学研教育--浙江专升本大学英语 精阅读理解(三)
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Passage Three
Survival is an art. Survivors are artists. The best acting is done in daily life, not on the stage. My late uncle Sir Alexander Korda, the motion-picture producer who could “charm money out of an empty safe”, was a gifted survivor.
Once, a group of investors called him in to complain that he had lost 5 000 000 of their money. Most men would have tried to defend themselves. Alex did not. “You are right,” he said quietly, “I have been wasteful, and careless. I have chosen the wrong scripts, paid too little attention to the budgets. I am too old for this business. I will retire. I only hope you will forgive me.”
Within an hour, the investors were busy encouraging Alex, cheering him up. It was out of the question for him to resign; they wouldn’t hear it. And by lunchtime, Alex had 2 000 000 more of their money and was back in the action again. When I asked him if he was happy about it, he said, “No. They would have put up three or four million, I think. Still, it’s a good lesson for you to learn. Always settle for less than you could get. It doesn’t hurt to have a reputation as a gentleman.”
1. According to the author, Sir Alexander Korda is an excellent artist because ______.
A. he is a motion-picture producer B. he knows well about how to survive C. he had a gift to act in the movie D. he can get large amounts of money from investors
2. The phrase to “charm money out of an empty safe” in the context means . A. to put all your money to your savings account B. to draw your money back if it is not in a safe place C. to avoid wasting money if you have an empty pocket D. to be able to get money even if it looks impossible
3. What would most probably have happened if Sir Alexander Korda had defended
himself? A. He would resign and live miserably. B. He would be considered a gentleman.
C. The investors would not forgive him. D. The investors would give him more money.
4. Alex did not defend himself because .
A. he hoped to have a happier life B. his nature prevented him from doing so
C. he wanted to test if he could give the best acting D. he knew the way to cope with the investors 5. Alex was not happy with the settlement because . A. he thought he could have got more from the investor B. he didn’t teach the author a good lesson
C. he didn’t like the way he behaved D. he lost his reputation as a gentleman
171-175 BDCDA
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