董事委任书(中英对照) - 图文

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NO.24,Lesperance Complex, Providence Industrial Estate , Mahe , Seychelles 动点管理(塞舌尔共和国)有限公司


Certificate Of Incumbency

委 任 书

We, POWER POINT MANAGEMENT (SEYCHELLES) LIMITED,being the duly appointed Registered Agent of Snowsled Polar Incorporated, an International Business Company incorporated in the No. 24, Lesperance Complex, Providence Industrial Estate,Mahe, Seychelles, on the 2014/5/19, Registration Number 146745, Authorized Share Capital US Capital US$10,000,000 hereby confirm the following:


1. that the company is in Good Legal Standing in the Seychelles.


2. that as far as can be determined from documents retained at the Registered Office of the Company, the Directors appointed are as follow:


APPOINTED PASSPORT NO. DATE OF APPOINTMENT SHANG, DEFU E17955442 2014/5/26 任命董事 护照号码 任命日期 尚德富 E17955442 2014年5月26日

that as far as can be determined from documents retained at the Registered Office of the Company, the Shareholders appointed are as follows:


APPOINTED CERT. NO. NO. OF SHARES % OF SHARE(S) SHANG,DEFU 1 10,000,000 100% 任命董事 证书号码 股份数额 股份百分比 尚德富 1 1千万 100%

5. that as far as can be determined from documents retained at the Registered Office of the


Company, no Register of Mortgages and Charges pursuant to Section 70A of the International Business Companies Ordinance field at the Companies Registry or held on file at the Company’s Registered Office.


Dated this June 5,2014. 确认日期为


For and on behalf of


Authorized Signature(s) 授权署名










Snowsled Polar Incorporated 公司章程 FINANCIAL SERVICES AUTHORITY REPUBLIC OF SEYCHELLES 塞舌尔金融服务管理局 19 MAY 2014


塞舌尔共和国马埃岛维多利亚市区 邮政信箱991 2014年5月19日



POWER POINT MANAGEMENT (SEYCHELLES) LIMITED 24, Lesperance Complex, Providence Industrial Estate, Mahe, Seychelles 塞舌尔共和国马埃岛普罗维登斯工业区莱斯佩兰西综合办公楼24号




Snowsled Polar Incorporated



1. The name of the company Snowsled Polar Incorporated 公司名称为极地雪橇公司

2. The registered office of the company is situated at 24, Lesperance Complex. Providence Industrial Estate, Mahe,Seychelles.

公司注册地址为 塞舌尔共和国马埃岛普罗维登斯工业区莱斯佩兰西综合办 公楼24号

3. The registered agent of the company is POWER POINT MANAGEMENT (SEYCHELLES) LIMITED of 24, Lesperance Complex, Providence Industrial Estate, Mahe. Seychelles.

公司注册代理为 塞舌尔共和国马埃岛普罗维登斯工业区莱斯佩兰西综合 办公楼24号动点管理(塞舌尔)有限公司

4. The objects of the company are to engage in any act or activity that is not prohibited under any law for the time being in force in Seychelles, except that the company shall not carry on any banking, insurance. reinsurance or trust business and subject to specific limitations as set forth by the Seychelles International Business Companies Act 1994.


5. The authorised capital of the company is TEN MILLION

United States Dollars US$ 10,000,000.00 which consists of 10,000,000 shares of One United States Dollar (US$1.00) each and the aggregate of the Par Value of the shares that the company is authorised to issue is equal to its authorised capital. 公司注册资本为 一千万美元 $10,000,000.00 分成10,000,000股,每股面值1美元。公司法定发行股份总面值与其注册资本相等。


6. All the shares in the company shall be issued in United States Dollars. 公司所有股票需以美元发行。

7. All the shares in the company shall be of the same class and series. 公司所有股票为同类别和序列股。

8. All the shares in the company shall be ordinary shares. which shall carry: 公司所有股份均为普通股,股东应: a) equal voting rights;

b) equal rights to dividends;

c) equal rights to the return of the capital and participation in surplus assets on a winding-up; and rank parri passu every other respect. a) 有平等的投票权; b) 按出资比例分红;

c) 公司清算时,在资金返还、盈余资产分红等各方面享有平等权利。

9. The company is not allowed to issue bearer shares. The directors are authorised to issue shares as registered shares by resolution. 公司不得发行无记名股票。董事经授权可根据决议发行记名股票。

10. 10. The company has no power to: 公司不得:

1. carry on business in Seychelles;

2. own an interest in immovable property situated in Seychelles; 3. lease an immovable property situated in Seychelles; 4. carry on banking and/or trust business; 5. carry on business as an insurance company;

6. carry on business of providing the registered office for companies.

1. 在塞舌尔经商;

2. 与位于塞舌尔的不动产有利益关系; 3. 出租位于塞舌尔的不动产; 4. 开展银行和/或信托业务; 5. 作为保险公司开展业务;

6. 为其他公司提供注册办事处业务。

We, the undersigned subscribers are desirous of being formed into an International Business Company to be governed by this Memorandum of Association.

我们,即以下签名申请人,希望成立国际商业公司,我们将严格遵守本章程。 Dated this: 19/05/2014 日期

Subscriber's signature: __________________________ 认股人签名

Signature: ________________________



Name: CHANG, PI-CHU 姓名

Address POWER POINT MANAGEMENT (SEYCHELLES) LIMITED 地址 24, Lesperance Complex, Providence Industrial Estate, Mahe, Seychelle

塞舌尔共和国马埃岛普罗维登斯工业区莱斯佩兰西综合办 公楼24号动点管理(塞舌尔)有限公司

Witness to the above signature 以上署名者见证人

Name: YU,SZU-WEI 姓名

Address: POWER POINT MANAGEMENT (SEYCHELLES) LIMITED 地址 24, Lesperance Complex, Providence Industrial Estate, Mahe, Seychelles

塞舌尔共和国马埃岛普罗维登斯工业区莱斯佩兰西综合办公 楼24号动点管理(塞舌尔)有限公司 FINANCIAL SERVICES AUTHORITY REPUBLIC OF SEYCHELLES 塞舌尔金融服务管理局 19 MAY 2014


塞舌尔共和国马埃岛维多利亚市区 邮政信箱991 2014年5月19日





《国际商业公司法》(1994年修订版) ARTICLES OF ASSOCIATION 公司章程 OF

Snowsled Polar Incorporated COMPANY NUMBER: 146745



In these Articles, if not consistent with the subject or context, the words and expressions standing in the first column of the following table shall bear the meaning set opposite them respectively in the second column thereof. 本章程中,除文意另有所指外,下表第一列中用语具有各自对应的第二列所示含义。

Expressions: Meanings: 用语 意义

1.1 Capital The sum of the aggregate par value of all outstanding shares with par value of the Company and shares with par value held by the Company as treasury shares plus:

1.1 股本 含公司面值的所有流通股份总面值及含公司持有库存股份总 面值的股份加:

1.1.1 the aggregate of the amounts designated as capital of all outstanding shares without par Value of the Company and shares without par value held by the Company as treasury shares; and

1.1.1 不含公司面值的所有流通股份的指定总资本和不含公 司持有库存股份总面值的股份;和

1.1.2. the amounts are from time to time transferred from surplus to capital by a resolution of directors.

1.1.2 可随时根据董事决议将盈余转为股本的总额。

1 .2 Member A person who holds shares in the Company 股东 公司持股人

1.3. Person An individual, a corporation,a trust, the estate of a deceased individual, a partnership or an unincorporated association of Persons.

人员 包括个人、公司、信托、已故个人财产、合伙企业、非法人



1.4 Resolution of directors董事会决议

1.4.1 A resolution approved at a duly constituted meeting of the Board of the Directors of the Company or of a committee of directors of the Company by the affirmative vote of a simple majority of the directors present who voted and did not abstain where the meeting was called on proper notice or, if on short notice if those directors not present have waived notice; or 1.4.1 经正式通知,或临时通知而一些董事放弃出席召开的董 事会会议或董事委员会中,出席且投票的董事以简单多 数赞成票通过的决议;或

1.4.2 A resolution consented to in writing by all directors or of all members of the committee, as the case may be. 1.4.2 根据具体情况,所有董事或股东以书面形式同意的决 议。

1.5 Resolution of Members股东会决议

1.5.1 A resolution approved at a duly constituted meeting of the members of the Company by the affirmative vote of: 1.5.1 由正式召开的公司股东大会通过的决议,赞成票为: a simple majority of the votes of the shareholders present at the meeting and

entitled to vote thereon and who voted and did not abstain; or 与会股东、有投票权人员和未投弃权票人员 简单多数赞成;或 a simple majority of the votes of the

shareholders of each class or series of shares present at the meeting and entitled to vote thereon as a class or series and who voted and not abstained and of a simple majority of the votes of the remaining shareholders entitled to vote thereon present at the meeting and who voted and did not abstain; or 与会有投票权且未投弃权票的类别或序 列股份股东作为一类或序列简单多数赞成, 其余有投票权且未投弃权票与会股东简单 多数赞成;或

1.5.2 A resolution consented to in writing by:


1.5.2 以下情况以书面形式通过的决议: An absolute majority of the votes of each class or series of shares entitled to vote thereon; or 有投票权的每一类别或序列股为绝对多 数赞成;或 An absolute majority of the votes of each class or

series of shares entitled to vote thereon as a class or series and of an absolute majority of the votes of the remaining shares entitled to vote thereon. 有投票权的每一类别或序列股份作为一类

别或序列列为绝对多数赞成,其余有投票 权的股份为绝对多数赞成。

1.6. Securities 证券

Shares and debt obligations of every kind, and options, warrants and rights to acquire shares or debt obligations.


1.7 Surplus 盈余

The excess, if any, at the time of the determination of the total assets of the company over the aggregate of its total liabilities as shown in its books of accounts, plus the Company's capital.


1.8 The Memorandum 组织大纲

The Memorandum of association of the Company as originally framed or as from time to time amended.


1.9 The Act 法案

The International Business Companies Act 1994. 《国际商业公司法》(1994年修订版)

1.10 These Articles 条款

These articles of association as originally framed or as from time to time amended. 最初制定或之后随时修订形成的章程条款。

1.11 Treasury Shares 库存股份

Shares in the Company that were otherwise acquired by the Company and not cancelled.


1.12. \or any term of like import includes words typewritten printed,


painted,engraved, lithographed, photographed or represented or reproduced by any mode or representing or reproducing words in a visible form, including telex. telegram, cable or other form of writing produced by electronic communication. 1.12 “书面文件”或类似术语包括以打印、印刷、雕刻、石印、拍照或任何方式重现重制的文字及其它可见形式,包括电传、电报、电缆或其它电子通讯形式形成的文字。

1.13 Save as aforesaid any words or expressions defined in the Act shall bear the same meaning in these articles.


1.14 Whenever the singular or plural number, or the masculine, feminine or neuter gender is issued in these articles. It shall equally, where the context admits, include the other.


1.15. A reference in these articles to voting in relation to shares shall be construed as a reference to voting by members holding the shares. except that it is the votes allocated to shares that shall be counted and not the number of members who actually voted, and a reference to shares being present a meeting shall be given a corresponding construction.


1.16. A reference to money in these articles is a reference to the currency of the United States of America unless otherwise stated.



2.1 The Company shall issue to every member holding registered shares in the Company a certificate signed by a director or officer of the company and specifying the shares or shares held by him, and the signature of the director or officer. 公司应给每位记名股份持股人发放由公司董事或主管签署的证书,指明其所关联的股份,含董事或管理人员签名。

2.2 Any member receiving a share certificate for registered shares shall indemnify and hold the Company and its directors and officers harmless from any loss or liability which it or they incur by reason of the wrongful or fraudulent use or representation made by any person by virtue of the possession thereof. If a share certificate for registered shares is worn out or lost it may be renewed on production of the worn certificate or on satisfactory proof of its loss together with such indemnity as


may be required by a resolution of directors.


2.3 If several person are registered as joint holders of any shares, any one of such persons may be given an effectual receipt for any dividends payable in respect of such shares.



3.1 Subject to the provisions of these articles and any resolution of members, the unissued shares of the Company shall be at the disposal of the directors who may, without prejudice to any rights previously conferred on the holders of any existing shares or class or series of shares,offer. allot. grant options over or otherwise dispose of the shares to such persons at such times and upon such terms and conditions as the Company may by resolution of directors determine. 受本章程规定及本公司任何股东大会决议的约束,本公司之未发售股票应由董事进行处理,不对上文规定赋予任何现有股份或类别或序列股份股东的任何权利构成限制或影响,以本公司董事可能决议决定的时间、条款条件、售予对象,将股份出售、配售、授予期限或做任何其他处理。

3.2 Shares in the Company shall be issued for money, services rendered, personal property, an estate in real property, a promissory note or other binding obligation to contribute money or property or any combination of the foregoing as shall be determined by a resolution of directors.


3.3 Shares in the Company may be issued for such amount of consideration as the directors may from time to time by resolution of directors determine, except that in the case of shares with par value, the amount shall not be less than the par value, and in the absence of fraud the decision of the direction as to the value of the consideration received by the Company in respect of the issue is conclusive unless a question of law is involved. The consideration in respect of the shares constitutes capital to the extent of par value and the excess constitutes surplus. 本公司的股票发行数量可考虑董事根据董事决议作出的决定,具有票面价值的股票除外,发售价不得低于其票面价值。且当无欺诈存在时,董事就发售该等股票时本公司应取得的代价价值做出的决定将作为结论性的决定,除非有关决定涉及法律问题。有关股票的代价中,票面值构成资本,超出票面值部分构成盈余。

3.4 A share issued by the Company upon conversion of, or in exchange for, another


share, a debt obligation or other security in the Company shall be treated for all purposes as having being issued for money equal to the consideration received or deemed to have been received by the Company in respect of the other share, debt obligation or security.


3.5 Treasury shares may be disposed of the Company on such terms and conditions (not otherwise inconsistent with these articles) as the Company may by resolution of directors determine .


3.6 The Company may issue fractions of a share and a fractional share shall have the same corresponding fractional liabilities, limitations, preferences, privileges, qualifications, restrictions, rights and other attributes of a whole share of the same class or series of shares.


3.7 Upon the issue by the Company of a share without par value, the consideration in respect of the share constitutes capital to the extent designated by the directors, and the excess constitutes surplus, except that the directors must designate as capital an amount of the consideration that is at least equal to the amount that the share is entitled to as a preference,if any, in the assets of the Company upon liquidation of the Company.


3.8 The Company may purchase, redeem or otherwise acquire and hold its own shares but no purchase, redemption or other acquisition, which shall constitute a reduction in capital, shall be made except in compliance with articles 6.4 and 6.5. 本公司可购买、赎回或以其他方式获得并持有本公司自己发行的股票,但任何购买、赎回或其他获取方式等构成资产减少的情况都应与条款6.4和6.5一致。

3.9 Shares that the Company purchases, redeems or otherwise acquires pursuant to article 3.8 may be cancelled or held as treasury shares unless the shares are purchased, redeemed or otherwise acquired out of capital and would otherwise infringe upon the requirements of articles 6.4 and 6.5m or to the extent that such shares are in excess of 80 per cent of the issued shares of the Company, in which case they shall be cancelled but they shall be available for reissue. Upon the cancellation of a share, the amount included as capital of the Company with respect to that share shall be deducted from


the capital of the Company.


3.10 Where shares in the Company are held by the Company as treasury shares or are held by another company of which the company holds, directly or indirectly, sharers having more than 50 per cent of the votes in the election of directors of the other company, such shares of the Company are not entitled to vote or to have dividends paid thereon and shall not be treated as outstanding for any purpose except for purposes of determining the capital of the Company.


3.11 No notice of a trust. whether expressed, implied or constructive, shall be entered in the share register.



4.1 Subject to any limitations in the memorandum, registered shares in the Company may be transferred by a written instruction of transfer signed by the transferor and containing the name and address of the transferee, but in the absence of such written instrument of transfer the directors may accept such evidence of a transfer of shares as they consider appropriate. 受本章程约束,公司记名股份可通过转让人签署书面转让文件进行转让,该文件需包含受让人姓名与地址,若无此类转让书面文件,董事会可接受其认为合法的此类转让证明。

4.2 The Company shall not be required to treat a transferee of a registered share in the company as a member until the transferor’s name has been entered in the share register.


4.3 Subject to any limitations in the memorandum, the Company must on the application of the transferor or transferee of a registered share in the Company, enter in the share register the name of the transferor of the share save that the registration of transfers may be suspended and the share register closed at such times and for such periods as the Company may from time to time by resolution of directors determine, provide always that such registration shall not be suspended and the share register closed for more that 60 days in any period of 12 months.




5.1 The executor or administrator of a deceased member, the guardian of an incompetent member or the trustee of a bankrupt member shall be the only persons recognised by the Company as having any title to his share but they shall not be entitled to exercise any rights as a member of the Company until they have proceeded as set forth in the next two articles.


5.2 Any person becoming entitled by operation of law or otherwise to a share or shares of the death, incompetence or bankruptcy of any member may be registered as a member upon such evidence being produced as may reasonably be required by the directors. An application by any such person to be registered, as a member shall be deemed to be a transfer of shares of the deceased, incompetent or bankrupt member and the directors shall treat it as such.

通过法律或其他方式得到任何已故、无行为能力、破产股东股份的任何人 出示董事会要求的合理证明可作为股东登记。登记此类申请的人员为股东时,应视为且也应被董事会视为已故、无行为能力、破产股东的股份转移。

5.3 Any person, who has become entitled to a share or shares inconsequence of the death. incompetence or bankruptcy of any member may, instead of being registered himself, request in writing that some person to be named by him be registered as the transferee of such share or shares and such requests shall likewise be treated as if it were a transfer.


5.4 What amounts to incompetence on the part of a person is a matter to be determined by the court having regard to all the relevant evidence and the circumstances of the case.

5.4 何种程度才算无行为能力的人,这由法院视相关证明和案例情况而定。


6.1 The Company may by a resolution of directors amend the memorandum to


increase or reduce its authorised capital and in connection therewith the Company may, in respect of any unissued shares increase or reduce the number of shares, increase the par value of any shares or effect any combination of the foregoing. 公司可通过董事决议修订章程以增加或减少公司或与公司相关法定股本, 关于未发行股份数,公司可增加或减少股份数,增加股份面值或影响任何上述事项的组合。

6.2 The Company may amend the memorandum to: 公司可修订章程以:

6.2.1 divide the shares, including issued shares, of a class and series into a larger

number of shares of the same class or series; or


6.2.2 combine the shares, including issued shares, of a class or series into a smaller number of shares of the same class or series;


6.2.3 provided, however, that where shares are divided or combined under articles 6.2.1 and 6.2.2, the aggregate par value of the new shares must be equal to the aggregate par value of the original shares.


6.3 The capital of the Company may by a resolution of directors be increased by transferring an amount of the surplus of the Company to capital, and subject to the provisions of articles 6.4 and 6.5 the capital of the Company may be reduced by transferring an amount of the capital of the Company to surplus. 经董事决议,可将一定数量公司盈余转为资本以增加公司股本,根据条款6.4 和6.5,也可将一定数量公司资本转为盈余以减少公司股本。

6.4 No reduction of capital shall be effected that reduces the capital of the Company to an amount that immediately after the reduction is less than the aggregate par value of all outstanding shares with par value and all shares with par value held by the Company as treasury shares, and the aggregate of the amounts designated as capital of all outstanding shares without par value and all shares without par value held by the Company as treasury shares that are entitled to a preference, if any, in the assets of the Company upon liquidation of the Company. 股本的减少应不受下列情况影响:公司减少一定股本后少于所有有票面价值的流通股总面值和公司库存股份总面值,及指定的无票面价值的流通股总面值和在公司清算资产中,公司持有作为优先股(若有的话)的无票面价值的库存股份。

6.5 No reduction of capital shall be effected unless the directors determine that immediately after the reduction, the Company will be able to satisfy its liabilities as they become due in the ordinary course of its business and that the realisable assets of


the Company will not be less than its total liabilities, other than deferred taxes, as shown in the books of the Company, and its remaining capital, and, in the absence of fraud, the decision of the directors as to the realisable value of the assets of the Company is conclusive, unless a question of law is involved. 除非董事会决定公司股本减少后,公司在正常贸易中负债期满时有能力及时偿还以及公司账簿和股本显示递延税后合理资产和剩余股本不少于负债总值时,否则不可减少股本。且当无欺诈存在时,董事就本公司应取得的代价价值做出的决定将作为结论性的决定,除非有关决定涉及法律问题。

6.6 Where the Company reduces its capital the Company may: 公司减少股本时,可:

6.6.1 return to its members any mount received by the Company upon the issue of any of its shares;


6.6.2 purchase, redeem or otherwise acquire its shares out of capital; or 以购买、赎回或其他方式从资本中获取股份;或

6.6.3 cancel any capital that is lost or not represented by assets having a realizable value. 注销丢失资本或不可变现资本。


7.1 The directors of the Company may convene meetings of the members of the Company at such times and in such manner and places within or outside the republic of Seychelles as the directors consider necessary or desirable.


7.2 Upon the written request of members holding 10 per cent more of the outstanding voting share in the Company, the directors shall convene a meeting of members.


7.3 The directors shall give not less than 7 days notice of meeting of members to these persons whose names on the date the notice is given appear as members in the share register of the Company.


7.4 A meeting of members held in contravention of the requirement in articles 7.3 is not invalid:



7.4.1 If members holding not less than 90 per cent of the total number of shares entitled to vote on all matters to be considered at the meeting, or 90 per cent of the votes of each class or series of shares whether members are entitled to vote thereon as a class or series together with not less than a

90 per cent majority of the remaining votes, have agreed to shorter notice of the meeting: or

若不少于股份总数90%的对会议所有审议事项有投票权的股东,或 90%的每一类别或序列股中有投票权的类别或序列股和不少于90% 的剩余票数 同意临时通知召开股东大会;或

7.4.2 if all members holding shares entitled to vote on all or any matters to be considered at the meeting have waived notice of the meeting and for this purpose presence at the meeting shall be deemed to constitute waiver. 若所有持有对会议所有审议事项投票权的股份股东已放弃此次会议, 则因此出席会议的被视为弃权。

7.5 The in advertent failure of the directors to give notice of a meeting to a member, or the fact that a member has not received notice, does not invalidate the meeting.


7.6 A member may be represented at a meeting of members by a proxy who may speak and vote on behalf of the member.


7.7 The instrument appointing a proxy shall be produced at the place appointed for the meeting before the time for holding the meeting at which the person named in such instrument proposes to vote.


7.8 An instrument appointing a proxy shall be in substantially the following form or such other form as the chairman of the meeting shall accept as properly evidencing the wishes of the member appointing a proxy. Only members who are individuals may appoint proxies.


I/We……………………………………………………………………………… 我/我们

being a member of the above Company with…………………………………… 作为上述公司股东,持股

Shares HEREBY APPOINT………………………………………………………



of…………………………………….or failing him……………………………… 为 或撤销

………………….of……………………………………………………………… ………………..to be my/our proxy to vote for me/us at the meeting of members to be held on……………………


The day of ………………………….and at any adjournment thereof (Any restrictions on voting to be inserted here) (包含在此插入的所有投票限制)

Signed this ………………………………day of ………………………… 签署此 日期 ……………………………………….. Member 股东

7.9 The following shall apply in respect of joint ownership of shares:


7.9.1 if two more persons hold shares jointly, each of them may be present in person or by proxy at a meeting of members and may speak as a member;

若两人或多于两人联合持股,则其中任一人或代理人出席股东会议时 应作为一名股东发言;

7.9.2 if only one of the joint owners is present in person or by proxy he may vote on behalf of all joint owners; and

若联合持股人中只有一人本人或代理人出席会议,则其代表所有联合 持股人投票;并且

7.9.3 if two or more of the joint owners are present in person or by proxy they must vote as one.

若联合持股人中两人或两人以上本人或代理人出席会议,他们应作为 一名股东投票。

7.10 A member shall be deemed to be present at a meeting of members if he participates by telephone or other electronic means and all members participating in the meeting are able to hear each other.


7.11 A meeting of members is duly constituted if, at the commencement of the


meeting, there are present in person or by proxy not less than 50 per cent of the votes of the shares or class or series of shares entitled to vote on resolutions of member to be considered at the meeting. If a quorum is present notwithstanding the fact that such quorum may be represented by only one person then such person may resolve any matter and a certificate signed by such person accompanied, where such person be a proxy, by a copy of the proxy form, shall constitute a valid resolution of members. 若股东大会开始时,有不少于50%的股东决议中对会议所有审议事项有投票权的类别或序列股股东出席会议,则股东大会正式召开。若法定人数出席会议,即使法定人数仅为一人,其仍可在决定任何事项和通过其在有他人陪伴情况下签署的证书,当其是代理人,需有代理人任命文件复印件,方可制定有效的股东决议。

7.12 If within two hours from the time appointed for the meeting a quorum is not present, the meeting, if convened upon a requisition of members, shall be dissolved; in any other case it shall stand adjourned to the next business day at the same time and place to such other time and place as directors may determine, and if at the adjourned meeting there are present within one hour from the time appointed for the meeting in person or by proxy not less than one-third of the votes of the shares or each class or series entitled to vote on the resolutions to be considered by the meeting, those present shall constitute a quorum, but otherwise the meeting shall be dissolved.


7.13 At every meeting of members, the chairman of the board of directors shall preside as chairman of the meeting. If there is no chairman of the board of directors or the chairman of the board of directors is not present at the meeting, the member present shall choose someone of their number to be the chairman of the meeting. If the members are unable to choose a chairman for any reason, then the person representing the greatest number of voting shares present in person or by prescribed form or proxy at the meeting shall preside as chairman, failing which the oldest individual member representative of a member present shall take the chair. 每次股东大会上,由董事长担任主席主持大会。若董事会无董事长或董事长缺席股东大会,则出席股东应在他们中选出一名大会主席。若股东出于任何原因无法选出大会主席,那么出席的代表最大数量投票权股份股东本人或代理人应主持会议,否则,由出席会议的最年长的个人股东代表主持会议。

7.14 The chairman may, with the consent of the meeting, adjourn any meeting from time to time, from place to place, but no business shall be transacted at any adjourned meeting other than the business left unfinished at the meeting from which the adjournment took place. 经股东大会同意,主席可随时随地休会,但除在决定召开延期会议的那次会议中未完成的业务外,任何业务都不可在延期会议上交易。


7.15 At any meeting of the members the chairman shall be responsible for deciding in such manner as he shall consider appropriate whether any resolution has been carried or not, and the result of his decision shall be announced to the meeting and recorded in the minutes thereof. If the chairman shall have any doubt as to the outcome of any resolution put to the vote, he shall cause a poll to be taken of all votes cast upon such resolution, but if the chairman shall fail to take a poll then any member present in person or by proxy who disputes the announcement by the chairman of the result of any vote may immediately following such announcement demand that a poll be taken and the chairman shall thereupon cause a poll to be taken. If a poll is taken at any meeting, the result thereof shall be duly recorded in the minutes of the meeting by the chairman. 股东大会中,会议主席负责决定股东大会的决议是否通过,并应当在会上宣布和载入会议纪要。会议主席如果对提交表决的决议结果持有异议,可以对所投票数进行点算;如果会议主席未进行点票,出席会议的股东或者股东代理人对会议主席宣布结果有异议的,有权在宣布后立即要求点票,会议主席应当即时进行点票。股东大会如果进行点票,点票结果应由主席记入会议纪要。

7.16 Any person other than an individual shall be regarded as one member and subject to article 7.17 the right of any individual to speak for or represent such member shall be determined by the law of the jurisdiction where, and by the documents by which the person is constituted or derives its existence. In case of doubt, the directors may in good faith seek legal advice from any qualified person and unless and until a Court of competent jurisdiction shall otherwise rule, the directors may rely and act upon such advice without incurring any liability to any member.


7.17 Any person other than an individual which is a member of the Company may by resolution of its directors or other governing body authorise such persons as it thinks fit to act as its representative at any meeting of the Company or of any class of members of the Company, and the person so authorised shall be entitled to exercise the same powers on behalf of the person which he represents as that person could exercise if it were an individual member of the Company. 除个人外,为公司股东的任何人可通过董事决议或其他管理部门在认为合适情况下授权其作为公司任何会议或任何类别股东的代表,被授权人应有权代表其行使与他作为公司股东可行使的相同的权力。

7.18 The chairman of any meeting at which a vote is cast by proxy or on behalf of any person other than an individual may call for a notarially certified copy of such proxy or authority which shall be produced within 7 days of being requested, or the votes cast by such proxy or on behalf of such person shall be disregarded.




8.1 The first directors of the Company shall be elected by the subscribers to the memorandums; and thereafter, the directors shall be elected by the members or directors for such terms as they may determine. 公司第一任董事应由本章程认股人选举,之后董事应由股东或董事选出并决定其任期。

8.2 The minimum number of the directors shall be one and the maximum number shall be fifty.


8.3 Each director shall hold office for the term, if any, fixed by a resolution of members.


8.4 A director may be removed from office, with or without cause, by a resolution of members.


8.5 A director may resign his office by giving written notice of his resignation to the Company, and the resignation shall have effect from date the notice is received by the Company or from such later date as may be specified in the notice. 董事可向公司递交书面通知辞职,辞职从公司收到该通知之日起,或从通知中明确的辞职日期起生效。

8.6 A vacancy in the board of directors may be filled by a resolution of members or by a resolution of the majority of the remaining directors. 董事会空缺可由股东决议或剩余多数董事决议填补。

8.7 With prior or subsequent approval by a resolution of members, the directors may, by a resolution of directors, fix the emoluments of directors with respect to services to be rendered in any capacity to the company. 经过股东决议先后的赞成,董事会可通过董事决议根据董事为公司提供的服务规定其报酬。

8.8 A director shall not require a share qualification, and may be an individual or a company.




9.1 The business and affairs of the Company shall be managed by the directors who will pay all expenses incurred preliminary to and in conjunction with the formation and registration of the Company and may exercise all such powers of the Company as are not by the Act or by the memorandum or these articles required to be exercised by the numbers of the Company, subject to any delegation of such powers as may be authorised by these articles and to such requirements as may be prescribed by a resolution of members; but no requirement made by a resolution of members shall prevail if it be inconsistent with these articles nor shall such requirement invalidate any prior act of the directors which would have been valid if such requirement had not been made.


9.2 The directors may, by a resolution of directors, appoint any person, including a person who is a director, to be an officer or agent of the Company. 董事可以通过董事决议方式任命任何人(包括董事在内)担任公司的管理人员或代理人。

9.3 Every officer or agent of the Company has such powers and authority of the directors, including the power and authority to set forth in these Articles or in the resolution of director appointing the officer or agent, except that no officer or agent has any power or authority with respects to fixing the emoluments of directors.


9.4 Any directors which is a body corporate may appoint any person its duly authorised representative for the purpose if representing it at meetings of the Board of Directors or with respect to unanimous written consents.


9.5 The continuing directors may act notwithstanding any vacancy in their body, save that if their number is reduced below the number fixed by or pursuant to these Articles as the necessary quorum for a meeting of directors, the continuing director ay act only for the purpose of appointing directors to fill any vacancy that has arisen or summing a meeting of members.




9.6 All cheques, promissory notes, drafts, bills of exchange and other negotiable instruments, and all receipts formonies paid to the Company shall be signed, drawn, accepted, endorsed or otherwise executed, as the case may be, in such manner as shall from time to time be determined by resolution of directors. 所有支票、本票、汇票和流通票据以及公司进账的所有收据都必须按照董事决议不时所确定的方式进行签署、开立、承兑、背书或执行。


10.1 The directors of the Company or any committee thereof may meet at such times and in such manner and places within or without the Republic of Seychelles as the directors may determine to be necessary or desirable.


10.2 A director shall be deemed to be present at a meeting of directors if he participates by telephone or other electronic means and all directors participating in the meeting are able to hear each other.


10.3 A director shall be given no less than 7 days’ notice of meetings of directors, but a meeting of directors held without 7 days’ notice having been given to all directors shall be valid if all the directors entitled to vote at the meeting who do not attend waive notice of the meeting. The inadvertent failure to give notice of a meeting to a director has not received the notice, does not invalidate at the meeting. 召开董事会必须至少提前7日通知到每位董事,但是,未提前7日通知所有董事情况下召开的董事会会议,如果所有具有表决权的缺席董事均表示放弃通知权,则董事会会议仍然有效。因疏忽未能通知到某位董事或者某位董事未收到通知的事实不会导致会议无效。

10.4 A director may by a written instrument appoint an alternate who need not be a director and an alternate is entitled to attend meetings in the absence of the director who appointed him and to vote or consent in the place of the director.

10.4 董事可通过书面文件任命一位替代人,替代人不需是董事,他有权在任命其的董事缺席时参加会议并作为董事投票或赞成决议。

10.5 A meeting of directors is duly constituted for all purposes is at the commencement of the meeting there are present in person or by alternate not less than one half of the total number of directors, unless there are only two directors in which case the quorum shall be two. 在董事大会开始时,若以本人或替代人出席人数不少于董事总数的一半,则会议



10.6 If the company shall have only one director the provisions herein contained for meetings of the directors shall not apply but such sole director shall have full power to represent and act for the Company in all matters as are not by the Act or by the memorandum or by the articles required to be exercised by the members of the Company, and in lieu of minutes of a meeting shall record in writing and sign a note or memorandum of all matters requiring a resolution of directors. Such a note or memorandum shall constitute sufficient evidence of such resolution for all purposes. 若公司只有一名董事,则此股东大会的规定对其不适用。这位唯一董事可全权代表公司处理所有事物,行使依《法案》或章程条款要求由公司股东行使的权利,开会时,应以书面形式记录会议,对所有需董事决议决定的事项作记录或备忘录,该记录或备忘录可在各方面作该决议的充分证据。

10.7 At every meeting of the directors the chairman of the board of directors shall preside as chairman of the meeting. If there is no chairman of the board of directors or if the chairman of the board of directors is not present at the meeting, the vice chairman of the board of directors shall preside. If there is no vice chairman of the board of directors or if the vice chairman of the board of directors is not present at the meeting the directors shall choose someone of their number to be the chairman of the meeting.


10.8 The directors shall cause the following corporate records to be kept: 董事会应保存下列公司记录:

10.8.1 minutes of all meetings of directors, members, committees of

directors, committee of officers and committee of members; 10.8.1 董事会,股东会,董事委员会的所有会议记录;

10.8.2 copies of all resolutions consented to by directors, members and committees of directors;

10.8.2 由董事会,股东会,董事委员会通过的所有决议的复印件; 10.8.3 committees of officers and committees of members; and 10.8.3 委员会管理人员和成员;及

10.8.4 such other accounts and records as the directors by resolution of directors consider necessary or desirable in order to reflect the financial position of the company.

10.8.4 在董事会觉得必要或需要时用于显示公司财政状况的相应账簿和 记录。

10.9 The books, records and minutes shall be kept at the registered office of the Company or at such other place as the directors determine.



10.10 The directors may, by a resolution of directors, designate one or more committees, each comprising of one or more directors. 董事可通过董事决议,指定一个或多个委员会,每个委员会由一名或多名董事组成。

10.11 Each committees of directors has such powers and authorities of the directors, including the power and authority to set forth in the resolution of directors establishing committee, except that no committee has any power or authority either to amend the memorandum or these articles or with respect to the matters requiring a resolution of directors under articles 8.6 and 9.2. 公司的董事委员会享有本《章程》或任命该委员会的董事决议所规定的董事权力,但是,委员会无权修改本章程条款或条款8.6和9.2中需通过董事决议决定的事项。

10.12 The meetings and proceedings of each committee of directors consisting of two or more directors shall be governed mutatis by the provisions of these articles regulating the proceeding of directors so far as the same are not superseded by any provisions in the resolution establishing committee.


11. OFFICER管理人员

11.1 The company may by resolution of directors appoint officers of the Company at such times as shall be considered necessary or expedient. Such officers may consist of a chairman of the board of directors, a vice chairman of the board of directors, president and one or more vice presidents, secretaries and treasurers and such other officers as may from time to time be deemed desirable. Any number of offices may be held by the same person.


11.2 The officers shall perform such duties as shall be prescribed at the time of their appointment subject to any modification in such duties as may be prescribed thereafter by resolution of directors or resolution of members, but in the absence of any specific allocation of duties it shall be the responsibility of the chairman of the board of directors to preside at the meetings of directors and members, the vice chairman to act in the absence of the chairman, the president to manage the day to day affairs of the company, the vice presidents to act in order of seniority in the absence of


the president but otherwise to perform such duties as may be delegated to them by the president, the secretaries to maintain the share register, minute books and records(other than financial records) of the Company and to ensure compliance with all procedural requirements imposed on the Company by applicable law, and the treasure be responsible for the financial affairs of the Company.


11.3 The emoluments of all officers shall be fixed by resolution of directors. 公司所有管理人员报酬由董事决议规定。

11.4 The officers of the Company shall hold office until their successors are duly elected and qualified, but any officer elected or appointed by the directors may be removed at any time, with or without cause, by resolution of directors. Any vacancy occurring in any office of the Company may be filled by resolution directors. 公司管理人员可任职直到正式选出合格的继任者,但任何由董事会选举或任命的管理人员可随时通过董事决议被撤职,不管有无理由。公司职位空缺可由董事决议进行填补。


12.1 No agreement of transaction between the Company and one or more of its directors or any person in which any directors or any person in which any directors has a financial interest or to whom any director is related, including as a director of that other person, is void or void able for this reason only or by reason only that the director is present at the meeting of directors or at meeting of the committee of directors that approves the agreement or transaction or that the vote or consent of the director is counted for that purpose if the material facts of the interest of each director in the agreement or transaction and his interest in or relationship to the other party to the agreement or transaction are disclosed in good faith or are known by the other directors.


12.2 A director who has an interest in any particular business to be considered at a meeting of directors or members may be counted for the purposes of determining whether the meeting is duly constituted.





13.1 Subject to article 13.2 the Company may indemnify against all expenses, including legal fees, and against all judgments, fines and amounts paid in settlement and reasonably incurred in connection with legal, administrative or investigate proceedings, any person who:


13.1.1 is or was a party or is threatened to be made a party to any threatened, pending or completed proceedings, whether civil, criminal,

administrative or investigative, by reason of the fact that the person is or was a director, an officer or a liquidator of the company; and

是或曾是似将提起、未决或已完成诉讼的一方,无论属民事、刑事、 行政或调查性质诉讼;是或曾是公司董事、管理人员、资产清理人;

13.1.2 is or was, at the request of the company, serving as a director, officer or liquidator of, or in any other capacity is or was acting for, another company or a partnership, joint venture, trust or other enterprise.

应公司要求,是或曾是公司董事、管理人员、资产清理人或在或曾在 另一公司、合伙企业、合资企业,信托或其他公司担任其他职务。

13.2 Articles 13.1 only applies to a person referred to in that article if the person acted honesty and in good faith with a view to the best interests of the Company and, in the case of criminal proceedings,the person has no reasonable cause to believe that his conduct was unlawful.


13.3 The decision of the directors as to whether the person acted honestly and in good faith and with a view to the best interests of the Company and as to whether the person had no reasonable cause to believe that his conduct was unlawful is, in the absence of fraud, sufficient for the purpose of these articles, unless a question of law is involved.


13.4 The termination of any proceedings by any judgment, order, settlement, conviction of the entering of a nolle prosequi does not, by itself, create a presumption that the person did not act honestly and in good faith and with a view to the best interests of the Company or that the person had reasonable cause to believe that his


conduct was unlawful.


13.5 If a person referred to article 13.1 has been successful in defence of any proceedings referred to in that article, the person is entitled to be indemnified against all expenses, including legal fees, and against all judgments, fines and amounts paid in settlements and reasonably incurred by the person in connection with the proceedings.


13.6 The Company may purchase and maintain insurance in relation to any person who is or was a director, an officer or a liquidator of the Company, or who at the request of the Company is or was servings as a director, an officer or a liquidator of, or in any other capacity is or was acting for, another company or a partnership, joint venture, trust or other enterprise, against all liability asserted against the person and incurred by the person in that capacity, whether or not the Company has or would have had the power to indemnify the person against the liability under article 13. 公司可为是或曾是公司董事、管理人员、资产清理人或在或是应公司要求曾在另一公司、合伙企业、合资企业,信托或其他公司担任其他职务的人购买保险并续保,并对他们负责,无论公司是否已有或将有能力对条款13中的人员进行赔偿。


14.1 The Company may be a resolution of directors declare and pay dividends in money, shares or or other property but dividends shall only be declared and paid out of surplus. In the event that dividends are paid in specie the directors shall have responsibility for establishing and recording in the resolution of directors authorising the dividends, a fair and proper value for the assets to be do distributed.


14.2 The directors may form time to time pay to the members such interim dividends as appear to the directors to be justified by the profits of the Company. 董事会可依据公司利润合理地随时向股东宣告期中股利发放。

14.3 The directors may, before declaring any dividend, set aside out of the profits of the Company such sum as they think proper as a reserve fund upon such securities as they may select. 宣告股息前,董事会可留存一笔其认为恰当的款项作为准备金用于其自行选择的



14.4 No dividends shall be declared and paid unless the directors determine that immediately after the payment of the dividend the Company will be able to satisfy its liabilities as they become due in the ordinary course of its business and the reasonable value of the assets of the Company will not be less than the sum of its total liabilities, other than deferred taxes, as shown in its books of account, and its capital. In the absence of fraud. the decision of the directors as to the reasonable value of the assets of the Company is conclusive, unless a question of law is involved.


14.5 Notice of any dividend that may have been declared shall be given to each member in the manner hereinafter mentioned and all dividends unclaimed for three years after having been declared may be forfeited by resolution of directors for the benefit 'of the Company.


14.6 No dividend shall bear interest against the Company and no dividend shall be paid on shares described in article 3.10.


14.7 A share issued, as a dividend by the Company shall be treated for all purposes as having been issued for money equal to the surplus that is transferred to capital upon the issue of the share.


14.8 In the case of a dividend of authorized but unissued shares without par value, an amount equal to the aggregate par value of the shares shall be transferred from surplus to capital at the time of the distribution.


14.9 In the case of a dividend of authorized but unissued shares without par value, the amount designated by the directors shall be transferred from surplus to capital at the time of the distribution, except that the directors must designate as capital an amount that is at least equal to the amount that the shares are entitled to as a preference, if any, in the assets of the Company upon liquidation of the Company.




14.10 A dividend of the issued and outstanding shares of a class or series of shares into larger number of shares of the same class or series having a proportionately smaller par value does not constitute a dividend of shares.



15.1 The company shall keep such accounts and records as the directors of the Company consider necessary or desirable in order to reflect the financial position of the Company.


15.2 The company shall keep minutes or some notes or memoranda in writing of all meetings of directors, members, committees of directors, committees of officers and committees of members, and copies of all resolutions or decisions consented to or arrived at by directors. Members, committees of directors, committees of officers and committees of members. 公司应保存所有董事会、股东会、董事委员会及股东委员会的书面会议记录及章程,以及所有由董事会、股东会、董事委员会及股东委员会同意或达成的决议或决定的复印件。

15.3 The books, records, minutes and notes required by articles 16.1 and 16.2 shall be kept at the registered office of the Company or at the principal business office of the Company or at such other place as the directors determine, and shall be kept open to the inspection of the directors at all times.


15.4 Where such books, records and minutes are kept at a place other than at the registered office of the company the address of such other place shall be notified to the Registrar by the directors or the registered agent.


16. AUDIT审计

16.1 The Company may by resolution of members call for the accounts to be examined by auditors.



16.2 The first auditors shall be appointed by resolution of directors; subsequent auditors shall be appointed by a resolution of members.


16.3 The auditors may be members of the Company but no director or other officer shall be eligible to be the auditor of the company during his continuance in office. 审计员可为公司成员,但公司董事和其他主管在任职期间不可担任审计员。

16.4 The remuneration of the auditors of the Company:公司审计员报酬:

16.4.1 In the case of auditors appointed by the directors, may be fixed by resolution of directors.

16.4.1 董事会任命的审计员由董事会决议决定报酬。

16.4.2 Otherwise shall be fixed by a resolution of members of the company. 16.4.2 其他情况下,由股东会决议决定报酬。

16.5 An auditor appointed by the directors may at any time be removed and replaced by a resolution of members.



17. 1 The Company may alter or modify the provisions contained in these Articles, as originally drafted or as amended from time to time, by resolution of directors or by resolution of members.



18.1 The Company may, by resolution of directors or by resolution of members, continue as a company incorporated under the laws of jurisdiction outside Seychelles in the manner provided under those laws.

18.1 通过董事会决议或股东会决议,在遵守法律前提下,公司有权注册成为塞舌尔以外任何管辖地的法律项下的法人团体。

Dated on: 19/05/2014 日期

Subscriber's signature: _________________________ 认股人签名

Name: CHANG, PI-CHU 姓名


Address POWER POINT MANAGEMENT (SEYCHELLES) LIMITED 地址 24, Lesperance Complex, Providence Industrial Estate, Mahe, Seychelles

塞舌尔共和国马埃岛普罗维登斯工业区莱斯佩兰西综合办公 楼24号动点管理(塞舌尔)有限公司 FINANCIAL SERVICES AUTHORITY REPUBLIC OF SEYCHELLES 塞舌尔金融服务管理局 19 MAY 2014


塞舌尔共和国马埃岛维多利亚市区 邮政信箱991 2014年5月19日 Witness to the above signature 以上署名者见证人

Signature: ________________________ 签名

Name: YU,SZU-WEI 姓名

Address: POWER POINT MANAGEMENT (SEYCHELLES) LIMITED 地址 24, Lesperance Complex, Providence Industrial Estate, Mahe, Seychelles

塞舌尔共和国马埃岛普罗维登斯工业区莱斯佩兰西综合办公 楼24号动点管理(塞舌尔)有限公司


Snowsled Polar Incorporated










Randolf Samson

公司编号:146745 金融服务管理局



Snowsled Polar Incorporated



本人尚德福(SHANG, DEFU),被委任为Snowsled Polar Incorporated极地雪橇公司(公司于塞舌尔共和国注册成立)董事。本人特此声明出任上述职位,上任生效期为2014年5月26日





Snowsled Polar Incorporated

为依据塞舌尔共和国法律所注册成立之公司。本页签名系公司章程签署人亲笔。 特此证明以下事宜:

1. 董事:尚德富(SHANG, DEFU)

2. 注册资本:10,000,000美元






Snowsled Polar Incorporated



授任 日期 姓名 (包括曾用名及化名) 护照 编号 地址 职业 卸任日期 2014年5月26日 尚德富 (SHANG, DEFU) E17955442 中华人民共和国四川省绵阳市游仙区xianguan路(镇?)36号 商人



Snowsled Polar Incorporated




证书编号:1 股份数量:10,000,000

Snowsled Polar Incorporated





依据上述指定公司之章程规定,授予 尚德福(SHANG, DEFU) 该公司股份 10,000,000 股。


颁发日期: 2014 年 5 月 26 日


Snowsled Polar Incorporated 极地雪橇股份有限公司 No.24,Lesperance Complex, Providence Industrial Estate, Mahe, Seychelles 地址:塞舌尔共和国马埃岛普罗维登斯工业区莱斯佩兰西综合办公楼24号




Name of Company: Snowsled Polar Incorporated Date of Meeting: 26th day of May, 2014 Directors Presented: SHANG, DEFU It was RESOLVED that:

公司名称:极地雪橇股份有限公司(Snowsled Polar Incorporated) 大会日期:2014年5月26日

出席董事:尚德富(SHANG, DEFU) 决议内容如下:

1. Incorporation

It was noted that the company was incorporated under the SEYCHELLES International Business Companies Act, 1994.

The Certificate of Incorporation Number was 146745. The Certificate of Incorporation was 19th day of May, 2014.

A Copy of the Memorandum and Articles of Association was also presented to the meeting. 1.注册成立

根据塞舌尔共和国《国际商业公司法》(1994年修订版)的规定公司注册成立。 公司注册证书编号为:146745。取得注册证书日期为2014年5月19日。

2. Directors

It was noted the subscriber to the Memorandum and Articles of Association, POWER POINT MANAGEMENT (SEYCHELLES) LIMITED had appointed the following as the fisrst director(s) of the Company and that the named director(s) had signed consent(s) to act: SHANG, DEFU 2.董事

本公司组织大纲及章程的签订者——动点管理(塞舌尔)有限公司[POWER POINT MANAGEMENT (SEYCHELLES) LIMITED]已指定以下人士出任公司的首任董事,且该人士——尚德富(SHANG, DEFU)先生已签署同意任命书。

3. Share Capital

It was noted that the authorized capital of the company was US$10,000,000 divided into 10,000,000 shares of US$1,00 each. 3.股份资本


4. Application for and Allotment of Shares

The following application(s) for shares in the company were submitted :

Applicant No. of Shares Consideration SHANG,DEFU 10,000,000 US$10,000,000

It was resolved that the application(s) be approved and that the share(s) be issued accordingly.

It was further resolved that the common seal of the Company be affixed to the share certificate(s) to be issued and that details be entered in the Register of Members. 4.股份认购申请及分配


申请人 股份数 对价


商德福 10,000,000 一千万美元(US$10,000,000) 该股份认购申请已通过表决且股份已对应发放至各股东。


5. Registered Address and Correspondence Address

It was noted that the Registered Address of the Corporation was situated at No. 24, Lesperance Complex, Providence Industrial Estate, Mahe, Seychelles.

It was resolved that the address to be used for all correspondence be as follows: Room 1503, Building S., East Gate YipingYayuan, No.68, Zhongxing Road, Luobu District, Shenzhen, Guangdong, China 5.注册地址及通讯地址



6. Registered Agent

It was noted that the Registered Agent for the company was POWER POINT MANAGEMENT (SEYCHELLES) LIMITED and resolved that they continue in office until otherwise determined by the director(s). 6.注册代理人

公司注册代理人为动点管理(塞舌尔)有限公司[POWER POINT MANAGEMENT (SEYCHELLES) LIMITED]。经决议,除董事会另行决定的情况外,动点管理(塞舌尔)有限公司将一直作为公司的注册代理人。

7. Location of Books and Records

It was resolved that the books, records and minutes of the company be kept at the Registered Office of the company, until otherwise determined by the director(s). 7.账簿及记录存放地


There being no further business, the Chairman declared the meeting closed. 会议至此无其他待议事项,大会主席宣布会议结束。


Chairman of Meeting

大会主席:尚德富(SHANG, DEFU)




