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Unit test

Part I: Vocabulary and Structure

Section A: Complete each sentence using the correct word or expression from the box.

manufacturer emotion melt paste properties

popularity confess perception region despair enormous trait flavour juicy release highly slippery luxury nonsense vitamins


Your answer flavour


Correct answer flavour

Correct answer slippery

Correct answer region

their responsibilities. Correct answer perception

Correct answer despair

Correct answer popularity

Your answer slippery


Your answer region

4. The young generation need to get a

Your answer



Sarah shook her head

to make sushi. Your answer




Your answer popularity


Your answer paste Correct answer paste

Your answer confess


The new French restaurant

Correct answer confess

by a review in the local

newspaper. Your answer Correct answer

highly highly


John eats a lot of fruit because his

doctor told him he needs and minerals. Your answer Correct answer

vitamins vitamins

11. The to work overtime to fill all the orders from

new restaurants downtown. Your answer Correct answer

manufacturer manufacturer

12. The ability to

eat extremely spicy food is must have inherited

from my father. Your answer



Correct answer trait

disorders. Your answer Correct answer

properties properties 14.


Your answer enormous

Correct answer enormous

wines, and expensive food. Your answer Correct answer

luxury luxury



Your answer

Correct answer


I went fishing with my brother last weekend but had

melt melt

my fish

because they were too small. Your answer Correct answer

release release


for a longer time. Your answer Correct answer

juicy juicy 19. grandmother's cooking. Your answer Correct answer

emotion emotion


Your answer nonsense Correct answer nonsense

Section B: Fill in each of the blanks with a suitable word. 21.

famous for tacos and burritos, actually has a wide range Your answer which

of dishes.


Correct answer which

— the

Correct answer of

specialty of his hometown. Your answer



Correct answer on


Your answer on

smoker's body even after they have washed their hands. Your answer Correct answer

to to






grow much of the world's green

tea. Your answer



The couple spend an enormous

Correct answer who

dining out and travelling. Correct answer of


Your answer on

sausages and French bread to Japanese sushi and Chinese dumplings. Your answer Correct answer

from from

28. Small, light dishes of different foods are popular in many places, including


Your answer Correct answer

where where

29. I really don't like snails, but Julia loves them! I guess there's just no

Correct answer



Your answer for

Correct answer of

Your answer of

Part II: Banked Cloze

Questions 31 to 40 are based on the following passage.


was there, her class took a tour and saw how the


of sticks of gum each and every day! While many fads come and go, the


On the tour, Sheila's class learned that gum is made from many different ingredients that are initially

into a warm, sticky mixture.


syrup, and flavouring are then added to the mix. The factory was making grape gum, which is Sheila's favorite

Once the mixture is complete,

gum so that it can be flattened and cut into sticks. Some of the gum mixture is also squeezed into a(n)

shapes. After the gum cools, more machines wrap each individual piece. The gum is then packaged and sent to stores.

Learning how bubble gum is

appreciation for how difficult it is to make her favourite snack. After the tour, each student was allowed to take one

home. Sheila chose grape; it was so

(31) (32) (33) (34) (35) (36) (37) (38) (39) (40)

Your answer


manufacturer popularity melted flavour enormous mould

manufactured mouthful juicy

gum to chew on the way Correct answer recently manufacturer popularity melted flavour enormous mould

manufactured mouthful juicy

Part III: Reading Comprehension

Questions 41 to 45 are based on the following passage.

Many countries are famous for unique and delicious foods. China, Italy, France, India, and Japan are just some of the countries with famous national cuisines. In the past, people had to travel great distances in order to sample foods from other countries. Today, it has never been easier to try food


a different country every day.

One of the most popular foods around the world is pizza. Though pizza has historical and cultural ties to Italy, many different types of pizza have developed outside of Italy and several have been adopted as signature dishes of the respective region.

Pizza first appeared in Italy as a type of flat bread that was inexpensive and easy to make. By the 18th century, residents around Naples in southern Italy were famous for their baked flat breads covered in tomato sauce. To this day, people still travel to Naples to sample pizza in its birthplace and Neapolitans (residents of Naples) are proud of this heritage. Indeed, the city continues to be famous for its delicious pizza.

One of the first (and still most popular) varieties of pizza is called the Margherita, named after Queen Margherita of Savoy. This variety was her favourite because the colours of the ingredients matched the Italian flag — red (tomatoes), white (mozzarella cheese), and green (basil leaves). With increased trade, travel, and immigration throughout the 18th and 19th centuries, cultural traditions and cuisines spread around the world. Today, pizza is very popular in many countries, including the United States. New York City and Chicago are particularly famous for their unique styles of pizza. Pizzas today are also available with nearly every topping imaginable: mushrooms, peppers, sausage, pineapple, and anchovies, to name only a few. If you can think of it, chances are that someone's already tried putting it on a pizza!

41. Which of the following best describes "signature dishes"

(Para. 2, Line 3)?

A. Most famous food. B. Most expensive plate. C. Autographed plate. D. Most expensive food.

42. Why was the Margherita pizza named after Queen Margherita

of Savoy?

A. It was the first pizza ever made. B. It was the first pizza she ever ate. C. It was the most popular pizza in Italy. D. It was her favourite type of pizza.

43. Which of the following is NOT a cause for the spread of

cultural traditions?

A. Immigration. B. Trade. C. Cuisine. D. Travel.

44. What can you infer was probably the first topping ever put

on a pizza?

A. Mushrooms. B. Tomato sauce.

C. Mozzarella cheese. D. Sausage.

45. According to the passage, which of the following is NOT

one of the most famous varieties of pizza?

A. Neapolitan pizza. B. Chicago deep-dish pizza. C. France-style pan pizza. D. New York-style pizza.

