高考英语新设计大一轮外研学案导学精讲义+优习题:第一部分 必修

更新时间:2023-04-20 05:17:01 阅读量: 实用文档 文档下载


Modul e 2No Drugs


1.It is likely(可能) that he will go to Beijing in summer vacation.

2.Eating this kind of fruit often reduces(减少) the risks of heart diseases.

3.Even though I hadn’t seen my classmate for many years,I recognised(认出) him immediately.

4.They failed to reach a settlement,because they disagreed(不同意) too much with each other.(2016·陕西卷)

5.Do you advocate banning(禁止) cars in the city centre?

6.I like studying in the library for there are too many distractions(分心的事物) at home.

7.It is said that the rhythm of tides is affected(影响) by the moon.

8.Unless you respect other people’s religions,horrible(极讨厌的) mistakes and conflict will occur.

9.To be a powerful(强大的) country,China has a long way to go.

10.Giving__up(放弃)his job was the last thing we expected him to do. 11.Thieves broke__into(破门而入)our house while we were away on holiday. 12.Your innovation must be__related__to(与……有关)our school life.(辽宁卷) 13.In__order__to(为了)solve the problem,some friends and I discussed it.(北京卷) 14.The car belonging__to(属于) me is much newer than yours.

15.After he became__addicted__to(上瘾)computer games,he lost interest in study. Ⅱ.词性转换

1.It’s illegal(legal) to read people’s private letters without permission.

2.I recognised(recognise) her at first sight although I ha ven’t seen her for almost ten


3.All the participants(participate) were required to sign in as they entered the hall to attend the meeting.

4.The use of nuclear weapons is a horrible(horror) threat to the human beings. 5.He drove so fast that I really felt my life was in danger.So I told him driving fast was dangerous and if he didn’t slow down,he would endanger our lives.(danger) 6.He liked playing online games so much that it didn’t take him long to become addicted to them.The addiction to games is taking over his life.So he is really a game addict.(addict)



They went home happily,talking__and__laughing.



He has made such__great__progress__that the teachers are pleased with him.




—What do you think of the 2019 CCTV’s Spring Festival Gala?

—As far as I’m concerned,it__couldn’t__be__better.



Whatever__difficulties__he__may__meet__with,__he will carry on his plan.


1.addict n.对(药物等)上瘾的人;瘾君子vt.使……上瘾



①Those addicted to drugs have much difficulty in getting rid of the addiction.(addict)

②You should stop taking this medicine because it is addictive(addict).

③As far as I’m concerned,it’s not wise for us to be addicted to play with smart phones because we may ignore other important things in life.(重庆卷)play→playing ④The boy became addicted to computer games and didn’t want to study.

→Addicted__to__computer__games,the boy didn’t want to study.(过去分词短语作状语)

→Addicting__himself__to__computer__games,the boy didn’t want to study.(现在分词短语作状语)


(1)be/become/get addicted to...沉迷于……;热爱……;迷上……

(2)addict v t. 使沉溺;使上瘾n.有瘾的人

addict oneself to 沉溺于……;醉心于……

(3)addictive adj. 使人上瘾的

addiction n. 瘾;入迷;嗜好


addicted,addiction常与介词to连用,后跟名词、代词或动名词作宾语。2.reduce vt.缩减,减少;使……处于……状态



①One of the most effective ways to__reduce(reduce) stress is to talk about feelings with someone you trust.(浙江卷)

②She does exercise every day,and she has reduced her weight to 50 kilos.

③Though the price of the house has been reduced by 10% since 2018,we can’t afford it either.

④His life in the big city was hard and finally he was reduced to begging(beg) in the




reduce...by... 降低了……

(2)be reduced to.../doing... 处于/沦落到……


3.likely adj.可能的



①If the total stress in your life is over 150,you are twice as likely to__get(get) ill.(2016·上海卷)

②If one is late for a job interview,it is unlikely(likely) that he will get the job.(陕西卷)


③It__is__likely__that__my__parents__will__not__allow__me__to__go__to__the__ cinema.(likely)

④My__parents__are__likely__not__to__allow__me__to__go__to__the__cinema.(lik ely)

⑤It__is__probable__that__my__parents__will__not__allow__me__to__go__to__the __cinema.(probable)

⑥It__is__possible__for__my__parents__not__to__allow__me__to__go__to__the__c inema./It__is__possible__that__my__parents__will__not__allow__me__to__go__to_ _the__cinema.(possible)


(1)sb/sth be likely to do...某人/某物可能会做……

It is likely that... 很可能……

not likely (表示坚决不同意)绝不可能,绝对不会

(2)unlikely adj. 不可能的


possible指客观上有可能,也许实际发生的可能性并不大。常用结构:It is possible (for sb) to do sth; It is possible that...;probable表示有几分根据的推测,比possible 表示的可能性大,一般不用表示人的词作主语。常用结构:It is probable that ...。4.affect vt.影响;感动;打动;(疾病)侵袭



①With the government’s aid,those affected(affect) by the earthquake have moved to the new settlements.

②An unhappy childhood may have some negative effect on a person’s character.

③The audience were deeply affected by his performance,and they warmly applauded for a long time.

→Deeply__affected by his performance, the audience warmly applauded for a long time.(过去分词作状语)


(1)be affected by被……侵袭;被……感动

be affected with high fever 发高烧

(2)effect n. 作用;影响

influence n.& v. 影响

have an effect/influence on 对……产生影响

5.recognise/recognize vt.认出,识别;承认;认识到



①Lincoln is__recognized(recognize) to be/as one of the greatest presidents in America.

②I haven’t seen Sara since she was a little girl,and she has changed beyond recognition(recognize).(安徽卷)


③It__is__recognized__that__environmental__pollution__has__become one of the most serious problems that people face.(it is recognized that...)

④Environmental__pollution__is__recognized__to__have__become one of the most serious problems that people face.(sth be recognized to...)


(1)recognize sb/sth认出某人;识别出某物

recognize...as/to be 承认……是……,认出……是……

It is recognized that... 人们公认……

(2)recognition n. 认出;认识

beyond recognition 认不出来


表示“认为……是……”的短语:consider...as/to be...;treat/regard...as...;think of...as...;look on...as...

6.break into破门而入;强行闯入;打断;突然……起来



①Don’t break in when we are talking.Wait for your turn.

②The students were doing their experiments when a stranger broke into the lab.

③I was still sleeping when the fire broke out,and then it spread quickly.(广东卷)


No sooner had Mo Yan stepped on the stage than the audience broke__into thunderous applause.(陕西卷)

⑤看,你的电脑又坏了!仅为了节省几美元而买最便宜品牌的电脑不明智。See,your computer has__broken__down again! It doesn’t make sense to buy the cheapest brand of computer just to save a few dollars.(天津卷)


break in打断(谈话);突然闯入

break out 突然爆发

break through 突破

break up 打碎;拆散;分解;结束

break down 瓦解,分解;机器坏了;身体垮了


break in和break into都表示“闯入”,但二者用法不同。前者不跟宾语,不用于被动语态;后者可以接宾语,可用于被动语态。

7.belong to属于



①Because there is no label on the luggage,we don’t kno w to whom it belongs.

②Having sold most of his belongings(belong),he almost had nothing left in the house.

③—Have you seen a dictionary belong to our school library?

—Yes,it is over there and Mary is using it.belong→belonging


(1)belong to 表示“属于”,不能用于进行时态和被动语态。

(2)belongings n.财产,所有物

8.give up放弃;让给;停止;戒除



①As we know,the heat and light the sun gives off are essential to living things.

②At first Robert wouldn’t let his daughter go ping,but eventually he gave in as she was so confident about her skills.(2018·天津卷)


I__was__about__to__give__up__when__my__father__came__and__encouraged__m eto keep__going.(福建卷·书面表达)


Don’t mention that at the beginning of the story,or it may give__away__the__shocking__ending.


give in投降;屈服;让步

give away 赠送;泄露;分发(奖品等)

give off 发出(蒸汽、味道);发散(光线)

give out 放出;发表;用完





①Whatever she says will not make any difference to our arrangements.(湖北卷)

②Wherever they looked,they saw nothing but ruins after the terrible earthquake.

③What impresses me most is that whenever he appears in front of others,he wears a sincere and charming smile.

④Whatever he did,his parents supported him.

→No matter what he did,his parents supported him.

⑤I don’t believe anything that he says.

→I don’t believe whatever he says.

⑥However hard you try,it is difficult to lose weight without cutting down the amount you eat.

→No matter how hard you try,it is difficult to lose weight without cutting down the amount you eat.


wh-ever引导的让步状语从句,其含义相当于no matter wh-,意为“不管,无论”,其位置可在主句前,也可在主句后。

(1)whatever,whoever,whichever,whomever既可引导名词性从句,也可引导让步状语从句,在引导让步状语从句时,相当于no matter what/who/which/whom。

(2)whenever,wherever,however引导让步状语从句时,相当于no matter when/where/how,意为“无论何时/何地/如何”。


“no matter+疑问词”只能引导让步状语从句,不能引导名词性从句,可放在主句前或主句后。


I am Adam Rouse ,and I used 1.to__be(be) a drug addict.At the age of 15,I started using drugs —some cannabis 2.sold(sell) by a man in the street.Some time later ,he offered me some crack cocaine which is a 3.powerfully(power) addictive drug and can be injected or smoked.After ca16c0730875f46527d3240c844769eae109a372ing(use) crack cocaine once or twice ,I became 5.addicted(addict) to it though I knew the dangerous aspects of smoking it —it can incre ase the user’s heart rate and blood pressure ,6.and lead to heart attacks.At the same time 7.smoking (smoke) drugs needs a lot of money and I didn’t have enough money ,so I broke 8.into a house ,stole a television and a video recorder and 9.took(take) them to the drug dealer.In 10.the end ,the police took me to the police station.


In almost every US city and town ,there are local organisations to help the people stop smoking.Participants learn to recognise smoking triggers and they try to setting a date in the future when they stop smoking.One of the most popular and success is the California Smokers’ Helpline.It provides some advices for people which want a cigarette.For example ,whichever you’re doing when you want to smoke ,do something else.It also gives some ideas to help people to give in smoking.One of these suggestion is that one develops new interests such as walking ,biking or jogging. 答案

In almost every US city and town ,there are local organisations to help the people stop smoking.Participants learn to recognise smoking triggers and they try to setting set a date in the future when they will stop smoking.One of the most popular and success successful is the California Smokers’ Helpline.It provides some advices

advice for people which who want a cigarette.For example ,whichever whatever you’re doing when you want to

smoke ,do something else.It also gives some ideas to help people to give in up

smoking.One of these suggestion

suggestions is that one develops new


interests such as

walking,biking or jogging.









Tom,belonging to Class 2,used to be addicted to drugs.In order to let him give up the bad habit,his parents reduced his living cost.What’s more,they warned him that he was likely to be sent to prison if he went on like this.However,whatever they said,Tom refused to follow their advice.One day he broke into a house nearby and then was arrested.The policeman told his parents that he was in danger and they decided to send him to a centre for drug addicts.


The study findings about a new blood test have been published this morning in the Journal of the American Medical Association(JAMA Cardiology).The study was conducted smoothly and effectively based on their working together between the Canterbury District Health Board (CDHB), New Zealand, and the Christchurch Heart Institute, which is run by the University of Otago, Christchurch, New Zealand.

Co-lead author, Associate Professor John Pickering of the University of Otago, says,“When a patient comes to an emergency department (ED) with symptoms that suggest a potential heart attack, present laboratory blood-testing procedures can take 1—2 hours to discover the risk level, but with this new test we can get a result in just

fifteen minutes,from the bedside, or ‘point-of-care’,freeing up ED and health care staff. The patient can then either be cleared to leave, or quickly progressed to specialist care. The result proves to be true after later observation and other tests.”Senior author, and Director of Emergency Medicine Research, Dr Martin Than of the CDHB says present point-of-care tests can lack the precision of this new method that is centred around a measurement of cardiac troponin(肌钙蛋白) in the blood. “Our results have extremely exciting potential for not only EDs, but also remote health care providers—such as those in the countryside. Given the great effect heart disease and other related conditions have on not only New Zealand society but also the international community, we have something that could benefit tens of millions of patients globally,” Dr Than says.

The analysis of this observational study, conducted from 2016 to 2017 at Christchurch Hospital’s emergency department, included about 350 patients with symptoms of a heart attack. “So far our testing has shown that close to fifty percent of patients could have the heart attack safely and precisely excluded (排除……的可能性) soon after arrival at the ED. Wider study is required to be in progress and some other study concerned across ten District Health Boards in New Zealand is planned for next year,” Dr Than says.

【语篇导读】本文属于说明文,介绍了一种新的用来判断一个人是否患有心脏病的血液检测方法,该方法比传统的检测方法更快捷、更可靠,且能够节省人力。1.How did the researchers get the findings?

A.By doing effective teamwork.

B.By observing patients with heart disease.

C.By applying the EDs’ advanced technology.

D.By receiving support from other specialists.

答案A[细节理解题。根据第一段中的“The study was conducted smoothly and effectively...Christchurch,New Zealand”信息可知,通过坎特伯雷地区卫生委员会和克赖斯特彻奇心脏研究所两个机构共同合作,这个研究进展顺利而且富有成


2.Which of the following can best describe the new blood test?

A.Convenient and cheap.

B.Quick but risky.

C.Convenient but expensive.

D.Quick and reliable.

答案D[细节理解题。根据第二段中的“present laboratory...but with this new test we can get a result in just fifteen minutes”和“The result proves to be true after later observation and other tests”信息可知,这种新的通过血液检测人是否患有心脏病的方法比传统的方法要快得多,并且很可靠,故选D。]

3.What problem does the present point-of-care method face?

A.It spends too much to get medical training.

B.It doesn’t have its own health care staff.

C.It can’t check patients’ blood accurately.

D.It needs money to buy medical equipment.

答案C[推理判断题。根据第三段中的“present point-of-care tests can lack the precision of this new method that is centred around a measurement...blood”信息可推知,传统的检测方法无法精确地检测到人血液中的肌钙蛋白,而新的检测方法则可解决这个问题。故选C。]

4.What does Dr Than mean about the new test in the last paragraph?

A.It is being used globally.

B.It needs further research.

C.It can cure heart disease.

D.It’ll make progress next year.

答案B[推理判断题。根据最后一段中Dr Than说的话,有近50%的病人来到急症室后很快就安全地、准确地排除了患心脏病的可能。同时,他指出,更加广




How to Exercise Every Week Consistently

In my experience,people,especially me,do not work out consistently for two reasons: time and method.


Three weeks ago I was finding every excuse in the book to justify why I did not have a chance to exercise.In my mind all my reasons are valid,and I am sure yours are too. Here is a little secret,both you and I have more than enough time to work out.__1__.If you want to exercise more or finish your to-do-list,you have to start planning well.

·The method

__2__.For me,two options came to mind,before work,and after work.During the morning I go to work,and after work I do not have the energy.

Since my mornings and evenings are not available,I changed my way and looked at my work day.It turns out that __3__.I realized that my job has access to a gym,and decided to switch my lunch hour for a workout break.


I’ve been hitt ing the gym at least four times per week for the past two weeks!

Now that I have a set time to get moving,I have no issues working out consistently,and I tend to exercise more days during the week.__5__.

You might be thinking an hour is not a lot of time.Is that enough?

The answer is yes! You do not need a lot of time in the gym to see results.All you need is consistent and a good plan.

A.The plans

B.The results

C.Last week I went to the gym six days

D.Review your day and look for a 1-hour block to workout

E.I was wasting my lunch break looking through social media

F.Reconsider your problems and try to solve them in a different way

G.The problem is not how much time we have but how we are using it

【语篇导读】本文是一篇说明文。文章介绍了每个星期都坚持锻炼的具体做法。1.G[根据空格上一句可知,你和“我”实际上都有足够的时间锻炼。G项“问题不是我们有多少时间而是我们怎么利用时间”承接上文,符合语境。故选G。] 2.D[空格后一句是说对“我”来说,能抽出的时间就是上班前和下班后。D 项“回顾你的一天,然后抽出1小时的时间来锻炼”是对空格后一句的整体概述,空格后一句是对D项的举例说明。故选D。]

3.E[E项中的关键词“lunch break”与空格后一句中的“lunch hour”相照应,符合语境。故选E。]

4.B[空格处是本段的标题句,是对该段内容的概括。根据该段中的“I’ve been hitting the gym at least four times per week for the past two weeks!”可知,这段介绍的是计划执行的结果。故选B。]



(2019·长春质检)When I was a teenager I volunteered to pass out water at a local race.

I was so excited to __1__ all the different runners who passed by and quickly took a cup of water. Some walked past, some jogged past and a few __2__ past. Watching so many __3__ of people doing it, I thought maybe I could do it too! The next year I decided to __4__ the race. With __5__ running practice, I just wanted to finish.

On the day of the race, it was terribly hot. Only after 2 miles, I felt sweat __6__ off me and my legs swelling. I began to __7__,“Why am I doing this? What was I thinking? I must be __8__.”For the following miles, I jogged, I walked, I jogged and walked. At times, I wondered if I could __9__.

__10__ the end, a 70-year-old man rushed past me, very __11__,and I felt a little __12__ that I was more than 50 years younger than him and I couldn’t __13__ keep up with him. But then I realized something: he was running his race and I was running mine. How often in life do we __14__ ourselves to others and feel disappointed in ourselves when we really __15__?We are all unique human beings with unique __16__.It’s really no good focusing on others’ race. I decided that I would not __17__ running, and that one day I would be one of those __18__ people who were still running races.

As I crossed the finishing line, I was proud of myself. I didn’t regret having such an experience. If you don’t __19__ others but get the lesson and grow, you are truly a __20__.


1.A.see B.inspect

C.stare D.notice

答案A[根据下文“Watching so many ________ of people doing it,I thought maybe I could do it too”可知,作者看到不同的跑步者很激动。]

2.A.struggled B.dragged

C.rushed D.moved


3.A.styles B.ranks

C.types D.races

答案C[根据上文“I was so excited to ________ all the different runners who passed by and quickly took a cup of water”可推知,作者观看不同的人参与比赛。type “类型”,符合语境。]

4.A.run up B.run out

C.run across D.run for

答案D[根据下文可知,作者第二年也参加了比赛。run up “跑上去”;run out “用完”;run across “偶然碰见”;run for “竞选,参加”。]

5.A.some B.little

C.much D.any

答案B[根据语境“I just wanted to finish”并结合下一段作者在比赛中的表现可推知,作者几乎没有进行跑步练习。]

6.A.pouring B.taking

C.melting D.blowing

答案A[根据语境“On the day of the race,it was terribly hot”可推知,参赛那天天气很热,作者出了很多的汗。]

7.A.doubt B.remember

C.imagine D.suppose

答案A[根据下文“At times,I wondered if I could ________”和下文作者一连串的问句可推知,作者对参加赛跑这件事开始怀疑。]

8.A.friendly B.crazy

C.generous D.tired

答案B[根据语境“Why am I doing this?What was I thinking”可推知,作者认为自己是疯了才决定参加这次比赛,不仅大汗淋漓,而且腿也肿胀起来。] 9.A.win B.stop

C.make D.finish

答案D[此处与上文“I just wanted to finish”呼应可推知,作者跑跑走走,不知道自己是否能够坚持到最后,完成比赛。]

10.A.On B.At

C.Near D.By

答案C[根据下文可推知,作者在比赛快结束时,被一位70岁的老人超过。] 11.A.slowly B.gently

C.heavily D.fast


12.A.pleased B.frightened

C.delighted D.embarrassed

答案D[根据下文“I was more than...keep up with him”可推知,作者作为一个身强力壮的年轻人跑不过一个老人,实在是有些尴尬。embarrassed “尴尬的”。] 13.A.just B.even

C.still D.already

答案B[根据上文可推知,作者对自己的状况感到有点尴尬。故此处应用even “甚至”,使作者和老人形成了强烈的对比,符合语境。]

14.ca16c0730875f46527d3240c844769eae109a372pare B.devote

C.recommend D.show

答案A[根据上文“But then I realized something:he was running his race and I was running mine”可推知,作者下文是对我们自己和他人进行比较,这与下文“It’s really no good focusing on others’ race”形成呼应。]

15.A.couldn’t B.won’t

C.shouldn’t D.can’t

答案C[根据下文“It’s really no good focusing on others’race.I decided that I would not ________ running”可推知,作者认为我们没有必要和他人进行比较,


16.A.significance B.pace

C.principle D.concept

答案B[根据语境并结合常识可知,作者认为我们都是独一无二的,有独一无二的速度。significance “重要性”;pace “速度”;principle “原则”;concept “观念”。]

17.A.insist on B.look up to

C.put up with D.give up

答案D[根据下文“As I crossed the finishing line”可推知,作者决定不放弃,最终完成了比赛。insist on “坚持”;look up to “敬仰”;put up with “容忍”;give up “放弃”。]

18.A.elderly B.professional

C.international D.educated

答案A[根据上文“a 70-year-old man rushed past me...”及空后的still可知,作者希望向上文中提到的老人学习,虽然有一天也会变老,但仍会继续参加赛跑。]

19.A.persuade B.change

C.beat D.follow

答案C[根据上文可知,作者跑步不顺利,但最终还是坚持了下来,跑完了比赛。作者认为尽管并没有打败他人,但是吸取了教训,获得了成长,就是真正的赢家。beat “打败”。]

20.A.learner B.winner

C.dreamer D.competitor


