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大学英语提高课程国际商务英语谈判的常见翻译题,用于平时谈判模拟的台词 以及应对考试翻译题型。

1. We wish you will give us a competitive price and we would rather have your CIF prices than FOB prices.


2. I’m afraid that the price is on the high side. How about reducing the price by 10%? 我觉得这个价格偏高,把价格降低10%怎么样?

3. I’m sorry to inform you that we have lodged a claim(提出索赔) against your company

on the goods for $500 for short weight.


4. We can assure you that we will do everything to effect the delivery(发货) as soon as

possible. This is the best we can do.


5. To meet you halfway, we suggest 50% of the payment should be made by confirmed(保兑的), irrevocable(不可撤销的) letter of credit(信用证), and the balance by D/P (付款交单).


6. Now there remains one more point to discuss. What coverage(保险) will you take out for the goods we have ordered?


7. Who is authorized to issue the inspection certificate(商检证)? What if the inspection can not be completed within the time limit?


8. I can’t give you the thumbs up right now, but I think it will be alright.


9. I’d like to get right to the point here. If Smith Company took a 70% position(股份) in the joint venture (合资企业)we’d be taking a back seat to you.


10. We’d be more than happy to accommodate you. If we don’t share all information, the agreement becomes null and void(失效).


11. 请允许我向你们介绍马丁先生,我们的总工程师。

Allow me to introduce Mr. Martin, our chief engineer.


This is my business card. I am from Pacific Import and Export Co.


Before we begin our negotiation, I’d like to know something about your company.


How would you like to proceed with the negotiation? Do you have any plans?


Let’s draw up an agenda for our discussion, shall we?


We have worked out a schedule for this negotiation. Please have a look. If you have any objection, don’t hesitate to let us know.

大学英语提高课程国际商务英语谈判的常见翻译题,用于平时谈判模拟的台词 以及应对考试翻译题型。


We are considering establishing joint-venture here in the near future.


We trust our joint efforts will contribute to the cooperation in the future.


As far as I know, the present market is rather favourable to us.


Well, in confidence, I can be sure that all of you are in favour of this proposal.


We’d better not make a decision and keep the choice open until we have gotten more



Please send an agenda to them and let them know our plan and sound out their opinions about it.


It is high time that we shall decide who is going to involve in the negotiation.



I think we shall make Mr. Williamson as our chief negotiator, for he drives hard and is good at public relations; after all, he is an acknowledged expert in this field.



They have a very strong negotiation team, we can learn something about them from their background where their interests lie and what questions they will ask.


We can never be too careful. Homer sometimes nods.

27.我们必须重视那个问题,这可是我们能获取双赢的关键。We must attach great importance to that question for it is the key to get win-win in our negotiation.


This is the itinerary we have worked out for you here, please check it and let us know your opinion.

29. If you stand firm, there’s no point in further discussions. We might as well call the whole deal off.


30. We have received offers much lower than yours. So business depends very much on your price.我们已收到了比你方报价低得多的报价。因此,这笔生意能否成交主要取决于你们的价格。

31. I suggest we meet each other halfway so that the business can be concluded.


32. I don’t think I can accept it right now, as it is beyond my negotiating limit.


33. I’m sorry I’m not authorized to make such a bid reduction.


34. 10% discount is out of the question. It’s outside where I can go. The best I can do is

大学英语提高课程国际商务英语谈判的常见翻译题,用于平时谈判模拟的台词 以及应对考试翻译题型。


35. The size of our order depends on your price. If your price is attractive, we’re going to place a large order with you.


36. We’re glad that the deal has come off nicely and hope there will be more to come.


37. The unit price is US$20 per set FOB Guangzhou. 广州离岸价每套20美元。

38. We have quoted you the best price, including 5% commission.


39. Here is our offer, 300 Euro per ton, CIF Singapore.


40. Is it possible to reduce the price by 10 %? 价格是否能下降10%?

41. The lowest price we can accept is US$350 per metric ton CIF Shanghai.


42. Are you negotiable? 有商量的余地吗?

43. I am sure there are some room for negotiation. 肯定还有商量的余地吧。

44. This is our bed-rock quotation. 这是我们的最低报价。

45. Considering the quality of our products, you will find that our offer is quite reasonable.


46. I wish I could give every customer a discount. 但愿我能给每个客户都打折。

47. If we modify our specifications, would you consider a large order?


48. I agree in principle, but I would like to add something more sometime later.


49. Let’s try to adopt your ideas into a concrete plan satisfactory to both parties.


50. It seems to me that we are giving up too much in this case.


51. You don’t want to fight over the same turf, do you? 你不想老是纠缠在同一个问题上吧。

52. If you stand firm, we can hardly come to terms. 如果你一意孤行,我们很难达成一致。

53. Unless you can reduce the price, chances for business are remote.


54. To encourage business, we are prepared to make a reduction.


55. If you buy in bulk,you can get for cheaper. 大的单子可以便宜些。

56. This raises very indication of a further rise in price in the near future.


57. Before we move on to the next subject, let us not overlook the importance of competitive


58. If you do not mind, may I hold my answer to your questions until we have finished the discussion about your marketing strategy?


59. I do not know whether you realize it, but this condition is essential to us.


大学英语提高课程国际商务英语谈判的常见翻译题,用于平时谈判模拟的台词 以及应对考试翻译题型。

60. I must reiterate that our position on this issue is very clear.


61. Your answer to my next question will have a great impact on the whole negotiation. Would

you give me your frank opinion so that we both can have a clear understanding?


62. I confess I have some difficulty in following your logic on this matter. Could you kindly elaborate for me?我对你说的理论逻辑不太了解。请你详细说明好吗?

63. We regret to inform you that your proposal does not allow us to go ahead.


64. We are pleased to advise you of our final response as follows.


65. I cannot find anything wrong with your proposal right now. if I find anything, I will come back to you.目前我对你的提议没有疑问,如果我有任何问题,我会和你联络。

66. 要是你坚持你方的付款条件的话,恐怕我们得重新考虑你们的报价。

If you insist on your payment terms, I’m afraid we’ll have to reconsider your price.

67. 其他供货商给我们提供的条件更优惠。他们从没有要求我们付定金。

Other suppliers are offering us more favorable terms, and they don’t ask for a down payment.

68. 考虑到我们之间的长期合作关系,我们就在价格上折中一下吧,不过,你们要同意我方的提出的支付方式。In view of our long-term business relations, let’s meet each other halfway in price, but you should accept our payment terms.

69. 为了表示我们的诚意,我们破例再降2%。这是我们的最低价了。

To show our sincerity in doing business with you, we’ll make an exception this time and agree to make a further reduction of 2%. This is the best we can do.

70. 我可以向你保证我们会即期交货。We can assure you of prompt delivery.

71. 我很高兴我们的谈判获得了成功。希望这一次是我们富有成果的合作的开始。

I’m glad our negotiation has come to a successful end. Let’s hope it’s the beginning of a rich and fruitful cooperation.

72. We must take stock of our own bargaining strength.我们必须估计一下我们自己的谈判实力。

73. You should deliver the goods on the specified date. If you fail to do so, we’ll reserve our right to claim.


74. If the product quality is good, we could extend the contract and enlarge our order. 要是你方的产品质量优良的话,我们可以延长合约,并增加定购的数量。

75. I’m afraid we are unable to do better on the time of shipment. Our manufacturers have heavy backlogs on their hands.恐怕我们没法提前装船了。我们的生产厂商手头有许多积压而没有交付的订单。

76. I’m sorry we can’t advance the time of shipment as there is a great demand for this product recently and production can hardly keep pace with the increasing demand.


