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Unit1 A

My brother, Jimmy, did not get enough oxygen during a difficult delivery, leaving him with brain damage, and two years later I was born. Since then, my life revolved around my brother’s. Accompanying my growing up was always “go out and play and take your brother with you”. I couldn’t go anywhere without him, so I urged the neighborhood kids to come to my house for some out-of-control kid-centered fun


My mother taught Jimmy practical things like how to brush his teeth or put on belt. My father, a saint, simply held the house together with his patience and understanding. I was in charge outside where I administered justice by tracking down the parents of the kids who picked on my brother, and telling on them.


My father and Jimmy were inseparable. They ate breakfast together and on weekdays drove off to the navy shipping center every morning where they both worked-Jimmy unloaded color-coded boxes. At night after dinner, they would talk and play games late into the evening. They even whistled the same tunes.


So when my father died of a heart attack in 1991, Jimmy was a wreck, beneath his careful disguise. He was simply in disbelief. Usually very agreeable, he now quit speaking altogether and no amount of words could penetrate the vacant expression he wore on his face. I hired someone to live with him and drive him to work, but no matter how much I tried to make things stay the same, even Jimmy grasped that the world he’d known was gone. One day I asked, ”You miss Dad, don’t you?” His lips quivered and then he asked, “What do you think, Margaret? He was my best friend.” Our tears began flow.


My mother died of lung cancer six months later and I alone was left to look after Jimmy. 六个月后,母亲因肺癌去世,剩下我一人来照顾吉米。

He didn’t adjust to going to work without my father right away, so he came and lived with me in New York City for a while. He went wherever I went and seemed to adjust pretty well. Still, Jimmy longed to live in my parents’ house and work at his old

job and I pledged to help him return. Eventually, I was able to work it out. He has lived there for 11 years now with many different caretakers and blossomed on his own. He has become essential to the neighborhood. When you have any mail to be picked up or your dog needs walking, he is your man.


My mother was right, of course: It was possible to have a home with room for both his limitations and my ambitions. In fact, caring for someone who loves as deeply and appreciates my efforts as much as Jimmy does has enriched my life more than anything else ever could have.


This hit home a few days after the September 11th disaster on Jimmy’s 57th birthday. I had a party for him in my home in New York, but none of our family could join us because travel was difficult and they were still reckoning with the sheer terror the disaster had brought. I called on my faithful friends to help make it a merry and festive occasion, ignoring the fact that most of them were emotionally drained and exhausted. Instead of the customary “No gifts, please”, I shouted, “Gifts! Please!”


My friends-people Jimmy had come to know over the years-brought the ideal presents: country music CDs, a sweatshirt, one leather belt with “J-I-M-M-Y” on it, a knitted wool hat and a cowboy costume. The evening led up to the gifts and then the chocolate cake from his favorite bakery, and of course the ceremony wasn’t complete without the singing.


A thousand times Jimmy asked, ”Is it time for the cake yet?” After dinner and the gifts Jimmy could no longer be restrained. He anxiously waited for the candles to be lit and then blew them out with one long breath as well all sang “Happy birthday”. Jimmy wasn’t satisfied with our effort, though. He jumped up on the chair and stood erect pointing both index fingers into the air to conduct us and yelled, ”One…more…time!” We sang with all of the energy left in our souls and when we were finished he put both his thumbs up and shouted. “ That was super!” 吉米一次次地问:“该切蛋糕了吧?”等用完餐和送完礼物后,吉米再也控制不住了。他焦急地等着点上蜡烛,然后在我们“生日快乐”的歌声中,一口长气吹灭了蜡烛。户然而吉米对我


We had wanted to let him know that no matter how difficult things got in the world, there would always be people who cared about him. We ended up reminding ourselves instead. For Jimmy, the love with which we sang was a welcome bonus, but mostly he had just wanted to see everyone else happy again.

本来我们想让他知道,无论世上有多难的事情,总是有人来关心他。现在反倒是提醒了我们自己。对于吉米来说,我们唱歌时的爱心,是他心中额外的礼物,但是他原先更想看到的,是别人再次感到快乐。 Just as my father’s death had changed Jimmy’s world overnight, September 11th changed our lives; the world we’d known was gone. But, as we sang for Jimmy and held each tight afterward praying for peace around the world, we were reminded that the constant love and support of our friends and family would get us through whatever life might present. The simplicity with which Jimmy had reconciled everything for us should not have been surprising. There had never been limitations to what Jimmy’s love could accomplish.


Unit2 A

Sports medicine experts have observed for years that endurance athletes, particularly females, frequently have iron deficiencies. Now a new study by a team of Purdue University researchers suggests that even moderate exercise may lead to reduced iron in the blood of women.

运动医学专家经过多年的观察,发现耐力运动员,特别是女性,经常会缺铁。普渡大学研究人员进行的一项新的研究表明:即使是适度的锻炼,也可能会降低女性血液中的铁含量。 \found that women who were normally inactive and then started a program of moderate exercise showed evidence of iron loss,\at Purdue. Her study of 62 formerly inactive women who began exercising three times a week for six months was published in the journal Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise.

“我们发现,那些通常不运动的女性一旦开始适度的锻炼,就会出现铁含量下降的迹象,”普渡大学罗斯安妮?M. 莱尔副教授说。她对62名妇女进行了研究,并将研究结果发表在《体育运动医学与科学》杂志上。这些妇女原先不怎么运动,后来开始了为期6个月、每周3次的锻炼。

\back,\decrease in iron levels.\


Iron deficiency is very common among women in general, affecting one in four female teenagers and one in five women aged 18 to 45, respectively. But the ratio is even greater among active women, affecting up to 80 percent of female endurance athletes. This means, Lyle says, that \Women of child-bearing age are at greatest risk, since their monthly bleeding is a major source of iron loss. Plus, many health-conscious women increase their risk by rejecting red meat, which contains the most easily absorbed form of iron. And because women often restrict their diet in an effort to control weight, they may not consume enough iron-rich food, and are liable to experience a deficiency.

缺铁在女性中是很常见的,每四个十几岁的少女中有一人缺铁,每五个18至45岁的女性中有一人缺铁。而在积极锻炼的妇女中这一比例更高,女耐力运动员中,缺铁者比例则高达80%。莱尔说,这意味着 “太多女性忽视了自己摄入的铁含量”。 育龄女性危险最大,因为月经是铁流失的重要原因之一。此外,许多保健意识太强的女性也很危险,因为她们拒绝食用牛肉或羊肉,而这些肉中含有的铁最易被吸收。而且,由于女性常常为了控制体重而节食,从而未能摄取足够的含铁丰富的食物,结果可能导致缺铁。

\iron,\additional iron loss from exercise may be enough to tip her over the edge into a more serious deficiency,\

另一名专家指出,“普通女性每天摄入的铁只是应摄入量的三分之二。” 他指出,“对于那些已经缺铁的女性,任何因锻炼而产生的更多铁质流失都足以导致体内缺铁状况的恶化。”运动可能通过多种机制导致铁流失。

Exercise can result in iron loss through a variety of mechanisms. Some iron is lost in sweat, and, for unknown reasons, intense endurance exercise is sometimes associated with bleeding of the digestive system. Athletes in high-impact sports such as running may also lose iron through a phenomenon where small blood vessels in the feet leak blood.

有些铁随汗液流失。另外,由于某些未知的原因,高强度的耐力运动有时会引起消化系统内出血。运动员从事跑步之类高强度剧烈运动,也可能会因为足部血管失血的现象而使铁质流失。 There are three stages of iron deficiency. The first and most common is having low iron reserves, a condition that typically has no symptoms. Fatigue and poor performance may begin to appear in the second stage of deficiency, when not enough iron is present to form the molecules of blood protein that transport oxygen to the working muscles. In the third and final stage, people often feel weak, tired, and out of breath — and exercise performance is severely compromised. 缺铁分为三个阶段:

第一也即最常见的阶段,是铁质储量不足。这一阶段一般没有症状。 到了缺铁的第二阶段,就会出现疲倦和力不从心,此时体内已没有足够的铁来形成血蛋白分子,将氧输至运动肌肉。在第三即最后阶段,人常常感到虚弱、疲乏无力、喘不过气,运动成绩大


\not true,\3 until your iron reserves go to zero, and if you wait until that point, you're in trouble.\

“人们认为,只要不到第三阶段就不会有什么问题。这种想法是不对的。” 帮助设计普渡大学研究的约翰?L. 比尔德说。“只有当你的铁储量为零时,你才会进入第三阶段。而你若坐等到这个时候,你的麻烦就大了。”

However, most people with low iron reserves don't know they have a deficiency, because traditional methods of calculating the amount of iron in blood (by checking levels of the blood protein that transports oxygen) are not sufficient, Beard states. Instead, it's important to check levels of a different compound, which indicates the amount of storage of iron in the blood. While active, child-bearing age women are most likely to have low iron stores, he notes, \meat and have a high level of physical activity.\long distance runners have low iron stores.) Beard and other experts say it's advisable for people in these groups to have a yearly blood test to check blood iron reserves. 然而,比尔德指出,大多数铁质储量低的人并未意识到自己缺铁,因为传统的检测血液中铁含量的方法──检验血液中输送氧气的血蛋白的含量──是不够的。其实,有必要检查血液中另一种混合成分的含量,它可以显示血液中的铁含量。他还指出,虽然积极锻炼的育龄妇女最有可能铁含量低,“但男性也并非不缺铁,尤其是在他们不吃肉类而又从事高强度的体力活动的情况下。” (估计有15%的男性长跑运动员铁含量低。)比尔德和其他专家都说,对这些人而言,最好每年验一次血,以测定血液中的铁含量。

If iron levels are low, talk with a physician to see if the deficiency should be corrected by modifying your diet or by taking supplements. In general, it's better to undo the problem by adding more iron-rich foods to the diet, because iron supplements can have serious shortcomings. Supplements may produce a feeling of wanting to throw up, and may be poisonous in some cases. The best sources of iron, and the only sources of the form of iron most readily absorbed by the body, are meat, chicken, and fish. Good sources of other forms of iron include dates, beans, and some leafy green vegetables.

如果铁含量低,就要去看医生,以确定是否该通过调整饮食或服用铁质补剂来校正不足。一般说来,解决问题的最好方法是在食谱中增加含铁丰富的食物,因为铁质补剂可能存在严重缺陷。“服用铁质补剂可能使人想呕吐,有时甚至还会引起中毒。最好的铁来源,以及唯一最易为身体所吸收的铁来源,是肉、鸡和鱼。其他较好的铁质来源包括枣、豆类和一些多叶绿色蔬菜。” \diet expert Nancy Clark. \added iron supplements the small amount that naturally occurs in grains. Eat these foods with plentiful Vitamin C (for example, drink orange juice with cereal or put a tomato on a sandwich) to enhance the amount of iron absorbed.\

Clark also recommends cooking in iron pans, as food can derive iron from the pan during the cooking process. \iron content of tomato sauce cooked in an iron pot for three hours showed a striking increase, the level going up nearly 30 times,\And people who are likely to have low iron should avoid drinking coffee or tea with meals, she says, since substances in these drinks can interfere with iron being absorbed into the body.

“选择那些标有‘加铁’字样的面包和麦片,” 运动营养专家南希?克拉克写道,“这些增加的铁质补充了谷物中自然含铁量的不足。将这些食物与含有大量维生素C的食物一起食用──比如吃麦片时喝橘子汁,或在三明治内夹上番茄──可以促进铁质吸收。” 克拉克还建议用铁锅烹食,因为烹调过程中食物能从铁锅中吸收铁质。她写道,“在铁锅内烹煮了3个小时的番茄汁,其铁含量大大提高,增加到原来的30倍左右。” 她说,铁含量可能低的人,吃饭时应避免喝咖啡或饮茶,因为这些饮料中所含的物质会妨碍身体对铁质的吸收。

\women need to be a lot more careful about their food choices,\sums up Purdue's Lyle. \remedy the deficiency before it really becomes a problem.\

“运动女性应特别注意选择饮食。”普渡大学的莱尔总结说:“如果你在铁含量流失之前就注意到了警告信号,你就可以在它真正成为问题之前弥补铁质的不足。” Unit5 A

I have never seen Mrs. Clark before, but I know from her medical chart and the report I received from the preceding shift that tonight she will die.


The only light in her room is coming from a piece of medical equipment, which is flashing its red light as if in warning. As I stand there, the smell hits my nose, and I close my eyes as I remember the smell of decay from past experience. In my mouth I have a sour, vinegar taste coming from the pit of my stomach. I reach for the light switch, and as it silently lights the scene, I return to the bed to observe the patient with an unemotional, medical eye.


Mrs. Clark is dying. She lies motionless: the head seems unusually large on a skeleton body; the skin is dark yellow and hangs loosely around exaggerated bones that not even a blanket can hide; the right arm lies straight out at the side, taped cruelly to a board to secure a needle so that fluid may drip in;the left arm is across the sunken chest, which rises and falls with the uneven breaths.



I reach for the long, thin fingers that are lying on the chest. They are ice cold, and I quickly move to the wrist and feel for the faint pulse. Mrs. Clark's eyes open somewhat as her head turns toward me slightly. I bend close to her and scarcely hear as she whispers, \Taking a glass of water from the table, I put my finger over the end of the straw and allow a few drops of the cool moisture to slide into her mouth and ease her thirst. She makes no attempt to swallow; there is just not enough strength.\manage to swallow some liquid and weakly says, \


She is too weak for conversation, so without asking, I go about providing for her needs. Picking her up in my arms like a child, I turn her on her side. Naked, except for a light hospital gown, she is so verysmall and light that she seems like a victim of some terrible famine. I remove the lid from a jar of skin cream and put some on the palm of my hand. Carefully, to avoid injuring her, I rub cream into the yellow skin, which rolls freely over the bones, feeling perfectly the outline of each bone in the back.Placing a pillow between her legs, I notice that these too are ice cold, and not until I run my hand up over her knees do I feel any of the life-giving warmth of blood. 她虚弱得没法交谈,因此没等她要求,我就开始做她所需要的。我像抱孩子似的把她抱起来,给她翻了个身。除了一件浅色的病号服,她什么也没穿。她又小又轻,像遭受了严重饥荒一样。我打开护肤霜的瓶盖,揩了一些在手心。为了不伤着她,我小心翼翼地把护肤霜擦在她发黄的皮肤上。她的皮肤松松地在骨头上滑动,背上每块骨头的轮廓都能清楚地摸到。当我把枕头放在她两腿之间时,发现它们也是冰凉的,直到把手移到她膝盖以上的部位,我才感受到血液供给生命的热度。

When I am finished, I pull a chair up beside the bed to face her and, taking her free hand betweenmine, again notice the long, thin fingers. Graceful. I wonder briefly if she has any family, and then I see that there are neither flowers, nor pictures of rainbows and butterflies drawn by children, nor cards.There is no hint in the room anywhere that this is a person who is loved. As though she is a mind reader, Mrs. Clark answers my thoughts and quietly tells me, \tonight ...didn't want ... them ... to see ...\Having spent her last ounce of strength she cannot go on, but I have understood what she has done. Not knowing what to say, I say nothing. Again she seems to sense mythoughts, \




Time seems to stand still. In the total silence, I feel my own pulse quicken and hear my breathing as it begins to match hers, breath for uneven breath. Our eyes meet and somehow, together, we become aware that this is a special moment between two human beings .Her long fingers curl easily around my hand and I nod my head slowly, smiling. Without words, through yellowed eyes, I receive my thank you and her eyes slowly close. 时间似乎停滞了。在一片寂静中,我感觉自己的脉搏加快了,我听到自己的呼吸开始伴随着她那不均匀的呼吸一起一落。我们互相对视,不知怎么的,我们都意识到,这是两个生命间的一个特殊时刻。她那细长的手指很轻易地就拢住了我的手,我微笑着慢慢点了点头。无需任何语言,我从她发黄的眼睛中感受到了她对我的谢意,她慢慢闭上了眼睛。

Some unknown interval of time passes before her eyes open again, only this time there is no response in them, just a blank stare. Without warning, her shallow breathing stops, and within a few moments,the faint pulse is also gone. One single tear flows from her left eye, across the cheek and down onto the pillow. I begin to cry quietly. There is a swell of emotion within me for this stranger who so quicklycame into and went from my life.Her suffering is done, yet so is the life. Slowly, still holding her hand, I become aware that I do not mind this emotional battle, that in fact, it was a privilege she has allowed me, and I would do it again, gladly. Mrs. Clark spared her family an episode that perhaps they were not equipped to handle and instead shared it with me. She had not wanted to have her family see her die,yet she did not want to die alone. No one should die alone, and I am glad I was there for her.不知过了多长时间,她又睁开了双眼,只是这一次目光里没有任何反应,只有空洞的凝视。没有一点先兆,她那细弱的呼吸停止了。很快,微弱的脉搏也消失了。一颗泪珠从她的左眼中流出,滑过脸颊,落在枕上。我开始轻声哭泣。对这位迅速走进又走出我生活的陌生人,我心间涌起了一股感情。她的痛苦结束了,可她的生命也结束了。我依然握着她的手,渐渐地,我意识到我并不害怕这种感情之战,意识到这实际是她赐予我的特殊荣幸,而且我还乐意再来一次。克拉克夫人没有让她的家人目睹这一幕他们或许无力面对的人生插曲,却与我分享了它。她不想让家人看着她死去,然而她也不愿孤独地离去。不应当有人孤独离去的,我很高兴能守候在她身边。 两天后,我在报上读到了克拉克夫人的消息。

Two days later, I read about Mrs. Clark in the newspaper. She was the mother of seven,grandmother of eighteen, an active member of her church, a leader of volunteer associations in her community, a concert piano player, and a piano teacher for over thirty years.Yes, they were long and graceful fingers.

原来她是7个孩子的母亲、18个孩子的祖母、教会里的活跃分子、社区志愿者协会的领导人、音乐会钢琴演奏家、从教30余年的钢琴教师。 是啊,她的手指是那样细长而优雅。

Unit7 A

When I was 19, I caught sight of the future and based my career on what I saw. I turned out to have been right.\—Bill Gates


He's the most famous businessman and the richest man in the world—worth an estimated $40 billion in 1997. 他是当今世上最著名的商人、最有钱的富豪──1997年他的资产预计为400亿美元。 Without a doubt, Bill Gates belongs in the same class as Thomas Edison, Alexander Graham Bell, and other great minds who changed the world. 毫无疑问,他与托马斯?爱迪生、亚历山大?格雷厄姆?贝尔以及其他改变世界的伟人属于同一行列。

The self-described \has dominated the personal computing revolution and modernizedthe whole world in the process..这个自称为“黑客”的人主导着个人计算机革命,并在这一过程中使整个世界现代化.

Indeed, his classification into any other rank than this would seriously understate his impact on the world的确,将他划入任何其他行列,都可能大大淡化他对世界的影响。 Gates' success stems from his personality: an unbelievable and at times frightening blend of high-voltage brilliance, drive and competitiveness. When the chairman and CEO walks through the corridors of Microsoft, it is like a switch being turned on; everything and everyone around him is charged with 10,000 volts of electricity. Gates sets the example and Microsoft employees follow. The schedule he keeps is one hint as to what he expects from his employees. It's not unusual for the \\


Indeed, if there's one thing that distinguishes the Gates style, it is his time management skills. Conservation of time, energy, and focus are his hallmarks.He moves between playing the role of international spokesman for the age of technology and planning business strategy back at headquarters, getting the maximum amount of work possible out of every minute. Always punctual and always in high gear, he typically leaves only the tiniest cracks in the day for eating, talking to friends or recreation. The joke around Microsoft is that his receptionist is the hardest working person in the world. In fact, he has several receptionists. He probably needs one just to arrange his travel plans and visas to foreign countries.的确,如果说盖茨的风格与他人有别的话,那就是他把握时间的技能。节约时间、精力充沛和专心致志是他的突出特点。


On the subject of travel, he has become known for saving money and time as well. On business trips, he flies commercial whenever possible and in the interest of time, he never checks his baggage. His hosts also find they save money when he is in town.

There is no time in his schedule for tourism of any kind, no excursions or sightseeing trips are on his agenda. It's just work, work, work.说到旅行,他节约钱和时间也是出了名的。出差时,他尽可能坐普通民航飞机;为了节省时间,他从不托运行李。接待他的东道主也发现,他住在城里时他们很省钱。他的时间表上没有计划旅游的时间,日程表上也没有游览或观光计划。有的只是工作,工作,工作。

Another trait that makes him so unusual is his incredible \his desk, he works on two computers, one with multiple frames that sequence data streaming in from the Internet, and the other handling the hundreds of e-mail messages and letters he receives. He may even review data while conducting a meeting using a videophone.另一个使他与众不同的特质是他令人难以置信的“多任务操作”能力。他办公时使用两台电脑,一台开有多重窗口以编排从英特网上不断接收的数据,另一台处理他接收的数以百计的电子邮件。甚至他在用可视电话主持会议时,还能审核数据。

Gates runs his company mainly through three methods: He bats out a hundred or more e-mail messages a day (and night); he meets every month or so with his top management panel of experts and advisers; and most importantly, he holds two or three small review meetings a day with a procession of teams working on the company's various products. He doesn't address anyone by name or hand out too much praise, but he does go round the table clockwise and listens carefully to everyone who has an idea. When he is unclear about something, he quizzes and challenges his staff. \say, looking to make clear a vague statement. Every decision he makes is based on his knowledge of its merits. He doesn't need to rely on personal politics.盖茨主要通过以下三种方法来经营他的公司:他每天(和每晚)发出100封或更多电子邮件;他大约每月与由专家和顾问组成的高层管理委员会会晤一次;更重要的是,他每天召开两三个小型碰头会,接连与会的是研发公司各种产品的团队。他不作指名道姓的个别谈话,也不作太多的表扬,只作顺时针方向的圆桌会谈,仔细听取每个人的意见。遇到不太明白的说法,他就询问甚至质疑他的手下。“请就此明示,”他会这么说,希望把不清楚的地方弄明白.他作出的每个决定,都是基于对其价值的了解。他不需要依赖个人权术。

When Bill Gates was in the sixth grade, his parents sent him to see a psychologist. After a year of sessions and tests, the psychologist reached his conclusion. \going to lose,\there's no use trying to beat him.\to conquer the world of computer operating systems and application software, he has been deadly for competitors trying to claw their way into the market.比尔?盖茨读六年级时,他父母送他去看心理医生。一年后,经过多次看医生和检查,医生有了结论。“您管不了他的,”他对盖茨的母亲玛丽说。“最好接受现实,打他是不管用的。”自从盖茨从哈佛退学转去攻克计算机操作系统和应用软件,22年来他一直是那些企图挤进这个市场的竞争对手的死敌。

In early 1975, at the age of 19, while at Harvard University, he and Paul Allen wrote an interpreter for the programming language used by MITS Altair, the first commercially available personal computer. It was their intense relationship—Gates the workaholic code writer and competitor, Allen the dreamy visionary—that laid the first brick in the foundation of Microsoft. 1975年初,他19岁,还在哈佛大学读书,他和保罗?艾伦写了一份程序设计语言的编译程序,供MITS (微仪表和自动系统公司)的Altair电脑用,这是第一台商业个人电脑。盖茨是个勤奋的编码者和竞争对手,而艾伦却是个充满幻想的梦想家,

议之前发出结婚请柬。但不是每个人都采纳这一建议。律师们援引的一个经典例子是:“婚礼那天,某人──通常是女方──面前突然出现了一份协议,于是,她看都没看一眼就签了字。” Another lawyer recalled one awkward episode where the two sides were still editing the contract, arguing over what to keep and delete, as 150 wedding guests were arriving for the wedding. When an agreement could not be forged, the wedding was canceled.还有一位律师回想起一件尴尬事:男女双方还在修改协议,争论哪些该保留,哪些该删除,却有150名宾客陆陆续续来参加婚礼。结果由于协议无法确定,婚礼取消了。

A dispute can also break out over prenuptial agreements if a couple decides to divorce while living abroad, or when they have different passports. A lawyer in a London law firm that often handles divorces for British-American couples noted that in Britain, prenuptial agreements were \about ignored\by the courts because English law says that circumstances of a marriage aren't static, and therefore a judge should decide how financial assets will be divided.如果夫妇决定离婚时正住在国外,或两人拥有不同的护照,那也可能因婚前协议产生纠纷。伦敦一家经常为分处英美两国的夫妇处理离婚事宜的律师事务所的一名律师指出,在英国,法院“基本上忽视”婚前协议,因为英国的法律认为婚姻状况不是静态的,因此应由法官来决定资产怎样分配。

That can lead to \the couple is getting divorced. He gave the following example: \wealthy Mr. Ed Smith gets married to Mrs. Smith, and they enter into a New York prenuptial contract. They live in England, and then decide to get divorced. English lawyers will say to Mrs. Smith, 'No, that contract is not valid,while Mr. Smith will want it to be an American court case.这就可能导致“逛法庭”的现象,因为问题的关键在于夫妇办理离婚时所在国的法律。他举了一个例子:“有位富有的艾德?史密斯先生和史密斯夫人结了婚,而且在纽约签订了婚前契约。可他们住在英国,后来他们决定离婚。英国律师会对史密斯夫人说‘不行,那个契约无效。’而史密斯先生却想把它当作一桩美国案例来处理。

The issue of where it will be held can greatly multiply the amount of time required to reach a settlement.案子将在何处受理,这可能大大增加达成协议所需的时间。”

Romantic love has no <42>bearing on this process, say these lawyers, who consider prenups to be business agreements. Their justification: Some 50 percent of all marriages in the United States end up on the trash heap.这些律师认为,婚前契约是一个商业协议,浪漫的爱情与此过程无关。他们的理由是:在美国,50%的婚姻最终将被扔进垃圾堆。

Moreover, the discussions for a prenuptial agreement, which involve laying bare all one's finances, sometimes save a couple from a terrible marriage. \issues which could later widen and result in divorce,\另外,有关婚前协议的讨论将使两个人的钱财完全公开化,有时这可以使一对夫妇避免一桩可怕的婚姻。一个律师说:“它使人们看清一些问题,而这些问题日后可能扩大,并导致离婚。”

But there is still hope. \look at it again,\然而希望还是有的。这位律师接着说:“很多人一签好协议,就把它扔进抽屉,然后再也不看它一眼。”

