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三、你愿意帮助他人吗?如果你有机会成为志愿者,你愿意做什么工作呢?为什么?根据以上要求,写一篇短文,字数在50左右。 三、One possible version(仅供参考)

I like helping people who need help. I enjoy singing very much. So, if I have a chance to volunteer, I’d like to be a teacher to teach children many songs that I like. I love children. Looking at their sweet smile is so happy. And I think it’s also my honor to make others happier. If I am a volunteer, I will be a great one. Unit 8:

A:Hello,Miss White ! I'd like to be a volunteer .Can you help me ? B:Well,___________________________? A:Mm , I think I love kids.

B:Have you ever been a babysitter ?

A: No , never I can't do that kind of work .

B: It doesn't matter ,But I guess you know how play basketball._____________________? A: Sorry ,I don't really like basketball very much .___________________________________? B: what about a job cleaning up the parks ? It's on Sundays .

A: that's not good . I have to take care of my grandma on Sundays . B: Oh , I see .__________________________________? A: Sorry ,I can't even fix up my own bicycle .

B : That's OK ,Maybe this is a good one .We need someone to read to people in the hospital . You can do it any day you want .

A: That's sounds good ._________________? B: Why not today ?

1: What kind of volunteer work would you like to doi? 2: We need someone to help teach kids to play basketball . 3: Is there anything else ? 4: Do you know how to fix up bicycles ?/Can you ....5 : when do I start ? Unit 7:


B: I'd like to visit Zhangjiajie in Hunan ._______________________________________? A: No , never But I heard the mountains there were very beautiful . B : You 're right.__________________________________________? A : Yes I'd love to .How much will it cost to do there ? B : I 'm not sure . I think one thousand yuan is enough .

A:One thousand yuan ? Oh ,it is not expensive .___________________________?

B : Taking a train . There is a train station in Zhangjiajie . The train can take you right there.

A : ___________________________________________? B : It depends on what kind of train you will like . A : ________________________________?

B : It's very good . It's neither too cold in winter nor too hot in summar .

A: And what can you see there ?

B : Mountains , bamboo ,and monkeys .

A : That's great . I want to go there right now .

1: Where .................? 2 : Have you ever been there before ? 3 Would you like to go there with me ? 4 Which is the best way to go there ? 5 : How long will it take to go there ? 6 What's the weather like there ? Unit 6

A: Good morning ,Bob It's Saturday tomorrow ._____________________?

B : I'm going to watch a fashion show . The posters says that many famous models will be thereto model clothes . _____________________?

A : Sure , I'd love to . I'm always interested in any fashion show . ___________________? B : It'll start at 6:oo pm .

A : __________________________? B : Let's walk there . It's not far away . A : _______________________________?

B : At 5:00 outside there school gate this Sunday afternoon . A : OK . See you then . B :See you .

1:What are you going to do ? 2 : Would you like to go there with me ? 3:When will it start ? 4 : How shall we go there ? 5 : When and where shall we meet ?

