新牛津译林版七年级英语上册unit3 单元测试卷 -

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Unit3 单元测试卷

姓名 一、翻译词组。

1.哪一门功课________________ 2.最喜欢历史___________________ 3.擅长地理 _________________ 4.一位生物老师__________________ 5.一位美术老师 ____________ 6. 开放日____________________ 7.今天几号?_______________ 8.下午2点开始__________________

9. 家长会 __________________ 10.观摩我们的2节课___________________

11.1:30在校门口见______________ 12.我最喜欢的科目__________________


1. I like (生物) at school. 2. (历史)is my favourite subject. 3. We have a class (会议)once a week. 4. They are behind the school (大门). 5. (哪一个) is your favourite sport?

6. You can know the world if you learn (地理) well. 7. It's five (点钟). Let's go home. 8. He is ill, (因此)he can't go to school.

9.--What's the (日期)today? ----Sorry, I don't know. 10. I am good at (艺术). What about you?


( )1.----- today,Jill?----It’s 10 September.

A.What time is it B.What’s the date C.What’s the time D.When is it

( )2. ----- do you go to school? ----- At seven o'clock.

A. What B.How C. Why D.What time

( )3.-----Would you like some rice? ----- .I’m full(饱了).

A.Yes,please B.No problem C.That’s OK D.No,thanks

( )4.English is my favourite subject ,and I am good it.

A.for B.to C. at D.of

( )5.----- is her favorite subject? -----Her favorite subject is Art.

A.Why B. When C. Who D. What 四、完成句子

1.我最爱地理这门学科.I __________ ___________ __________.

2.咱们下午1.30在校门口集合.Let’s ________ _______ _______ ______ _______ at 1:30 p.m. 3.家长会在下午2点开始。The _______ ________ _____at two o’clock _____ _____ ______.

Unit3 Reading I 姓名 一、翻译下列短语。

1.准备干某事______________________ 2.看起来漂亮__________________________ 3.让我带你参观_________________________ 4.带领某人参观________________ 5.如此大的一个操场__________________ 6.在底层___________________________ 7.在……的前面_________ 8.在教学楼前面______________________

9.干净明亮的教室_________________________ 10.这边走____ 11.开会_________ 二、单项选择

( ) 1. Let’s ______ volleyball together, OK?

A. to play B. play C. playing D. will play

( ) 2. --- Is it your school? --- Yes. Let me _______ you around. A. thank B. watch C. take D. show

( ) 3. --- Where is your music classroom? --- It’s _____ the third floor. A. in B. on C. at D. for

( ) 4.---______ that man in the hall? ---- He’s our Chinese teacher. A. Who’s B. Where’s C. What’s D. How’s

( ) 5. --- Is that boy ______ red your brother? --- No, he is my friend. A. at B. in C. on D. with

( ) 6. --- Is that your library? --- Yes, and it’s _____ old library. A. a B. an C. the D. /

( ) 7. Many parents come to visit our school ______ the School Open Day. A. at B. in C. on D. to

( ) 8. Would you please come _______, please?

A. that way B. this way C. in the way D. on the way 三、用括号内动词的适当形式填空。

1. Jim often (watch) football match at home. 3. My little sister (not watch) TV on Monday.

4. Daniel with his father ( go) to the park on Sunday. 5. He (want) (visit) your hometown. 6. What they often (do) on Saturdays? 7. My grandma often (tell) me stories.

8. She and her brother often _(make) model planes at home. 9. My cousin sometimes (fly) kites near his home 四、句型转换

1. He doesn’t often fly a kite in the garden. (改为肯定句) He often _______ a kite in the garden. 2. Millie gets to school very early every day.(改为否定句) Millie _____ ____ to school very early every day.

3.They have a very big hall at school.(改为一般疑问句)____ they ____ a very big hall at school?

Unit3: Reading II 姓名


1.有一间音乐室________________________ 2.两间电脑房________________________ 3.一个现代化的图书馆______________________4.看上去很现代_______________

5.下午去那儿__________________________ 6.穿白衬衫的男人_____________________ 7.在学校礼堂开会_________________ 8.在这天参观我们的学校_____________________ 二、选择题

( ) 1. His desk is _______ the classroom and he sits ________ Zhang Hua. A. in front of ; in front of B. in the front of ; in the front of C. in front of ; in the front of D. in the front of ; in front of ( ) 2. Kitty and Amy are now _______ the ground floor. A. in B. with C. on D. to

( ) 3. The girl ______ a red sweater is a new student in our school. A. on B. in C. has D. with

