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- 国际商务谈判毕业论文选题推荐度:
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西 京 学 院
教学单位: 经济系 专 业: 国际经济与贸易(本) 学 号: 0700090641 姓 名: 王 欢 外文出处: 《国际商务谈判》 附 件:1.译文;2.原文;3.评分表
1.译文 译文(一)
合作原则被公认为是增强 互信任和理解从而提高交流成功率的对话原则。文本着重强调合作原则并分析它在商务谈判中的违背现象。两个研究的问题分别是:
立场型谈判也创造了拖延解决问题的动机:个人会采取极端立场,坚决的坚持自己,拽住他们的脚,威胁要罢工,试图欺骗对方,等等。而不是共同去试图创建一个可接受的解决方案,立场型谈判成为一场战斗。 任何协议的达成都会引起不同的分歧,而不是仔细的创造性的去发展互惠互利的解决方案。
1.人与问题区别对待。 2.注重利益,而不是立场。
3.创建互惠互利的选项,就是一起来创建让双方都满意的选项。 4.坚持用客观标准衡量一个建议性的解决方案。 译文(五)
在当今的全球化背景下,国家和地区间的经贸往来越来越频繁,国际经贸谈 判也逐渐增多。国际经贸谈判既是一种经济活动,也是一种文化活动。随着人们对国际谈判认识的加深,逐渐意识到了文化等因素的重要性,而不仅仅是经济和政治因素。对文化的深层次研究已经引起了理论界和企业的高度重视,成为了他们关注的热点。因此,中国在国际商贸谈判中,也必须考虑对方的文化、价值观、心理等因素,而不仅只是注重谈判的技巧和策略。
中国己成为日本最大的贸易伙伴,而日本则为中国第三大贸易伙伴。保证中 日的经贸往来顺利健康的发展对中日两国都是至关重要的。中日虽然同属于集体主义价值观体系,但是仍存在许多价值观因素的差异,这些差异必然会在国际经贸活动中反映出来,甚至形成贸易冲突。事实上,只有在清晰的认识谈判冲突的原因之后,才能对症下药,进而提出谈判的对策和沟通的技巧。
2.原文 原文(一)
International Business Negotiation is an act that the parties in different countries or different regions exchange their information, and consult various trade elements in order to achieve a particular business activity. International business negotiation is an dispensable means that it is universal in the trade and economic activities, can solve the inevitable interests conflict and achieve common interests among different countries. International Business negotiations and general trade negotiations have some commonality; it seems economic interests as its purpose and seems price as core negotiations. Because the price can directly and concentrate show negotiators’ interest, and both can be converted into a certain price in many cases, such as quality, number, form of payment, payment on time, etc. and be reflected in the price, or be compensated. The price term of a sale contract involves unit price and total price .Unit price includes money account and trade terms. For instance,a price term can be said:\per ton CIF London including 3% commission.\Total price is the total amount of a deal. In the negotiating process, it is called negotiation dance that who offer first, how to respond to each other's offer, how much we give appropriate concessions, the two sides reached an acceptable agreement at last. In general, the negotiators will not overlap target price, the seller want to fight for their own products or services, the price will be higher than the price that the buyer is willing to pay. In this bargaining zone of the premise of the negotiation, the final result would be higher than the seller's reservation point and lower than the buyer to retain a point between points. However, the negotiator's reservation point still overlap each other sometimes, it means that the majority of buyers are willing to pay the price will be higher than the minimum price the seller can accept. Bargaining zone can be a positive number, and be a negative number. In the positive bargaining zone, the negotiator's reservation point will overlap, that is, the highest price is higher that the buyer are willing to pay than the minimum price the seller can accept. This means negotiators could reach an agreement, then the result certainly be within this range. Negative bargaining zone may not exist or negative, it can spend much time to do a great deal of fruitless negotiations, who will cost a waste of time.
With the development of global economic integration,cooperation among countries all over the world becomes closer. International business plays a more and more crucial role in today's business activities,and win一win principle has attracted more and more attention from many interest groups in the world. Based on the theories of Cooperation Principle,Politeness Principle, Face Theory and Indirect Speech Act,and on the case analysis of face-to-face international business negotiations between people from China and other western countries,the research purpose is to study Pragmatic strategies and make an intercultural comparison of them in the situational context- international business negotiation.
The research shows that in international business negotiations,the application of various pragmatics strategies-Cooperation Strategy,Politeness Strategy,Indirect Speech Act Strategy,Humor Strategy and Side一stepping Strategy,has close relation with the cultural backgrounds of international business negotiators. If business negotiators
come from different culture backgrounds,they are liable to adopt different Pragmatic strategies during negotiations. If they don’t understand this is caused by cultural differences,the negotiation may fail due to cultural conflicts.
The research results drawn from the present study are that the application of Pragmatic strategies plays a crucial role in international business negotiations. Moreover,to some extent,cultural causes determine pragmatic strategies. Cultural differences are the fundamental reasons of negotiators’ pragmatic strategies. The knowledge of pragmatic strategies and their related cultures can lead to success.
Business negotiation is a process by which the involved parties or groups resolve matters of disputes through discussion and coming to an agreement, which can be mutually agreed upon. It is a delicate art and can be a very trying process of confrontation and concession. Research suggests that whether negotiation will succeed or not depends largely on the language both parties use.
Cooperative principle is acknowledged as a principle of conversation of enhancing the mutual trust and understanding for the purpose of increasing the odd for communication success.
This thesis attempts to highlight the cooperative principle and analyze its inconsistence in business negotiation scenarios. Two research questions are being addressed here:
1) Is Cooperative Principle applicable in business negotiations? If not, could the theory of Conversational Implicature explain it?
2) What can the author derive form the study to improve the efficiency of business negotiation?
From the analysis it is clear that in the process of business negotiation, conflict and confrontation occur easily. To avoid that, negotiators may try to save the counterpart's face by using buffers and euphemisms and beating about the bush, to become more persuasive by letting the facts speak, to make the negotiation more effective by bluffing, all of which violate the Cooperative Principle. Although apparently, the Cooperative Maxims are violated, they are observed at the level of what is implicated. Thus the ultimate goal of the business negotiation is to grasp the implicature of the counterpart's meaning.
Several tactics for business negotiators are drawn form the research, which are Acting Dumb, Thinking in Real Terms but Talking Funny, Always Congratulating the Other Side and Using Uncertainty to Your Advantage.
Negotiation: “To confer with another person so as to arrive at a settlement of some matter; also to arrange for or bring about such conferences” (Merriam-Webster Dictionary).
Like it or not, you are a negotiator. Whether in family or business dealings, people reach many decisions through negotiation. You haggle with the cattle buyer for an acceptable price for your steers. You discuss with farm help the wages you are willing to pay them and the quality of work you expect in return. You dicker with the equipment salesman for a new piece of machinery. And you negotiate the terms of your latest operating note with your lender. Negotiation is a fact of life.
Most people know of only two ways to negotiate, either soft or hard. The soft negotiator wants to keep peace and readily makes concessions to avoid or resolve conflicts. The hard negotiator sees conflict as a battle in which the person who takes the most extreme position and holds out fares better. The soft negotiator may end up feeling used and abused; the hard negotiator may exhaust himself and damage or destroy the personal relationship with the other party. Typical strategies for negotiation often leave people dissatisfied, worn out, or hostile and perhaps all three.
The most common form of negotiating—positional bargaining—depends on successive taking and giving up of positions (imagine two people haggling over the price of an item). Although positional bargaining can be successful, it is not necessarily efficient and may not result in a peaceable solution. Negotiators may lock into positions, becoming more committed to the position than to the underlying concerns or original interests of either party. Eventually they may feel that compromise will result in losing face.
Positional bargaining also creates incentives that stall settlement—individuals may take extreme positions, stubbornly hold to them, drag their feet, threaten to walk out, try to deceive the other party, and so on. Rather than jointly attempting to produce an acceptable solution, positional bargaining becomes a battle. Any agreement reached may reflect splitting of differences, rather than careful and creative development of a mutually beneficial solution.
What is the best way for people to deal with their differences? This fact sheet summarizes one possible step-by-step strategy for coming to mutually acceptable agreements.
1. Separate the people from the problem. 2. Focus on interests, not positions.
3. Invent options for mutual gain that is work together to create options that will satisfy both parties.
4. Insist on using objective criteria for judging a proposed solution. 原文(五)
Everyone knows how hard it is to deal with a problem without people misunderstanding each other, getting angry or upset and taking things personally.
Negotiating resolutions may be easier if you remember the “other side” is a human being with emotions, deeply held values, a different background and viewpoints and is, like you, somewhat unpredictable.
In negotiation, the “people problem” often causes the relationship to become entangled in discussion of the problem. Personality differences may cause conflicts unrelated to a business problem. Dealing with a problem and maintaining a good working relationship need not be conflicting goals. But, the negotiating parties must be committed and psychologically prepared to treat the relationship and problem separately. You can be prepared by anticipating potential “people problems” of three kinds: perception, emotion, and communication. And, remember you have to deal with your own as well as their people problems.
In today's background of globalization, national and regional economic & trade exchange have become more and more frequently, and the international economic and trade negotiations have increased gradually. International trade negotiations are not only an economic activity, also a kind of cultural activities. As the increasing awareness of the importance of cultural factors, except the economic and political factors, Deep-seated cultural research has attracts more attentions in the theoretical circles and enterprises. Therefore, China also should pay more attentions to each other's culture, values, psychological factors, not just focus on negotiation skills and strategies during international trade negotiations.
China has become Japan's largest trading partner, while Japan was China's third largest trading partner It is vital to ensure the smooth and healthy development of the Sino-Japanese economic and trade exchanges. Therefore, how to make the success of Sino-Japanese economic and trade negotiations is a big issue. The conception of culture is extremely broad, so this article focuses on the core of culture-values to study its performance of the conflict in the economic and trade negotiations. China and Japan belong to the same value system-collectivism, but there are still many differences between each other, which will be inevitably reflected in international economic and trade activities, and even become trade conflicts.
教学单位:经济系 专业班级:国贸(本) 6 班 答辩学生:王欢
课题名称 指导教师 浅谈国际商务谈判中的报价技巧 戴鹏赞 检查时间 外文翻译检查项目及参考标准 外 文 翻 译 检 查 项 目 序号 1 2 3 4 5 6 项目 内容相关性 翻译数量 翻译准确度 参考标准 外文资料内容与本人毕业设计(论文)内容相关性好,有明显的参考价值 翻译汉字达3000字以上;按要求将指定原文全部译完,没有遗漏 没有重要误译,忠实原文,准确传达原文内容 遵循翻译的基本原则,能灵活处理一般性翻译技巧基本翻译技巧 和具体句型翻译的关系、概念的直译与意译之间的关系 语法水平 通顺程度 没有基本的语法错误,用词准确 译文通顺,符合汉语表达习惯 指 导 教 师 评 语 指导教师签字: 年 月 日 ........忽略此处.......
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