
更新时间:2024-05-05 23:23:01 阅读量: 综合文库 文档下载





Ⅰ.单项选择(本大题共15小题,每小题1分,共15分。) ( )1.My book is on the desk._____ is under the Chair.

A.He B.Her C.Your D. Hers ( )2.This is my teacher.Those _____ my friends. A.is B.was C.are D.were ( )3.I don’t like this shirt.I like ______one. A.these B.those C.that D.this ( )4.My grandparents live together with ______. A.we B.us C.our D.I

( )5.______ apple do you like,the red one or the green one?

A.Which B.Those C.Whom D.These ( )6.These are ______ exercise books._______ are in the classroom.

A.our,You B.our,Yours C.us,Your D.us,Yours ( )7.There are two ______ of a beautiful ______. A.photos,zoo B.zoos,photo C.photoes,zoo D.zooes,photo


( )8.What’s _______ matter with you? A.a B.an C.the D./ ( )9.The more you practice,the ______ you draw. A.good B.well C.better D.best ( )10.We often go for ______ walk after ______ Supper.

A.a;the B.a;/ C./;/ D./;the ( )11.When _____ Father came in,Jim was playing _____ chess.

A.the;the B./;the C.the;/ D./;/ ( )12.The question is as ______ as ABC. A.easy B.easier C.easiest D.easily ( )13.When spring comes,the weather will get _______________.

A.warm and warm B.warmer and warmer C.warmer and warm D.warm and warmer ( )14.Tom is one of ________ boys of the three. A.the tallest B.tallest C.taller D.tall ( )15.The third question is __________ of the four.

A.most difficult B.more difficult C.the most difficult D.the difficultest



Weather Report

Most of North and South China will 16 a cold wet day. It 17 cloudy at times.There will be strong wind to the north 18 the Huai River. 19 day after tomorrow will be sunny.

In the Northeast it will be fine.The temperature will stay above zero 20 the daytime,but 21 night it will fall below zero again.In the Northwest,there will be snow during the night. 22 snow will be very heavy 23 some places.

Beijing will be 24 .The temperature will be two 25 nine.Tianjin will be cloudy and the temperature will be one to five.

16.( )A.make B.have C.in D.be 17.( )A.will be B.comes C.was D.will 18.( )A.in B.for C.of D.to 19.( )A.That B.The C.A D.Some 20.( )A.on B.for C.with D.in 21.( )A.in B.on C.at D.to 22.( )A./ B.Some C.Many D.The 23.( )A.to B.in C.with D.by


24.( )A.rainy B.rain C.raining D.to rain 25.( )A.on B.at C.to D.for Ⅲ.阅读理解(本大题共10小题,每小题3分,共30分。)


Today we can see that many people are cutting down the trees in the forests.A lot of rich land has become deserts.If we read newspapers,we’ll learn that the forests on the earth are getting smaller all the time. We are cutting down large numbers of trees because we need wood and farmland.Some scientists say that there will not be any great forests in 20 or 30 years.

What will happen if the forests disappear? A lot of plants will die and the animals will lose their home.In many places the new farmland will soon look like the old deserts.Crops(农作物)will not grow there. There won’t be enough rain,and the weather will get hot and dry. If the climate of the earth changes,life will be hard for everyone.Our living environment will become worse and worse.More and more rich farmland will disappear.

It’s our duty to protect the forests well.Everyone should try his best to make a contribution(贡献)to


taking care of the forests.Stop cutting down the trees and make the world greener! 根据短文内容,选择正确答案。

( )26.The forests are getting ___________ today. A.richer B.smaller C.larger D.greater ( )27.People cut down trees because of _______. A.wood B.farmland

C.both wood and farmland D.neither wood or farmland ( )28.Many plants will die if ________________. A.the forest disappear B.the animals lose their home C.new farmland look like deserts D.crops doesn’t grow

( )29.If the climate of the earth changes,our ______ environment will become worse and worse. A.studying B.working C.living D.shopping ( )30.According to the passage,it’s our duty to _______.

A.take care of the forests B.stop cutting down the trees C.make the world greener D.A,B and C



MENU Food Drinks Desserts ⅣⅤ Hamburger $3.50 Coke small $1.65 Ice-cream $3.05 Hot dog $2.85 large $1.85 Chocolate $3.10 Turkey $4.05 Orange juice small $1.95 Apple pie $4.15 Bread and butter$3.10 large $2.15 Fresh fruit$3.80 Egg sandwich $3.60 Coffee $2.10 Beef sandwich $3.80 Tea $2.00 Vegetables $5.10


( )31.If you have only three dollars,what food can you buy?

A.A chocolate B.An egg sandwich C.A hot dog D.An apple pie ( )32.Jeff has ordered a hamburger,a large orange juice and two apple pies.How much will he have to pay? A.$13.95 B.$13.75 C.$13.65 D.$9.80 ( )33.If you want to eat healthily,which is the most proper(恰当的)meal?


A.Some vegetables,sandwiches and fresh fruit. B.Lots of chocolate and some coffee. C.Some fresh fruit and lots of ice-creams. D.Nothing but meat.

( )34.The food on the menu above is a kind of _____food.

A.Chinese B.Japanese C.Indian D.American ( )35.Which of the followings is the most expensive(昂贵的)?

A.A hamburger and a small orange juice. B.An apple pie and a coffee. C.A Beef sandwich and a tea.

D.An egg sandwich and a large orange juice. 第Ⅱ卷(非选择题,共40分)


36.Thank you for ______(help)me so much.

37.She is looking forward to ______(meet)you here today.

38.Sometimes he likes to go ______ (skate).

39.When it _____(rain),I read something or watch TV. 40.I am _____ (have)a good time here now.


41.Tom finds his mother ______(talk)with his father. 42.When I _____(get)to this school,everything was strange to me.

43.My parents and I enjoy ______(live)together with my grandparents.

44.______ (learn)English is a hard job.

45.Japanese like to eat fish and the fish is sometimes not ______(cook).


A:It’s a fine day today,isn’t it? B: 46 ,it is.It’s sunny.

A:Do you like the weather here,Mike?

B:Yes. 47 it’s sometimes too hot in summer. A:Yes,sometimes it is very hot here in summer.But it is 48 very cold in winter.And what’s the weather like in your hometown?

B:It’s very 49 in winter and it often snows. A:So do you often go skating?

B:Yes,I do.Do you like 50 ,too? A:Yes,I do.

46.______ 47.______ 48.______ 49.______ 50.______


Ⅵ.改错。(本大题共5小题,每小题2分,共10分。) 例:He is a friend of my.(my--mine)

51.She is ill today.Let’s go to see him.( ) 52.The boy is fifteen year old.( ) 53.Today is a rain day.( ) 54.Tom stands on left of me.( )

55.She have to ask her teacher for help.( ) Ⅶ.写作。(本大题共5小题,每小题2分,共10分。) 56.我们每天上午有五节课。(have class,every morning) __________________________________________________. 57.我的家充满了爱。(family,be full of)

__________________________________________________. 58.你想吃点什么?(would like,eat)

__________________________________________________. 59.在我们教室里有位老师。(there be,teacher,classroom) __________________________________________________. 60.她看上去和她妹妹一样年轻。(look,young,as...as...) __________________________________________________.





1.______ 2.______ 3.______ 4.______ 5._______ 6.______ 7.______ 8.______ 9.______ 10.______ 11.______ 12.______ 13.______ 14.______ 15.______ Ⅱ.完形填空

16.______ 17.______ 18.______ 19.______ 20.______ 21.______ 22.______ 23.______ 24.______ 25.______ Ⅲ.阅读理解

26.______ 27.______ 28._______ 29.______ 30.______ 31.______ 32._______ 33._______ 34.______ 35.______ Ⅳ.语法填空

36.______ 37.______ 38._______ 39.______ 40._______ 41.______ 42.______ 43._______ 44.______ 45._______ Ⅴ.46.______ 47.______ 48._______ 49._______ 50.______ Ⅵ.51._______52._______53._______54._______55._______ Ⅶ.56._______________________________________________. 57.__________________________________________________. 58.__________________________________________________. 59.__________________________________________________. 60.__________________________________________________.


