西建大研究生口语答案题答案(带翻译最后)Exam - Ticket总结

更新时间:2023-09-19 19:00:01 阅读量: 小学教育 文档下载



1、Two memorable events in your own life/in the history of your country.

For me, the most memorable evet in my country is that China's football team qualified for the world cup for the first time in 2002.Entire country are celebrating. I become a football fan since then. Another thing is the earthquake in Wenchuan in 2008. 70 thousands in that tragedy.

2、What do you notice most about a person when you meet them for the first time?

Do you go by first impressions when you meet new people?

As far as I see,I notice most about a person when I meet them for the first time is their manner.You can see wether a person well educated in his manner.

The second question.I think I will. There is an old saying :You never get a chance to make a first impression.But there are so many information you can not tell from people”s frist appearance.

3、Who is your favorite female singer/male singer/band? Why do you like him/her?

My favorite ban is a Chinese popular music duo, called Phoenix Legend ,consisting of female vocalist and male rapper

Their music blends folk music with rap and hip hop elements and has a wide appeal with fans all over.

4、Speak about a person that made a big impression on you.

The person that made a big impression on me is my physics teacher of my high school .He is not only a teacher but also a good friend.treats students with extraordinary patience and an open mind.

5、Note down items of clothing that have the following parts.

A)a belt trousers skirt dress coat jeans B) a buckle jeans trouser belt dress C) buttons shirt overcoat

D) sleeves waistcoat sweater cotton padded coat E) zip jacket

6、Explain the meanings of the phrases: calm down,you are so annoying,easy to wind up,it can't be her.

“calm down”:become quiet or calm, especially after a state of agitation;become quiet or less intensive

“you are so annoying”:Someone or something that is annoying makes you feel fairly angry and impatient.

“easy to wind up”:believe things too easily

“it can't be her”:sure that he or she is mistake to recognized someone

7、What kind of image do you find most/least appealing?

I prefer people who is confident. Not all beautiful women are

confident,but confident women are all to be beautiful.It is the same for all people.

8、Think of important life events associated with each stage in life Birthday ,marriage ,have children

9、Decide which is the best age or stage to learn a foreign language

I think the age to learn a foreign language is the earlier the

better .Because children have good memory and strong ability in study.

10、What are the advantages and disadvantages of school exchanges or study trips abroad?

The advantages are as follows. First, it can broaden our horizons coz we can have a better understanding of other country’s culture and customs. Second, we can improve our abilities of academic research by

communicating and cooperating with professors abroad. Third, we can make more friends who have different education background with us. However, it also has some disadvantages. For example, the cost of studying abroad tends to be very high, so for most families in China, it can be a big financial burden. What’s more, we may need to experience the culture shock.

11、Explain the meaning of the saying“Blood is thicker than water ”.Give an example.

\always more important (thicker) than the ties you make among friends (water). It generally means that the bonds of family and common ancestry are stronger than the bonds between unrelated people (such as friendship).

12、What is “Generation Gap”? Give some examples

The generational gap is differences between people of younger

generations and their elders, especially between children and their parents.

Generations can be distinguished by the differences in their language use.

Attitude to politics Attitude to marriage

13、Which points do you think parents would consider important/not important in their son or daughter’s future partner?

As far as I see, like my parents. Their son’s future partner should: be clean and smartly dressed, be from a good family background, be good

looking, and so on. It can’t be a real person who has such good points ,It’s a fairy in the story.

14、Explain the meaning “There is no such thing as a free lunch”.Give an example

\ is a popular adage

communicating the idea that it is impossible to get something for nothing. No pay no gain

15、Describe an embarrassing situation that you or others have experienced.

I had a very embarrassed time six months ago when I was asked to draw a report for the thesis defense. I got stage fright. I can’t say any word under so many people’s watching.

16、Imagine someone is going to meet their girlfriend’s or

boyfriend’s parents for the first time. What advice would you give? Never be late.

Buy some gifts to them.

Wear formally, because good impression is first

17、Explain the meaning of the saying “Home is where the heart is”.Give an example.

More generally, \such as a town, village, suburb, city, or country.

Home is not only a place where you live but also means your family. Really a place can make you feel relax.

22、When was the last time you splashed out on sth?

I think I have never splashed out on sth .Before 14,I have little pocket money.and later , although I have much money ,I use it in a correct way .even something is expensive I think is useful.

23、Does it matter if a wife earns more than a husband?

For me, I tend to agree that a wife can earn more a husband. Because it’s 21st century now. Women are equal to men in a modern civilized society. A husband also can do housework.

24、If you were given 100000RMB to save, spend or invest, what would you do?

In my current situation, I will have one third to buy something I like , for example digital camera ,play station, One third to invest to earn more money. The rest to donate for the hope project.

25、Complete the sentences to make them true for you:

If I’d been born a member of the opposite sex,?.

If I’d had famous parents,?.I would not changed too much

now.maybe continue school learning ,and working hard .when I graduated from school ,I will get a great job ,to be famous too .Make use of their social relationships to obtain more income.

If I'd been born in a different country?I would like to born in

Ireland .This is a beautiful country .Known as the garden of Europe.I would have different friends and communicate in english .IF so,I think I would came to china,traveling more city,tasting Chinese food and get to know the Chinese culture.

26、For what reasons might somebody want to sell their life and then

start a new one?

If a person think life is meaningless, he will choose to sell his life, and start a new one,find his true self.It’s time to try sth new.

Like one person in our book saying:he has had enough in his life.

27、If you were selling your whole life, what would be the one

possession you would try to keep?

One ticket to home.I can live by the money from sold my life.If I regret my decisions or I spent all my money,I can still go home.

28、Talk about your most treasured possession.

My most treasured possession is toy building blocks. It is a gift for me when I was a child. I love it very much .

Due to the influence of it I had study civil engineering in college.

29、Talk about a time when you did sth challenging?

I had a very tough experience at the beginning of this year when I finished my postgraduate entrance exams.I spent a long time to prepare it.Everyday I study from dawn to night.I have to admit this experience, though challenging, was a valuable practice.

30、If you are asked to make a project to raise money for the poor , what would you do?

We will organized an online donation by micro blog facebook

twitter ...Using the power of the media to attract the public attention to the poor.

31、Give advice for the following ailments: difficulty sleeping/a twisted ankle

失眠:drink a glass of warm milk before going to bed. Take a hot bath, relaxing body muscles to help sleep and before going to bed thinking and feelings of annoyance should be avoided, so as not to affect sleep.

脚踝扭伤:At the beginning of the sprain, using cold water cover on the a twisted ankle can relief the pain ,don’t try to drastic exercise.

When the situation is gradually stable, we can do more exercise and more massage to promote the blood circulation and recovery.

32、Give advice for the following ailments: sunburn/a splitting headache

晒伤:Apply a cold compress to the skin to relieve the swelling and pain; Deposited a wet cold towel for about half an hour, continue to 4-5 hours.

头疼:occasionally this is not the problem, there may be many causes, such as cold, too tired, is likely to lead to poor blood circulation to the head caused a headche, as long as the massage, dredging the context would be nice. Do not have to take the medicine. If this is often the case, it may be organic disease, suggested going to the hospital for a detailed examination, doctors concluded.

to avoid a bad emotion in daily life ,don’t smoke and drink ,balance work and life don’t overlook the rest. Do something that could climinate and stress ariciety

33、Give advice for the following ailments: sore throat/hay fever

喉咙痛:If you sore throat, maybe you should drink a lot of water, it is good for your illness. Of course, you can lie down and rest, too. If you do not feel well, you must go to see a doctor. The doctors will give you some advice to feel better soon. Maybe you should take some medicine and you have to pay lots of money for them.

高烧: keep a good resistance system and insist in a healthy lifestyle. Do the daily cleaning keep the skin clean and dry.

When I have a fever, I began to termble. At this time, soaking in a warm bath is the most comfortable. Drink plenty of water, and after taking the medicine, go to bed.

34、Tell about your own rituals or the rituals of people you know.

I can tell you something about my roommate at college. He is not like ordinary students .When I got up in the morning ,he is still on the bed,so he always miss the class But he can’t sleep at night.Just like some one says on

the net:The people who complain tired of life perhaps they just sleep too late.

35、Do you know anybody who is very attached to their car(or bike,or computer,or mobile phone?

Just like the last century couch potatoes’appearance.We have computer potatoes now. You can see someone spend all day in screen time.Screen time is the amount of time a person spends watching a screen such as a television, computer monitor, or mobile device. Excessive screen time is linked to negative health consequences.

36、Explain the meaning and give an example: Have a go at something. Give something a go

37、Explain the meaning and give an example: Have a go on something On the go

38、Explain the meaning and give examples: make a go of something in one go

39、Describe your morning routines

According to a blog on net called the Most healthy bedtime, the first hours of the day are key to one’s success in career and in life.We can wake up every morning at 7:30 a.m. and spend half an hour doing all bathroom activities, then ate breakfast at 8:00.a.m.By 8:30 a.m., we can out the door for office .

40、Describe a Chinese wedding you have ever attended

I have attend a wedding three years ago.I can still remember some thing

about the wedding.The groom must go to the bride’s house to pick up her.He must give the relatives of the bride in order to let them open the door.Before he pick the bride he have to find bride’s shoes.We can play a trick on the groom after the patty.

41、What do you know about weddings in the UK/USA?

It’s different from Chinese weddings.Frist, people usually hold the wedding in church.

Second,when the wedding party is begin ,the bride and groom exchange vows.Third,

When the couple run away from the church under a shower of rice thrown by the guests.

42、Do you think you are romantic?

Romantic means Fantastic, Unrealistic things.

43、Explain the following funny quote: “A man in love is incomplete until he is married. Then he is finished”.

42、How to be romantic? Do?../Don’t?. Candlelight dinner;flower

43、Talk about all the people and things that annoy you? How do you handle them?

For me,prepare for an exam is the most thing annoy me.You know as a student for 17yeas,test is like Tuesday for someone,we call them super scholar.

44、Talk about most common gestures that people do in a restaurant.

Using palms to treat others to the table,guideline for the guest. Palm is up and fingers slightly curved, with the meaning of modesty,honesty,respect for others.

45、What are the advantages and disadvantages of becoming vegetarian?

Advantages:shape your size;good to decrease the risk of heart disease;

Disadvantages:decreased protein;lack of food choices;difficulty when with a crowd;decreased vitamins and minerals.

46、Which is the best restaurant and the worst restaurant you have ever known?


1. ●两难忘的事件在自己的生活中/国历史。

● 你注意到一个人最当你第一次遇见他们?你的第一印象,当你认识新的人吗? 2. ●谁是你最喜欢的女歌手/男歌手/乐队?你为什么喜欢他/她吗?

3. ●说,对你有很大的印象的人。 4. ●记下服装,有以下部件。 5. 皮带扣B)C)按钮D)套E)邮编

6. 解释这句话冷静下来的含义,你真讨厌,容易被风吹起来,可不是她。 7. ●什么样的形象你觉得最有吸引力?

8. ●认为重要的生活事件和生活中的每个阶段相关的。 9. ●决定哪个是最好的年龄或阶段学习外语。 10. ●优势和学校交流或国外游学的缺点是什么? 11. ●解释说:“血浓于水”为例。 12. ●什么是“代沟”?举几个例子。

13. ●指出你认为父母会在他们的儿子或女儿的未来的合作伙伴认为重要不重要? 14. ●解释“没有免费的午餐”。举一个例子。 15. ●描述一个尴尬的境地,你或其他人的经历

16. ●想像有人去接他们的女朋友或男朋友的父母第一次你会给他们什么建议? 17. ●解释说:“家是心之所在”为例。

18. ●选择(使,采取或):财富/建议/职责/责任/感 19. ●选择(使,采取或):生活/猜/办公室/风险 20. ●选择(使,采取或):方式/单词/行动/开始 21. ●选择(使,采取或):利润/损失/一笑/右 22. ●上次你泼出去的东西是什么时候? 23. ●它如果妻子收入超过丈夫的事吗?

24. ●如果给你100000元节省,花钱或投资,你会做什么? 25. ●完成句子,使他们真正的你: 26. 如果我已经出世的异性成员的… 27. 如果我有著名的父母…

28. 如果我是出世在一个不同的国家…

29. 为什么会有人想要●出售他们的生活,然后开始一个新的吗? 30. ●如果你正在销售你的一生,会是什么一个拥有你想保持? 31. ●谈论你最珍惜的财产 32. ●谈论一次你什么时候有挑战性

33. ●如果请你做一个项目提高对poor.what钱你会怎么做? 34. ●建议下列疾病:睡觉/扭伤脚踝的困难

35. ●建议下列疾病:晒伤/头痛欲裂 36. ●建议下列疾病:喉咙痛,发烧

37. ●告诉关于你自己的仪式或你认识的人的仪式

38. ●你知道谁是非常重视他们的车(或骑自行车,或电脑,或手机? 39. ●释义和举例:一)有什么B去做某事去) 40. ●释义和举例:一)有什么B去)在去 41. ●释义和举例:一)做某事B)中去 42. ●描述你的早上例程 43. ●描述中国的婚礼你参加过 44. ●你知道在英国/美国婚礼? 45. 你以为你是浪漫●吗?

46. ●解释以下有趣的话:“爱一个人是不完全的直到他结婚。然后他完成“。 47. ●如何浪漫?..... ......做/不

48. ●谈论所有的人和事使你烦恼?你如何处理? 49. ●谈论最常见的姿势在一家餐馆做的人。 50. ●成为素食主义者的优点和缺点是什么? 51. ●最好的餐厅和最餐厅你要知道是哪个?

35. ●建议下列疾病:晒伤/头痛欲裂 36. ●建议下列疾病:喉咙痛,发烧

37. ●告诉关于你自己的仪式或你认识的人的仪式

38. ●你知道谁是非常重视他们的车(或骑自行车,或电脑,或手机? 39. ●释义和举例:一)有什么B去做某事去) 40. ●释义和举例:一)有什么B去)在去 41. ●释义和举例:一)做某事B)中去 42. ●描述你的早上例程 43. ●描述中国的婚礼你参加过 44. ●你知道在英国/美国婚礼? 45. 你以为你是浪漫●吗?

46. ●解释以下有趣的话:“爱一个人是不完全的直到他结婚。然后他完成“。 47. ●如何浪漫?..... ......做/不

48. ●谈论所有的人和事使你烦恼?你如何处理? 49. ●谈论最常见的姿势在一家餐馆做的人。 50. ●成为素食主义者的优点和缺点是什么? 51. ●最好的餐厅和最餐厅你要知道是哪个?

