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英语九年级上第一单元提优检测卷3 一、单项选择 ()1. We all think ______ is kin ______ you to give your seat to a young lady with a baby in her arms yesterday. A. that;for B. it;for C. it; of D. that; of ()2. Are you reading the newspaper now? What does it _____? A. say B. tell C. speak D. talk ()3. Millie was born on Feb. 22. The picture of her star sign is on ______ the right. Do you know the name of the sign? A. Aries. B. Scorpio C. Sagittarius. D.Pisces. ()4. Dung is kind and helptul, but he is also“little careless ______. A. at time B. at a time C. at times D. once a time ()5. Is it important ______ us ______ English well? A. for; learning B. for; to learn C. of; learning D. of; to learn ()6.一I'm ______ to eat a horse now! 一Really? But I don't have ______ for you. It's a great pity! A. hungry enough; food enough B. enough hungry; enough food C. enough hungry; food enough D. hungry enough; enough food ()7. How many students were born ______ the star sign of Aquarius in your class? A. with B. to C. under D. for ()8.一What ______ our star signs? 一The time of your A. makes; year B. decides; birthday C. has; month D. takes; birthday ()9. My cousin is ______ sometimes. It's hard for him to change his mind even though his idea is not right. A. stubborn B. imaginative C. energetic D. practical ()10. Which of the following can NOT be used as subject? A. Mary B. walking along the street C. they D. feed the animals 二、完形填空 \:Violin. Can't pay much. Call...” That advertisement in the newspaper made me remember my childhood. I,too, had a violin, but we didn't have the money. Even though times were 11 ,I couldn’t wait any longer to ask, \,may I have a violin of 12 ?”Daddy's face looked 13 .But a few weeks later, Daddy went home, with a case in his hand, 14 ,\” The day when I carried my violin to school for my first lesson, no one could know how 15 was. I practiced, joined the school orchestra(管弦乐队),and gave performances... Several years seemed to run even quickly and I found myself in the first violin chair. More years 16 ,and my violin made every move with me, until one day when I carefully 17 it away. Now here 18 this want advertisement,I discovered the case deep in my closet(储藏室).I put it on the table. Then I picked up the 19 ,walked to the telephone and called by the 20 .Later in the day, a man of about 30 knocked at the door.“I've expecting someone would 21 my advertisement. My daughter wants a violin so 22 ,”he said, examining my violin. \ I said, \”\,23 he did not believe his ears. \”I 24 and then added,“I hope your little girl will enjoy it 25 I did.”I smiled, but I found my tears rolling down my face. ()11. A. easy B. hard C. late D. long ()12. A. my B. mine C. myself D. me ()13. A. angry B. happy C. sad D. funny ()14. A. answering B. saying C. asking D. telling ()15. A. surprised B. excited C. interested D. embarrassed ()16. A. past B. was passed C. passing D. passed ()17. A. carried B. put C. took D. threw ()18. A. about B. by C. in D. for ()19. A. advertisement B. violin C. case D. newspaper ()20. A. date B. name C. number D. address ()21. A. offer B. answer C. receive D. find ()22. A. badly B. easily C. quickly D. luckily ()23. A. though B. when C. as if D. until ()24. A. repeated B. continued C. reminded D. suggested ()25. A. which B. when C. what D. as 三、阅读理解 A Mary didn't understand such sentences as \,\,\,\ Mary: Mrs. James, there is a colour in each of the sentences. What do they mean? Mrs. James: In everyday English, Mary, blue sometimes means sad, and yellow. A person with a green thumb grows plants well and a white lie is not a bad one. Mary:I'm afraid I don't understand them all. Would you give me an example for \ Mrs. James: Certainly. Now I just give you some cakes. In fact you don't like it, but you don't want to let me know it. Instead you say, \”That's a white lie. Mary:It sounds very interesting. Thanks very much. Mrs. James: You are welcome. Colours are meaningful. I think you will meet more like these in the future. Please come to me if you have any question. ()26. Blue sometimes means sad in ______ English. A. good B. spoken C. usual D. poor ()27. I don't have a green thumb, so all my plants ______· A. die off B. grow well C. look nice D. are good ()28. David is yellow and he is ______ to climb the tall tree! A. happy B. clever C. brave D. afraid ()29. He didn't like me to know ______ of the accident. He told me a white lie at last. A. the reason B. the true story C. the meaning D. the answer ()30. He is _____ today. He is told that his father is seriously ill. A. blue B. yellow C. green D. white B In the past, when people had problems, they went to their families or friends to get advice. Today, it is possible to get advice from radio show, TV programmer and telephone hot lines, too. Most telephone hot lines are completely anonymous-callers, they do not have to say their names or telephone numbers. Most hot lines are usually free(免费的)too, even if the calls are long distance(距离).Other hot lines pay their advisers for their work. Usually the advisers are professional with years of education and experience, but sometimes, the advisers have only taken a short class before starting to work on the hot lines. All the advisers listen to people and help them solve their problems. ()31. Today when people have problems,______. A. they can only ask their families for help B. they can only get help from their friends C. they can get help from telephone hot lines D. they go to the advisers to get help ()32. The word \. A. telling a name B. without telling a name C. free of charge D. interesting ()33. Callers ______ the hot line for the advice or the phone calls. A. pay much B. have to pay C. don't have to pay D. get money from ()34. The advisers working at the hot line______. A. are usually professionals B. have all taken a short class C. can solve any problem D. are not all paid ()35. How do the hot line advisers work? A. They do what the callers tell them to do. B. They go to the callers to help them. C. They give advice to the callers by phone. D. They ask people to come to see him. 四、词汇运用 36.If you want to be a scientist, you must be ______(富于想象力的). 37. You should learn to be______. A proud person is not welcome.

38. My brother's hobby is collecting pictures of all kinds of ____(蝴蝶). 39.-Jack is an ______ boy, isn't he? -Yes, he is. He never tells lies.

40. I've got a ______(牙痛).I want to go to hospital. 41.-Has Mr James ______(原谅)you for your mistake?-Not yet. 42. This idea is ______(愚蠢的)than that one. Do you agree with me? 43. Every ______(可找到的)doctor was called to the scene. 44. Parents should teach their children to ______(节省)money. 45.-Who is Daniel ______(争论)with?-His best friend, Simon. 五、翻译句子

46.推荐我当新的主席,你们真是太好了。 47.学生们不应该花太多的时间玩电脑游戏。 48.他很有幽默感,常使我们笑。 49.有时候你不原谅别人的错误是愚蠢的。 50.他足够耐心,等了我们很久却不生气。 六、书面表达

以“My best friend',为题写一篇90词以上的短文,注意语句扩展,意思连贯,要求包含以下内容: 1.他/她的星座; 2.他/她的性格特征;

3.他/她的优点(写2点),并举例说明; 4.他/她的学习状况。



一、1-5 CADCB 6-10 DCBAD

二、11-15 BBCBB 16-20 DBDDC 21-25 BACAD 三、26-30 BADBA 31-35 CBCAC

四、36.Imaginative 37. Modest 38butterflies 39.honest 40.toothache

41. forgive 42. sillier 43. available 44. save 45. Arguing 五、46.It’s nice of you to recommend me as the new chairperson.

47.Students shouldn’t spend too much time playing computer games. 48.He has a good sense of humour and often makes us laugh.

49.Sometimes it’s silly of you not to forgive others for their faults/mistakes. 50.He is patient enough to wait for us for a long time without getting angry. 六、略

