
更新时间:2023-03-29 07:59:01 阅读量: 建筑文档 文档下载




1、Hello, Wu Yifan!——Hi,Sarah!

2、Hello, I’m Chen Jie!——Hi,I’m John!

3、What’s your name?——I’m Mike. /My name’s Zoom.

4、Goodbye. ——Goodbye./Byebye./Bye.

5、I have an eraser./I have a black bag. ——Me too.

6、Close your book./Show me your pen./Carry your bag.——OK!

7、Let’s play./ Let’s chant!/Let’s go to school. ——OK!/Great!

8、What colour is it? ——It’s white.

9、This is Mr Jone. ——Nice to meet you.

10、This is Miss Green. ——Good morning, Nice to meet you.

11、Good afternoon. ——Good afternoon.

12、Nice to meet you. ——Nice to meet you,too.

13、Colour it brown./Show me green./Let’s paint! ——OK!/Great!

14、I see red. ——Me too.

15、How are you? ——Fine, thank you. / I’m fine,thanks.

16、How are you? ——Very well,thank you./ I’m Very well,thanks.

17、Look at me ! ——This is my face.

18、Open your mouth/Touch your ear./Wave your arms.——OK!

19、Clap your hands/Shake your legs./Stamp your foot.——OK!

20、Let’s make a puppet.——Great./Good idea.


21、What’s this?/ What’s that? ——It’s a panda./ Oh,no!It’s a bird.

22、What’s this?/What’s that?——A bear?No!It’s a pig.

23、What’s this?/What’s that?——Guess! It’s a tiger. I like it.

24、Look!A funny monkey! ——Cool!I like it.

25、Act like an elephant. /Colour the duck orange.——OK!

26、Can you act it out?. ——Yes./No.

27、Look at the cat. ——It is fat.

28、I’m hungry. ——Have some bread. ——Thank you./Thanks.

29、I’d like some fish,please.——Here you are.

30、Can I have some eggs,please? ——Here you are.

31、Have some milk.——Thank you./No,thanks.I like water.

32、Here you are.——Thank you./Thanks.

33、Thank you. /Thanks. ——You’re welcome.

34、Eat some rice./Drink some juice./Cut the cake. ——OK!

35、Happy birthday!/ Happy birthday to you! ——Thank you.

36、This one,please. ——Sure.

37、How many plates? ——Five.

38、How old are you? ——Six./I’m seven./I’m nine years old.

39、John,This is my brother,Sam. ——Hi,Sam.Happy birthday.

40、Show me eight./ Let’s eat the cake! ——OK!/Great!

