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专题限时检测(一) 名词和代词



1.(2017·连云港、宿迁、徐州高三一模) IntheNameofPeople, a popular TV drama, shows a deep ________on the fight against corruption.

A.argument C.reflection

B.theme D.impression

解析:选C 句意:热播剧《人民的名义》深刻地反映了反腐斗争。reflection“反映,深思”,符合语境。argument“争论”;theme“主题”;impression“印象”。

2.(2017·扬中、六合等华罗庚七校高三联考)China has launched the Tiangong Ⅱ space laboratory on September 15, which will lay a solid ________ for the building of our future manned space station.

A.foundation C.gravity

B.basement D.emphasis

解析:选A 句意:中国于9月15日发射了天宫二号太空实验室,这将为建造我们未来载人空间站打下了坚实的基础。foundation“基础”;basement“地下室”;gravity“引力”;emphasis“强调”。

3.(2017·无锡高三一模) —Peter, this is Hanna, a famous model from Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc. in New York.

—How do you do? I'm very delighted to make your ________. A.identification C.familiarity

B.acquaintance D.identity

解析:选B 答句句意:你好,很高兴认识你。make one's acquaintance“结识某人”,符合语境。identification“身份证明”;familiarity“熟悉”;identity“识别”。

4.(2017·通、泰、扬、徐、淮、宿高三一模) The Internet is so much a part of our culture that it affects our lives by acting as a ________for face-to-face contacts.

A.preference C.substitute

B.motivation D.guideline

解析:选C 句意:互联网是我们文化生活中非常重要的一部分,它甚至已经变成了面对面交流的替代者,影响着我们的生活。substitute“代替者;替代物”,符合语境。preference“偏爱,优先权”;motivation“动机,动力,诱因”;guideline“指导方针,指导原则”。

5.(2017·南京市四校联考)Emotional conflict may shake the ________ of even the strongest relationship, e.g.between husband and wife, parents and children.

A.proportion C.innovation

B.foundation D.interaction

解析:选B 句意:情感冲突可能会动摇感情基础,甚至是最牢固的关系,例如,丈夫和妻子、父母和孩子(的关系)。proportion“比例,部分”;foundation“基础,地基”;innovation“创新,革新”;interaction“互动”。故选B项。

6.(2017·南通、泰州高三一模)According to the regulations, most of our flights have a baggage________ of 22 kilograms per passenger.

A.gravity C.punctuation

B.session D.allowance

解析:选D 句意:根据规章制度,我们大多数航班行李限重为每位乘客22千克。allowance此处表示“限额”,符合语境。 gravity“重力,地心引力”;session“会议,(法庭的)开庭,(议会等的)开会,学期”;punctuation“标点,标点符号”。

7.(2017·南京、盐城、徐州、连云港一模)The manager's ability to use music to create a relaxing atmosphere in the supermarket is always doubted for she shows little ________ of good music.

A.acquisition C.assumption

B.approval D.appreciation

解析:选D 句意:经理利用音乐在超市营造轻松氛围的能力总是遭到怀疑,因为她对好的音乐鲜有鉴赏力。appreciation“欣赏,鉴赏力”,符合语境。acquisition“获得,得到”;approval“同意,批准”;assumption“假设”。

8.(2017·苏北四市高三一模)Your child isn't satisfied with what you have done to him.Maybe you should encourage him to reach a ________ between what he wants and what you want.

A.standard C.level

B.destination D.compromise

解析:选D 句意:你的孩子对你对他的所作所为不满意。也许你应该鼓励他在他想要的和你想要的之间找到一个折中方案。reach a compromise between ...and ...意为“找到……和……之间的折中方案”。

9.(2017·南通、徐州高三联考) This ________ of culture between Europeans and the Romany led to many nations taking action against them, even banning Romany groups from entering.

A.collision C.surplus

B.switch D.dimension

解析:选A 欧洲人和吉卜赛人的文化冲突导致许多国家采取行动抵制他们,甚至禁止


10.(2017·南京师大附中高三期中检测)—Bob isn't feeling very well today. He has caught a cold.

—Everybody seems to have ________, owing to the sudden change of weather. A.one C.that

B.it D.another

解析:选A 句意:“鲍勃今天感觉不太好。他感冒了。”“由于天气的突然变化,大家好像都感冒了。”本句中用不定代词one指代上文的a cold。

11.(2017·江苏省启东中学高三月考)Almost 90% of the most popular video games contain violence, and much of ________ is extremely violent.

A.which C.them

B.it D.those

解析:选B 句意:90%最流行的视频游戏都包含暴力,其中很多是极其暴力的。it指代不可数名词violence。

12.(2017·泰州市高三一模)Though born poor, Elvis Presley, king of rock and roll, became a huge success as a singer, whose story is really ________ of the American Dreams.

A.everything C.the one

B.nothing D.one

解析:选D 句意:尽管出身贫穷,埃尔维斯·普雷斯利,摇滚音乐之王,成了一代音乐巨星,他的故事确实是美国梦之一。此处用one表泛指,代替dream。

13.(2017·扬州高三一模)Nowadays, the approaches to language teaching are more advanced than ________ in the 1960s.

A.these C.ones

B.them D.those

解析:选D 此处替代the approaches,为复数形式,表特指,且有“in the 1960s”作后置定语,因此使用those。注意:ones代表泛指意义的复数名词。

14.(2017·南京高三一模)When you run so fast to get ________, you miss the fun of getting there.Life is not a race, so take it slower.

A.anywhere C.nowhere

B.everywhere D.somewhere

解析:选D 句意:当你快速跑向某个地方时,你会失去到达那儿(途中)的乐趣。生活并不是赛跑,所以要慢一点。根据句中的“getting there”可知,此处是肯定含义,指到


15.(2017·淮安第一次调研) Exams cannot measure ________ a child has achieved, so we should let students know there is much more to them than their test scores.

A.anything C.everything

B.something D.nothing

解析:选C 句意:考试不能衡量孩子所获得的全部,因此我们应该让学生们明白对他们来说有比考试分数更重要的东西。not ...everything是部分否定,意为“并非……都……”,符合语境。故选C。


1.(2017·扬州高三二模) The local authorities provide every college student this year with an annual ________of 4,000 yuan for food and tuition fees.

A.award C.allowance

B.admission D.acquisition

解析:选C 句意:今年,地方政府给每位大学生提供了一年4 000元的餐费和学费补助。allowance“津贴,补贴,补助金,补助费”,符合语境。award“奖赏,奖品”;admission“承认,入场费,进入许可”;acquisition“获得物,获得”。

2.(2017·南通、徐州高三联考)As is often the case, teachers' ________ with parents involve complaints about children's misbehavior and laziness in school.

A.acquaintance C.conferences

B.negotiations D.consultations

解析:选C 句意:情况经常是这样,老师和家长的会议包含孩子在校的不良行为和懒惰的抱怨。acquaintance“熟人”;negotiation“谈判”;conference“会议”;consultation“商讨会”。

3.(2017·江苏省如皋中学高三调研)Due to the widespread ________ of this medical technology, more diseases can be discovered and treated at an early stage.

A.presentation C.qualification

B.application D.appreciation

解析:选B 句意:由于这种医疗技术的广泛应用,更多的疾病能够在早期被发现和治疗。application“应用;申请”;presentation“表演;描述”;qualification“资格;学位”;appreciation“欣赏;感谢”。故选B项。

4.(2017·南通市高三三模)The artist is among the few who continue to draw after childhood is ended without the ________ of academic training.



C.distinction D.interruption

解析:选D 句意:艺术家诞生于少数的这类人中,他们在童年结束以后不被学术训练打断而继续画画。evolution“进化,演变”;assumption“假定,假设”;distinction“区分”;interruption“打断,打扰”。故选D项。

5.(2017·苏、锡、常、镇二模)He refused to discuss his ________ from the government, so people didn't know why he left his post as a public official.

A.departure C.escape

B.separation D.absence

解析:选A 句意:他拒绝讨论自己离开政府一事,因此人们不清楚他为什么辞掉了自己公务员的职位。根据题干中的“so people didn't know why he left his post as a public official”可知,此空填departure,表示“脱离,离职”。separation“分离,分开”;escape“逃避”;absence“缺席”。

6.(2017·南京市四校联考)—At the school sports meeting, many students are full of ________, but I'm always exhausted.

—You'd better take more exercise. A.strength C.energy

B.force D.power

解析:选C 上句句意:在校运动会期间,许多学生精力充沛,而我总是精疲力竭。strength“力气”,主要指“肌肉力量以及物体的承重力或抗拉力”。force指“能量的应用”,即释放的能量及其冲击力。energy指“活力”。power指可供使用的能量,如意志力、影响力、控制力。full of energy(充满活力)与后文exhausted(精疲力竭的)相对。故选C项。

7.(2017·南京、盐城、徐州、连云港二模)When you talk about a person's ________, you are referring to the country, race, or social class of their parents or ancestors.

A.origin C.generation

B.nationality D.relation

解析:选A 句意:当你们在谈论一个人的出身的时候,你们是在谈论他的父母或者祖先的国家、种族或者社会地位。origin“起源,根源;出身”;nationality“国籍”;generation“一代人”;relation“关系,联系;教育”。故选A项。

8.(2017·南京、盐城二模)At the end of the historic area, Wilmington displayed its ________ as a working port city: large warehouses and a few other dated office buildings.

A.achievement C.character

B.reputation D.standard

解析:选C 句意:在这片历史地段的尽头,威明顿市展示了一个港口城市的特色:大的仓库和一些老旧的办公楼。character 此处表示“特点,特色”,符合句意。achievement“成就,功绩”;reputation“名声,名誉”;standard“标准,规范”。

9.(2017·江苏省苏北四市高三期中考试)The most important thing for a designer to remember is that nature always provides ________.

A.inspiration C.immigration

B.ambition D.occupation

解析:选A 句意:对于一名设计者来说,应该记住的最重要的事情是自然总会提供灵感。inspiration“灵感”;ambition“雄心,野心”;immigration“移民”;occupation“职业,占有”。

10.(2017·南通高三三模)He Ying is always complaining about her job as a cashier, but frankly it's ________ to have a job in these difficult days.

A.anything C.something

B.everything D.nothing

解析:选C 句意:何英总是埋怨她作为收银员的工作,但是坦率地说,在困难的岁月里,能够拥有一份工作是一件值得庆幸的事情。此处something用来指某件“值得庆幸的事”。

11.(2017·泰州高三二模)Stress has become part of big-city life and a recent TV play focuses on ________.

A.one C.it

B.the one D.those

解析:选C 句意:压力已经成为大城市生活中的一部分,而最近播的一部电视剧的关注点就是压力。it可替代上文提到的同一事物,替代的通常是可数名词单数或不可数名词,此处替代前面的Stress,属于“同名同物”。

12.(2017·淮安第二次调研)Understanding the cultural habits of another country, especially ________ containing many different subcultures like the USA, is a difficult thing.

A.one C.it

B.that D.those

解析:选A 句意:了解另外一个国家的文化习惯,特别是像美国这样包含各种亚文化的国家是一件困难的事情。不定代词one代指上文提到的another country,表示泛指。故选A项。

13.(2017·南通高三三模)The novel aroused the interest of readers and helped them to gain a real sense of the history ________ related.

A.they C.those

B.it D.one

解析:选B 句意:这部小说引起了读者的兴趣,帮助他们获得与之相关的历史真实感。it related是定语从句,修饰history;it指代The novel。

14.(2017·扬州高三二模)—I hear that you have passed the theory test of the driving test.

—Yes, but I will need ________ in three weeks. A.one C.other

B.it D.another

解析:选D 根据句中的转折词but可知,答话人还要进行一次考试,another表示“又一,再一”,符合题意。

15.(2017·常州市高三期末考试)I hate ________ when the weather in Nanjing becomes freezing cold because there is no heater inside.

A.this C.it

B.that D.so

解析:选C 句意:我讨厌南京天气很冷的时候,因为室内没有取暖器。表示“喜怒哀乐”的词后常先接it后再跟从句。


1.He was faced with the ________ of whether to go abroad for further study or find a job to support his family after he graduated from college.

A.contrast C.adjustment

B.difference D.dilemma

解析:选D 句意:大学毕业以后他面临着是出国继续深造还是找一份工作来养家糊口的两难境地。dilemma“(进退两难的)窘境,困境”,符合语境。contrast“对比”;difference“差别”;adjustment“调整”。

2.Sometimes the ________ between the reality and the dream is so great that it produces disappointment.

A.combination C.contrast

B.application D.disapproval

解析:选C 句意:有时现实与梦想之间的“反差”往往让人失望。combination“联合,集合”,application“申请;应用”,disapproval“不赞成”,均不合题意。故选C项,contrast“对照,对比”。

3.Nowadays, employers not only pay attention to graduates' academic qualifications but also their ________.

A.statuses C.vacancies

B.bonuses D.virtues

解析:选D 句意:如今,雇主们不仅关注毕业生的学历,还重视他们的品德。status“地位”;bonus“红利,奖金”;vacancy“空缺”;virtue“道德,品德”。

4.The International Monetary Fund has received both criticism and ________ for its efforts to promote financial stability, prevent crises, facilitate trade, and reduce poverty.

A.worship C.argument

B.credit D.privilege

解析:选B 句意:人们对国际货币基金组织在为推动金融稳定、危机预防、促进贸易以及减少贫困等方面所作出的努力毁誉参半。worship“崇拜”;credit“表扬”;argument“争论”;privilege“特权,殊荣”。

5.As a teacher, we shouldn't have ________ against any student even though they sometimes make mistakes.

A.reliance C.prejudice

B.audience D.attitude

解析:选C 句意:作为老师,我们不能对任何学生有成见,尽管学生们有时会犯错误。have prejudice against“对……有成见/偏见”,符合句意。reliance“依赖,依靠”;audience“观众”;attitude“态度”,多与to或towards连用。

6.The volunteers provided the lonely elders each with an overcoat, ________ could help them keep warm through the winter.

A.one C.it

B.that D.one that

解析:选D 句意:志愿者给那些孤独的老人每人提供了一件大衣,一件能够帮助他们保暖过冬的大衣。根据语境,此处应用one指代an overcoat,且此处one作an overcoat的同位语,后面的that引导定语从句且在从句中作主语,that不可以省略。

7.Nowadays in society where social roles are determined, boys usually copy the behaviour of their fathers, and girls ________ of their mothers.

A.those C.that

解析:选C 句意:如今在社会角色确定的社会里,男孩子们经常模仿父亲的行为,而女孩们则模仿母亲的行为。分析句子结构可知,空格处特指“the behaviour”,且是不可数名词。故答案选C。

B.one D.the ones

8.If you grow your own vegetables, they are generally fresher than ________ you buy in the shops.

A.which C.those

B.ones D.that

解析:选C 句意:如果你自己种植蔬菜,它们通常会比在商店里买的更新鲜。根据句意可知,空格处指代“vegetables”,意为“那些蔬菜”。those可用来特指上文提到的可数名词复数,符合题意。故C项正确。

9.As an aging society, Japan sees ________ as a must to build robots that take care of elderly people at their homes.

A.this C.that

B.it D.one

解析:选B 句意:作为一个老龄化社会,日本认为生产能够在家里照顾老人的机器人是必须的。四个选项中只有代词it可作形式宾语,真正的宾语是动词不定式短语“to build robots that take care of elderly people at their homes”。故选B项。

10.Fashion is not ________ that exists in dresses only. It has something to do with ideas as well as the way we live.

A.anything C.nothing

B.everything D.something

解析:选D 句意:时尚不仅仅是存在于服装中的一种东西。它也与我们的想法和生活方式有关。D项意为“某事,某物”,符合句意,故选D项。

