甲方乙方 片段 中英对照台词

更新时间:2023-05-14 23:25:01 阅读量: 实用文档 文档下载



经纪人(穿白色衣服的):Director Liu from Multicolor wants to invite you to be their distinguished guest. Do you want to go?《五彩缤纷》的刘导想邀请您当嘉宾,您去吗?

I don’t want to go. I don’t want to go. I have told you already. I won’t 唐丽君(徐帆):

participate in any other evenings except the CCTV Spring Festival Gala.

不去不去不去不去…… 我不是跟你们说过了吗,除了中央电视台的春节晚会参加以外,其他的晚会一律都不参加。 经纪人(穿白色衣服的):Got it. 明白了。

唐丽君(徐帆):It’s too terrible. I really want to be an ordinary person, to live the life of the ordinary. No endless phone call. No journalist. No fans who want to get the signature. No television show. No gossip of entertainment circle. There is no need to dine with all those various businessmen. This kind of life would be fine to me even if it only exist one day. There is no need to wear sunglasses. How natural it will be! To live the life of the ordinary may be nothing to you, but to me, that’s nearly a dream.哎呀,太可怕了!真想当个普通人,过过普通人的日子。没有没完没了的电话,没有记者,没有要签名的影迷,没有电视台的晚会,没有演艺圈里的是是非非,也不用跟那些乱七八糟的企业家们吃饭。这样的生活,哪怕只有一天也好。不用戴墨镜,太自然了。过普通人的生活对你们来说也许不算什么,可是对于我来说,那简直是个梦想。

Maybe we can realize your dream. You can live in peace for some time 周北雁(刘蓓):

at least. 也许我们能实现你的愿望,起码能让你冷冷清清的过上一段日子。

唐丽君(徐帆):Oh, if it’s true, I will appreciate it very much. SiSi, thank aunt and uncle for me.哟,那我真实太谢谢你们了。西西,替我谢谢阿姨和大大。

姚远(葛优):Could you give us an authorization? Authorize us to be your representative to solve all the matters which about your dream of to be an ordinary person. I’m sorry, but you have to sign your name again. You know, I am a fan of you, too. But, I am willing to sacrifice it. 你能给我们一个授权吗?委托我们全权代理,与你做普通人的梦有关的一切事宜。真不好意思,您还得再签一次名,您知道我也是您的影迷,不过我愿意忍痛割爱。

唐丽君(徐帆):You are not joking, right? 你们不是说着玩的吧?

周北雁(刘蓓):That’s just our work. 我们就是吃这碗饭的。

姚远(葛优):We want to ask you for feedback on after service. After being an


ordinary person you lived a relaxed life, didn’t you? 我们想对售后服务进行一下摸底。您当了普通人之后生活得很轻松吧?

唐丽君(徐帆):I really can’t stand any more. Yes. I don’t want to be an ordinary person any more. Let me become famous person again. Ok? No matter how much money I would pay. 我实在是受不了了,啊,我再也不想当普通人了。你们还是让我当名人吧,行吗?花多少钱都行。 姚远(葛优):That’s not the problem of money. It’s easier to come down than to go up again. 这不是钱不钱的事儿,下来容易,再上去就难了。

唐丽君(徐帆):No any other ways? You are all powerful people.难道就没有别的办法了吗?你们都是神通广大的人。

姚远(葛优):Then, you can sue us. You can accuse us of violating your right of…… What’s the name of the right which entertainment circle really concern? 这样吧,你可以起诉我们,告我们侵犯了你的那个、、、、那个、、、、那个…叫什么权来着,它文艺界在乎。

钱康(冯小刚):It’s the reputation right. 名誉权。

姚远(葛优):Oh, yes. It’s the reputation right. The public are always interested in the lawsuits of art stars very much. You’ll become famous again with those negative reports. Perhaps we could also count on you. Please, sue us. We’ll pay all the expenses in this lawsuit. 啊,对,名誉权。记者对名人打官司特感兴趣。三吵两吵又把您吵红也说不定。没准我们也跟着沾你的光呢。求你了,告我们吧。打官司的费用我们出。

经纪人(穿白色衣服的):Miss Tang, I have no choices. I have to survive. I have to go now. Recently, there is a very hot model. I have promised her being her agent. 唐小姐,没办法。我也得吃饭。我得走了,最近有一模特特别走红。我已经答应她给她当经纪人去了。

经纪人(穿黑色衣服的):Miss Tang. 唐小姐。

唐丽君(徐帆):Are you going to leave, either? Go! Go away! Wait a few minutes. Considering you two have followed me for many years, I’d better sign my name for you again. 你也要离开我吗?走吧,都走吧。等等,看在你们跟了我这么多年的份儿上,我再给你们签一回名。 经纪人(穿白色衣服的):You have signed the name already for us. 您给我们签过了。 唐丽君(徐帆):Then, let me sign it again. I’m quite out of practice. 那就再签一次嘛!我的手都生了!

