新标准大学英语综合教程4 Unit test 1 答案

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新标准大学英语综合教程4 Unit test 1 答案

Part I: Vocabulary and Structure

Section A: Complete the sentences using the correct words in the box.

? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?

fraught clutched revert recounted comprehensive upcoming transition apathy deduct gamble demanding highlight redirect investors exceeds repay concise embellish overdo thriving


My little brother tends to face value.

embellishthe truth, so you can't believe everything he says at

Your answer embellish

Correct answer embellish


Mr. Philips is running for a position in the local government in the elections.

Your answer upcoming

highlightCorrect answer upcoming

all the accomplishments our company has had? Correct answer highlight


What can we do to

Your answer highlight


In my opinion, the asking price for that painting far

its real value.

Your answer exceeds

fraughtCorrect answer exceeds


Sharon was

with indecision over where to go to college. Correct answer fraught

history of World War I. Correct answer concise


Your answer fraught


Her book is a brief,

Your answer concise


Too many people accuse students of ignorance about or issues.

toward international

Your answer apathy

Correct answer apathy


The politician wrote a tell-all book in which she campaign.

her experience during the

Your answer recounted

Correct answer recounted


Risking my entire life savings on a single horse race is not a(n) take.

I'm willing to

Your answer gamble

demandingCorrect answer gamble

woman, but she only wanted the best for my sister and 10.

My mother was a very me.

Your answer demanding

repayCorrect answer demanding

you after I get paid on Friday. 11.

If you lend me money today, I can

Your answer repay

clutchedCorrect answer repay

the armrests tightly. Correct answer clutched


Every time the plane hit turbulence, he

Your answer clutched


The purpose of the canal was to

the river and provide water to more farmland. Correct answer redirect


Your answer redirect


Thankfully, Maria was a tremendous help as I made the position.

into my new

Your answer transition

thrivingCorrect answer transition community. Correct answer thriving


Twenty years ago, this was a wealthy,

Your answer thriving


Please remember that we need to

taxes from your paycheck. Correct answer deduct


Your answer deduct


The virus disabled the software, so we needed to

to an earlier version.

Your answer revert

Correct answer revert


I know you're excited about the possibilities, but please try not to

it. Your answer overdo

Correct answer overdo



investorslost a lot of money when the stock market fell last month. Your answer investors


Correct answer investors

benefits package that is difficult to give up. Correct answer comprehensive


My employer offers a(n)

Your answer comprehensive

Section B: Fill in each of the blanks with a suitable word. 21.

All right, it's time to pack

upour things and move to the new office upstairs. Correct answer up


Your answer up


The counselor suggested that Felipe talk

his problems with his brother. Correct answer through

Your answer through


Thomas has always been,

nothing else, a diligent and responsible student. Correct answer if


Your answer if


I find it inconceivable that anyone could turn

a free trip to the Caribbean. Correct answer down

Your answer down


Jordan bought three cases of bottled water serious damage.

fear that the storm would cause

Your answer for

Correct answer for


Byall means, please make yourself at home.

Your answer By

onCorrect answer By


Stephen looked

in horror as the fire consumed his apartment building. Correct answer on


Your answer on


After such a long day of work, I want to go home and treat myself chocolate cake.

a big piece of Your answer to

inCorrect answer to


We're all

the same boat; so let's try to be nice to one another. Your answer in

Correct answer in


His question came

outof the blue and caught me by surprise. Correct answer out

Your answer out

Part II: Banked Cloze

Questions 31 to 40 are based on the following passage.

slumpPatrick is in a bit of a financial (31) right now. He could use all the help aimlesshe can get. Ever since he graduated from college, he's been fairly (32), moving around a lot and working lots of small odd jobs. He can't seem to decide what he wants to do. He had been working for a law firm, but he recently got laid off. Now he's having difficulty paying his rent, and his (33)landlordclient is threatening to evict him. Unless things turn around, at his old law firm! What a(n) Patrick might soon be a new (34)(35)hassle! I usually make it a rule to not lend money to friends, but Patrick's in a bad situation. I'm going to make an exception and give him a small (36)back. He's always been known for his (37)sympathizefinanciallyloan. I do expect him to pay me , so I'm not really worried about it. honestyIt's difficult not to (38)much better situation, (39)(40)Fortunately with Patrick. It could happen to anybody. I'm in a , so I feel a sense of responsibility to help him out. , Patrick has a job interview next week so things might turn around for him before we know it!

Your answer slump aimless landlord client

Correct answer slump aimless landlord client






hassle loan honesty sympathize financially Fortunately

hassle loan honesty sympathize financially Fortunately






Part III: Reading Comprehension

Questions 41 to 45 are based on the following passage.

You've written your resume. You've fine tuned your cover letter. You've completed the application. You've lined up your references. Finally, you've been invited to an interview for a job! Interviewing for jobs can be a daunting (yet exhilarating) prospect. Like anything, you will get better with practice. However, the more practice you have in job interviews usually means you're also racking up the rejections, and no one likes to experience too much rejection.

Now that you've landed an interview, what's the best way to impress the hiring official, be invited back for a second interview, and get offered the job? You need to be prepared, and, surprisingly, it's incredibly important to know what not to say during an interview. One slip could mean the difference between a job offer and a rejection. With that in mind, here are the things you should never say during a job interview. How much does the job pay?

As a general rule, wages and salaries are not usually discussed during a first interview. Asking about this makes you seem like you only care about money. Even if you are invited to a second or third interview, let the employer bring up the topic of money. Be prepared to tell them how much you're expecting. Give a range of what you'd accept rather than a specific amount. Estimating too high or too low might

automatically knock you out of the running. It's important to do your research, though. How much do other employers pay? What's the going rate for the position? What does your company do?

If you don't know what the company makes or does, why are you interviewing for them? Do your research. With the unbelievable amount of information available on the Internet and at the local library,

there's absolutely no excuse for ignorance. You should walk into the interview knowing a lot about the company.

I didn't get along with my old boss because . . .

Criticizing a previous employer implies that you may do the same to them when you leave. Instead, explain how you overcame a difference of opinion and how you managed difficult situations. Don't dwell on negative issues, and make your answer short. I don't have any questions for you.

Of course you do. Saying you don't have any questions indicates you aren't very interested in the job or don't know much about the company. Do your research and walk into the interview with questions. Try to think of questions that the interviewer won't answer as part of the introduction. For example, ask about expansion plans or future development within the company. I've been going through a rough patch at home . . .

Interviewers will probably ask you to share something about yourself. Remember to keep your response pertinent to the job and position. Talk about your education, previous employment, goals, and ambitions. If you mention hobbies or personal interests, keep it short. Do not discuss personal problems. In five years, I want to live on a tropical island.

When asked about your future, employers want to know how your goals will benefit their company. Saying anything else will tell them that you aren't ambitious or interested in the job at hand. What do you want to achieve in this job or in this industry?

41. Of the following, which is the least likely place you would find this article?

A. Business magazine.

B. College newspaper.

C. Management textbook. D. Online blog.

42. Which of the following would make the best title for this article?

A. What Not to Say in a Job Interview B. Landing the Perfect Job C. Acing Your Next Job Interview D. How to Get a Job Interview

43. According to this article, what is an acceptable topic of discussion in a job interview?

A. Details of your \

B. Hobbies and personal interests.

C. Details of a recent divorce.

D. Disagreements you had with a previous employer.

44. Based on this information, potential employers are interested in which of the following qualities?

A. Apathy. B. Sympathy. C. Honesty. D. Ambition.

45. With which of the following statements would the writer of this article agree?

A. There are only six things you shouldn't say during an interview.

B. In a job interview, you should answer all questions as quickly as possible.

C. You should share as little about yourself in an interview as possible. D. Every answer you give during an interview should be well thought out.

