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MMLC Note on Setting Up a Trading WFOE in China


Step 1: Application for the Name Pre-approval

z Approval authority: Administration of Industry and Commerce

z Documents required:

1) Name pre-approval application form for setting up a WFOE

2) Authorization Letter from the investor for the name pre-approval

z Processing time: 5-Day

步骤 1: 企业名称预先核准申请

z 审批机关:工商局

z 所需材料:

1) 名称预先核准申请表

2) 投资人授权委托意见书

z 办理时限:5个工作日

Step2: Application for the Approval Certificate for the establishment of a foreign invested enterprise

z Application authority: Commerce Bureau

z Documents required:

1) Application Form for setting up a WFOE

2) Feasibility Study

3) Articles of Association

4) Creditability Letter from the bank of the investor in certifying the account having

descent transaction records

5) Audit report of last fiscal year of the investor

6) Appointment Letter of the legal representative

7) Appointment Letter of directors and List of directors

8) Notarization of the Incorporation Certificate of the investor

9) Certificate of the legal representative of the foreign investor

10) Name pre-approval notification

11) Catalogue of import and export commodities

12) Leasing Contract

13) Title Certificate of the real estate provided by the landlord

z Processing time: 20-Day

步骤 2: 外商投资企业批准证书申请

z 审批机关:商务局

z 所需材料:

1) 设立外资企业申请书

2) 可行性研究报告

3) 公司章程

4) 投资方开户银行出具的资信证明

5) 投资方最近一年的审计报告


6) 法定代表人委派书

7) 董事委派书及董事会成员名单

8) 投资方公司注册证明

9) 投资方法定代表人证明

10) 企业名称预先核准通知书

11) 进出口商品目录

12) 租房合同

13) 出租方产权证明

z 办理时限:20 个工作日

Step 3: Application for the Business License

z Approval authority: Administration of Industry and Commerce

z Documents required:

1) Application Form for the registration of a WFOE

2) Articles of Association

3) Approval Certificate for the establishment of a foreign invested enterprise

4) Name pre-approval notification

5) Notarization of the Certificate of Incorporation of the investor

6) Copy of Title Certificate of the real estate provided by the landlord

7) Copy of Business License of the landlord

z Processing time: 15-Day

步骤 3: 营业执照申请

z 审批机关:工商局

z 所需材料:

1) 外商投资企业设立登记申请书

2) 公司章程

3) 外商投资企业批准证书

4) 企业名称预先核准通知书

5) 投资方公司注册证明

6) 出租方产权证明复印件

7) 出租方营业执照复印件

z 办理时限:15个工作日

Step 4: Application for Official Seal

z Approval authority: Public Security Bureau

z Documents required:

1) Seal Customization Form

2) Approval Certificate for the establishment of a foreign invested enterprise

3) Business License

4) Application Letter in making stamps

5) Reference Letter signed by the Chief Representative to verity the employment of the

handling person by the office

6) Identification card of the handling person

z Processing time: 2-Day


步骤 4: 申请刻制公章

z 审批机关:公安局

z 所需材料:

1) 印章定制单

2) 外商投资企业批准证书

3) 营业执照

4) 刻制印章申请函

5) 法定代表人签字的介绍信(证明经办人为该企业工作人员)

6) 经办人有效身份证件

z 办理时限:2个工作日

Step 5: Application for Organization Code Certificate

z Approval authority: Organization Code Management Center

z Documents required:

1) Approval Certificate for the establishment of a foreign invested enterprise

2) Business License

3) Passport of the Legal Representative

4) Official Seal

5) Identification card of the handling person

6) Organization Code Notification

z Processing time: 10-Day

步骤 5: 组织机构代码证书申请

z 审批机关:代码管理中心

z 所需材料:

1) 外商投资企业批准证书

2) 营业执照

3) 法定代表人护照复印件

4) 公章

5) 经办人有效身份证明

6) 组织机构代码赋码通知单

z 办理时限:10个工作日

Step 6: Statistical Registration

z Approval authority: Statistics Bureau

z Documents required:

1) Statistical Registration Form

2) Business License

3) Organization Code Certificate

z Processing time: 1-Day

步骤 6: 统计登记

z 审批机关:统计局

z 所需材料:

1) 统计登记单位基本情况表

2) 营业执照


3) 组织机构代码证书

z 办理时限:1个工作日

Step 7: Tax Registration

z Approval authority: Tax Bureau

z Documents required:

1) Tax Registration Form

2) Approval Certificate for the establishment of a foreign invested enterprise

3) Business License

4) Articles of Association

5) Passport of the Legal Representative

6) Official Seal

7) Organization Code Certificate

8) Leasing Contract

9) Rent invoice

z Processing time: 30-Day

步骤 7: 税务登记

z 审批机关:税务局

z 所需材料:

1) 税务登记表

2) 外商投资企业批准证书

3) 营业执照

4) 公司章程

5) 法定代表人护照复印件

6) 公章

7) 组织机构代码证书

8) 租房合同

9) 租金发票

z 办理时限:30个工作日

Step 8: Foreign Exchange Registration & Opening Bank Account

z Approval authority: Administration of Foreign Exchange

z Documents required:

1) Application Letter

2) Registration Form of the basic information of the foreign invested enterprise

3) Approval Certificate for the establishment of a foreign invested enterprise

4) Business License

5) Articles of Association

6) Organization Code Certificate

z Processing time: 20-Day

步骤 8: 外币登记和开立银行账户

z 审批机关:外汇管理局

z 所需材料:

1) 书面申请


2) 外商投资企业基本情况登记表

3) 外商投资企业批准证书

4) 营业执照

5) 公司章程

6) 组织机构代码证书

z 办理时限:20个工作日

Step 9: Financial Registration

z Approval authority: Finance Bureau

z Documents required:

1) Approval Certificate for the establishment of a foreign invested enterprise

2) Business License

3) Articles of Association

4) Organization Code Certificate

5) Tax Registration Certificate

6) Foreign Exchange Registration Certificate

7) License for opening bank account

8) Financial Registration Form

z Processing time: 8-Day

步骤 9: 财政登记

z 审批机关:财政局

z 所需材料:

1) 外商投资企业批准证书

2) 营业执照

3) 公司章程

4) 组织机构代码证书

5) 税务登记证

6) 外汇登记证

7) 银行开户许可证

8) 财政登记卡

z 办理时限:8个工作日

Step 10: Customs Registration

z Approval authority: Customs

z Documents required:

1) Business License

2) Articles of Association

3) Organization Code Certificate

4) Tax Registration Certificate

5) License for opening bank account

6) Registration Form of the customs declaration unit

7) Registration Form of the manager of customs declaration unit z Processing time: 30-Day

步骤 10: 海关登记


z 审批机关:海关

z 所需材料:

1) 营业执照

2) 公司章程

3) 组织机构代码证书

4) 税务登记证

5) 银行开户许可证

6) 报关单位情况登记表

7) 报关单位管理人员情况登记表 z 办理时限:30个工作日

