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SectionA III Vocabulary

1. prent 2. permeated 3. decisive 4. inherent 5. literally 6. blessing 7. literacy 8. mingled 9. distorted 10. formidable 11. precedent 12. certified Exercises on CD and web course only: 13. simulate 14. doomed 15. cloning

IV 1. hunt down 2. absorbed into 3. have access to 4. with the exception of 5. For that matter 6. In the absence of 7. with respect to 8. is tailored to 9. be restricted to 10. calls for 11. in large measure 12. ranged from Exercises on CD and web course only:

13. ignorant of 14. to some extent 15. filled with V Collocation

1. understanding 2. system 3. muscles 4. technique 5. skills 6. ability 7. film 8. insights Exercises on CD and web course only: 9. imagination 10. resources VI Translation

1. In a world full of misinformation it is a formidable challenge for the students to learn to identify the true, the

beautiful, and the good.

2. Any form of mountaineering has its inherent danger. After all, it is an adventure sport.

3. The university will permit a degree of individual instruction and the students may receive a curriculum tailored to their needs, learning style and pace.

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4. It is said that the understanding of the genetic basis of learning will tell us which youngsters are likely to

advance quickly and which ones seem doomed to \

5. It has been reported that in Canada literally thousands of lakes and rivers are no longer able to support fish or plants.

6. In countries with relatively high literacy rates, books play an important part in enriching people's lives.

7. The essence of government intervention has been to limit and distort competition rather than to encourage it.

8. The great cause of reform being carried out by Chinese people is without precedent in history. 9. Practice in simulated examination conditions must not be delayed until close to the examination time.

10. People have found that the lions and wolves in the forest often hunt down live animals by cooperative efforts. VII Translation

The Internet's speed, vast resources, and its ability to directly communicate with others are its greatest benefits. Because the Internet uses the quickness of computers to transmit its data, information can travel at

tremendous speeds. Speed is not the only benefit. The Internet uses hundreds of thousands of computers all

connected to each other to store vast amounts of information. And finally, because the Internet allows individuals to have specific electronic mail addresses, people can easily communicate with one another. VIII Translation

1. 可能除了教会以外,很少有机构做主管下一代正规教育的学校/教育机构那样缺乏变化了。 2.来自过去的参观者一眼就能辨认出现在的课堂,但很难适应现今一个10岁孩子的校外世界, 3.但变化在我们的世界中是如此迅速和明确,以至于学校不可能维持现状或仅仅做一些表面的改善而 生存下去。

4.在某种程度上,这些科技辅助设施已被吸纳到校园生活中,尽管他们往往只是用一种更方便,更有 效的模式教授旧课程。


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7.信息和虚假信息轻易地混杂在一起,现在还没有将网上十分普遍的被歪曲的事实和一派胡言与真实 含义区分开来的可靠手段。


9.一些权威人士坚持认为这些发现应该应用于特定情况中,而另一些人则极力反对在基因信息基础上 所做的任何决定。

10.如果年青人要为自己期望承担的迅速变换的角色作好准备,那么必须培养出新的和富于想像力的方 法。

IX Essay summary

1. B 2. A 3. C 4. D 5. D 6. B 7. B 8. A 9. C 10. A 11. D 12. B 13. C 14. D 15. A 16. A 17. C 18. B 19. D 20.A XI StructuredWriting

Schools have to change rapidly and radically to meet the demands and expectations of innumerable special interests from the changing world. Nowadays few people will remain in the same occupation for their whole lives. Many of them will move frequently from one position and company to another. School education must enable youngsters to educate themselves and to prepare themselves for a constantly changing job market.The education that was essentially designed to make sure that individuals could carry out a single job has been seriously challenged. Besides, there is a strong demand that schools should permit a degree of individual instruction to every student. Every student should receive a curriculum designed and modified according to his own needs, his own learning style and his own learning pace. The time when all the students were working on the same materials and doing the same drills is gone forever.

Section B

XIII Comprehension of the Text

1. It means as a teacher, one should make his own decisions in teaching, instead of passively following others.

2. It stands for the teacher's inner voice, i.e. his/her opinions, ideas, etc.

3. They are optimistic, thinking that being a teacher is valuable, and they are resolved to make a difference.

4. Because they find that as teachers they are nothing more than factory workers, and the school system is

barely more than a 19th-century factory where students collect basic skills on an assembly line.

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5. Teachers, like factory workers, are busy accepting everything passively, therefore having no time to reflect

or dream. Thus, they are unable to positively contribute to schooling's original purpose, i.e., to nourish minds and mold dreams.

6. The author is trying to show the result of accepting everything passively--the teacher cannot stand tall and

proud; and the inspectors will believe that he is crippled, and that \7. Because if not, they may be in trouble, or be exiled by their colleagues.

8. The tailor can be state departments, school superintendents, parents, principals or special interest groups.

9. The result is that teachers become busy and tired, and lose the ability to know what is truly important. 10. Only when the teachers act from their own voice can real improvements be made to education. XIV Vocabulary

1. crippled 2. tugged 3. limped 4. affirms 5. nourishing 6. assimilating 7. nurture 8. tucked 9. murmurs 10. indignant 11. staggered 12. pleading

XV 1. from 2. with 3. into 4. on 5. of 6. down 7. up 8. of 9. out/in 10. with 11. up 12. about

Exercises on CD and web course only: 13. out 14. on 15. out Section C

1. F 2. T 3. F 4. F 5. F 6. F 7. F 8. F 9. T 10. F

新视野英语教程第五册课后答案unit 2

Unit Two

II Comprehension of the Text

I. Because they couldn't live longer without growing older. 2. Be was more famous for his search for the Fountain of Youth.

3. They take a bath in tubs of warm mud and receive injections of monkey glands. 4. Many people can reach the age they are designed for because of their being well off.

5. The emphasis is on finding ways to ensure that more people achieve the maximum lifespan healthy

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6. He hated exercise and never took any.

7. Because they reproduce less or don't reproduce at all. 8. It can help slow down ageing.

9. Old people would soon end up as a huge majority and the planet would have trouble supporting so many people.

10. The author thinks that old age is one of the natural phenomena, and it is the last pan of one's life. II Vocabulary

1.terminating 2. originates 3. tempted 4. afflicted 5. optimum 6. rapture 7. adhered 8. persistent

9. diminishing 10. despised 11. patented 12. manipulate Exercises on CD and web course only: 13. promising 14. necessitate 15. perish

IV1. searching for 2. ended up 3. in the hope of 4. looked forward to 5. ho1d on to 6. in time 7. well off 8. conditions

9. involved in 10. to such an extent 11. originated in 12. adhered to Exercises on CD and web course only:

13. perished from 14. slowed down 15. handed out V Collocation

1. abilities 2. quality 3. condition 4. standard 5. system 6. chances 7. utilization 8. skills Exercises on CD and web course only: 9. efficiency 10. environment VI Translation

1. During that battle a large number of men perished from hunger and thirst due to the severe shortage of food.

2. This research project bas further proved that fireworks have originated in China. 3. He is tempted to go there in person and check out how the accident happened.

4. At present, people have not found an effective way to cure this disease, which is still afflicting old people.

5. The contractor must adhere to the contract and complete the important project on time.

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6. With persistent efforts, they finally settled the dispute between the two regions.

7. If Party B fails in delivering goods at a given time, Party A is entitled to terminate the contract and claim for any loss.

8. It usually takes a week to patent one's invention.

9. A clever politician knows well how to manipulate the public opinion and take advantage of his supporters. 10. The amount of water in tile rivers and lakes will diminish as the dry season continues. VII Translation

With the 21 st century coming, people have increasingly realized file importance of acquiring round easy information. If a nation can make effective use of all the information it will benefit In the fields of scientific

research, education, economic development, etc. What the nation needs to do is to establish a nation-wide \set up, it

will promote the second information revolution in the country. VIII Translation


2.许多作家总是幻想着有可以长命百岁的福地,在那里,人们以各种办法,多数是左道旁门的招数, 保持着他们的青春和活力。

3.虽然长寿的可能性已经明显加大了,但是在绝大多数有记载的历史时期内,自然界赋予人类的寿命 并没有多大变化。

4.即使主要从理论上探讨,人的寿命在写《圣经》的那个时候就是70岁,到现在也没有增加多少。 5.在出生后的第一年里,婴儿不再会大量死亡,在随后的日子里人们不会因为传染病或者像阑尾破裂 这样的医疗问题而死亡,也不会因为饥饿或过度劳累而死亡。

6.目前衰老研究的重点是寻求有效的方法,确保日益增多的达到最大寿限的人能够在最佳健康状况下 实现长寿,而不是仅仅在慢性病和体力衰退的折磨下再多活几年。

7.但是,即便是对那些遵循这些忠告的人来说,一种健康的生活方式的作用只不过是使他们更有机会 保持就其年龄而言合理的健康状况,而不会减缓衰老的过程。

8. 唯一显示的确能延长臭名的实验是用实验室动物进行的,受试的大家鼠灰色小家鼠接受严格的饮食 限制。


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10.然而,老年可以说是人生戏剧中的最后一幕,当我们疲倦时,当我们已经饱尝人生的一切之后,我 们应该从这最后一幕中消失。 IX Essay Summary

1. D 2. A 3. C 4. D 5. B 6. A 7. B 8. A 9. C 10. B 11.D 12. B 13. C 14. D 15. A 16. D 17. C 18. B 19. A 20. D XII Reading Skills

1. Dr. John Andrews. (Para. 3)

2. They hope to cure DNA deficiency, and to fix a genetic defect that causes a severe form of blood disease. (Para. 5)

3. It is about injecting functioning genes into the rapidly dividing cells of embryos to replace flawed DNA. (Para. 7)

4. They worry that Andrews' technology would help doctors to engineer babies for attractive traits, and interfering with genes before birth might result in serious birth defects. (Para. 7)

5. In 1995 it abolished federal funding for human embryo research; it also made such research exempt from

Federal reviews and controls. (Para. 12) XIII Comprehension of the Text I.C 2. C 3. B 4. A 5. A 6. C 7. C 8. A 9. C 10. D XIV Vocabulary

1. threshold 2. apt 3. preview 4. premature 5. abolished 6. injected 7. rigorous 8. induced 9. epidemic 10. integrity 11. abortion 12. appraisal Exercises on CD and web course only: 13. deficiencies 14. recipient 15. irony XV

1. onto 2. on 3. in 4. at 5. from 6. forth 7. In 8. on 9. to 10. from 11. at 12. with

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Exercises on CD and web course only: 13. of 14. out 15. on XII Reading Skills

1. The young people. (Para. l)

2. They dominated the protests against the nuclear weapons and the Vietnam War. (Para. 2) 3. Young people are being asked to participate in decision-making affairs. (Para. 5)

4. Almost every school has an elected student council, handling school-level issues. (Para. 7) 5. They are honest, and are able to force sensitive issues out into the open. (Para. 10) XIII Comprehension of the Text

1. C 2. C 3. B 4. A 5. A 6. C 7. C 8. A 9. C 10. D XIV Vocabulary

1. threshold 2. apt 3. preview 4. premature 5. abolished 6. injected 7. rigorous 8. induced 9. epidemic 10. integrity 11. abortion 12. appraisal

Exercises on CD and web course only: 13. deficiencies 14. recipient 15. irony XV

1. onto 2. on 3. in 4. at 5. from 6. forth 7. In 8. on 9. to 10. from 11. at 12. with

Exercises on CD and web course only: 13. of 14. out 15. on XVI Reading Sills

1. The young people (Para. 1)

2. They dominated the protests against the nuclear weapons and the Vietnam War (Para 2) 3. Young people are being asked to participate in decision making affairs. (Para 5)

4. Almost every school has an elected student council, handling school- level issues. (Para. 7) 5. They are honest, and are able to force sensitive issues out into the open. (Para 10) XVII Comprehension of the Text

1. T 2. F 3. T 4. T 5. F 6. T 7. F 8.T 9. F 10. T

新视野大学英语教程第五册 课后答案 unit3

Unit Three

1. Sales promotion, advertising, personal selling and publicity.

2. Business people use techniques of sales promotion mainly in two ways: they often use a combination

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these techniques; they use these techniques as supplementary to the other three promotional activities. 3. Sales promotion is to stimulate demand.

4. They are applicable to both consumers and businesses. Also, they can be used with industrial selling as well

as consumer products.

5. Because it brings promotion to the point of purchase, which has been found more effective than media advertising. For example, a US study shows that a majority of purchases in supermarkets are generated by in-store decisions.

6. It helps consumers become acquainted with a new product and it also helps provide extra competitive advantage to existing products.

7. The effectiveness of sales-promotion techniques may be reduced or even nullified if they encounter psychological barriers on the part of shop owners and/or consumers. Sales-promotion techniques that are not

consistent with the local preferences will also be ineffective.

8. From the last two paragraphs we may learn that, to make the techniques of sales promotion effective, one

must take into account the psychological barriers on the part of both shop owners and consumers. At the same time, the techniques must be consistent with the local preferences. 9. Positive.

10.The author wrote this passage in order to discuss various aspects of sales-promotion techniques, recommend them and advise using them carefully. Vocabulary III

1. acquainted 2. magnified 3. quota 4. slump 5. accommodating 6. collided 7. repay 8. amended 9. whereby 10.launch 11. filmed 12. expenditure Exercises on CD and web course only: 13. stimulus 14. localities 15. enlightened IV 1. as such 2. fail under 3. enlightened about

4. applicable to 5. in conjunction with 6. become acquainted with 7. is supplementary to 8. bring in 9. in search of

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10. given away 11. in nature 12. put up Exercises on CD and web course only:

13. collide with 14. participated in 15. be consistent with V. Collocation

1. education 2. capacity 3. knowledge 4. discussion 5. population 6. awareness 7. empire 8. operations Exercises on CD and web course only: 9. links 10. program VI Translation

1. As such, the event evoked curiosity and awe in most of us.

2. The techniques of sales promotion, to work well must gain the trust of middlemen in business as well as

consumers. At the same time, they should be consistent with the local preferences and customs. 3. TO launch this new product into the European market, the company gave away 10,000 free samples for the

local consumers to try.

4. As their life has been bettered, going on tours/trips out in the holidays has become a fashionable/stylish

pastime for quite a few people.

5. The purpose of waging the war is, in nature, to control the oil resources in the area.

6. Sales promotion is effective in helping consumers become acquainted with a new product when it is first

introduced to a market.

7. The new administration has realized that economic reforms must be deepened in conjunction with effective measures taken to ensure the basic conditions of employment and daily life for those poor people. 8. Towards its sales objective this year, the company offered a training course to enlighten consumers about

its latest products.

9. To effectively raise our productivity, we should bring in advanced management experience from other countries.

10. Professor Wu's lecture helped the students become acquainted with the use of this software product. It also

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gave them an idea of software development. VII Translation

With the development of a market economy in China, techniques of sales promotion have been more and more widely employed. The popularity of varied and numerous promotional activities such as discounts, bonuses, and promotional parties has grown steadily. The reason is that they not only help manufacturers and

businesses earn higher and quicker profits, but also help consumers become acquainted with the products involved and get some practical benefits. However, if these techniques are used to promote products of inferior

quality, both the manufacturers and the businessmen will be made to pay for that. VIII Translation

1.一项问卷调查显示,除去食品以外,有70%的购物行为源自于顾客在超市内一时冲动的决定。 2.为了使当地人能够了解该产品,该培训课程运用了大量图例,以适应他们较低的文化水平。 3.有些国外零售商不大愿意接受产品厂家提供的打折赠券,因为他们担心厂家不会补偿其在打折销售 中损失的款额。

4.贸易活动中经常不加区分地使用这一概念。商务人员在说“推销’时,实际上指的是“促销’。 5.促销不仅可以刺激消费者的需求,也可以鼓励中间商加大对销售产品的支持。

6.有五分之三的公司开始增加对非媒体宣传的投入,如在产品交易会摆设摊位,使顾客能直接购买产 品。

7.一家航空公司向顾客赠送打折卡,用这种卡在一家有名的服装公司购买大衣,价格会低很多。 8.为了将百威啤酒打入英国市场,啤酒公司运用了·美国’主题,在7 月4 日和感恩节播放由美国演 员在加利福尼亚拍摄的电视广告片。

9.同时,该美国公司还得说服这些泰国中间商不要在冰箱中储存其他公司的产品,并且不要为了省电 而在夜间拔去冰箱的电源插头。

10.正如同营销活动的其他诸多方面一样,促销手段也需改进。要使所用手段产生效果,就应使其迎合 当地人的喜好。 IX Essay Summary

1.C 2.B 3.D 4.A 5.B 6.B 7.C 8.C 9.A 10.D 11. A 12.B 13.D 14.C 15.B 16.C 17.A 18.D 19.B 20.D XI StructuredWriting

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As China is increasingly integrated into the global economy, more and more Western festivals are entering and influencing the Chinese people's lives, especially the university students' life. Take Christmas for example. As long as one month before December 25th, the students begin their preparations for this most important Western festival. Most activities are for entertainment in nature since the

students are not much concerned with the religious meaning of Christmas. And most activities are evening parties, often lasting all night long. As a result, quite a few students feel tired or even fall asleep in class during that month.

Another incident still fresh in my mind took place last April. Some of us English teachers received a note

on April I st to say that all the English classes were to be canceled the next day. But actually we were fooled!

Likewise, students act in a pretty westernized manner on Valentine's Day. They say to everyone they meet \love\and so on and so forth. In general, the Western festivals add a lot of fun and variety to a

student's life. At the same time, one must realize that they do challenge the Chinese culture and customs to a

certain degree. (Words: 201) Section B Reading Skills

1. \

2. \3. \

4. \attention\is synonymous to \whereas \is synonymous to \elements\in

the context.

5. \6. The synonymous meaning of \be found in \and inclusiveness'' and \XIII Comprehension of the Text

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1. B 2. D 3, C 4. B 5. D 6. A 7. A 8. B 9. D 10. C XIV Vocabulary

1. consoling 2. bewildered 3. array 4. sensation 5. inclusive 6. overwhelming 7. gigantic 8. deemed 9. dazzled 10. graphic 11. consensus 12. differentiating

Exercises on CD and web course only: 13. integral 14. trigger 15. irritated Comprehension of the Text

1. to 2. for 3. with 4. of 5. in 6. of

7. about 8. under 9. between 10. to 11. to 12. with/by Exercises on CD and web course only: 13. against 14. of 15. on Section C

XVI Reading skills

1. “Smart consumers” is synonymous to “car owners” whereas “Tricks” is synonymous to “clever practice”.

Therefore, they are taken as repetition.

2. “Sever circumstances” is synonymous to “sever conditions”. Therefore, it is taken as a repetition. 3. \taken as a repetition.

4. The word ~adjust' is repeated in its derivative -- \which is a kind of complex repetition. 5. The same word repetition of ~reasonable' can be found in this sentence. XVII Comprehension of the Text

1. Here in this sentence, the author is actually using irony to show his own hate for the sly car service managers.

2. The author begins his discussion of the topic by presenting an example of repair tricks.

3. The author illustrates his general idea mainly through statistics and results obtained from a survey about

auto maintenance services in the United States.

4. The survey disclosed some major types of doubtful maintenance practices, i.e. reasonable services performed prematurely, completely valueless services and \5. The two major excuses are \

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6. Car sellers refer to their specific local problems, such as the salty air, hot summers and the poor quality

gasoline in Florida. Yet car manufacturers claim to allow for these local extremes in their designs, referring

to \7. Such mentioning helps the users learn about the tricks in this aspect and, therefore, to watch out for them.

8. 1) Quotations from the manager of quality control for Mazda Motor of America; 2) Advice given by a manager at another car maker;

3) Suggestions given by the head of the program that approves AAA auto-repair shops; 4) Advice given by the technical editor of Car and Driver magazine.

9. Three suggestions are given: 1) to read the owner's manual and become aware of the needed services; 2) to

consult various dealers and compare their services; and 3) to discuss in advance with the service manager what is to be done and review the cost.

10. The author wrote this article in order to warn drivers against tricky services offered by sophisticated dealerships, and also to help them learn to protect their own interests.

新视野大学英语教程第五册 课后答案 unit4

Unit four

Comprehension of the Text

1. Because they suffered from low wages and oppressive working conditions.

2. To the first generation of immigrants, work had great virtues. First of all, it ensured their own survival.

Secondly, it made it possible for them to provide a better life and education for their children, which meant

an improvement in their social status. Last but not least, it was the very hard work that gave their labors a

fierce dignity, which served as a driving force in their own life.

3. Generally speaking, it's because the way people view work is much changed. Specifically, there are four

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causes. The first is that today's younger workers have little idea about the poverty and suffering of the

Depression and, therefore, don't know what work meant to those who survived the Depression. The second cause is that unemployment no longer means personal ruin and shame thanks to elaborate financial cushions. Thirdly, the loss of a job now carries less personal shame, as it can be blamed on the wild and notorious behavior of the economy. And finally, work no longer just serves as a means of existence in a society where

expectations are getting higher with rising educational levels.

4. To explain the attitude to work of those who suffered the extreme poverty during the Depression, and to

contrast this with the attitudes of today's younger workers.

5. According to Maslow, work meets human needs in the following hierarchy: first, it provides such basic means as food and shelter; second, it can provide security; third, it satisfies the need for friendship and

connection with others; fourth, it can help gain respect; and finally, it can satisfy the desire for self-fulfillment.

6. Maslow's scheme is quoted to explain workers' expectations change with social and

economic development. Because of these changes, work has different meanings to different groups in society as they are positioned at different stages in the work hierarchy.

7. The women's rights movement has made it possible for women to pursue careers, not just work for mere survival. That is to say, they are working at the level of \themselves\which is the highest in

Maslow's work hierarchy.

8. Conditions for some US workers, such as those on assembly lines, may be considered terrible. However, the

medi workers suffered much more misery than those working on the modern assembly line. A poor Indian rubbish collector lives a more miserable life than a \American car worker. The average peasant in South America works harder than most ofAmericans.

9. The author is cautioning that it is important to have a proper sense of perspective about work, before making

judgments on particular situations.

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10. Work is the most thorough and profound organizing principle in American life in that it helps people connect with others in a work community and, therefore, satisfy their need for friendship and social relations. Vocabulary

1. esteemed 2. stunned 3. notorious 4. conferred 5. aspiration 6. diluted 7. hierarchy 8. foremost 9. asserted 10. arrogant 11. dreadful 12. recycling

Exercises on CD and web course only: 13. intrinsic 14. destructive 15. gossiping 1. wind up 2. merge with 3. dying off 4. laid off

5. closed down 6. degenerated into 7. in effect 8. apart from

9. irrespective of 10. prone to11. takes a certain amount of people's interest out of 12. kicked around

Exercises on CD and web course only: 13. conferred upon 14. in much the same way that 15. concentrated upon Colocation

I. stories 2. messages 3, weight 4. meanings 5. honor 6. disease 7. electricity 8, tradition

Exercises on CD and web course only: 9. interest 10. oxygen Translation

I. Those who lead a miserable life often fail to recognize the inherent virtue of work in earning and sustaining their dignity.

2. With the life bettered and levels of education higher, the work ethic is diluted now.

3. The young generation has much difficulty understanding why their ancestors had to focus their minds upon

work as the central concern of existence.

4. According to Maslow, different classes and ethnic groups are positioned at different stages in the work hierarchy.

5. In developing countries, many talented young intellectuals flock in droves to America, which forms the

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so-called \

6. If a country is prone to high inflation, then its currency will have to be dued to maintain the price competitiveness of its exports.

7. One expert in sociology believes that work is a means for people to build relationships. In that sense, the

workplace performs the function of a community.

8. The desire to \into a

selfish discontent.

9. To most Americans today, the blow of being laid off seldom carries the life-and-death implications it once had.

10. Modem workers may have a lot of complaints. But they will feel better when they know that their predecessors did work under a far more brutal condition during the early stage of the Industrial Revolution. Work is not only a means of sustaining life. More importantly, it is the way through which people display their talent, realize their ambitions, build relationships and establish social status. If you understand this

intrinsic value of work, then however dull or hard work may be, it becomes bearable if it helps build up a

reputation, whether in the world at large or only in one's own circle. Updating one's aim is one of the most

essential elements of self-fulfillment in the long run, and for most people this comes chiefly through their work.

In that sense, work is the most vigorous, vivid sign of life --in individuals and in civilizations. 1.对于那些勉强维持生活的人来说,劳动有其固有价值这一观点显得荒唐可笑。

2.首批移居美国的人,其劳动的主要动力是为儿孙们创造更好的生活,这样的动机使他们从劳动中 获得了一种强烈的自尊。

3.如果某大公司关闭了一家工厂,将该厂大量工人抛向失业者的行列中,那么人们更多地将其归罪于 疲软的经济而不是个人。



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6.那些因工作造成精神缺陷而情绪消沉的美国工人,往往意识不到工作带来的个人尊严有多么重要。 7.弗洛伊德认为,成功人士是那些能够付出爱心和劳动的人,原因是有了这种能力,任何人都能做一 些有益于社会的事情。

8.从历史上看,劳动总是同奴役、罪行以及惩处相联系,但所有劳动都有其固有的价值,除非是不诚 实的和破坏性劳动。

9.为了生计而劳动,为了创造未来而劳动,使人们的努力具有坚强的和道德上的纯朴性。10.工人之 间需要聊天、需要往来、需要建立关系,这些需要使劳动场所成了一个社区。 1.C 2. B 3. D 4. C 5. A 6. B 7. D 8. C 9. A

10. D 11. C 12. B 13. B 14, C 15. A 16. D 17. C l8.A 19. B 20, A StructuredWriting

With the development of a market economy in China, some traditional values are being changed or lost, to

be replaced quickly by new ones. First, the value of \traditional Chinese economic system made it necessary for people to remain modest in social life, because they

did not have to show off their personal ambitions to earn a living. But, in today's job market, if you remain

modest as tradition has required, you may give the prospective boss an impression of being \\

Modesty could well lead to failure in the job interview. The full display of personal ambition, lit 4 therefore, becomes a necessity. Secondly, in the past, poverty was regarded as an advantage because wealth was associated with the capitalist class. But now, we often hear the saying to be born poor is no choice, but to

die poor is something to be condemned\~Wealth\has become the synonym of \and of \work\That is to say, the pursuit of material wealth has become a goal in a person's life. Comprehension of the Text

1.C 2. D 3. B 4. A 5. D 6. A 7. B 8. A 9. C 10. D Vocabulary

1. dwelffdwelled 2. reassuring 3. discriminate 4. endeavoring

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5. endows 6. disturbance 7. harassment 8. disregard 9. inspiration 10. inflict l I. overwhelmed 12. courtesy

Exercises on CD and web course only: 13. underlying 14. uphold 15. assault 1. live with 2. in the midst of 3. figure out 4. As regards

5. attaches itself to 6. The last thing we need 7. gave it a bad name 8. at regular intervals 9. In the aftermath of 10. discriminate between 11. inflicted upon 12. In that sense

CD 13. give up on 14. have chosen their lot 15. in turn

新视野大学英语教程第五册课后答案 unit 5

Unit Five

Comprehension of the Text

]. Almost all America had been occupied, except for its northwest coast.

2. He noticed an inlet, but not realizing it was the mouth of the Columbia River, he didn't sail inland to explore it.

3. One so-called \of trees on both sides.

4. Vancouver's wonderful surroundings.

5. It is a tree-covered peninsula across the bay, with a thousand-acre sea of green. 6. It was nothing but barren sand.

7. Because the factories and mills moved away.

8. Preservation of the original features, including the original structures of buildings and pedestrian paths.

9. First, the whole operation cost the city government not one cent, and second, it attracts many visitors.

10. The unique balance refers to the balance of the \Vocabulary

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1. slashed 2. destined 3. poked 4. erupt 5. inhabited 6. lured 7. dodged 8. revive

9. shabby 10. undermine 11. pedestrians 12. brewing

Exercises on CD and web course only: 13. virgin 14. agreeable 15. perfume 1. except for 2. passed by 3. be attached to 4. alive with 5. filled in 6. are destined to

7. is always .a reminder of 8. set foot on 9. takes efforts to 10. contributes toward 11. nothing but 12. ripe for

Exercises on CD and web course only: 13. be attached to 14. succeeds in 15. erupted from Collocation

1. trust 2. standards 3. authority 4. respect 5. strength 6. democracy 7. hopes 8. life

Exercises on CD and web course only: 9. foundation 10. health

Please note that all the collocations of the verb undermine with trust, standards, authority.., have already appeared in our previous books or some files that have been used for our web course. Here is full

list of all the collocations that have previously appeared with their sources indicated. Translation

1. The firm will slash its employees from 5,000 to 3,000 because its business is slack. 2. We should treasure and maintain the cordial relationship established with them in 1990. 3. The patient died after he was infected as a result of a hospital blunder. 4. To do simuRaneous interpretation of speeches needs special training and sldlls. 5. Ifyou don't follow the objective law, you will be destined to fail.

6. It was clear that the government failed to revive the economy or reform the social institutions last year.

7. The miners' strike in July showed how quickly workers' anger erupted.

8. Whenever you visit the city, on a rainy day or on a sunny one, it gives a scene of an industrial flavor as cheerful and busy as ever.

9. He realized that it was difficult to inhabit this barren island any longer.

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10. Overweight people are often lured by modern food products which claim to be able to help them lose weight.i America was once troubled by employment crisis. Now in this land, there are employees, those who have lost their jobs and those who will never find a job. For decades, the government took no notice of the changes in its economic base and their effect on employment and lifestyle. As a result, many people lost job opportunities. Many experts came up with various ideas to address unemployment. However, what is most important now is to stimulate consumption.

1.人们在参观温哥华期间,会反复地听人说这座城市是多么的年轻,广阔的加拿大西部有人定 居也就是近期的事。

2.一个月之后,一名美国人沿着哥伦比亚河向内陆方向航行,这为口后美国索取西北部的大片 土地奠定了基础。


4.温哥华有今天的地位,得益于它的周围环境,而在兰定能让人最先饱览这一景色。兰定是一 个购物中心,这里的陈旧库房和办公室已得到修复。

5.公园中的森林与这座“钢铁和玻璃”构成的城市界线分明,强烈地向人们展示着温哥华当初 是如何在这片美丽的土地上崛起的。


7.之后,随着原先落户海岛的工厂——和作坊的迁出,留下的是破旧不堪、被人遗忘的土地。 8.其目的是“为了使在TF-从早上八点工作到下午四点而中午提着午餐随处乱跑的工人和那些 在此段时间来海岛购物的富豪保持和谐’。

9.格兰维尔岛一切如故。今天,所有建筑物的外墙面都是金属构造,与当年的工厂相同。 10.举目注视第一批探险者落脚的海湾,远望斯坦利公园,那原始森林的一切都留存如故。 1. D 2. B 3. C 4. A 5. D 6. A 7. C 8. B 9. D 10. C

II.A 12. C 13. B 14. D 15. C 16. A 17. D 18. A 19. C 20. C ext Structure Analysis

Time Marker: Granville Island began life

Details: Granville Island was only barren sand before, where nearby waters offered rich fishing resoTime Marker: With the city's growth

Details: A chanee into a orime industrial site attached bva bridee to the heart of downtown. Time Marker: Later Details: When the factories moved away. what remained was shabby and neelected. Para. 8

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lilt 5

back to Earth, and sending humans to their moons\

3. \ 4. \ 5. \ Comprehension of the Text B

1.C 2. A 3. D 4. B 5. C 6. B 7. A 8. D 9. C 10. C Vocabulary

I. dispatched 2. conserve 3. maneuver 4. impart 5. propelled 6. ascended 7. detached 8. hauled 9. envisage 10. feeble 11. negligible 12. contaminated

Exercises on CD and web course only: 13. hindered 14. probes 15. alien1. on 2. to 3. from 4. at 5. into 6. for 7. to 8. on 9. to 10. to 11. to 12. of Exercises on CD and web course only: 13. in 14. of 15. in

新视野大学英语教程第五册 课后答案 unit6

Unit 6

1. Because the bank's records showed that Collins was late on payments for a car. 2. An officer at a submarine base. 3. Five cars and 28 other items.

4. Social Security Number (SSN), credit card number, driver's license number and telephone number.

5. They must first get a police report and a copy of the erroneous contract, and then use them to clear the fraud from the credit report. 6. Because of their damaged credit record.

7. Industry's rush to attract more customers by issuing instant credit, inadequate checking of identity and too few legal protections for consumers' personal information. 8. To get a written authorization from the customer. 9. The top portion of credit reports.

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10. People can't prevent identity theft, but there are ways to minimize the risk. Vocabulary --lB

I. transaction 2. ensued 3. intimidate 4. pretext 5. hitherto 6. clamp 7. snatched g. avert

9. withhold 10. minimize 11. hounded 12. authorized

Exercises on CD and web course only: 13. prosecuted 14. pored 15. prey --j

1. on the line 2. all of a sudden 3. was prosecuted for 4, clamp down on 5. on a variety of pretexts 6, give out 7. never set foot in 8. clean up 9. above all 10, poring over 11, applied for 12. set up

Exercises on CD and web course only: 13. prohibit.., from selling 14. fall prey to 15. dispose of Collocation

1. trembling 2. commanding 3, threatening 4. distinctive 5. ringing 6. serious 7. singing 8. calm

Exercises on CD and web course only: 9. pleasant 10. steady

Please note that all the collocations of the noun voice with trembling, commanding, threatening ... have already appeared in our previous books or some files that have been used for our web course. Here is a full list of all the collocations that have previously appeared with their sources indicated. Translation

1. The crime was exposed, and the chief criminal was prosecuted and convicted.

2. His international contacts could contribute greatly to their hitherto isolated effort. 3. Medical service would be free to the patients, and the financial transaction would take place between the two departments.

4. Police are hunting two youths who snatched a handbag from a woman in broad daylight. 5. During the ensuing twenty years, his far-sighted management brought great prosperity and

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turned the company into the largest clothing business in the country.

6. His strong belief that she was withholding things from him did not have any basis in fact. 7. Over the past few weeks, his every waking moment has been spent poring over his medical books.

8. We were given advance warning, so we were able to minimize the effects of the storm. 9. Such organizations have had only limited success in averting conflicts between states. lO. She was hounded out of public life by the persistent aaacks of the popular newspapers.

The crime of identity theft is on the rise. Recent surveys show there are currently 10 million

victims each year, greatly exceeding our earlier estimates. Using a variety of methods, criminals

steal Social Security numbers, driver's license numbe~, credit card numbers, and other pieces of

an individual's information such as date of birth. They use this information to buy as many things

as they can in their victim's name in as short a time as possible. Identity theft is a serious crime.

People whose identities have been stolen can spend months or even years cleaning up the mess the thieves have made of their credit record.

1.打电话的是一家银行的调查员,他用严厉的口吻质问柯林斯——一位在大学里工作的物理学 I 家——为什么前一年在弗吉尼亚买了一辆价值27,000。美元的汽车,却逾期付款。

1 1.在接下来的几个月里,他和妻子得知有人假胃他们的名义又买了四辆车和28 件其他物品, 总价值为113,咖美元。

1 3.这就是成为身份盗窃——一种虽非暴力,但让人害怕且增长迅速的犯罪——的受害人的后 I 果。

1 4.专家认为,主要问题在于社会保险号码现在成了确认身份的普遍方式——而它原来只用于领 I 取退休养老金和纳税,

1 5.尽管你不必偿还这笔债款,但是你必须清除不良的信用记录。这就意味着你首先必须得到一

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1 6.依法建立了一个专门的政府办公室,用来帮助受害者恢复他们失去的信誉以及允许警方在全 I 国范围内追踪调查来提高其办案效率。

1 7.维护消费者权益的人士认为,这一做法会有所帮助,但是解决不了根本问题。

1 8.目前已经有几项法律提案试图在商业活动中限制使用社会保险号码以保护个人稳私,防止欺诈。 1 9.“信用页眉”上列有顾客的姓名、地址、电话号码、母亲的姓氏、生日和社会保险号码。 20.“除非你在任何情况下对个人信息守口如瓶,否则总有被人盗用的可能,”有专家这样说。 “但是也有办法将危险降到最低程度。” Essay Summa~l~

I.D 2. B 3. C 4. B 5. A 6. D 7. A 8. C 9. B 10. C

II.D 12. C 13. A 14. A 15. D 16. C 17. A 18. B 19. A 20. C Structured Writing

The work ethic is diluted in the States now.

Today, a lot of carefully designed financial cushions -- unemployment insurance, welfare

payments and so on -- have made it less disastrous to be out of a job for a while. Today's younger workers are sometimes laid off and kicked around by recessions, but they do not take it seriously.The blow of unemployment seldom carries the life-and-death implication it once had. What is more, today's younger workers do not carry terrible memories of poverty and suffering. They have never suffered from scarcity of food and crowded apartxnents.

As a result, work does not address the essential need for security in its original sense. Some people even can be a bit \in the history of the world, masses of people in industrially advanced countries no longer have t0 focus their minds upon work as the central concern of their existence. Some younger workers now ask questions about the point of working hard. (Words: 169) Reading Skills

1. Murder, rape, stealing, kidnapping, lying, breach of contract, disrespect and unkindness to parents, speaking evil of rulers and swearing falsely. 2. To swear an oath.

3. They offer sacrifices to gods. 4. A one-time thief and his parents.

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5. A capital crime. Comprehension of the Text

I. All acts prohibited by religion are crimes, and treated as such in traditional society. 2. An unwritten code of conduct.

3. It means that a liar is prone to commit crimes, such as stealing. 4. Because they believe that it will lead to miseries and misfortune. 5. They perform rituals.

6. God will make the thief suffer physically or internally. 7. The loss of reputation by the thief and his parents. 8. They must care for and honor their parents. 9. They are both political and religious leaders.

10. Religion can help eliminate crime.

l. deviate 2. cherished 3. prolonged 4. constrained 5. summoned 6. appeased 7. breach 8. Expelled 9. strive 10. battering 11. convened 12. ascertain

Exercises on CD and web course only: 13. incurring 14. conform 15. reproached

1. against 2. from 3. to 4. of 5. to 6. in 7. to 8. as 9. from 10. to 11. to 12. from

Exercises on CD and web course only: 13. In 14. to 15. of Reading Skills 1.25 years.

2. About one in a thousand. 3. A bag with handles.

4, He pinched it between his index and middle fingers. 5. Seven years.

1. They think it's an honorable profession. 2. Mothers with babies, the elderly and the lame. 3. One who carries her bag on the left side.

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4. The partner can serve as a screen.

5. The back pockets of trousers and zipped-up inside pockets of leather jackets. 6. Because people there are usually upset and cautious. 7. He wanted to set himself a challenge.

8. The wallet slipped out of his hand, then the woman screamed and the store detectives security guard caught him.

9. The victim-awareness courses helped him to do so. 10. To help people avoid being victims of pickpockets.

新视野大学英语第五册读写教程课后答案 unit 7

Unit seven

Comprehension of the Text

1. It is a macro virus spread through an e-mail attachment.

2. It spreads through a Microsoft Word 97 or Word 2000 e-mail attachment that, when opened, activates a macro through the Microsoft Outlook program and e-mails itself to the first fifty names in the address book of the infected computer.

3. Its most striking characteristic is its ability to propagate itself across a vast number of systems in the commercial, government, and military realms in a very short period of time.

4. Commerce could be jeopardized, either because no information could be passed using the Internet or because information passed over the Internet might be considered unreliable. Many businesses now rely on the Internet as a primary or even sole carrier of information. If the Internet ceased to function, the consequent losses could ultimately be measured in tens of billions rather than millions of dollars.

5. First, use virus protection software packages available on the market that can detect, clean, and attempt to predict suspicious program behavior.

Second, be careful about what they take from the Intemet and avoid being too hasty in opening attached files, both from known users and especially from users unknown to them.

6. System administrators should quickly report computer assaults and viruses to the appropriate government organizations.

7. First, be careful about attached files sent to us. Second, use up-to-date virus protection in our

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8. According to the author, tough laws regarding computer crime should be formulated to discourage people from creating or distributing more viruses.

9. It is easy to write and distribute destructive viruses. Their motivation is such that only tougher laws regarding computer viruses are enough to discourage them.

10. Though seemingly the author did not state his attitude clearly in the text, the author showed his disapproval of computer viruses by first drawing attention to the serious damage caused by viruses and then introducing possible solutions. Vocabular~

1. propagated 2. startled 3. activate 4. jeopardize 5. disrupted 6. erased 7. blunting 8. insulate 9. cumulative 10. hasty 11. formulate 12. intent

Exercises on CD and web course only: 13. disclosed 14. vulnerable 15. disabled 1. intent on making 2. discouraged from 3. engaging in 4. in doubt 5. by means of 6. in essence 7. vulnerable to 8. In the case of 9. serve as 10. hooked up to l 1. in circulation 12. As yet

Exercises on CD and web course only: 13. shut down 14. in the spectrum of 15. attach.., to Collocation

1. lights 2. course 3. story 4. club

5. fever 6. feature 7. business 8. risk

Exercises on CD and web course only: 9. home 10. workshop Translation --BI

1. Cyberspace communication is expanding by leaps and bounds, with millions of people browsing websites daily.

2. The Chinese media are formulating new plans in order to increase their presence on the

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Intemet to meet the challenges of the virtual era.

3. The new system now allows faxes to be sent round the world with minimum effort and maximum security.

4. Because of its interactivity and accessibility, the Intemet has activated new interest in homestudy programs.

5. The invention of the electronic word processor was as startling an information revolution as the invention of the printing press.

6. Digital cameras aren't available for everybody -- at least, not yet. While cheaper than before, they are by no means cheap.

7. Aworkaholic is a person who works too much. Aworkaholic lives to work, rather than works to live.

8. It is not cheap to raise pets in the city. In the case of a dog, registration may be obtained from the city's Dogs Supervision Office for a fee of about 2,000 yuan a year.

9. Recently, we have witnessed a number of young people who, for a variety of sociological and psychological reasons, have become attached to their computers, and are exploiting their potential in a criminal manner.

10. Whether it is worth investing in the long term is still in doubt.

Let's assume you are a sports fan. What is your first reaction when you find in your e-mail an attachment called \

to have a look at the Russian tennis star. But if you open it, the virus will be activated and will copy the attachment to every e-mail address in your \farther. E-viruses, which flood the Intemet through dubious e-mails with fancy bait, make production of anti-virus programs a profitable business.

1.无法使用互联网传递信息或者互联网传递的信息无法保证其可靠性,就可能危及商业活动。 2.如果互联网无法运作,随之而来的损失最终可能会高达数百{乙美元,而不是数百万美元了。 3.令专家们震惊的是,这种病毒能够在极短的时间内迅速地在商业、政府和军事领域的系统内 进行传播。

4.用户需要小心处理从互联网上获得的信息,避免仓促打开附件,无论是来自于认识的用户还 是不认识的用户,尤其是后者。

5.它的发生给政府和私营部门都敲响了警钟,提醒他们重视恶性病毒在互联网上传播所带来的 威胁。

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6.因为编写和传播破坏性病毒轻而易举,所以预防病毒最有效的方法就是阻止人们从事这种活 动。

7.要让蓄意传播类似梅利莎病毒的电脑罪犯知道,他们一定会受到迅速严厉的惩罚。 8.病毒的快速传播是通过发送超过电子邮件系统处理能力的信息,使电脑网络功能退化,或使 其运行受阻。其结果是,一些网络被迫中止服务,因为从系统中清除该病毒时,那些网络必 须关闭。

9.令人恐惧的是,这些宏命令可用来使受害者电脑在其不知情的情况下通过电子邮件把硬盘驱 动器上存放的敏感和秘密文件发送给他人。

10.至今我们还不能确切估算出与该病毒有关的工作效率损失和其他破坏所造成的累计经济损失。 Essay SummarYlrI

I.A 2. C 3. D 4. D 5. A 6. C 7. B 8.^ 9. B 10.A II.C 12. D 13. B 14. C 15. C 16. B 17. C 18. D 19. C 20. D Structured Writing

Nimda is a new network-aware, mass-mailing virus. Nimda attacks at least a dozen known vulnerabilities on systems running Microsoft liS, and can also spread via open shares to other connected machines on a network.

Then how to prevent Nimda from attacking your system?

First, don't open attachments! One of the best ways to prevent virus infections is not to open attachments, especially when viruses such as this one are actively circulating. Even if the e-mail message is from a known source, be careful. A few viruses take mailing lists from an infected computer and send out new messages with their destructive payload attached.

Second, get protection. Install virus-protection software on your machine. Simply download any of the top-rated programs and follow the installation instructions.

Third, scan your system regularly. Scan your entire system when loading anti-vires software

fbr the first time. lt's better to start with your PC clean and free of virus problems. Make it a regular habit to scan for viruses.

Fourth, update your anti-virus software. Make sure your virus protection software is up-todate. Some anti-virus protection programs have a feature that will automatically link to the lnteruet and add virus detection code whenever the software vendor discovers a new threat. (Words: 171, not including the first

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Comprehension of the Text

1. Processing had slowed to a crawl. Employees at the firm couldn't print documents, change screens or even move their pointer without enduring long delays.

2. They ran some tests first. Their repeated attempts to delete the bad software were to no avail, as each time the hacker would again break into the network to reinstall it. Finally they were successful by installing a hardware security device.

3. They can destroy databases, steal trade secrets, erase hard drives and make public a company's confidential client information. They can halt e-commerce through \attacks, damage websites, commit financial fraud and pretend to be merchants by diverting customers to fake websites.

From remote locations, hackers also can convert a computer into a listening device and overhear or record anyone talking in the vicinity of the computer. They can use other programs to manipulate company computers via the Internet.

4. No, because hackers who sneak into others' system don't search for a name, they search for a weakness.

5. They can minimize their risks by conducting weakness appraisals, choosing experienced security personnel, and establishing- and then enforcing- robust security policies and procedures.

6. Run background checks on any individuals who will be given privileged access to the company's computer systems.

Limit employees' access to the computer system, by implementing effective password management systems, such as \that minimize the risk of employees' passwords becoming available to others.

7. Individuals assume false identities (as utility workers, telephone repairers, messengers, or computer technicians) to deceive employees into disclosing their passwords and other information. Some hackers even take temporary positions on night cleaning crews so they can browse files, poke through trash or install devices to extract information.

8. Don't type their passwords and other confidential data when others are nearby. Employees should never reveal passwords (even when asked by a network administrator). Other reckless behavior to be avoided includes keeping \

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boards, or under keyboards. Under no circumstances should employees select easy-to-guess passwords such as their nickname or the name of their child, spouse, pet or car. Whenever possible, employees should create seven-character passwords consisting of small and capital letters, numbers and symbols.

9. Hackers sometimes employ \in the dictionary -- to crack passwords.

10. Anti-virus software, which searches hard disks for recognized viruses, isn't perfect. New viruses (which the software cannot yet detect) are let loose daily. And clever hackers can sneak notorious ones, such as the Melissa virus, past the programs by compressing the vires' file size, or by using tools to attach the viruses to legitimate programs such as cartoons or greetings.

Even with the best security defenses in place, companies' networks and intellectual property still may be vulnerable to insiders. Vocabulary

I. baffled 2. diverted 3. refrain 4. extract 5. revenge 6. vicinity 7. confidential 8. slack 9. straightforward 10. deduced 11. browsed 12. presume

Exercises on CD and web course only: 13. robust 14. sneak 15. reckless 1. with 2. in 3. into 4. via 5. to 6. into 7. in 8. for 9. from 10. of 11. of 12. into

Exercises on CD and web course only: 13. to 14. to 15. from Section Reading Skills

1. Writing and distributing destructive viruses, stealing and changing the information in other people's computer systems without their knowledge or permission are considered to be computer crimes.

2. Tough laws have been formulated and enforced against computer crimes, such as hacking. These criminals are arrested, tried and prosecuted for their computer crimes.

3. As computer crimes are very new ones people might have different views on judging whether the law and the court are being fair in penalties.

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4. According to what we have learned about \who have not been authorized access to the target computer system and are not familiar with the security situation of that system, and as a result they are not likely to cause great damage than insiders.

5. Morris probably faces 18 to 24 months in prison. His maximum penalty would be five years and a $250,000 fine. Comprehension of the Text El

1. F 2. T 3. F 4. F 5. F 6. F 7. T 8. T 9. F 10. T PART II

~'kEY TO EXERCISES Pre-reading Activities --nnwwmm~

What is the place of basic old-fashioned values -- such as honesty, kindness and generosity -- in the consumer culture of today's society? That's the question the writer asks after reflecting on a newspaper story about a little boy who found some lost money and returned it to its owner. What bothers the writer is that some of the teachers at the boy's school were not happy with the token reward for his good deed. They wanted more. The author, on the contrary, thinks that a good deed itself is its own reward. Any external stuff corrodes the integrity of human beings. Inner peace and happiness do not rely on material incentives. (Words: 108)

The purpose of this passage is to familiarize the students with the main idea of Passage A,

so that their reading will be better focused. By listening to this passage, the students will be able to get a general idea of the reading passage: it is about moral values, such as honesty, kindness and generosity.

The students are encouraged to get whatever answers they may think of for the questions.

新视野大学英语第五册读写教程课后答案 unit 8

unit 8

Comprehension of the Text

1. No, the author believes that it is unnecessary.

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2. Because they thought the reward to the boy was not enough to match his good deed. 3. In his opinion, they are more confused about values than the boy. 4. Greed.

5. They treated it with scorn and cynicism. 6. No.

7. The obscene message is that children can get material incentives if tbey do what have been told. For example, children are offered either some money or a party or a $10 a week if they learn mathematics, read a certain number of books or do not stay away from school. 8. It refers to material rewards or incentives, such as money or ice cream. 9. That there are some simple pleasures that don't require a purchase. 10. Parents should set good examples to their children. Vocabulary

1. cynical 2. plight 3. ascribe 4. refreshments 5. compulsory 6. commended 7. reeled 8. suffice 9. absurd 10. aggravated 11. obscene 12. eclipsed

Exercises on CD and web course only: 13. outraged 14. elicit 15. incentive 1D

1. In retrospect 2. a token of 3. converted to 4. looked up to

5. are on the brink of(making) 6. be subject to 7. run out of control 8. reeled.., in 9. a parade of 10. ascribed.., to 11. In light of 12. belonged to

Exercises on CD and web course only: 13. doled out 14. paid dividends 15. cling to Collocation B

I. phone 2. green 3. business 4. identity 5. credit 6. Valentine 7. tarot 8. Christmas

Exercises on CD and web course only: 9. birthday 10. greeting Translation

1. Children were asked to complete many compulsory pieces of work each week.

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2. I commended the girl on the excellent job she had done. I later wrote to commend her to her employer.

3. Everyone with a mortgage realized the government's economic strategy was not working. 4. Absurd though it may seem, it is quite likely that Mr. Smith and his companions genuinely believe all this.

5. He aggravated his condition by leaving hospital too soon. 6. By patient questioning we managed to elicit enough information from the witness.

7. During your flight you can relax with a drink from the duty-free bar, and a meal or light

refreshments will be served according to the time of day.

8. I was in a dreadful plight -- I had lost my money and missed the last bus home.

9. One of the witnesses was bribed to give false evidence. 10. Despite repeated assurance(s) he failed to repay the money he had borrowed.

-- l

Changes in the American family structure are evidenced by increased rates of separation and

divorce. In certain areas of the country these trends have resulted in a growing number of singleparent

families and remarried parents. This does not indicate, however, that the institution of

marriage is crumbling. It is estimated that four ont of five divorced couples eventually remarry

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新视野大学英语读写教程第五册答案 other people. These shifts in family relationships may be interpreted as a breakdown or as an

adaptation of the American family to changing roles, attitudes, and values. The changes,

according to the more traditional viewpoint, represent a breakdown in the family structure, a

disintegration of values, and a decline of morality.

1.这些教师为丢失现金者显而易见的吝啬而感到愤慨,于是他们就主动为那男孩募捐· 日 2.很明显,诚实与善良这些品德已经变成了商品,像其他任何东西一样,也会受到通货膨胀 的 影响。

3.回想起此事,人们禁不住想问一问这些老师,究竟他们认为多少钱才算得上够份量的酬谢· 4.一份酬谢就是一件礼物:任何一件礼物至少都应该被认为是出于赠与者的真诚感激之情

5.我记不清我那13岁的儿子跟我唠叨过多少次了,说某某同学每次在成绩报告单上得了“Ao 都会得到10美元——向我暗示如果他哪天得了A,我也应该照办不误。

6.作为一个社会来说,我们好像几乎丧失我们的内在控制力,也就是指导我们的行动和感情的道德界限。 7.无论什么事情再也不能按照其自身价值决定其成败兴衰。

8.同理,展示一连串无休止的奖励会腐蚀掉我们感受真正内心安宁(或内心的冲突)的能力。 9.尽管也许有人会说,蔬菜本身并不需要给它抹黑,我把这一情况归之于多年来吃冰淇淋的 缘故。

10.世界从我们身边飞驰而过,我们哪还有耐心等待有人对我们的善行做出回报。 Essay Summary 1El

I.B 2. A 3. B 4. D 5. C 6. C 7. A 8. C 9. D 10.A

II.D 12. B 13. B 14. B 15. A 16. C 17. C 18. D 19. B 20. D Structured Writing

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In a market-driven society today, there are various and numerous ways to promote sales. The commonly used ones are discounts, premiums, free samples, money refund offers, cocktail parties, trips and other events. A combination of these can be, and often is, used in the same campaign. Commercial companies spend a huge amount of money on attractive product packages instead of improving the quality of their products. For example, a supermarket is famous for a popular brand of vegetable juice with a beautiful package design of five colors. It is the dazzling intensity of the vegetables' colors that helps sales. But once I saw the market was full of people with loud complaints. The vegetable juice tasted sour and smelled bad. It turned out that the juice's shelf life had expired but it was still on the shopping shelves! Package designs are nothing but empty symbols. Promotional activifes are only temporarily effecfve. Clever consumers may view promotions such as money-back guarantees with suspicion, thinking that something must be wrong with the product. (Words: 171) Roadinq Skills --B

1. sth., such as a musical or theatncai performance, which is successful 2. set new levels of achievement in self-expression_r

3. He felt that music was always telling the truth, expressing true feelings when it was d~ne best' 4. the essence or the key point

5. without any help, performed independenfiy by oneself Comprehension of the Text toll

1. About three takes, as Lennon said he did it in three takes or something like that (Para. 2). 2. You should create the time to express yourself, which interprets Lennon's artistic philosophy

precisely. Please refer to Para. 3.

3. \who

are able to exert immense influence upon the public, as the royal family does.

4. The author wants to tell the readers that Lennon's internal world was also at war with itself,

which characterized his life and music.

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5. He was a rebel with remarkable intellect, as is mentioned in Para. 7.

6. Clearly Lennon and McCartney got on well enough to form the Beatles, which gave Lennon

space to develop,

7. No, as such dedication is never mentioned in the text. Instead, the author says in Para. 9 that

they quickly took control of their music, their careers, and their individual destinies. 8. They wanted to show their opposition to war and call for peace. Please refer to Para. 10. 9. The author argues in Para. 11 that Lennon was not always best on his own, but he never did

better than the intensity and howl of his solo album John Lennon/Plastic Oho Band. 10. Brutally honest songwriting and the use of fame as a weapon for social and political change. Vocabulary

1, stubborn 2. definitive 3. testimony 4. lingered 5, nominal 6. exquisite 7. radiant 8. evoked 9. elapsed l 0. streak 11, indicative 12. dubbed

Exercises on CD and web course only: 13. adoring 14. hysterical 15. provocative 1. in 2. of 3. to 4. of 5. for 6. in 7. of 8. to 9. of 10, at 11. up 12. of

Exercises on CD and web course only: 13. by 14. on 15. of sectionm,C Reading Skills --ffil

1. certainly, although one cannot be sure when 2. end up 3. instead of 4. failed to include 5. correct the mistakes Comprehension of the Text

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I.T 2. F 3. T 4. F 5. F 6. F 7.F 8. T 9. F 10. T

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