting details to your viewpoint.


PART Ⅰ LISTENING COMPREHENSION (15 minutes, 15 points) Section A (1 point each)

Directions: In this section, you will hear nine short conversations between two speakers. At the end of each conversation, a question will be asked about what was said. The question will be spoken only once. Choose the best answer from

the four choice given by marking the corresponding letter with a single bar across the square brackets on your Machine-scoring Answer Sheet.

1. W: Do you think your car will be ready today?

M: I don't know. They had to order a part from the factory. Can you pick me up tomorrow if it isn't? Q: What did the man want?

2. W: This room has no ventilation, and I'm allergic to smoke. M: Would you like me to put this out? Q: What did the man volunteer to do?

3. W: Hi, Ray, are you going straight home after school today?

M: No, I have a class until one o'clock, and after that I'm going to spend a couple of hours at the library before going home. Q: What can we learn from this conversation?

4. M: I'm so glad you were able to come to our housewarming. W: You really have a lovely place. Will you show me around?

Q: What did the woman want?

5. M: Mary, have you finished studying yet?

W: Not yet. I still have to review two more chapters of anthropology. M: How about going for a walk? There's a small park right nearby. W: Sorry, but I really have to go back to work. Q: What does the man want?

6. W: I thought Paul might be able to help me figure out this computer program.

M: Paul is about the last person I'd ask if I were you. Q: What does the man imply about Paul?

7. M: Today, I'm interviewing nine-year-old Alex about her feelings on how

people can help save the environment. So, Alex, how can we save the environment? W: By saving water.

M: Well, how can we do that?

W: By not using too much water when we wash dishes, take a bath, and

when we do other things like watering the plants outside. M: Oh, I think I can do that. What else?

W: When drinking or eating something outside, you should keep the garbage

until you find a trashcan to put it in because littering makes our planet dirty.

Q: What is the topic of this interview?

8. W: Well, that was a very interesting tour of your operation but I'm exhausted.

I don't know how you work in this heat.

M: No, nor do I. I'm afraid we've been having a few problems with the

air-conditioning. Diana! Can you bring some chilled orange juice please!

W: Oh, thank you very much, I need that. Q: What can we learn from the conversation?

9. M: I'm looking forward to the day when your software products are

advertised not only in print media but also in television.

W: Television? That sounds awfully expensive. Do you really think we can

run that type of campaign?

M: No, not right away, but it will be my job to make your company grow so

you will want to use more expensive media. But for now, here are two advertisements I created for you.

Q: How does the company currently advertise its products? Section B (1 point each)

Directions: In this section, you will hear two short passages. At the end of each passage, there will be three questions. Both the passage and the questions will be read to you only once. After each question, there will be a pause. During the pause, you must choose the best answer from the four choices given by marking the corresponding letter with a single bar across the square brackets on your Machine-scoring Answer Sheet. Passage 1

For centuries, Kyoto has been the cultural center of Japan, but few associate it with high tech. What is the connection?

It's a town that has always valued tradition and innovation. Amazingly, it's always been able to merge these two seemingly conflicting aspects. In its glory days during the Heian Period(194-1185 AD), Kyoto readily adopted Chinese influences to create a new economy, new technologies, and even a new form of government.

Kyoto was the capital for 1,200 years and home to the Emperor and his court. Since there was much demand for fine crafts, Kyoto attracted the best craftsman and technicians in the country. They came here to create wonderful ceramics, lacquerware, silk textiles, and fine art. So, for hundreds of years, Kyoto was the center of innovation, and business flourished as a result.

A year after the Meiji Restoration in 1868, the Emperor was moves to Tokyo by the new government, and much of the local industry followed him there. Until then, Osaka had handled all the commerce, while Kyoto served as the center of imperial power and business. All of a sudden, it has host its prominence. So, in the late 19th century, the new Tokyo government began directing aid to Kyoto to help it build new industry. As a result, Kyoto became the first city in Japan to build an electric power generator, a sewer system, and

other modern infrastructure. While the rest of the country remained backward, Kyoto became very European. Questions:

10. According to the speaker, what is amazing about Kyoto? 11. What can be said of Kyoto in the late 19th century? 12. What can we infer from the passage? Passage 2

Students ofte complain that they have bad memories. In the past, I have always commented that students, no matter what their age, do not have bad habits. They do not have regular study habits. They do not use the language whenever they have the opportunity. They do not make a continuous effort to think in the language. They fail to repeat earlier material at planned intervals. A lot of this is true, but the reasons for poor memory in language learning may be much more complex. It is not always the fault of the student.

A lot of the time, the reason for poor recall may lie in teaching methods which from the very beginning give too much emphasis to translation and reading. The criticism I would make here is that translation and reading are applications of language. They require conscious effort. But we are not conscious of our own language, of the mental process of using it. We use it effortlessly. So why should we operate in the conscious mind when we first approach a second language? Surely, that will be slow and laborious. It asks too much of our working memory which, because it is so limited, will fail us. At that point, the student complains of a bad memory. But be is wrong. He is in fact suffering from bad teaching and/or learning methods.

It you ask a student to translate a sentence, he must operate a lot of the time in his own language. If hve does not understand a word, he will go to his dictionary and look it up. This is a useful thing to do if you are translating, but a completely useless process for learning a second language, for the simple reason that his strong first language will interfere with and suppress the weaker second. In actually, anything of the weaker language is ever remembered from the process of translation. The same criticism applies to word lists that contain both first and second languages, and to books which interweave the two languages. Again, the student complains he can hardly recall anything. And once again, the problem lies not in himself, but in inappropriate “conscious” learning methods. Questions:

13. What did the speaker comment the past when he heard his students complain about their bad memories?

14. What does the speaker suggest about language learning?

15. Which word, according to the speaker, can describe the process of language use?



第一部分 听力理解

1. B 2. D

9. C

3. D

4. A

5. B

6. C

7. B



10. D 11. B 12. C 13. B 14. A 15. D

第二部分 结构与词汇


16. D 这里的意思是“只能……,没有其他选择”。四个选项中,alternative



17. B brim意为“充满……”、“……满得快要溢出”,此处符合题意。teem


with“以……出现”;look with“以……方式去看”。

18. A “老人和年轻人只有一点不同”, 一个是future before him,一个是

future behind him。因此,空白处的形容词的意义应该与glorious(光明的)相近,即splendid,意为“辉煌的”。imminent将要发生的;uproarious喧嚣的,令人捧腹大笑的;conspicuous显著的,令人注目的。

19. D 根据上下文,应该是“在需要的时候或万不得已的时候”,所以用in case of 表示“假如,万一”。for fear of生怕,以免;within reach of 在可及范围之内;by means of用,依靠。

20. C rouse引起,唤起,恰好符合题意。reflect反射,考虑;retain保留,


21. C “把火拧小到煨炖饭菜的那个点”。因此应用turn down“关小”。turn

off 关掉;turn over翻转;turn up开大。

22. A write off为固定词组,“(把欠债、账)取消或一笔勾销”;put aside

存蓄,留下;shrink from畏缩;come over(从远处)来到,都不符合句意。

23. A or通常用来连接两个并列的供选择的成分。原句后面讲“through an

entrusted representative”(通过可信赖的代表),那么与此相对的应当是in person,即“亲自,本人”。in depth深入;in secret秘密地;in excess超过。

24. D 空白处后面的“being open to all kinks of art”应当视作对空白处词的


25. B “在有些国家,小学一年级之前有幼儿园的学前教育”。故选


26. B “沙漠植物根据其对抗干旱的能力为两类”。fail into 就表示“分为…种类”;break down毁掉,制服,压倒;differ in不同;refer to指,


27. C dwarf使用形见绌;diminish减少,缩小;drown(噪音)掩盖;devastate毁灭破坏。因此C是正确答案。

28. A constructive积极的,建设性的,即“这种批评不是建设性的或助于


29. D in the course of在……的过程中;in case of万一; cause原因,事业;chase 追赶,不用于in the...of 结构中。所以D为正确答案。

30. C 根据上下文,应当选concede,意思是“让步”。recede后退,撤销;

precede在……前,先于;intercede仲裁,说情。 31. A overt公然的,明显的;ample充足的,丰富的;episodic插话式的,短暂的;ultimate最终的,主要的,只有overt最合题意。 32. D “无论是在工作还是日常生活中,对于不同的价值观念和期待的


33. B in turm转而,又做同样的事;in step逐步地;in practice实际上,在实践中;in haste匆忙地,草率地。根据句意应当选B。 34. A keep company with someone 表示“与某人为伴、交往”。keep friends

with与某人保持友好关系,不如keep company with意义确切;

acquaintance常用于make somebody's acquaintance结构中,意为“初


35. A at the mercy of “任……摆布,在……前毫无办法”符合句意。in lieu of

替代;by courtesy of在……的允许下;for the price of 不是固定用法。


36. B 改为fairly修饰副词的词应该还是副词,因此fair应该改成fairly。 37. D 改为to do with;have nothing to do with(something)是习惯用法,意


38. C 改为is;本句主语是a large collection,应视为单数,所以谓语动词应当用is。

39. B 改为that;定语从句修饰much,而不是life。但much是不定代词,

不定代词做先行词时,引导词须用that, 而不用which。

40. C 改为making;tend to是谓语动词,所以后面应用making 引导的部

分做状语。 41. C 改为ever-increasing;现在分词通常用来表示主动,而过去分词则



42. D 改为when subjected to;(be)subject to的逻辑主语是drivers,他们“受到不文明行为的侮辱时”就很难不去报复,所以在此as应该改为


43. D 改为in heavy demand;习惯上用(be)in demand,而不是at demand

来表示“需要”。 44. C 改为in a bid;in a bid to do something是习惯用法,意为“企图、打算去做……”。

45. A 改为to;amendment后面的介词应当用to表示“对……的修改”。

第三部分 完形填空

46. B 其前出现了change,故选changes。incidents事件;results结果;effects效果。

47. C play roles“扮演角色”。take roles“起……作用”,不如play roles的意


48. B 工作和家庭是妇女同时要兼顾的,因此应为并列关系要用while。by通过、依靠;hence和thus都表示结果,为因果关系的连接词。

49. A 此处填的词要与后面的“haven for all family members”意思相同。只



50. B 妇女们感到“strain”却又同时感到“enjoy”所以表达的是转折关系,应

用even thought。nevertheless表示的是句际间的转折,而even though表示的是句内分句间的转折。所以B为正确答案。

51. A rewards“回报”,既可以指物质上的,也可以指精神上的。profits“利



52. D general一般的,大众化;acceptable可以接受的;popular受欢迎的,



53. A as此处是“作为”的意思。即“男人正在放弃作为家庭供养者的主要责任”。

54. C section(整体结构的)一部分;constituent(组成)成分;domain某方面;

point时刻或者(空间的)点。从下文出现的emotional domain,

emotional side可以得出选项C为正确答案。

55. B 前后文都出现了expectations推知此处选用expected最为恰当。encouraged(被)鼓励;advised(被)建议;predicted(被)预言。

56. D 这里是要说尤其要满足妻子的感情需要,妻子是与其他家庭成员相


57. A 此处要表达的意思是“最近几十年关于婚姻是如何变化的研究表明了夫妻关系中情感方面逐渐增加的重要性。”所以应该选how。 58. D necessary(必要的)放在此,表示“对维持和巩固婚姻和其他类型的家


59. C 前半句谈到婚姻双方的相互依存,后半句谈到双方相互照顾,共同

进步,可见前后句的意义是一致的,故排除unless, although和


60. C 根据前一句中提到的男女双方都希望有个靠双方共同努力维持的


第四部分 阅读理解

Passage 1

61. A 第一段说,创造了可口可乐的人并非亚特兰大本地人,但是在他的


62. C 由so exceptional a nose that he could audit the composition of a batch of syrup merely by sniffling it可知C(有敏锐的嗅觉)是正确答案。

63. B 本题问为什么1886年对于Pemberton来说很特殊。由文中的

Pemberton unveiled a syrup that the called Coca-Cola可知正确答案是B(他发明了一种赢利的产品)。

64. D 本题问对French Wine Coca配方所做的一点修改是什么。由had

thrown in some extract of cola nut and a few other oils可知正确答案是D(加了一些可乐果汁)。

65. C 本题问做可口可乐最初是做什么用的。由Pemberton looked upon his

mixture less as a refreshment than as a headache cure, especially for people whose headache could be traced to over-indulgence可知正确答


66. D 最后一段讲了一个故事,叙述可口可乐如何偶然诞生。所以正确答


Passage 2

67. D 本题问第一段就大众报纸说了些什么。由It did not necessarily

follow that all the penny papers would be superior in their handling of the news and opinion functions可知正确答案是D(它旨在取悦于大


68. B 第二段说:大众报纸早期的内容往往是非常刺激的。人情味的故事


69. A 第二段说大众报纸仍然保留了大众化的写作风格和新闻报道方式,


70. C 全文都是在讲newspapers,第二段最后一句:一旦第一份成功的大众


71. D 文章的最后说这四家报纸都成了著名的报纸,所以正确答案是D。

72. C 本文先介绍大众报纸的特点,接着介绍大众报纸的早期状况和以后


Passage 3

73. B 本文主要介绍了Amerika在计算机网络里写作,举例介绍了他所创

作的Grammatron的特点。由此可推论,正确答案是B(Mark Amerika是怎样创作Grammatron的)。

74. D 因为Virginia Woolf所说的作家不是那种写计算机网络小说的作家。


75. A 文章说Grammatron的1 000多个文本画面含有超文本的好多文章。要进入下一个画面,只须双击,但每一个超文本都是一个陷阱的门,


76. C 文中说在成书的4年里,电脑软件的每一进步都成为一个可能的故

事线索。(因此)Mark Amerika说:“我有点依赖电脑业……”。所以正确答案是C。

77. B 文中说网络的令人兴奋之处是,读者可以增加声音、随机连接、三维模型和动画。根据此描述,正确答案是B。A,C,D在原文未提


78. A 根据最后一段中Amerika的话“我告诉他们不要只是陷入情节”,正确答案是A。 Passage 4

79. D 本题问文章的开头讲述了什么事情。第一段讲述了两个十岁的男孩谋杀了一个两岁的小男孩。所以正确答案是D。

80. A 根据after spending eight years in juvenile facilities可推论正确答案是A(他们一直被当作少年犯)。

81. B 第二段讲到英国法制面临的困境是如何将两个臭名远扬的渣子重

新融入社会……法官裁决,由于两个年轻人在释放后处于非常危险的境地,他们 需要得到前所未有的保护。因此正确答案是B(释放后为社会所抛弃)。

82. C 第二段中说所有英国媒体将被禁止发布有关他们下落或政府给他


83. D 本题问根据本文,如果Jon Venables或Robert Thompson是个美国少年犯将会如何。第三段说:在美国,对少年犯比英国更加严厉,这样的做法是难以想像的。过去的几十年里,美国的趋势是允许公



84. A 最后一段首句:即使在英国,这种命令也是超乎寻常的。之后说了

人们对判决的争议。所以正确答案是A(由于没有先例,所以很有争议)。 Passage 5

85. C 本题问硅谷的雇主们推动电子健康项目的目的是什么。由hope that

online visits will mean employees won't have to skip work to tend to minor ailments or to follow up on chronic conditions.可知正确答案是


86. D 文中说道并非所有的医生都支持该项目,且在线看病还不能完全替


87. B 第四段最后一句告诉我们:在线看病只提供了一条介于给门诊护士


88. A 从第二段中很容易看出医生们不愿无偿在线看病,所以正确答案是A。 89. C 由Healinx's Smart Symptom Wizard“questions patients and turns

answers into a succinct message可知正确答案是C(简短地归纳病人的病情)。

90. B 最后一段表明这个试验项目的目的是决定在线看病是否会提高工人的生产力,以至能够抵消服务的成本。所以正确答案是B(他们


第五部分 汉译英 参考译文

Wisdom is required both in appreciating great artistic works and in understanding great scientific concepts. But, neither process can be furthered

without the involvement of feelings. One's wisdom can hardly find new ways out in the absence of his emotions, and conversely, his emotions can hardly get into some perfect state with no aid of his wisdom. Art and science are, in effect, the two sides of a coin. They are both rooted in the most sublime of human activities, pursuing the profundity, the universality, they eternity and the ultimate significance of things.

第六部分 写作 参考范文

With China's entry into WTO, she is facing a lot of chances and challenges. As far as talents are concerned, China is being plunged into an international competition for talents, especially for higher-level talents. In order to adapt to this new situation, China must do something, among other things, to reform her graduate education system.

In my opinion, reform of graduate education system must be carried out in the following aspects. Fist of all, the government should adjust its policies and provide favorable living and working conditions to attract famous experts and professionals to teach in the universities, Secondly, universities should adjust their curriculum to give priority to cultivation of students' overall intellectual ability. They should take effective measures to direct their educational goal from exam-oriented education to education for allround development. Finally,

students as individuals should pay more attention to the learning of all kinds of knowledge to meet the needs of society.

In a word, it is high time that we reformed the graduate education system. If we fail to make changes in the graduate education system, we may lag behind in the international competition.

