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蹩脚口语:I am not deaf 地道口语:Still in earshot 影视来源:《识骨寻踪》 剧情引导:

Booth和Brennan都特想恢复到以前的神勇状态。然而在事过境迁之后,寻找关键的证据难上加难。检察官Caroline劝他们放弃,Brennan特不甘心地说“要不把嫌犯杀了?!”囧?? Caroline: That is sneaky. Brennan: Is sneaky good or bad?

Caroline: Good, if it holds up in court.

Cam: Next time, make it look more like you're taking advantage of a situation, not scripting it.

Caroline: Don't keep me hanging, people. Are Alexander Gallo and Tom Fargood the same person? Cam: Yep. Perfect match.

Brennan: Well, your facial expression suggests that you are dissatisfied. Caroline: You proved that Gallo is Fargood, fine, but now you gotta prove that Fargood killed those people and dumped them under that fountain. Booth: Charge him with murder, give us time to find the speargun and the van.

Caroline: Cherie, what are the chances of that happening? Cam: A million to one?

Brennan: Oh, we don't have all the variables, so... You're not being precise, you're simply illustrating the difficulty.

Caroline: Everything maybe adds up all the time in the lab, but in real life, sometimes you lose one.

Brennan: Well, what should we do, kill him?

Caroline: Still in earshot, cherie, still in earshot.


Caroline: 你们还真狡猾咧。 Brennan: 狡猾好还是不好啦?

Caroline: 好,对簿公堂的时候最有用咧。

Cam: 下回咧,最好假装你们是顺道路过捡着便宜了,而不要一副精心策划的样子好伐。

Caroline: 我还没说完咧,筒子们。Alexander Gallo和Tom Fargood是同一个人么? Cam: 没错。千真万确。

Brennan: 那个,你脸部表情显示你很不爽。 Caroline: 你能证明Gallo就是Fargoodn,可以的。不过现在你们还得拿出证据来证明Fargood杀了这些人然后把他们整喷泉底下去了。

Booth: 就告他谋杀咯,给我们点时间去找到凶器捕鱼枪和货车。 Caroline: 帅哥,这得多少几率? Cam: 万分之一差不多?

Brennan: 哦,我们不知道计算的变数是多少,所以......你不是求得精确比率,而是在描述事情的艰难程度。(Bones你终于开悟了......Cam的表情超好玩!)

Caroline: 实验室里头也许凡事都能一加一等于二,不过现实生活中呢,有时候就只能放虎归山咯。

Brennan: 那我们怎么办?去杀掉他?(爆笑~~~Bones说kill him的一脸兴奋啊......) Caroline: 别以为我听不见了好哇,美女,别以为我听不见了。


earshot看字面意思就知道是说耳朵的射程,在日常口语中,这个词经常和in或者out搭配,如果是in earshot就是听得见,out of earshot显然就是离远了不在听力范围之内,自然就是听不见咯。很形象的说法。

