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Tea— A true angel in this world Text A: Audrey Hepburn cSteps Teaching Objectives Teaching Focus Teaching Procedure hWarm-up To offer chances for 1. Students work in groups of 6 and find out more information aboistudents to get to Audrey Hepburn. nknow more about the 2. Each group presents one part of Hepburn’s information gbackground information PPre-reading To offer chances for 1. Students match the names of the people with the movies directelstudents to think starred by them on page 62. aabout the topic of 2. Students work in pairs and discuss which of these celebrities younText A most and why on page 62. While-reading 1. To offer students 1. Skimming (main idea of each paragraph on the baschances to practice 1) Students guess the 6skimming ability detailed information got by skimming. 2. To offer students 2) Students find out the topic sentences of each paragraph accordincchances to understand have been guessed out in the last step. lthe text thoroughly; 2. Multiple choices designing aon Text A individually and finish the comp3. To offer students 1) Students read up schances to design questions after the text. The teacher gives feedback and helps ssmultiple choices understand the text better. (10 minutes) according to Text A. 2) Each student design at least 5 multiple choices (4 choices) whdifferent from those in the text book according to their understothe text. (10 minutes) u3) Students work in groups of 6 and discuss the multiple choices trdesigned. They select 10 best multiple choices and write them ons(10 minutes) )
4) Every two groups exchange the multiple choices they havStudents in groups work together and finish the 10 multipleother group has designed. (8 minute) 5) Students in each group discuss the multiple choices they havfind out the good aspects and improper aspects. (5 minutes) 6) The original pair groups work together checking the keysabout the multiple choices designed and revising them accminute) Post-reading 1. To offer students Using signal chances to understand words properly the meaning of some useful signal words 2. To offer students chances to use some high frequent signal words properly in essay writing 1. Dictating the structure 1) Students work in groups of 6 and read Text A to find out awords used in it. They study the meaning and use of those swith help of their group members. (10 minutes) 2) Students start to write about the celebrity they have choseown words with a topic sentence. (2 minutes) 3) The teacher dictates a signal word and leaves some time forwrite it down after the topic sentence and write about the raccording to the guidance of the signal word. The teacher dictsignal word and students write it down and write about thpart. The rest parts go in the same way. (23 minute) 4) Students work in pairs and check the writing of each other. (55) Students work in groups of 6 discussing and revising their minutes)
To offer students chances to conquer vocabulary obstacles in reading and learn to use some in writing 2. Language points: Vocabulary: ①Words for reading: Students work in pairs and read the teunderline a maximum of six words or phrases they don’t Once chosen students show their words/phrases to their pawhether they can help in guessing meanings out. Finally, theyto look up their words in the dictionaries and record both ththe meanings. Feedback To make students be aware of the errors and mistakes raised in their writing task. ②Exercises: Language focus ③Quiz: old to new 1. The teacher checks the writing work of students before giving2. The teacher concludes and provides feedback in general 3. Students check by themselves according to the feedback and evaluation 4. Students check works of their peers according to the feedbacevaluation Fast-reading To offer students chances to distinguish between facts and opinions 1. Section A exercises: Translation 2. Section B exercises Text B: A life in film 1. The teacher inspires students and explains the ways to distingbetween facts and opinions 2. Students practice the reading skill by reading Text B Assignment
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