2010年11月所有IELTS口语题汇总及适当分类 - 图文

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2010年11-12月所有IELTS口语题汇总及适当分类 P1 major Do you work or study? What is your major? Do you like it? Why do you choose it? Is that a popular subject (to study) in your country? What do like most about it? Do you think your major will make you have more job chances? Is it important to learn a major you are interested in? P1 Collection P1 do you like collecting things? what do you like collecting? what did you collect in your childhood? what about now? what do you think of other people's collections? if you could be rich, what would you collect? P1 hometown Where are you from? / Where is your hometown? / Where do you come from? What do you like most in your hometown? What is the weather like in your town? What changes have taken place in your city in recent years? Could you describe sth. about your hometown? Is there sth. which still needs to be developed in your hometown?

What you think should be improved in your hometown? Do you have CD player or radio?

What was your feeling when you firstly come to your college? Do you think it is important to be in college? What is famous in your hometown? How much you know about hometown?

Is it possible to meet foreigners in your hometown? P1 Sound

What kind of sound do you like?

What kind of sound may remind you your childhood? What kind of sound you dislike? P1 Colour

Which colour do you like?

What is your favourite colour? Why?

Do different colours have different meanings in your country? What do different colours stand for? Which colour do Chinese people like?

Which colour you would like to use if you have to paint your house? P1 Cell Phone

Do you have your cell phone? What kind of cell phone you like?

Do you often use cell phone in your daily life? Do you think cell phone is important?

When did you use cell phone for the first time? What are the disadvantages of cell phone?

What is the influence of cell phone in modern society? Is cell phone common in your country? Do you think it is good if children use cell phone? P1 fruit

What is your favourite fruit?

What fruits you may let your children eat? P1 sea

Do you like sea?

How often do you go to the seaside? How do you feel about sea? Have you been there before?

When was the last time you go to the beach? Do you want to buy house at seaside? What can we do at the seaside?

Why some people like staying at seaside? Do you like seaside town? P1 reading/book Do you like reading?

What kind of books you would like to read in your childhood? Do you think it is good if young children read books? P1 Travel

Do you like travel? How about your last travel? Do you often travel by air? Do you like it or not?

What do you think of travelling by air? When do you travel by air? Have you ever travelled by air?

What is the advantage or disadvantage of travelling by air compared with other transportations?

P1 News

How do you get news? Through television or newspaper? What kind of news you like? What is the benefit of getting news? P1 Friendship

Do you like making friends?

Where do young people go to make new friends? Where do young children make new friends? Where did people make friends in the past?

Where can you (go to) speak to foreigners in your country? P1 Cloth

What kind of clothes you like? Where would you like to buy clothes?

Have you ever bought any clothes that you don't like?

Do you think when you are getting older and older, you will like other clothes? Do you like go shopping in a shopping mall? What time do you usually go shopping? P1 animal & pets

What is your favourite animal? Why you like this animal?

Do you like keeping a pet (in your childhood)? Why? Do you keep pet in your home now? Did you keep pets when you were a child? Do you like keeping a pet? Why? Do Chinese people like animals? How to protect the wild animals?

Is it our responsibility to provide animals with better living and surviving conditions?

Being vet is a good job? Do you agree or disagree? Why? What pets are popular in your country? Do you think cloning animals is reasonable?

Using animals for experiments is very common, do you have any suggestion on this?

Do you think animals are worth protecting? Is there any endangered animal in your country? How to save them? Why should we save them? P1 Film

What kind of films do you like to watch?

Watching films in the cinema or at home, which one do you prefer? Do you love watching films? How often do you watch films?

Do u prefer to watch alone or with others and why? P1 Holiday

What do you like to do on holiday?

If you have a holiday,do you prefer to stay with family or alone? Do you think holiday is important? P1 food

What do you like eating? Do you often eat in the restaurant?

What did you like to eat when you were a child? What about other children? Do you still like it? Do you like to eat outside?

If you have children, will you let them eat ouside? Do you think we should have fing class? What is your ideal job in the future?

What kind of food do adults and children prefer?

What food did you like in your childhood? What about now? What is the difference between food in the past and now? P1 cooking Do you cook?

Who cooks in your family? If not, will you cook in the future? Will you learn to cook more dishes?

Do you think it is important for children learning cooking? Did you learn cooking when you were a child? 以下为Part2和相关Part3问题 一个老友

P2 describe a close friend / a friend you have known for long time(how you meet each other, how you contact with each other, explain why you like him/her)

P3 Is it easy to make friends?

What is the most important thing when you make friends? Do people make friends with younger or older people? How can they narrow the generation gap? How to keep their friendship?

What you may get from a long friendship?

Do you have friends with totally different personalities? How can you meet your friend?

How do computer and mobile phone affect friendship? 户外活动

P2 Describe an activity outside or in the open air (what it is, where you do it, how often you do it, why you like it)

P3 Do you think outside acidities are good? What about the inside ones?

How often do young people take sports? What about old people? What outside activity young people like? What about old people? How do the working people relax? What kind of people work outside?

What is the difference between work outside and work inside?

What is the difference between young and old people’s outdoor activities? 童年爱好

P2 describe a hobby you enjoyed in your childhood( what it was,when it started,what it involved,and explain why you like this hobby)

P3 What are Chinese people’s hobbies now? What are the children’s hobbies in China? Is it good? Do they have same hobbies with children in the past? Who have more time, students or workers? Do you think people have less free time?

Do you think people may have more free time in the future? Who have more pressure, people who don't work or work? What do you want to do in your free time? Do you think the citizens have more free time? Do you want more free time?

How much free time you think it’s good? What is the difference of their free time?

What is the difference between the recent hobbies and old hobbies? What is the difference between children’s hobby past and now?

What are the positive effects of your hobby to the development of your study and work?

以下两题很可能为同一题:Describe a friend who had done something you admire


P2 describe a thing you admire which was done by your friend (What it was, When he/she did it, How he/she overcame difficulty)

P3 Do young and old people admire same people?

What kind of people do young people admire? What about old people? What is the influence of the people they admire to the public? Do some people admire bad person?

Do you think we should give money to the people who did good things? Do you think good education may bring good jobs?

Do you think famous people should be good examples for the public? What is the influence of academic degrees in the past and now? 你崇拜的朋友

P2 describe a person/friend you admire(what he/she did, why you admire him/her)

P3 what he will do when he encounters problem?

do you think the people you admire will become good examples? What is the influence of a good example?

What are the characters of successful young people?

Do you think the working experience is important?

Some people have many certificates, while others think the working experience is more important, what is your opinion?


P2 describe a toy you had when you were a child(What it was, Who gave you, Where you usually played with it)(what it is,how it is played,who gave it to you, and explain what benefits you got from playing the toy)

P3 What is the difference between toys in the past and now? Now the toys are more creative, do you think is good? What is the difference between boys' toys and girls' toys?

What are the difference and relevance between toys and education? Is there any toy you could share with your friends? What is the difference of toy in city and in village? Would you like to share your toys with others?

Do you think parents and children should play with toys together?

Now children spend more time to watch TV instead of playing with toys, do you think it is good?

Do you think electronic toys are good?

What is the benefit of educational toys to children’s growth? Do you think complicated toys are good for children? 给别人的礼物

P2 describe a present you gave to other person ( what it was, whom you gave it to, why you gave him/her)

P3 which one you think is better, sending gift or receiving gift? When do people give presents to others?

Do you think it’s good if we give different gifts to different people? How you choose presents for others if you don’t know what they like? On what occasions you may receive presents in the city? What is the influence if presents are cheap? Is it good to give money as present?

What kind of presents should friends give to each other? Do you think it is easy to choose a present?

Do you think buying a present on the internet is much easier and cheaper? When was your last visit to a museum?

Do you think it’s good if we sell things to visitors in museum? 描述家乡的变化

P2 describe the changes in your hometown (what was the change, from where you noticed it, describe the change in detail)

P3 what is the difference between things which children play with in the past and now?

What is the difference between the ideas of modern people and old people? What are the differences between old and new life styles? What are their entertainment ways? How could you relax yourself?

Some people think it’s important to protect the old lifestyles, what do you think?

What kind of people should be respected?

What is the relationship between the increasing population and the changes in cities?

How do the cities change?

Will local people tell the government these changes?

What does the government ask people to do? What about in the village? Is there any new governmental policy?

Should the government listen to local people's opinions? What facilities are necessary in cities?

How do the changes in cities affect local people?

Think about a facility which is good for the city development. Are there many accidents in your cities? How could you relax yourself? 主持人


P2 describe a CCTV presenter you like P2 describe your favourite program presenter P2 describe a TV program or radio presenter P3 Do your friend also like him/her? do you think he/she is good at this work? Why you like this program?

What is the difference between news reporter and entertainment presenter? What about news reporter and radio presenter?

What are the skills they need? Where they can be trained? Do you want to be a presenter?

Do you think the presenter can tell jokes in programs? If they don’t tell jokes, do you think it is boring? Can they show their own opinions? 环保

P2 Describe something you can do for the environment P3 Do you think it’s easy?

Do you always read news about wild animals?

Do you think we should legislate laws? What it is about? Why? Is there any other pollution in china? How to improve the environment?

Who is more important to improve the environment, government or business man?

Do you think it’s easy to improve the environment through changing people’s living habit?


P2 describe something you are good at (what it is, how you learnt it, when you began to do it, how often you do it, who taught you this, what do you feel)

P3 Do you think it is good or bad if parents force their children to do sth.? What difficulties talented children may have in study? Do you think smart children like to stay alone?

Some people are doing things to be famous, do you think so? Is it easier for the youngsters to learn skills than old men? What is important in learn new skills?

What kind of new skills may give you more opportunities?

Do you think the talent is playing an important part in learning new skills? If a man has no talent, do you think it’s suitable for him to learn new skills? What he should do?

What kind of training schools are there in china? 与别人合做的事

P2 Describe a project you work with others P3 How to cooperate with others? What would you learn from cooperation?

What are the advantages if boys and girls cooperate?

What is the difference between things which men do and women do? Why some people like to do things alone? What is the advantage if you do things alone?

What is the difference betweeen foreign education and education in your country?

What is the advantage if children cooperate? How to encourage children to cooperate? 实用技能

P2 Describe a practical/special skill you have learned, e.g. cooking or driving (what is your purpose of learning it,when do you learn it ,how do you learn it ,do you

think it is difficult to learn it)

P3 How do you study?

How do the ways of study change?

What is the difference between the courses of primary and college education? What skills should children learn? Do they learn fast? How do adults learn things?

What’s the difference between their study in the past and now? How to learn on internet? 迟到的场合

P2 describe an occasion when you were late and missed something important(what was the situation,why you were late, when it happened, how to excuse)

P3 Do you have any excuse if you are late? Is it true? What reasons do people use for being late? Do you think being on time is important?

What kinds of situation do you think being on time is important and what is not? How do Chinese people consider being on time?

Do you think people's attitude towards being on time has been changed or improved?


P2 describe a traditional/ old / famous story in your country(what it was about, through what ways you knew it, what the meaning of this story is, why you remember it, explain why it is important)

P3 How do children nowadays know traditional stories? What is the significance of the story to your language? How did these stories spread in your country? How to keep them alive?

What kind of story do parents tell their children? Why some people like writing stories? How about you? What kind of people like writing stories? Do you think it is important to write stories? Do you think the traditional culture is important? What is the benefit of traditional story? Why people like to write story?

Which kind of person likes to write story? Do you think traditional culture is important? 博物馆

P2 describe a historical museum(which one you want to say, where it is,what it is about, how often you go there and explain what you can do there)

P3 what is the influence of museums to children? Do you think we should take children to museum? What kind of museum we should go to?

Do you think government should spend a lot of money on library? What do you think of library?

Do you think government should fund public library? What kind of museum is popular in china?

How can we make library more attractive to people? How can modern technology improve library? 广告

P2 describe an advertisement (what it was, what it included, what kind of people like it, why it was impressive)

P3 There are advertisements with famous people like Jacky Chan, how do you consider it?

Where you can see advertisements?

There are too many advertisements on streets or TV, do you think it is good? What advertisements do Chinese people like and dislike? What kind of advertisement attracts you most? What are the factors of good advertisement?

Do you think it is good if children advertise the products? When is the most important time in a day?

Why people who advertise products are always good-looking and happy? What about people who look ugly, like big fat guy? Where you can see fake goods advertisement? Why some companies use fake goods advertisement? Do people believe the fake ones? If not, why companies still use it?

Do you think now people focus on material life? 新的法规

P2 Describe a new law (what it is, why it is helpful)P3 What law should be

legislated to improve your hometown?

P3 What law should be legislated to improve your hometown? Do you think it is easy to legislate and carry it out? Why the legislation is popular? Do you want to be a lawyer? Why? Why it is difficult to be a lawyer? What quality does it need to be a lawyer?

Under what situation may people ask for lawyers’ help? What quality does it need to be a lawyer?

Some people think lawyers are dishonest, what do you think? What is the function of law?

Is it difficult for jobs which are related to laws?Do you think more women should join these jobs?

How do the lawyers work?

Do you think honesty is important to them? Do you think policemen are important? Do you think it is difficult to join the police? What ability should police officer have?

What is the difference between policemen and policewomen? Who are more suitable for joining the police? If not, is it possible after they are trained? Do you think more women should join these jobs?

Should policemen be armed with guns? Why? Why not in other countries?

Should their guns be canceled?

Is there any law which needs international cooperation?

Do you think women are suitable for joining police?Do you think it is difficult to join the police?

If not, is it possible after they are trained?

Why policemen in some countries are armed with guns? Why in other countries not?

Should their guns be canceled? 智力测验

P2 Describe a quiz show you watch on TV that you are interested in attending P3 Do you like watching the quiz shows? Why some people dislike quiz show? What kind of people may attend the show? Do you think people all want to attend the show? Do you think we can see more quiz shows on television? Is quiz show popular in China?

Why young people do not like quiz shows? Are there many competitions in everyday life?

Some people say that competition has some disadvantages. Do you agree? Do you think that people are born to be competitive? How to be a competitive person? Do you like watching the quiz shows? What kind of people may attend the show?

Do you think people all want to attend the show? Do you think we can see more quiz shows on television? Do you think it is important for a company to be competitive? Do you think there should be legislation for the company competition? 中学课程

P2 describe a subject/course you liked when you were at secondary / high school ( what subject it was, how was the teacher like, how long did you study this subject and explain why you like this subject)

P3 what subjects Chinese students learn in high school? If you like the subject, what will you do?

If the students dislike the subject, what will the teacher do? In Chinese education, which subject is the most important? Do the teachers use technology to teach?

What is the difference between college education and high school education? Which one should we focus on, academic research or practical research? How can teacher make students like the subject?

Are there more male teachers or female teachers in primary school? Who is better, old teacher or young teacher? Is there any change of education this year? Do you have courses for taking sports? What makes a subject good or not?

How does the modern technology positively and negatively influence education? What kind of majors do Chinese students choose?

What should you consider when you are choosing a major? Do you think it’s good if parents help students choose majors? 有噪音的地方

P2 Describe a place full of noise P3 What is the cause of noise? Why it is harmful?

Why should we reduce noises? Are all noises harmful? How can we reduce noises?

Do you think there are more noises than before? Why? How can we control the noises?

Many people are keeping dogs as pets, do you think the dog barking is noise? Have they realized the dog barking is also noise?

以下两题很可能为同一题目: 外国人

P2 describe a foreigner

p3 Do you like communicating with foreigners? Are there many foreigners in china?

Why more and more people choose to go abroad? Do you think people like to live abroad?

What are the differences of cultures between different nations? 说外语的人

P2 describe a person who speaks another foreign language (who he/she is, what you have learnt from him/her, how do you communicate with him/her, how do you know each other)

P3 Through what ways we may meet foreigners?

Do you have difficulties when you talk about culture with them? What you may learn after you go abroad?

Do you think after going abroad you may understand yourself better? Why? Do you think the immigration may affect another country? How? What about people? What about building?

以下两题很相似; 令你激动的消息

P2 describe an exciting message you received through telephone or email (who sent you, what it was about, what you did later)

P3 do you use internet?What about your parents? What about your grandparents?

What’s the difference of old and young people's talk on a same thing? Face to face and sending message, which one is better? (why you think is face to face?)

What’s the difference between fact-to-face and using telephone? Talk about some communication skills. How to be a good communicator? What’s the difference between letter and email/cell phone? Do you think letter will be replaced by email/cell phone?


P2 describe an interesting message from phone or tv

p3 do you think it is good if schools do not teach communication skills? Whom do you often communicate with?

以下两题很相近: 一段音乐

P2 describe a piece of music/ your favourite type of music (when you listened to it, where you heard it, what style it is,why you like it)

P3 The different meanings of different music?

What is the difference between music which old people prefer and young children prefer? Why they like it?

Who is your favourite singer?

What is the difference between Chinese and western music?

Do you think men and women in different ages will like music of same style? Why music is a big business? What kind of music is popular in your country? 流行音乐

P2 describe a type of popular music in your country(what type it is; why people like it; where do people listen to it...)

P3 what kind of music do you enjoy listening? Why? Why some music become popular?

What do you think about the music business? What do you think about the rich singers?

Why some singers are rich?

Why you enjoyed listening to popular music at the first time?

What is the opinion of old people towards popular music? And what kind of music they like?

What kind of music should be called popular music? What kind of music do modern people like?

Will they change their minds when they are getting older? Why? What kind of music could be popular for a long time? What kind of music is the most popular in China? Why some music is popular for long time while other not? Do you think the internet may affect music? Do you think KTV is expensive?

Whom you would like to go with? Are males and females go together? The different meanings of different music?

What is the difference between music which old people prefer and young children prefer? Why they like it?

Who is your favourite singer?

What is the difference between Chinese and western music?

Do you think men and women in different ages will like music of same style? Do you think music is a big business? What kind of music is popular in your country?

Do you think all the music company is for earning money? Any for the dream of music?

Why so many people want to be singers?

The singers are earning too much money, do you think it’s fair?

Why music is a big business? What kind of music is popular in your country? 健康生活方式

P2 describe a healthy lifestyle you recommend(something good for your health)(what it is, the reason? what people should do)

P3 Through what ways you know it?

What is your opinion to health? Do you share your opinion with your friends? What is the difference between lifestyle 20 years earlier and now in China? Which one is much healthier?

Do you think food may also affect the healthy lifestyle? In what ways? What should government do for this?

How to educate children pay more attention to their health?

How can parents help their children keep healthy? What about teachers? What’s the function of P.E. education?

What are the different opinions of male and female students on health problem? What are the reasons?

Describe a speech or lecture with the topic of health in school. What should the government do? Should government give money to it? 传统节日

P2 descibe a traditional festival/day you celebrate in your country (what it is, when it is, how do you celebrate)

P3 Do Chinese have other festivals except the one you mentioned? What will you do on other festivals?

Will other countries celebrate the festival in same way?

What is the difference between the festival people celebrate in the past and now? Do you think money is important?

Do you think it is worth spending a lot of money on the national day parade? 庆祝

P2 Describe something you celebrated on some day( What celebration it was, when you celebrate it, where you celebrate it,What was your feeling after the celebration)

P3 Will people spend a lot of money celebrating it?

What is the difference between Chinese and western ways of celebration? How do young children know traditional customs? What is the traditional culture to your country? How does your country celebrate the traditional culture? How does traditional culture affect you? What is the traditional culture in your mind?

What would happen if a country loses its traditional culture? 你帮助过的人

P2 Describe a person you helped (Whom you helped, What help you gave, Why you helped him/her, and explain how you felt after you helped him/her)

P3 Do you think children should help others? Why children should help others?

Do you think we need to teach children to help others? What they could learn from adults?

How can parents and teachers educate children to help others? Why parents have to pay teachers?

If they help others from early age, what kind of relationship they will have with their classmates? Why so many people prefer to be doctors?

Is it because of the high salary?

What is the reason that movie stars earn more than nurses? What is the motivation/purpose of helping others?

Do you think everyone is born with the awareness to help people? Why some people do not help others? 中学影响你的老师

P2 describe a teacher who influenced you when you were at secondary school(where you met him/her,what subject he/her taught,what was special about him/her,and explain why he/her influenced you so much)

P3 What is the advantage of being a teacher? What are the qualities of good teachers?

Some people think education is less popular than before, do you think so? What is the difference between teachers in the past and now? 你想见的老师

P2 Describe a teacher who has taught you in your childhood and you want to meet him/her again

Who he/she was, how much you contact, Why you want to meet him//her again,


Do you want to meet him/her again?

P3 Do you think teacher is a very important job? Please talk about the advantages of being a teacher.

If some people think that teachers are not important, what should you do? What is the difference between teacher and other jobs? How can government encourage people to be teachers? P2 Describe a teacher in your childhood

(Who he/she was, Why you describe him/her, 3个差一个) P3 How could the teachers help you when you were at school? Do you think Chinese teachers are very tired? How often did they have holiday?

When was the holiday for high school teachers? How much can they earn?

Do you think the living condition of teachers is better than before? 你去过的地方

P2 describe a place you visited before makes you learn about past (when you went there, why you went there, what you did)

P3 What do you learn about the history of the places you visited? Why you think it is attractive? Questions about historical sites.

Where, and through what ways can we learn history? Is history important for people?

How do children learn about history?

Do you think history is important to children today? Why people forget what they learn in history class? Do you think what we have learnt from books is important?

Do you think museum is important? Do you think it should be free of charge? How do old people and young people relax themselves in cities? 看过的电影

P2 describe a movie you watched recently(where you watched it,why you chose it, what do you think of it, what you have learnt from it)

P3 What are the different kinds of movies? Which parts of the movie you like or dislike? What are the influences of movies?

Do you think children should watch movies? What kind of movies they should watch? With whom?

What kind of movie parents hope their children will watch? Should parents control the programs children watch? What are the effects of watching TV for children?

Why movies which can earn a lot of money may not be popular? What kind of movie can be called “successful movie”?

Do you think movies which cost a lot of money can be called successful movies? What about movies with a lot of stars?

Do you think it is good if DVD players replace the cinema? 新闻报道

P2 describe a news story makes you excited or happy(how you knew it, what it included, where you learnt it, how you felt)

P3 How do you get the news? How interesting the news story is?

Do you think the international news is important?

How do people in your hometown get news home and abroad? How do foreigners know the information of China? Do you think young people pay attention to news?

Do you think people in different ages may have different ways of getting information?

Do they use internet more and more?

How can you develop their interest to news if you have children? Do you think they will discuss news in school?

School education and parents’ education, which one is better?

Do you think we should encourage students to pay more attention to news? Is there any way for school to improve students’ ability to obtain information? Is there any difference in the attitude to news between foreigners and people in your country?

Do you think the information obtained on internet is important? 野生动物

P2 describe a wild animal (what it is, how you know it, why you like it)—有人说是interesting animal (what you learnt from the animal, why you think it is interesting),有人说是animal you like

P3 Why cities have zoos? Is it good? What is the function of zoos? Why people like to go to zoos?

What effect zoos bring to us? What about in the future? What do you think of locking animals in the zoos? Why the governments build zoos? Should we build zoos in colder countries? What is the influence if we do so? What kind of zoo can be called a good zoo? How can we better the zoos?

How do the zoos in your country develop? Do you think it is good if children go to zoos?

Now many people hurt wild animals, how can we protect them? Is it worth spending money on this? Why there are fewer and fewer pandas? 存钱买的东西

P2 describe a thing you wanted to buy but you had to save money(what it was, how long you had to save money, why you bought it, how you feel after you bought it)

P3 what is the difference between shopping in big city and countryside? What is the difference between males and females when they buy things? How to measure people’s living standard? Do you think it is fair? Poor child or rich child, who is happier? Why?

What problems may poor child have?

Some parents buy whatever their children want, what do you think? What do you think of shopping online? 吃中午饭的地方

P2 describe a place where you had lunch(where it was, what it looked like,who ate with you,what kind of food it provided)

P3 Where do Chinese people like to have lunch? What about dinner? What about people in other countries? Do you like to eat at home or outside? When do they like to eat outside?

What do people like to have when they eat outside? What kind of food is healthy?

How do the restaurants attract customers? Are there popular restaurant in China? How do you think of junk food?

Which food you think is healthy and why you choose that? What kind of food would you like best and can you cook it? 住过的旅馆

P2 describe a hotel you have lived in(what the name was, where it was,when you lived in it,what it looked like, why people went there)注意下时态

P3 How many different ways of living for travelers? Is there different kind of hotel?

What is the difference between living in the hotel and other places?

What are the characters of Chinese hotels?

How can we improve the hotels? What about the workers?

What is the development of the accommodation of Chinese housing? What are the disadvantages of Chinese hotel service? Why? How can we improve the service? 用电脑做的事

P2 Describe something you have recently learned with your computer. e.g. printing photos. (is it hard? why you did it?)

P3 What you use computer for? what do people usually do with computers?

What are the differences of different people using computers? ( young & old ) What is the influence of computers to the family? What are the benefits? Some candidates mention that you will use computer for chatting on QQ, how to use it?

How does MSN work?

Do you think government should provide computer for every family? 衣服购物

P2 describe an item of clothing other bought for you(what it is like,who bought for you,why he/she bought for you)

P3 Do you like shopping? What do you like to buy? Do you have any shopping habit? Men and women, who prefer shopping? What are the differences of their buying habits?

What is your opinion of shopping online? 想做的工作

P2 describe a job you want to try / you will be good at (what it is, what training you need to take, and explain why you want to try it) 4个小问题,考生回忆出了3个

P3 Do you know others who also do this job? What should school teach to help students find jobs? In your opinion, what kind of employees do employers hope? Do you think it is easy or difficult to find jobs? What is the difficulty in finding jobs? What should employees have to find jobs? Do you think high salary is important? What are the other benefits except salary? What about the Chinese working condition? 不是你家的家庭

P2 describe a family you like to stay with but not yours (Whose family it was, How you knew it, Where they lived, what you did)

P3 should the young and the elder live together?

What are the advantages of family members(e.g. young & old) living together? What about the disadvantages?

What do old people and children do together? What about three generations living together?

How can old families and new families get along with each other well?

Have parents' attitude toward their children changed? Do you think children's opinions will change in the future? Do children’s positions in family change? What is it? Is it good? Do they have strong concept of family?

What is the advantage and disadvantage if parents do not have children? What is your opinion of not living with parents?

Do you think children may have same ideas with their parents? Do you often stay with this family? What you did together? What do you often talk about? Why you like this family?

另一种变形:P2 Describe a family you want to spend time with(who are in the family, what are they interest in)

P3 Is it very common that three generations are living together? Do they have conflicts? Why?

Do parents notice that they should give children more freedom?

以下两题可能为同一题 打坏的东西

P2 describe a thing you broke in your life (what it was, how important it was) P3 Do you abandon it or repair it?

Do most people abandon or repair the broken things? What do most Chinese people do to broken things? What do people often break?

Do people know how to repair them?

Who would repair things, young people or old people?

P2 Describe something which is broken and not used in your family What is your opinion if someone throws away the broken things directly? What are the advantages of buying second-hand things on internet? What about the disadvantages?


P2 describe a sport(which level you want to reach) P3 say sth. about an international sport. Why some countries are good at a certain sport?

What kind of sport your country is good at? Why your country is better than others?

Why different countries are good at different sports?

Some countries pay more attention to the results of the sports competition, what do you think of it?

Is the sport course necessary in school?

Do you think there should be more sports classes in school?

China is very good at sports games, what do you think of it as a Chinese? Is the sport course necessary in school?

Do you think there should be more sports classes in school?

In the World Cup of soccer game, why there exists strong teams and weak teams?

What are the benefits for children?

Do you think school should longer the sport class?

In the World Cup of soccer game, why there exists strong teams and weak teams?

What do we learn from taking sports? What kind of sport you want to be good at? What courses should school have? Does your school have these courses?

What sport you like?(根据你的回答再问,比如你答篮球Which NBA star affects you most)

What students may get through sports?

Some sports are popular in some places and not in other places, what do you think?


P2 describe a modern building(Where it is, What it looks like, what it is used for, Why u think it is interesting)

P3 Say sth. about a building in china. ( sth. special about it and how to protect it) What is the benefit of old buildings?

Do you think the old building should be rebuilt?

Should modern buildings replace the traditional buildings? Do you think we should protect all the historical buildings? Should modern buildings replace the traditional buildings? What are the benefits of the modern buildings?

What is the difference between old buildings and modern buildings? What is the influence of modern building to Chinese people? Please name some modern and old cities in your country. What is the influence of overpopulation? What should the government do?

What do you think of the government garden?

Do you think the government office building looks good? What it is used for? Which one the city planner will construct more, the entertaining buildings or multi-functional buildings?


P2 describe a naughty thing you did when you were a child P3 Why do you think children will do something naughty? Should children always do what they are told? give some examples. What other naughty things you have done?

What is the negative influence if parents negatively influence their children? What are the adults’ responsibilities?

What are the differences between naughty things did by boys and girls? Parents in today suffer more pressure than before. Do parents need training in today?


P2 describe a walk with your friend(Where you had the walk, Who was with you, When you had the walk and why you remember the experience)

P3 Do you like walking?

Do you think walking is good? Why people should have a walk? Where could they walk? Why?

What are the positive effects of having a walk (physically and mentally)? What about negative ones?

If you suggest a walk with your friend, what you will say?

What is the difference between having a walk in the past and at the present? Do you think we should drive to work? Why people choose driving?

Do you think it’s good if they walk to work?

Which one do modern people prefer, driving or walking? What about you? Why some people prefer walking while others prefer cycling?

Why some people still drive to work although the distance is not very long? Do you think it is good if parents drive their children to school? What is the harm of driving except for health?

How to encourage more and more people to have a walk? What should government do?

Do you think the fast-paced life is good in this industrial society? Is life in your country very fast-paced?

what about other countries?Will it change in the future? Why people are in such a hurry? 放松的一天

P2 describe a day which you spent away from your work and study to relax

(where you spent your free time, with whom, why you think it was the relaxing time)

P3 do you think sleep is an important way to relax? How many hours’ sleep is good?

Do you think having more sleep will make a person lazy?

What are the differences between old people and young people's relaxing ways? Would you change your relaxing way when you get older and older? Where you could relax yourself?

Some people go to library for relaxation, do you think it’s good? What is the most expensive way for relaxing?

Do you think having more sleep will make a person lazy? Do you think relaxation wastes your time? Do you think the cost for travel may increase? What are the good ways of relaxation? 别人给建议

P2 Describe a situation that someone gave you useful advice( who gave it to you, what was the situation, what advice it was)

P3 What kind of advice parents may give their children?

What do your parents tell you about the things you should do in school? And what the teacher said? And what about your own opinion?

Why do parents always give their kids advice? Do children listen to this advice? What do you think of peer pressure?

