Unit 4-Vocabulary Preparation(Exercise)

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Words to Learn-Unit 4 (Student Use)

Unit 4 In-depth Reading- Downloadable, Unsustainable, Too

Vocabulary Preparation

1. terminal n. 航站楼


I will at Beijing Airport. n. 终点站


This train will . *All ships shall arrive at the terminal in three days and then unload the goods.

Chinese meaning: 。 n. (计算机)终端,终端设备

*The teletype machines and printers that the company has in its own offices are called terminal. Chinese meaning: 。 adj. (仅用于名词前)终端的,末端的,末尾的 *树上的顶芽正在萌发。

The of the tree are sprouting. terminate v. 使结束,使终止 termination n. 终止,结束

2. category n. 种类,类别 fall into/belong to a category 分成/属于某个类别的类别; put/group sb./sth. into a category 把……归为一类. *病人可以分成两大类。

Patients . *Part-time workers belong to a special category.

Chinese meaning: 。 categorize v. 分类

3. frustration

n. 挫折,沮丧 great/considerable frustration 非常的/相当大的挫折 *他的个人生活,总的来说,是一场充满了失望和挫折的悲剧。

His personal life was largely . *She couldn’t stand the great frustration of not being able to help.

Chinese meaning: 。 frustrate v. 挫败,使失败 frustrated adj. 失望的,沮丧的 frustrating adj. 令人沮丧的

4. audience

n .读者,观众 attract/draw the audience 吸引读者/观众; a regular audience of 固定的读者/观众人数


He made a brilliant speech, but it did not . *The show attracts a regular audience of about 20 million.

Chinese meaning: 。


Words to Learn-Unit 4 (Student Use)

5. anxiety

n. 焦虑,苦闷 anxiety about/over sth. *他突然间对失业感到焦虑。

He has a . *She was filled with anxiety while her husband was being operated on.

Chinese meaning: 。 n. 渴望 anxiety to do sth.


She felt swim in the sea. *Children have a natural anxiety to please their parents.

Chinese meaning: 。 anxious adj. 焦虑的,不安的

6. subject

n. 主题; change/get onto/get off the subject 改变/开始/退出这一主题 *我们改变了这一章的主题。

We of this chapter. *Genetic engineering is a subject for much debate.

Chinese meaning: 。 n. 科目,课程;


My at school was English. n. 实验对象

*The subject of this experiment were all men aged 18-25.

Chinese meaning: 。 n. 主语


Can you of this sentence?

adj. 易受……影响的 subject to sth. 易受……影响的;取决于……,有待于…… *这个地区易受强风的袭击。

This area strong winds.

*Your application is subject to the review by the school committee. Chinese meaning: 。

7. folk

adj. (仅用于名词前)民间的,通俗的 folk tales 民间传说 folk music 民间音乐 *这是一首古老的西班牙民歌。

This is . n. (通常为复数) 家人,亲属; 各位,大伙 *我可以打电话给家人吗?

Is it OK ?

*Folks around here don’t take too kindly to strangers.

Chinese meaning: 。


Words to Learn-Unit 4 (Student Use)

8. innocent

adj. 天真无邪的,纯真的 *她看起来始终那么纯真。

She looked .

*Mary may look innocent and naive but she's very mature and knowledgeable.

Chinese meaning: 。 adj. 无罪的,无辜的


Most people . *All the evidence shows that he is innocent of murder.

Chinese meaning: 。 n.涉世不深的人

*He was determined to protect that poor innocent.

Chinese meaning: 。 innocence n. 清白无罪; 天真单纯

9. text

n. 文本,文字材料 text message 短信


The emotions contained in her tones couldn’t . *There ought not to be too much text in children’s book.

Chinese meaning: 。 *年轻人大部分喜欢用短信息来交流。

Most young people like to . n. 课本,教材 a set text 指定教材 text book 课本,教材 *这本书是今年英语考试的指定教材。

This book is for this year’s English exam. *You may sell your old text book to the first-year students.

Chinese meaning: 。 n. 原文

*This is the full text of the President’s speech.

Chinese meaning: 。 v. 发送文字信息


Laura, will you ?

10. memory n. 记忆,往事 childhood memories 童年记忆 to bring back memories 引起对美好往事的回忆

*He has a lot of happy childhood memories of his stay in China.

Chinese meaning: 。 *这首歌引起了他对童年美好往事的回忆。

This song .

n. 记忆力 have good/bad/long/short memories for sth 记性好/坏/长/短 do sth. from


Words to Learn-Unit 4 (Student Use)

memory 凭记忆做某事 in memory of 为了纪念 *爷爷上年纪了,记不住人名了。

Grandpa was getting old and . *The pianist played the whole piece of music through from memory.

Chinese meaning: 。 n. (计算机的)存储器,内存

*This particular model has 256 megabytes of memory.

Chinese meaning: 。

11. belly

n. 肚子,腹部


The passengers all stepped . *She was really good at belly dance. .

Chinese meaning: 。 c.f. belly 腹部 stomach 肚子,胃

12. risk

n. 风险 take/run a risk 冒险 reduce/increase the risk of 降低/增加风险 at the risk of doing sth 冒着做某事的危险 at one’s own risk 自担风险 *他冒着生命危险救出了五名儿童。

He rescued five children .

*If you are considering starting a business, you must think about the risk you will have to take. Chinese meaning: 。 n. 隐患,可能造成危险的原因


Polluted water and air . *The government has taken measures to reduce the fire risk.

Chinese meaning: 。 v. 使遭受危险 ,冒……的风险 risk sth/doing sth *玛丽冒着生命危险把她的狗从火场救了出来。

Mary to save her dog from the fire. *When young people start smoking, they don’t realize that they are risking their health.

Chinese meaning: 。 risky adj. 冒险的,危险的

13. proof

n. 证据, 证明


that this man stole your bag? *The proof of pudding is in the eating.

Chinese meaning: 。

adj.能抵挡……的,可防……的 be proof against sth. water/bullet/sound proof 防水/弹/隔音 *这种材料是特殊工艺制成的,防水防火。


Words to Learn-Unit 4 (Student Use)

Made with special technique, this material . *Do you have a faith that is proof against temptation?

Chinese meaning: ? prove v.证明

14. combination

n. 结合,组合


may be responsible for the increase in cancer. *Certain combinations of sounds are not possible in English.

Chinese meaning: 。 combine v. 组合

15. pace

v. 来回走,踱步 to pace up and down


He the hospital room, waiting for news. v.控制,掌控速度

*I paced myself so that I was not too far ahead of the others.

Chinese meaning: 。 n. 速度 keep pace with 跟得上,与……齐头并进 the pace of life 生活节奏 *部队以平稳的速度前进了两个小时。

The troops for two hours. *We should keep pace with the times.

Chinese meaning: 。 n. 一步,一步之距 *我向前移动了几步。

I moved forward .

16. claim

n. 领取(处) ,索取

*Could you tell me where the luggage claim area is?

Chinese meaning: ? n. 要求,索赔 make/put in a claim for 对……提出索赔 *They put in a claim on the insurance for the stolen luggage.

Chinese meaning: 。 n. 声称,断言 make a claim 做出声明

*I make a claim that I understand the complexities of the situation.

Chinese meaning: 。 v. 声称,断言


Doctors for the disease. *She claims to have found the lost keys.

Chinese meaning: 。


Words to Learn-Unit 4 (Student Use)

v. 索赔,索取 claim on sth.


You can if you have an accident while on vacation. v. 认领,要求


Lost properties . v. 夺走,夺去 (生命)

*The earthquake has so far claimed over 3,000 lives.

Chinese meaning: 。

17. gap

n. 分歧,差距,鸿沟 fill/bridge the gap 填补差距,弥合差距 generation gap代沟 *他的影片企图弥合传统和现代风格之间的差距。

His film tradition and modernity. *The book reveals the generation gap between parents and children.

Chinese meaning: 。 n.空白,缺漏


in my knowledge of history. n. 缺口,裂隙

*The neighbor’s dog got in through a gap in the hedge.

Chinese meaning: 。

18. truth

n. 真相,事实 tell the truth 说实话

*We never found out the truth about Mike’s past.

Chinese meaning: 。 *我们怎么能够确信她说的是实话?

How can we be sure that ? n.真实性


There wasn’t in what he said. *Do you think there is any truth in the rumors?

Chinese meaning: ? n. (正式)真理

*We have reached the conclusion that practice is the only criterion for testing truth.

Chinese meaning: 。 truthful adj. 诚实的,从不说谎的 truthfulness n.

19. evidence n. 证据


There is showing that men are more likely to have heart attack than women.


Words to Learn-Unit 4 (Student Use)

*There is no evidence of life on other planet.

Chinese meaning: 。 n.证据,证词


He refused to at the trial. *The police didn't have enough evidence to convict him.

Chinese meaning: 。 evident adj. 明显的,明白的 evidently adv.显然地,明白地

20. breeze n. 微风

*A breeze was blowing toward them and the grass bent gently in the wind.

Chinese meaning: 。 breezy adj. 愉快的,轻松自信的;有微风的

wind 大风 typhoon 台风 hurricane 飓风 tornado 龙卷风

21. trigger

v. 触发,激起


The song . *His speech triggered the courage of students.

Chinese meaning: 。 n. (枪的)扳机 be the trigger for 成为引发(严重问题)的因素 *这次事件可能会引发两国之间的战争。

. *He aimed carefully and pulled the trigger.

Chinese meaning: 。

22. flood

n. 潮水般 (记忆或情感)


when I opened the letter. n. 洪水,水灾

*We passed through a village which had been destroyed by the flood.

Chinese meaning: 。 n.大量

*There was a flood of complaints about the poor service at the restaurant. Chinese meaning: 。 v. 淹没


Three days of heavy rains . v. 大量涌入


A great number of electronic products .


Words to Learn-Unit 4 (Student Use)

v. (感情或回忆)涌上心头 *童年回忆涌上我的心头。

Childhood memories .


v. 低语,耳语 whisper sth. to sb. *詹姆斯俯身跟杰克说了些什么?

James leaned over to Jack. *What are you two whispering about over there?

Chinese meaning: ? n. 低语,耳语

* “They are coming”, he said in a whisper.

Chinese meaning: 。 n. 传闻,谣言


I’ve that he is going to resign.

24. remind

v. 使记住,提醒 remind sb. about sth.提醒某人某事 remind sb. to do sth.提醒某人去做某事 *我正要提醒你去买火车票。

I am going to . *Will you remind me about that appointment?

Chinese meaning: ? v. 使想起 remind sb. of sth. 使某人想起某事 *那首歌总是使我回忆起暑假的愉快经历。

That song in the summer vacation. reminder n. 提醒物,提示物

Unit 4 Real World Reading –Is Internet RLT?

Vocabulary Preparation

1. distinguish

v. 区分,辨别 distinguish…from…


The twins are so alike that . *It’s important to distinguish between tax avoidance and tax evasion.

Chinese meaning: 。 v. 辨清,分清


The light was so dim that . v. 表现突出

*Mike first distinguished himself by winning the golden medal in a chemistry contest. Chinese meaning: 。


Words to Learn-Unit 4 (Student Use)

distinguishable adj. 易分辨的 distinguished adj. 受人尊敬的,气度不凡的

2. rumor

n. 谣言,谣传 rumor has it that 据谣传 *据谣传,简又要结婚了。

Jane’s getting married again. *I’ve heard all sorts of rumors about the pop star.

Chinese meaning: 。

3. theft n.偷窃


There have been in the area. n. 盗窃罪

*Car theft is on the increase in recent years.

Chinese meaning: 。 thief n. 小偷,窃贼

4. label

v. 把……称作 label sb./sth. as sth.


The newspapers had unjustly . v. 贴标签于,用标签标明

*The file was labeled “Top Secret”.

Chinese meaning: 。 n. 标签,标记


Do you see my ?

5. remain

v. 遗留,留下


She to look after the children. *Several problems remain to be settled.

Chinese meaning: 。 v. 继续,依然

*The government remained in power for twelve years.

Chinese meaning: 。 v. 保存,留存


Few of the original buildings .

remaining adj. 留下的,剩余的,其余的 remains n. 遗迹,剩下的部分

6. deliver


Words to Learn-Unit 4 (Student Use)

v. 递送,送达


I am for her birthday. *Could you deliver the letter to the accountant department?

Chinese meaning: ? v. 发言,授课,讲话


He is preparing to . *The president delivered the opening address.

Chinese meaning: 。 v. 给……接生

*She used to deliver babies for local women in this area.

Chinese meaning: 。 delivery n. 送货,送信,交付; 分娩,生产

7. qualification n. 学历


He had , but no work experience. n. 资历,技能条件,资格


He has to become a good scientist.

*The General Manager shall determine the qualification and number of employees in accordance with the needs of the company.

Chinese meaning: 。 qualify v. 取得资格,达到标准 qualified adj. 有资格的, 合格的

8. former

adj. (仅用于名词前) 以前的,从前的 *煤炭业现在的规模几乎不到以前的一半。

The coal industry . *The former president paid a second visit to his high school.

Chinese meaning: 。 n. 前者

*Of the two possibilities, the former seems to be more likely.

Chinese meaning: 。 the former 前者; the latter 后者

9. significant

adj. 重要的,有意义的

*His most significant political achievement was the abolition of death penalty.

Chinese meaning: 。 *你的网上形象和网下形象可能没有什么有意义的区别。

There may not be your online and


Words to Learn-Unit 4 (Student Use)

offline image.

adj. 相当数量的,不可忽略的


fail to keep speed limits. *A background in computing will give you a significant advantage.

Chinese meaning: 。 significantly adv.重大地,客观地 significance n. 意义,含义,重要性

10. instant

adj. 立即的,即刻的


We can't promise , but we can promise to listen. adj. 速溶的,调制方便的 instant coffee/noodle 速溶咖啡/方便面 *Don’t eat too much instant food.

Chinese meaning: 。 n. 片刻,顷刻 in an instant 瞬间,顷刻之间 *我一看见她,就认出她是警方要找的人。

, I knew she was the woman the police was looking for. *When the rain started, the crowd vanished in an instant.

Chinese meaning: 。 instantly adv. 立即,马上 instance n. 瞬间

11. post n. 帖子

*His posts are always the most cited.

Chinese meaning: 。 n. 邮政,邮递


The winners will be notified . *The letter must have got lost in the post.

Chinese meaning: 。 n. 工作,职位,岗位 to take up the post 担任某职位 *他在英国广播公司出任目前的职务时才33岁。

He was only 33 years old in BBC. *She has been offered the post of ambassador to India.

Chinese meaning: 。 v. 邮寄


I must to Caddy today. v. 派驻,调派

*Roger has been posted overseas for a few years.

Chinese meaning: 。 v. 张贴公告,张贴海报



Words to Learn-Unit 4 (Student Use)

The exam results on the bulletin board yesterday.

12. associate

v. 联系,关联 associate sb. with sth. *我不想和这个计划有任何关联。

I don’t this plan. *I’ve never associated you with this place.

Chinese meaning: 。 v. 与人交往,结交


They are risking their jobs if they . n.同事,生意伙伴


I’d like you to meet . adj. 准的,副的 associate member准会员 associate director副主任 associate professor 副教授


The has only some of the rights that ordinary members have. *He was appointed Associate Director of the department.

Chinese meaning : 。 association n. 协会,社团;联系,关联

13. enrich v.充实,丰富


By reading we ; by conversation we polish it. *The purpose of a college education is to enrich and train the mind.

Chinese meaning: 。 enrichment n. 丰富性

14. edit

v. 编辑,校订


She the Washington Post

*All the dirty words were edited out before the film was broadcast.

Chinese meaning: 。 editor n. 编辑 edition n. 版本,版次 editorial n. 社论

15. thrive

v. 兴旺,繁荣


I think all people could work. *这个地区的商业因为新建的港口而兴旺起来了。

Business in this area .


Words to Learn-Unit 4 (Student Use)

*A better slogan for the internet age is: only the sociable thrive.

Chinese meaning: 。 thriving adj. 欣欣向荣的


n. 暴力 domestic/school violence 家庭/校园暴力 *电视上的暴力场面太多了。

There is shown on TV.

*People suggest that care centers should be established for women who suffer from domestic violence.

Chinese meaning: 。 n.愤怒,激烈

*She spoke with a violence that surprised them both.

Chinese meaning: 。 violent adj. 暴力的; 狂暴的;愤怒的,激烈的,强烈的


