牛津英语8BUnit1—Unit6 - 知识点归纳(完整版)

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牛津初中英语8A unit1—unit6 知识点归纳

牛津初中英语8B unit1—unit6 知识点归纳(完整版) Unit1

一.【精选词汇】 ㈠重点短语

1. the changes to Sunshine Town阳光镇的变化→the changes to? ?的变化 (p8)

〈知识链接〉change n.变化,常用复数changes。 e.g. Great changes have taken place since 1995.

2. in the southern part of town →in the southern part of?在?的南部→south →southern

〈知识链接〉east东部→eastern东部的, west →western, north →northern

3. in the past在过去→at present现在→in the future未来;将来,注意这些短语中的介词和冠词。

4. turn the place into a park →turn?into?把?变成? 〈知识链接〉①Heat turns water into vapor.热使水变成蒸气。②Turn this sentence into English.

5. play cards and Chinese chess打牌、下象棋,e.g. It’s pleasant to play cards and Chinese chess.

6. water pollution水污染→air pollution空气污染,noise pollution噪音污染 (p9)

〈知识链接〉Water pollution was a problem before.


牛津初中英语8A unit1—unit6 知识点归纳

7. used to dump its waste into water →used to do sth过去常做某事,注意否定式、疑问式的形式

〈知识链接〉⑴used to do sth →否定式used not to do sth或didn’t use to do sth→疑问式Did sb use to do sth?或Used sb to do sth? ⑵There be和used to合用的形式为There used to be。 根据要求进行句型转换:She used to teach history. ①否定式:

She used teach history.或She didn’t teach history. ②疑问式: she teach history?或Did she teach history?

〈用法拓展〉⑴be used to do sth=be used for doing sth被用于做某事,e.g. Stamps are used to send letters.=Stamps are used for sending letters. ⑵be/become/get used to sth习惯于某事,be/become/get used to doing sth习惯于做某事,e.g. ①My grandma used to live in the city but now she has got used to the country life. ②Tom is used to getting up early. 8. in some ways在某种程度上;在某些方面→in this way以这种方式

9. feel a bit lonely from time to time →from time to time=at times=sometimes有时;不时地

〈知识链接〉⑴a bit+形容词原级或比较级=a little+形容词原级或比较级,有点?


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⑵a bit of+不可数名词=a little+不可数名词 e.g. a bit of water=a little water

〈用法拓展〉not a little=very非常,not a bit=not?at all一点也不

10. throw away扔掉?→“动词+副词”结构,e.g. throw it/them away

11. have an interview with sb=interview sb采访某人;对某人面试;与某人面谈 (p12)

〈知识链接〉①My parents have had an interview with my teacher. ②They interviewed 20 people for the job. ③There are a number of interviews with some famous football players. 12. the best model I have ever seen 我曾见过的最好的模型 (p17)

〈知识链接〉the+形容词最高级+名词单数+sb have/has ever done,某人曾做过的最?的?

the most wonderful film (that) he has ever watched他看过的最精彩的比赛

〈用法拓展〉⑴ever通常用于疑问句中或否定句中。e.g. ①Have/Has sb ever done sth?

②Nobody ever stepped in this cavern.没人曾经踏进过这洞穴。 ⑵ever since?自从?起到现在(用于现在完成时),for ever=forever永远;永久地


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13. move into the new flats→move into?搬进?,move out of?搬出? (p18)

14. lend me a book→lend sb sth=lend sth to sb把某物借给某人,是“借出”。

〈知识链接〉borrow sth from sb向某人借某物,是“借入”。 15. a recent photo一张近期照片,write about the changes to Moonlight Town (p21)

16. a tourist attraction旅游胜地→attraction n. 吸引;向往的地方→attract vt.吸引→attractive有吸引力的①It has become a new tourist attraction. ②Hepburn’s beauty and charm attracted Colette’s attention. ㈡词汇解析

1. 常见的交通工具:bike/bicycle, bus, double-decker双层巴士, coach长途汽车, tram有轨电车, taxi, train, underground, light rail轻轨, plane, hot-air balloon热气球, aero done滑翔机 2. Using a dictionary: The words in a dictionary are in alphabetical order from “A” to “Z”. This helps us find the words we want quickly. If two words starts with the same letter, we look at the second letter to decide the alphabetical order. If the first two letters of two words are the same, we look at the third letter, and so on. e.g. The word “ball” comes before the word “banana”.


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3. century=one hundred years世纪;百年。⑴某世纪用序数词。如:21世纪the twenty-first century。⑵“在某世纪”用介词in,如:in the 20th century在20世纪。 二.【重点句型】

1. —Eddie, have you seen my food? —Yes, I’ve just eaten it. (p6)

2. You’ve changed, Eddie. You were kind. Now you’re not. I don’t want to play with you any more.

3. You’ve changed too. You always wanted to play with me. →always+过去式=used to do sth

4. Coaches have been in use/service in Beijing since 1958. →have been in use=have been used

5. I moved here with my family when I was two years old and have lived here since then. (p8)

6. Have you ever moved house? →move house搬家 7. We lived till 1965, when I got married. →get married结婚→get/be married to sb与某人结婚

〈知识链接〉⑴marry sb与某人结婚,e.g. She married a football player. ⑵marry sb to sb把某人嫁给某人,e.g. He married his daughter to an actor. ⑶get/be married to sb和某人结婚,e.g. Yao Ming got married to Ye Li on 6 August, 2007. ⑷表示“已经结婚”用have/has got married,表示“已经结婚多久”用


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have/has been married for+时间段或since+时间点。e.g. ①They have got married. ②They have been married for 5 years.不能说成They have got married for 5 years.

〈用法拓展〉marriage n.婚姻e.g. They will celebrate their fifty years of marriage next month.

8. Has Sunshine Town changed a lot over the years? →change a lot变化大

〈知识链接〉over the years=in the last/past years这些年来,这是现在完成时的一个标志。

9. There once was a shoe factory?. →There once was/were?=Once there was/were?从前有?。

10. Later, the government realized it was a very serious problem and took action to reduce the pollution. →take action to do sth采取行动做某事,reduce the pollution减少污染 (p9)

〈知识链接〉⑴action ①(拍摄影视时用语)开始 ②动作,e.g. action film动作片,action star动作明星

⑵a very serious problem非常严重的问题→problem(需要着手解决的)问题;难题,question(需要回答的)问题 e.g. solve a Maths problem, answer my question

11. It is different for him to see some of them as often as before. (p12)


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〈知识链接〉⑴It is+adj.+for sb to do sth. ⑵as often as before像以前一样经常→as?as?

12. Things have changed a lot over the years.=Great changes have taken place over the years.

13. When I was in primary school, my mother took me to school. → take sb to school送某人上学

14. I have the same feeling too. Do you sometimes stay after school to chat with friends? (p19)

15. The changes to Moonlight Town have brought advantages, but they have also caused many problems for people. (p22) 〈知识链接〉⑴bring advantages to ?给?带来好处,advantage优点;有利条件→disvantage缺点;不利条件 ⑵cause problems for?给?带来麻烦 Unit2

一.【精选词汇】 ㈠重点短语

1. go on a trip to South Hill →go on a trip to?去某地旅游 (p24)

2. take you out for a few days带你出去玩几天→take sb out带某人出去

3. go hiking, go skiing →go+v-ing去做某事,see/enjoy the


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beautiful view观看/欣赏美景 (p25)

4. a symbol of Japan →the symbol of?的象征,e.g. Red is the symbol of danger.红色是危险的象征。

5. have a really fantastic time=have a good/great/wonderful time=have fun=enjoy oneself (p26)

6. at the entrance在入口处 →at the exit在出口处 7. move at high speed高速运转→at a speed of?以?的速度,at a speed of 100 km an hour

8. scream and laugh through the whole ride →through从物体的内部穿过

9. a fast food restaurant快餐店→fast food快餐,国际著名快餐店:KFC肯德基,McDonald’s麦当劳

10. clap and stream with joy高兴地拍手尖叫 →介词短语with joy相当于副词修饰动词。 (p27)

11. watch a three-D film,watch fireworks, look shiny and beautiful under the fireworks

12. in all总共;共计→first of all首先

13. scream with excitement兴奋地尖叫→ with excitement=excitedly激动地;兴奋地 (p28)

〈知识链接〉excite→excited兴奋的→exciting令人兴奋的;扣人心弦的;刺激的→excitement n.激动,兴奋→with excitement=excitedly,be excited about (doing) sth对?兴奋


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14. a really delightful holiday and a meaningful experience一个高兴的假期、一次有意义的经历

〈知识链接〉experience ⑴n.(C)经历;e.g. He had a pleasant experience in Hong Kong last year.

⑵n.(U)经验→experienced adj.经验丰富的,have experience in (doing) sth=be experienced in (doing) sth在某方面有经验,e.g. ①He has experience in teaching English.=He is experienced in teaching English. ②Dr Ma has much experience in eye operations.=Dr Ma is experienced in eye operations. ③Chow Yun Fat is an experienced actor. He has acted in many action films.

15. buy a gift for my parents →buy sth for sb=buy sb sth (gift比present高雅) (p33)

16. travel abroad到国外旅游→go abroad出国,e.g. He has gone abroad for further studies. (p35)

17. during this May Day holiday在“五一”假期里→during是介词,后面不能接句子。

18. three and a half hours三个半小时→one/an hour一小时,half an hour半小时→one and a half hours一个半小时,two and a half hours两个半小时 (p38)

19. have a bird’s-eye view of Hong Kong →have a bird’s-view of?鸟瞰;俯视


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20. a modern city of tall buildings with lights shining in the evening高楼林立、灯火辉煌的现代化城市 →with lights shining作后置定语,lights与shining是主动关系。 〈用法拓展〉He sleeps with windows closed.

21. the cultural centre of Hong Kong香港的文化中心→the cultural centre文化中心

〈知识链接〉culture n.文化→cultural adj.文化的 e.g. ①popular culture大众文化 ②Venice is a beautiful city full of culture and history.威尼斯是一座具有深厚文化和历史底蕴的美丽城市。

〈用法拓展〉nature →natural, centre→central

22. a good place to buy things,enjoy that day most, have great fun,a seafood restaurant, desserts and snacks,enjoy our trip to Hong Kong ㈡词汇解析

1. popular tourist attractions(旅游胜地):Mount Fuji富士山,the Great Wall,the Leaning Tower of Pisa比萨斜塔,the Little Mermaid小美人鱼,the Statue of Liberty自由女神像,the Tower Bridge伦敦塔桥,Big Ben大本钟,the Grand Palace(泰国)大王宫,the Pattaya Beach(泰国)芭堤雅海滩,Ocean Park(香港)海洋公园,Window of the World(深圳)世界之窗。 (p25)

2. Hong Kong Disneyland(香港迪士尼乐园)的四大主题公园(theme


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park):Main Street USA(美国小镇大街),Tomorrowland(明日世界),Fantasyland(幻想世界),Adventureland(探险世界)。 3.⑴cheerful→cheerless,


careful→careless, hopeful→hopeless meaningful→meaningless,

harmful→harmless, useful→useless

⑵delightful, wonderful, successful ⑶endless, noiseless=quiet


1. It must be fun. Can I join you?一定很有趣。我能和你一起去吗?(p24)

〈知识链接〉⑴情态动词must(表示推测)一定,用于肯定句,反义词:can’t不可能。may可能,may not可能不。Probably, Perhaps, Maybe都是副词,通常用于句首。

⑵join sb和某人一起做某事,e.g. Kitty joined them in the Disney parade.

2. I haven’t seen you since last month. →see是瞬间动词 (p26)


3. I met many of my favourite Disney characters, such as Sleeping Beauty, Snow White, Alice and Cinderella, Mickey



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Mouse and all his friends were all there too. 4.








→can’t/couldn’t stop doing sth禁不住做某事

〈知识链接〉can’t/couldn’t help doing sth禁不住做某事,can’t/couldn’t wait to do sth迫不及待做某事。 〈用法拓展〉stop doing sth停止做某事,stop to do sth停下来去做某事。

5. The performers all wore different costumes and waved to people while they marched across the park, singing and dancing all the way. → all the way一路上 (p27)

〈知识链接〉⑴wave to sb向某人招手/挥手→wave n.波;波浪 ⑵march across?迈步穿越?

⑶singing and dancing all the way是现在分词短语,作伴随状态。

6. I’m sure you’ll love it.你一定会喜欢的。→I’m sure that sb will do sth.=Sb is sure to do sth.

〈知识链接〉I’m sure that he will win the match.=He is sure to win the match.

7. The line of people outside Space Mountain was endless. We thought it was hopeless to wait in the line.

太空山外人们排的队伍不见尽头。我们原以为排不上队了。 (p30) 〈知识链接〉⑴endless无尽的;无休止的,e.g. ①endless love


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②We have endless homework to do.

⑵wait in the line排队等候 ⑶Sb thought+that从句,某人原以为?。

8. I’m watching an interesting TV programme. It started at 7 p.m. and has been on for haf an hour.

〈知识链接〉be on=be shown放映→ be on show展出, e.g. ①Many old things are on show in the museum. ②When we reached the cinema yesterday, the film had been on/shown for 5 minutes. 9. ⑴She must be happy now, isn’t she? ⑵She must be happy yesterday, wasn’t she ? (p33)


10. Spring is the best time for visiting Chinese garden. → Chinese garden中国园林 (p35)

〈知识链接〉the best time for doing sth=the best time to do sth做某事的最佳时节 e.g.

Autumn is the best time for visiting the Fragrant Hill.=Autumn is the best time to visit the Fragrant Hill.

11. Do you have any ideas about what to do for May Day holiday? 12. —By the way, how long does it take to fly to Singapore? —Sorry, I don’t know, but I can check it for you. →by the way顺便问一下,check sth for sb替某人核实某事


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〈知识链接〉It takes sb some time to do sth. →How long does it take sb to do sth?

13. The day of our trip to Hong Kong finally arrived. My parents and I were excited about this special trip because we all wanted to visit Disneyland and take photos with the cute cartoon characters.

→the day of one’s trip to?某人去某地旅行的那一天 (p38) 〈知识链接〉⑴be excited about (doing) sth对(做)某事感到兴奋 ⑵take photos拍照,take photos with ?和?拍照 ⑶cute=lovely可爱的

14. The weather in Hong Kong is quite different from that in Beijing.香港的天气与北京不同。

〈知识链接〉在as?as?, not as/so?as?, the same as?, be different from?或形容词、副词的比较等级结构中,当主语为不可数名词时,后者用that代替。当主语是名词复数时,后者用those代替。e.g.

①Usually the pollution in big cities is much more serious than that in the countries.

②There are more books in our library than those in theirs. 15. I hope I can visit there again some day. →I hope+that引导的一般将来时或can从句。

〈知识链接〉some day=one day有朝一日;(将来的)一天。one day


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16. I left a book at Millie’s home. →leave sth+地点,把某物忘在某处;forget忘记某事。

〈知识链接〉⑴The forgetful man often leaves his bag on buses. ⑵—Why weren’t you at the meeting? —Sorry, I forgot. Unit3

一.【精选词汇】 ㈠重点短语

1. I have no idea.=I’ve no idea.=I don’t know.我不知道。 (p40)

2. turn on the TV →turn on/off打开/关闭?,turn up/down调大/调低;都是“动词+副词”。

3. change the channel换台→on Channel?在?台,e.g. on CCTV-5→拓展:the English Channel英吉利海峡 4. different uses of computers计算机的不同用途: draw and design, play computer games, search for information, send and receive e-mails收发电子邮件, do word processing进行文字处理, write computer programs编写计算机程序 (p41) 5. travel around the world in eight hours八小时环游地球,educational CD-ROM教育软件 (p42)

6. come out (书等)出版,发行,发表,不能用于被动语态,可以转


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化为be published。

〈知识链接〉When will her new novel come out?=When will her new novel be published?

〈用法拓展〉⑴(太阳、月亮或星星)出现;露出,e.g. The rained stopped and the sun came out.

⑵(花朵)开放;(草)出芽,e.g. In March flowers and grass come out.

7. learn English and geography at the same time同时学英语和地理→at the same time同时

〈知识链接〉learn and play at the same time边学边玩 8. the main character主角→play the main character of?=play the lead role of?

〈知识链接〉play the role?扮演?,the best actor最佳男主角,the best actress最佳女主角

9. have/get itchy feet渴望旅行,e.g. She has gone to Australia-she has always had itchy feet.

10. help you learn English by testing your knowledge of English grammar and vocabulary (p43)

〈知识链接〉⑴by介词,通过某种方法、手段,后接名词或动词-ing。①He made a living by selling flowers. ②You can know more about the news by reading today’s newspaper.

⑵have a knowledge of有某方面的知识,e.g. ①He has


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a wide knowledge of painting.他在绘画方面知识渊博。②Knowledge is power.知识就是力量。

11. one of the best on the market市面上最畅销的一种 12. choose one icon in the menu在菜单里选择一个图标,click on it for more details点击它以了解详情→click on?点击?,left double-click on?左键双击?

13. open my new e-dictionary on my computer打开我电脑上的新电子词典(p48)

〈知识链接〉“打开”电脑的软件用open不用turn on。 〈用法拓展〉⑴英汉词典an English-Chinese dictionary,汉英词典a Chinese-English dictionary

⑵查字典:look up a word in a dictionary或look a word up in a dictionary

14. restart the computer重新启动电脑 → start vt.启动;开始→ restart重新启动

〈知识链接〉re+部分动词→再?,e.g. rebuild重建,reuse循环使用,retell复述

〈用法拓展〉set off=start off出发;动身,set about doing sth开始做某事,着手做某事

15. check the settings检查设置,double-click on the “auto-run” icon双击“自动运行”图标,double-click on the icon for “Tour” →double-click on the?icon=double-click


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on the icon for?双击?图标,put in the CD-ROM插入光盘 16. connect the keyboard to the computer properly正确地连接键盘和电脑

〈知识链接〉⑴connect A to B连接A和B →be connected to?与?连接 ⑵proper adj.正确的→properly

17. grow an inch长一英寸,grow to six feet long长到六英尺长→ A foot is equal to 12 inches.

18. daily English=everyday English日常英语→daily newspaper日报,Xinhua Daily新华日报

19. go on short tours of Australia and New Zealand去澳大利亚和新西兰短期旅行 (p52)

20. be hidden in somewhere in the Arctic被藏在北极的某个地方→be hidden+地点,被藏在?

21. the treasure box百宝箱→treasure hunt寻宝 (p55) ㈡词汇解析

1. online adj.联网的;在线的e.g. chat online网上聊天,order a package online网上订购一套

2. reach ⑴vt.到达=get to?=arrive at/in? ⑵达到,e.g. ①reach 18 years old年满18岁 ②The child isn’t tall enough to reach the snacks on the table. ⑶reach out a hand伸出一只手

3. ⑴correctly adv.正确地→correct ①adj.正确的


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→incorrect→incorrectly ②vt.改正;修正,e.g. correct a mistake改正错误 ⑵correct正确的→wrong错误的,in the correct order按正确顺序

4. educate v.教育→education n.教育→educational adj.教育的,e.g. ①educate oneself自修;培养 ②be educated at school在学校里受教育 ③have a good education受到良好教育 5. knowledge n.知识→know vt.知道→be known to sb为某人所知,be well known/famous for?因?而出名,be known as?作为?而出名,e.g. Samuel Clemens, who was known as Mark Twain, was a famous American writer. 塞缪斯·克莱门斯,以马克·吐温知名,是美国名作家。

6. point ⑴n.分数 e.g. get 100 points得100分 ⑵n.小数点 e.g. 1.732读作one point seven three two

⑶v.指 e.g. point out指出,point at/to?指向

7. regards(用于信函的结尾或转达问候)致意;问候→regard sb as?把某人视为?

8. company简写作Co.,e.g.有限公司company limited=Co., Ltd。producer制作人;制造商。

9. 使用计算机Office word常用短语:create a file创建文档,keep/save the file for future use保存该文档以备用。“收发电子邮件”send and receive e-mails需要“电子信箱”e-mail address。


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10. control ⑴n.(键盘上的)控制键 ⑵vt.控制 e.g. ①The traffic lights are controlled by a central computer.交通信号灯由中心计算机控制。②This knob controls the volume.此旋钮调节音量。 二.【重点句型】

1. —What do you use your computer for? —I usually use it to search for information. (p41)

〈知识链接〉What?for?=Why??为什么?? e.g. What did you do that for?=Why did you do that?

2. It sounds interesting, doesn’t it? → “陈述句+附加疑问?”构成反意疑问句。 (p42)



⑶反意疑问句的答语为“Yes, 主语+助动词.”或“No, 主语+助动词的否定式”。

e.g. —Simon didn’t take part in the football match, did he? —Yes, he did. Though he wasn’t feeling well.

—西蒙没有参加足球赛,是吗?—不,他参加了。尽管他当时不舒服。 3. One day, he was lying on the grass and looking at the


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beautiful blue sky, when he fell asleep and had a very strange dream.一天,他躺在草地上,看着美丽的蓝天,不知不觉间睡着了,并做了个奇怪的梦。 lie


→lies→lying→lied→lied ③位于→lies→lying→lied→lied 〈知识链接〉⑴lie意思是“躺”,常用于lie down躺下,find sb/sth lying+地点 ①She found a purse lying on the ground. ②I found a homeless man lying at the street corner. ⑵fall asleep睡着,e.g. He fell asleep when he was watching TV. ⑶have/dream a?dream做了一个?的梦,e.g. have/dream a strange dream 〈用法拓展〉lie ⑴说谎,e.g. ①You could see from his face that he was lying. ②tell a lie说谎

⑵位于,e.g. Jiangsu lies in the east of China. 4. See those big clouds of different colours with questions on them? You get a point every time you answer a question correctly. →every time+陈述句,每当?,引导时间状语从句。 〈知识链接〉get a point得一分,answer a question correctly答对一题

5. When you have got enough points, a cloud will come down and carry you off to a place you have never visited before. →you have never visited before是省略关系代词that/which的定语从句。


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〈知识链接〉have got enough points获得足够的点数,carry you off to?把你带到?

6. Are you ready? Let’s go!准备好了吗?出发!

7. For example, when you reach London, you will learn about the Museum of London and many other interesting places. → ①learn about?了解? ②many other+名词复数,其他许多? (p43)

8. Every time you pass a level, you will see a map of the world. →pass a level过一关

〈知识链接〉⑴Every time+陈述句,每当? ⑵a map of the world世界地图→ a map of China

9. The places you have visited are marked in bright purple. 你到过的地方都标上了明亮的紫色。

10. Get it now before it is sold out. →sell out售完,be sold out被售完,sell well好卖(不用被动)

〈知识链接〉—Have you got a size M? —Sorry, they are all sold out. They sell well.

11. I’ve bought many educational CD-ROMs before, but I’ve found none of them to be any good.

〈知识链接〉find none of them to be any good没发现一个好的 12. —How can your teacher read your homework on the computer? —I can send him e-mails or print it out. → read your homework


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批阅作业,send sb e-mails给某人发电子邮件 (p46) 〈知识链接〉on the computer在电脑上,on the screen,on TV,on the Internet(在因特网上)

13. —Do you have a new printer, too? —Yes, and it prints very quickly. →该句的print不用被动。

14. My new computer is much faster than the old one. I can type very easily, and the keyboard is very comfortable. 15. We’ve got many kinds of personal computers. This green one is called Kiwi, and it is designed especially for students. →personal computer个人电脑,简写作PC。 (p48) 〈知识链接〉⑴Kiwi ①(informal)=a person from New Zealand新西兰人②几维鸟,新西兰鸟,喙长、翼短、无尾、不能飞③kiwi fruit猕猴桃;奇异果 ⑵be designed especially for students特别为学生而设计

16. —Is it used widely? —Of course, very widely in Beijing. → be widely used被广泛使用

〈知识链接〉English is widely used as the second language in many countries. (be widely as?被广泛用作)

17. When a total of ten questions are answered incorrectly, the princess will become bald. (p51)

〈知识链接〉⑴total n.总数,总和e.g. ①You got 47 points on the written exam and 18 on the oral, making a total of 65.


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你笔试得了47分,口试得了18分,总分65分。②Out of a total of 15 games, they only won 2.在总共15场比赛中,他们只胜了2场。⑵become bald秃顶→become+形容词

18. The questions get more difficult as you go to higher levels.当你到更高的级别,问题就更难了。

〈知识链接〉as连词,当?时,随着?。e.g. The air will get fresher as you reach the top of the mountain.

19. She will help you when necessary.必要时她会帮助你。→if necessary如果有必要 (p52)

20. Many topics are covered in the course, including travel and hotels, food and drink, and shopping and money. 这一课程涉及许多主题,包括旅游、饭店、购物和钱币。 (p53) 〈知识链接〉⑴cover=include包括;涉及 ⑵including介词,包括?在内,e.g. ①His talk covered/included the history between the two World Wars. ②The package includes/covers a book and two CD-ROMs. ③There were ten students left in the classroom, including Tom.

21. Can you show me how to start this online tour of Australia, please?

你能告诉我如何开启这个澳大利亚的在线之旅吗?→ how to start?是“疑问词+动词不定式”。

22. Do you mind telling me how to use this function?你介不


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⑴Do/Would you mind my/me doing sth?或Do/Would you mind if I do sth?你介意我做某事吗?

表示请求对方的允许,答语为Of course not. Certainly not.或You’d better not. Better not.

⑵Do/Would you mind doing sth?你介意做某事吗?表示客气地请人做事。

①Do you mind my opening the window?=Do you mind if I open the window?我开窗户好吗?

②Would you mind explaining that again, please?请你再解释一遍行吗? 请做题

—Would you mind ? I’m feeling too tired. —Of course not. Let me do it.

A. to drive B. my drive C. driving D. my driving

23. Just double-click on the “Pencil” icon. ?A worksheet has just appeared on the screen.


⑵sheet n.①床单e.g. change the sheet换床单 ②一张(通常指


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标准尺寸的纸) e.g. 500 sheets

24. In which countries is the game sold? 这个游戏在哪些国家销售? (p55)

〈知识链接〉In which countries不能去掉介词in,e.g. Which city did you go to last summer?

25. The goal of the game is to travel around the world to learn the history of each place and use this knowledge to open the treasure box. →当主语是goal等时,用动词不定式be to do作表语。



⒈英语动词有两种语态:主动语态和被动语态。主动语态表示主语是动作的执行者,被动语态表示主语是动作的承受者。如:①They built a new bridge over the river. (主动) →A new bridge was built over the river by them. (被动) ②Many people speak English. (主动) →English is spoken by many people. (被动) ⒉汉语中常用“被”、“给”、“由”、“受”等词用来表示被动,而英语用“助动词be+及物动词的过去分词构成”,即“be+p.p.”,其中助动词be有人称、数和时态的变化。 ㈡被动语态的基本用法



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be+过去分词构成,时态通过动词be表现出来。 ⒉什么时候使用被动语态


①Some windows were broken last night. ②This book was published (出版) in 2005.

注意:第②句=This book came out in 2005. come out 是不及物动词短语,不能用于被动语态。


①Educational CD-ROMs are sold in many countries. ②Rice was first grown in China.

③English is learned all over the world.

注意:不及物动词或不及物动词短语无被动语态,如:appear, happen, take place等。 ㈢被动语态的基本结构

⒈动作的承受者+be+过去分词+其他+by+动作的执行者。 简写为“承受者+be+过去分词+其他+by+动作的执行者”。 ⒉主动语态变为被动语态的步骤:

确定主动语态的时态,它决定着被动语态中的助动词be。→ 找出主动语态的主、谓、宾。

→ 按照上述句式改写:承受者 +be+过去分词+其他+by+执行者 ⒊常用的被动语态结构 时态

结构 时态 结构 27

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一般现在时 am/is/are+p.p. 含情can/may/must/? be态动+p.p. 词 一般过去时 was/were+p.p. 现在have/has been + p.p.

完成时 一般将来时 will/shall be+现在am/is/are being + p.p. 进行p.p. am/is/are going 时 to be+p.p. ⒋主动改为被动语态的例子:主动语态基本结构为主、谓、宾。 ⑴His brother washes dishes every day. → Dishes are washed every day by his brother. 主(执行者) 谓 宾(承受者) 其他

⑵Peter will clean the room tomorrow. →The room will be cleaned tomorrow by Peter.

⑶He must look after the little boy. →The little boy must be looked after by him.

⑷The students are watching a charity show. →A charity show is being watched by the students. ㈣特殊情况的被动语态



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⒈主谓+双宾:这类短语含有介词to或for。如:give, send, show, buy, make?

⑴give sb sth=give sth to sb,buy sb sth=buy sth for sb 主动语态:Amy gave me some nice stickers.=Amy gave some nice stickers to me.

被动语态:I was given some nice stickers by Amy.或Some nice stickers were given to me by Amy.

⑵主动:A fairy gave the princess a magic wand.=A fairy gave a magic wand to Princess Laura.

被动:The princess was given a magic wand by a fairy.或A magic wand was given to the princess.

总结含有双宾语的动词短语变为被动语态的规则:可以把任何一个宾语作为被动语态的主语;如果把直接宾语(即物体)作为主语,动词和直接宾语之间要添加相应的介词to或for。主动语态中无论使用give sb sth 还是give sth to sb,一律按照上述句子改写,即: give sb sth 或give sth to sb → sb be given sth或sth be given to sb,这类含有介词to或for的短语见下表 主动语态 被动语态 send sb sth或send sth sb be sent sth或sth be sent to sb to sb show sb sth或show sth sb be shown sth或sth be shown to to sb

sb 29

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buy sb sth或buy sth sb be bought sth或sth be bought for for sb sb make sb sth或make sth sb be made sth或sth be made for sb for sb ⒉主谓宾+省略to的不定式(即宾补):使役动词变为被动语态时,原来省略的to一定要加上。

常见短语⑴make sb do sth→sb be made to do sth (主动语态不含to,被动语态必须带to。下同)

⑵hear sb do sth→sb be heard to do sth ⑶see sb do sth→sb be seen to do sth ⑷have sb do sth→sb be had to do sth

注意特殊例子:let sb do sth →sb be let do sth (主动语态和被动语态都不含to。)

e.g. He made the workers work 12 hours a day. → The workers were made to work 12 hours a day.


⒈某些连系动词。这些动词有feel, taste, smell, sound, prove等。

①The coffee smells delicious. ②The story proved quite false. ⒉某些可与well, easily, quickly等副词连用的不及物动词。 ①This kind of bikes sells well. ②This kind of rice cooks more


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quickly than that kind.

⒊某些可用于“主+谓+主补”结构中的不及物动词。e.g. The bag broke open.

⒋动名词在be worth doing句型中的主动形式表示被动含义。 ①His novels are so well worth reading that I want one. ②These stamps are worth collecting.

⒌动名词在need, want, require等动词后,主动形式表示被动含义。need doing=need to be done

①The problem requires dealing with immediately. ②Her bike needed repairing.

⒍动词不定式的主动形式在too?to?句型中表示被动含义。The box is too heavy to carry.

⒎有些形容词后的动词不定式有被动含义。这些形容词有easy, difficult, heavy, nice, good, pleasant, important, useful, dangerous等。

①Bad habits are easy to contract. ②English is difficult to learn. Unit4

一.【精选词汇】 ㈠重点短语

1. hold a microphone拿着麦克风→比较:The host came on stage


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with a microphone in his hand.

2. Congratulations!祝贺你!congratulations在向别人表示祝贺、祝福时常用复数。(p60)

3. be chosen to be/as the host of a charity show →be chosen to be/as?被选作?

〈知识链接〉be chosen to do sth被选做某事,e.g. Hepburn was chosen to play the lead role.

4. fund-raising activities for charities为慈善机构筹款的活动,advertise on the Internet在网上做广告→advertise on TV/in the newspaper/in the magazine在电视上/报纸上/杂志上做广告,organize a charity show 组织慈善演出,sell books to raise money卖书来筹款 (p61)

5. give out leaflets发传单→give?out分发,动词+副词结构,give it/them out。

6. return to school重返学校→return ⑴回到return to+地点 ⑵return sth to sb把某物归还某人

〈知识链接〉⑴return to?=go back to?回到?⑵return sth to sb=give sth back to sb归还?

①Hong Kong returned to China in1997. ②I remembered returning the book to the library.

7. help protect rivers and lakes in China帮助保护中国的河流和湖泊→help (to) do sth帮助做?


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8. host a charity show主持慈善演出,start working on the show开始着手演出工作 (p62)

9. have a lot of support from local businesses得到当地企业的许多支持

〈知识链接〉have support from sb=have sb’s support得到某人的支持,e.g. have my parents’ support.

business n.⑴企业;商行 ⑵事情①Mind your own business.=It’s none of your business.不关你的事。②on business因公;公干He has gone to Beijing on business.③business hours营业时间

〈用法拓展〉⑴be busy with sth忙于某事 ⑵be busy (in) doing sth忙于做某事(联想记忆:因为忙的时候人在做事,所以be busy之后用动词的ing形式) ⑶as busy as a bee极忙碌地 10. perform on the stage在舞台上表演→perform v. →performer n.表演者→performance n.表演

11. on the side door在侧门上,at both sides of the stage在舞台的两侧,in the middle of the stage在舞台的中间,in the four corners of the school hall在学校礼堂的四个角落里 (p67) 12. design the poster设计海报,set up the stage搭建舞台,ask friends and families to come (p70)

13. make a sentence造句→make a sentence with?用?造句,keep silent保持沉默,from now on从今以后(用于将来时),since then


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自那时起(用于完成时),day and night日日夜夜,first of all首先;最重要的是,care more about?多关注?→care more about the people in need,care only about?只关心?,care about?在乎?, 关心? (p72)

14. make/do a speech演讲→freedom of speech言论的自由 (p73) ㈡词汇解析

1. 中国的慈善机构:Project Hope希望工程,Spring Bud Project春蕾计划,Project Green Hope绿色希望工程,Save China’s Tigers拯救中国虎

2. TV cameras摄像机,TV station电视台→Chinese Central Television Station=CCTV

3. rise ⑴vi. 上升,(太阳、月亮)升起→反义词set,e.g. ①The sun rises in the east and sets in the west.太阳东升西落。②The curtain rose. ⑵(水)涨高 e.g. The river rose after the rain. ⑶(物价)上涨 e.g. Prices have risen surprisingly.物价上涨得很惊人。

〈用法拓展〉⑴rise→rose→risen vi.上升;升起 ⑵raise→raised→raised vt.举起;升起,筹集 二.【重点句型】

1. Only if you sleep less during the day.只要你白天少睡一些觉 (p60)

〈知识链接〉only if?只要?就?;只有?才?


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2. There are many ways to raise money for charity.为慈善筹款有许多方式。

3. A lot of work needed to be finished, so I don’t have much free time. (p62)

〈知识链接〉主语是事物时,need to be done=need doing主动形式表示被动。

Your clothes are so dirty. They need washing./They need to be washed. (SeeUnit 3语法详解)

4. It was my job to introduce each star.我的工作是介绍每一个明星。

〈知识链接〉当主语是job, duty, goal, purpose, aim, dream, wish等时,动词be之后用动词不定式作表语。e.g. ①Her duty is to clean the street. ②His dream is to be an explorer.

5. I couldn’t sleep at all that night because I was so excited. ‘Will it be a success?’ I kept asking myself. 〈知识链接〉⑴not?at all根本不?;一点也不?⑵kept doing sth反复做某事

⑶be a success成功=be successful,be a big/great success非常成功

6. No time to be nervous any more. This is it! 没有时间再紧张了。就这样吧!

〈知识链接〉(There be) no time to do sth.没有时间做某事。e.g.


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There’s no time to have breakfast.

7. The fans of the pop stars were making a lot of noise, so I had to speak loudly.

〈知识链接〉⑴make a lot of noise大声吵闹→ make a noise吵闹;发出响声

⑵speak loudly大声说话→ read aloud朗读(动词+副词结构),read it/them aloud

8. Everything seemed to happen so fast, and now it is all over. 〈知识链接〉seem adj. 好像;似乎⑴seem (to be)+形容词=look+形容词 seem (to be) happy

⑵Sb seems/seemed to do sth.=It seems/seemed that sb do sth好像/似乎某人做某事,Everything seemed to happen so fast.=It seemed that everything happened so fast. ⑶It seems to me that sb do sth.

9. A lot of money has been donated to Project Green Hope. →have/has been+过去分词

〈知识链接〉donate sth to sb向?捐赠某物→sth be donated to sb某物被捐赠给? e.g.

People have donated tens of millions of yuan to Project Hope since it was founded in 1989.

10. I hope more events like this will be organized to raise money for charity and I think more people should be invited


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to take part in them. →more events like this更多像这样的活动

〈知识链接〉⑴invite sb to..→sb be invited to?应邀到某地,invite sb to do sth→sb be invited to do sth应邀做某事,e.g. Last night they were invited to Amy’s birthday party. ⑵take part in=join in参加→attend出席,e.g. Many important persons attended the conference.

11. I was glad to receive your e-mail. It was great fun to be a host, wasn’t it? (p69)

12. Some children in poor areas do not have money to go to school, so Project Hope pay for their education.

〈知识链接〉pay for sth付?的款,pay some money for sth买某物付?钱

13. Our class held a meeting to talk about holding a charity show. →hold/have a meeting开会

〈知识链接〉talk about sb/sth讨论、谈论某人或某事,talk about doing sth讨论、谈论做某事

14. We have arranged work among the students.我们已在同学中分配了工作。(p71)

〈知识链接〉⑴arrange vt.安排;筹备→ rearrange vt.重新安排;重新排列,arrange →arrangement,rearrange →rearrangement。e.g. They arranged a farewell party for the exchange students.


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⑵among在?中(两者以上) →between在?中(两者) e.g. ①There is a wooden house among the trees. ②English is widely used for business between countries.

15. I hope that our show will be held at the school hall. I hope a lot of pop stars can be invited to the show. 〈知识链接〉⑴hope+that引导的一般将来时或含有情态动词can的从句。⑵hope to do sth希望做某事。英语里没有hope sb to do sth,必须改为hope+that从句。

〈用法拓展〉⑴want/wish to do sth想做某事,want/wish sb to do sth想让某人做某事。⑵wish+that从句①表示祝福、祝愿 ②表示不可能实现或很难实现的愿望 e.g. ①I wish you will have success at school.② I wish you a happy new year. ③I wish I were a bird and could fly in the sky freely.

16. Project Hope is an organization that raises money to build schools and buy books for poor students. (p72) 〈知识链接〉画线部分是关系代词that/which引导的定语从句,该句不能省略关系代词。

17. We would like to thank the following for their help and support.感谢以下(单位或个人)的帮助或支持。

18. We think it’s important that all children learn to read and write. 该句中的it=that从句。(p74)

19. Their parents have no money, so the children have to go


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to work instead.



e.g. Let him go instead. ⑵instead of+名词/人称代词宾格/动名词/介词短语,代替?, 而不是?。①He was ill. I did the work instead of him. ②He spent his free time chatting online instead of watching TV. ③The children should go to school instead of working to support their families. 孩子们应该上学,而不是干活养家。④She will go to Dalian by ship instead of by plane.

20. After a few songs, there was a break. (p75) 〈知识链接〉break n.暂停,休息(工作时的间歇) 常用于:have a break休息一下。

〈用法拓展〉⑴break down出故障 ⑵break into?强行闯入⑶break out(战争、地震、火灾等)发生→A fire broke out last night. ⑷break vi.破晓,e.g. Day broke. 天亮了。→ Night fell.天黑了. Unit5

一.【精选词汇】 ㈠重点短语


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1. have some pocket money left →Sb have sth left某人剩下某物。→There be sth/sb left.剩下? (p76)

〈知识链接〉⑴She has spent all her money on this book. Now she has none left.

⑵Hurry up. There is little time left.

2. a flying eye hospital飞行眼科医院,perform/do operations做手术,teach them new skills and share our knowledge教他们新技术、分享我们的知识,watch the operations on video观看手术录像,train local doctors and nurses培训当地的医护人员 (p78)

3. be used as a teaching centre被用作教学中心 → be used as?被用作?→ use?as?把?用作?

〈知识链接〉be used as?→ use?as?,e.g. English is used as the first language in the USA .

4. operate on 150 patients →operate on?=perform/do an operation on?给?做手术 (79)

〈知识链接〉operate→operation→operating room手术室→operating table手术台

〈用法拓展〉operate v.操作,e.g. ①Can you operate computers? ②This machine doesn’t operate well.

5. be proud to be able to help so many people → proud adj.骄傲的;自豪的→pride n.骄傲


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〈知识链接〉⑴be proud to do sth因做某事而骄傲/自豪,I’m proud to be a member of the team.

⑵be/feel proud of?以?为骄傲/自豪,e.g. He is proud of his achievements. ⑶be/feel proud+ that从句,以?为荣,e.g. She’s proud that her son has so much talent. ⑷be the pride of?是?的骄傲,e.g. His great success is the pride of us. ⑸be able to+动词原形,常用于一般现在时、一般过去时,也与情态动词must, may或助动词will等连用,e.g. You must be able to speak French for this job.

〈比较〉can/could+动词原形,只用于一般现在时、一般过去时。 〈用法拓展〉able有才能的→ability能力→disabled残疾的, able→unable不能的→be unable to不能

6. make the world a better place for children让世界成为孩子们的更好地方,receive/get education接受教育,work far away from home,work for ORBIS,work as a doctor当医生→work as?当?;从事?

7. make a donation to?→make donations to?=donate money to?向?捐款,do voluntary work做义工,raise money by selling Christmas cards and organizing other fund-raising activities (p86)

8. make flow charts制作流程图,have a job like Mary’s有一份像玛丽那样的工作,finish school毕业(不用定冠词the),train


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as a nurse接受护士培训→train as?接受?培训 (p89) 9. do a lot of research on it →research n.研究,e.g. scientific research科学研究 (p91) ㈡词汇解析

1. 国际慈善机构(international charities):ORBIS奥比斯,Oxfam乐施会→Hong Kong Oxfam香港乐施会,Oxfam Trailwalker乐施会毅行者活动,UNICEF联合国儿童基金会,World Vision世界宣明会,World Wide Fund for Nature=WWF世界自然基金会

2. indeed adv.的确,实在地,确实,用以加强肯定的语气。e.g. ⑴—Do you agree? —Yes, indeed! ⑵A friend in need is a friend indeed.患难见友情;患难朋友才是真正的朋友。

3. 部分动词、形容词加后缀可以变为名词,常见的有以下三种情况: ⑴部分动词+后缀advertise→advertisement

ment→名词:agree→agreement, =



punish→punishment, improve→improvement ⑵部分动词+后缀


collect→collection, donate→donation, educate →education, celebrate→celebration,


invite→invitation, connect→connection

⑶形容词+后缀ness→名词:ill→illness, sick→sickness, rich→richness,




careless→carelessness, fit→fitness, great→greatness,


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careless→carelessness (粗心) 二.【重点句型】

1. I’m not used to going out before lunch. Don’t worry. Hobo, you used to be very kind to me. Let me have lunch first. I’m so weak that I can’t walk further. →further是far的比较级。 (p76)

2. Blindness affects about 45 million people around the world, mostly in poor countries, and about 80 per cent of these cases can be cured or prevented. →80% of the cases of blindness 80%的失明病例 (p78)

〈知识链接〉⑴affect=influence vt.影响→effect n.影响,常用短语have a bad/good effect on sb,e.g. ①Smoking affects your health. ②Fights in action films have a bad effect on teenagers.

⑵mostly adv.主要地;大部分地;一般地,e.g. We’re mostly out on Sundays.我们星期天一般不在家。

⑶per cent百分数,如:80%读作eighty per cent。当百分数作主语时,谓语动词的形式由百分数后面的名词而定,与“就近原则”相似。e.g. ①71% of the earth is covered with water. ②Twenty per cent of the students are from the countryside. 3. However, many people do not have the money for medical treatment. 没钱医治


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〈知识链接〉⑴medicine n.医学;内服药,e.g. Chinese medicine中药,traditional Chinese medicine中医,take/ have the medicine服药,study medicine学医 ⑵medicine→medical adj.医学的;医疗的,e.g. medical history病史,medical records病历,medical examination体检,medical examiner法医,medical treatment医治 ⑶treat ①vt.治疗→treatment n.治疗,under the treatment在治疗中 ②vt.对待 treat sb as?=regard sb as?把?看作?;把?视为?,①Don’t treat him as a child. ②People regard Jet Lee as a talented actor.

4. Many of our patients are so poor that they can’t afford to travel to hospital, so we have to go to them. 我们的许多病人很穷,连去医院的钱都没有,所以我们得去他们那里。 〈知识链接〉⑴afford sth买得起?;有时间做?,通常与can, could, be able to连用,一般用于否定句、疑问句中。e.g. Can we afford a new car? ⑵afford to do sth有足够的钱做某事,e.g. ①We can’t afford to buy a new house. ②Can they afford to go abroad this summer?

5. By training local doctors and nurses, we hope to help even more people. →by介词,通过。

6. You’ve done such an important job that people must be really grateful to you. (p79)

〈知识链接〉be grateful to sb for sth因某事而感激某人


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→grateful=thankful,注意不要把grateful写成greatful。e.g. I’m grateful to you for your help and support. 7. However, the most important thing for us is that we can help people see again. that引导的表语从句。

8. Thank you very much for your time, Dr Ma. Is there anything else you’d like to say to our readers?


9. Modern medicine is developing so quickly that we can treat and cure most eye problems and improve the lives of patients.现代医学发展如此之快,以至于我们能治疗并治愈绝大多数眼疾,从而改善病人的生活。 注意so?that?结构中so后面形容词或副词的使用规则。

〈知识链接〉⑴life→lives生活;生命,lose one’s life/lives丧生,save one’s life/lives挽救某人的生命,物主代词或名词所有格的单复数决定了life/lives。e.g. lose his life, save their lives

⑵improve改进;改善;提高,e.g. You need more practice to improve your English.

10. All we need is enough money to carry on with our work.我们所需要的足够的钱,以继续我们的工作。→All we need是All that we need的省略。


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〈知识链接〉carry on with sth=carry on doing sth=continue to do sth=continue doing sth继续做某事,e.g. They carried on working, though they were very tired.

11. We hope people will support our work by sending donations to ORBIS.

=We hope people will send donations to ORBIS to support our work.

12. Dr Ma said that 80% of the cases of blindness can be either prevented or cured. (p81)

〈知识链接〉either ⑴(两者中的)任何一个,e.g. You can park on either side of the street.

⑵either?or?(对两事物的选择)要么?要么?;不是?不是?;或者?或者?,作主语时谓语动词的形式遵循“就近原则”。e.g. ①I think she’s either English or American. ②I’ll buy either a camera or a MP3 player with the money. ③This afternoon he will either stay at home or go to the cinema. ④Either he could not come or he did not want to.他要么是不能来要么是不想来。⑤Either he or you are going to be invited to attend the presentation this coming Friday.

⑶either (用于否定句句尾)也,①Peter can’t and I can’t either. ②—Sandy won’t go there. —I won’t go there, either.=Neither/Nor will I.=Me either.


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13. After learning from the ORBIS doctors, the local doctors can then help people in their areas.

向奥比斯的医生学习之后,当地的医生们就可以帮助所在地区的人了。 (p81)

〈知识链接〉after作介词时,后接名词、代词或动词-ing形式。当after引导的时间从句的主语与主句的主语一致时,可以省略从句的主语,并将谓语动词变为动词-ing形式:After doing?。before/when/while/as等时间状语从句的连词也如此。e.g. After he worked for ten hours, he felt quite tired.=After working for ten hours, he felt quite tired.

14. At that time, many children’s lives were changed because of the war. (p86)

15. Pollution is such a serious problem in many parts of the world that more action ought to be taken to prevent it. → ought to+动词原形=should+动词原形 (p87)

三.【语法详解】used to, be used to, so?that, such?that ㈠used to, be used to的用法

⒈used to+动词原形,过去常做某事;否定式为used not to do sth或did not use to do sth;疑问式为Did?use to do sth?或Used? to do sth? There be与used to的用法为:肯定式There used to


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be?.;否定式There used not to be?或There did not use to be?;疑问式Used there to be?? e.g.

⑴She used to live on her own.→否定式:①She used not to live on her own. ②She didn’t use to live on her own. →疑问式:①Did she use to live on her own? ②Used she to live on her own?

⑵There used to be a clock tower. →否定式:①There didn’t use to be a clock tower. ②There used not be a clock tower. →疑问式:①Did there use to be a clock tower? ②Used there to be a clock tower?

⒉be used to sth习惯某事,be used to doing sth习惯做某事,也可以表达为get/become used to sth, get/become used to doing sth。e.g. ①Daniel is/gets/becomes used to the life in the city. ②She is/gets/become used to getting up early. ㈡so?that, such?that的用法 ⒈so, such的用法:


⑵such修饰含有名词单数、名词复数和不可数名词的名词短语,即:①such a/an+形容词+名词单数 ②such+形容词+名词复数 ③such+形容词+不可数名词。



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不同,即:such a/an+形容词+名词单数=so+形容词+a/an+名词单数。当名词前有many, much, few, little这四个词修饰,只能用so,即so many/few+名词复数,so much/little+不可数名词;简言之,so修饰“两多”、“两少”。例如:

①such a man ②such an exciting film=so exciting a film ③such exciting films不能说成so exciting films ④such fine weather不能说成so fine weather ⑤so many/few books不能说成such many/few books ⑥so much/little pollution不能说成such much/little pollution。

⒉so?that?, such?that?如此?以至于?,引导结果状语从句,两者在意思上可以互换。such修饰名词或名词短语;so修饰形容词或副词原级。当so前面的动词是连系动词时,so后面用形容词原级;当so前面是行为动词时,so后面用副词原级;即:连系动词+so+形容词原级,行为动词+so+副词原级。so或such的使用是中考的一个重要考点。

⑴The problem is so difficult that we can’t work it out.=It is such a difficult problem that we can’t work it out. 注意:so?that?转换为such?that?,必须保持意思不变。 ⑵Many patients are so poor that they can’t afford to go to hospital.

⑶Modern medicine is developing so quickly that we can treat and cure most eye problems.


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⑷Dr Ma has done such an important job that people must be really grateful to him. ⒊so?that





can’t/couldn’t?引导的结果状语从句的否定式,可与too?for sb to do(注意动词原形之后不能再接宾语)或not+形容词或副词原级+enough to do sth互换。

⑴The book cost so much that she couldn’t buy it.=The book cost too much for her to buy.

⑵He ran so quickly that nobody could catch up with him.=He ran too quickly for anybody to catch up with. 注意简单句too?for sb to do中的动词不定式之后不能再接宾语。 ⑶The child was so young that he couldn’t go to school.=The child was too young to go to school. =The child was not old enough to go to school. Unit6

1. 再来一些 some more

2. 最大的筹款活动 one of the biggest fund-raising events

3. 亚洲的其他地区 many other parts of Asia 4. 一次艰难的远足 a tough hike 5. 在48小时之内 within 48 hours


