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LEVEL 2 Alice in Wonderland – Lewis Carroll

Chapter 1 – Down the Rabbit Hole Preview Questions

1. I think Wonderland is in a place very far away from where I live. 2. Yes, I think Alice will go down the rabbit hole. No, I don’t think Alice will go into the rabbit hole.

3. I think Alice will meet a lot of interesting people in the rabbit hole.

Review Questions

1. Alice fell down because she was chasing after the White Rabbit. 2. When Alice drank from the bottle she began to grow smaller.

3. Alice ate the cake because she thought it might make her grow bigger again.

Chapter 2 – The Pool of Tears

Preview Questions

1. I think the cake will make Alice grow bigger again.

2. I think Alice will go inside one of the rooms with the locked door.

3. I think there are some strange animals and people on the other side of the door.

Review Questions

1. The White Rabbit was worried about being late for the Duchess. 2. Alice’s tears made the large pool of salt water.

3. Alice frightened the Mouse by talking about cats and dogs.

Chapter 3 – A Race and a Long Story

Preview Questions

1. I think the Mouse will tell Alice a strange story about where they are and who lives there.


2. I think the race will be strange because it will involve a lot of weird animals and people. 3. I think the animals will want Alice to give them some help to get out of where they are.

Review Questions

1. The animals had a race to dry off their wet clothes. 2. Alice gave the animals a piece of candy each.

3. All the animals suddenly left Alice alone because she started to talk about her cat again.

Chapter 4 – The Rabbit Sends Alice on an Errand

Preview Questions

1. Yes, I think the footsteps belong to the Mouse. No, I don’t think the footsteps belong to the Mouse.

2. I think Alice will try to find someone who can help her get out of the rabbit hole. 3. An errand is something someone has to do, such as go to the supermarket or post office.

Review Questions

1. The White Rabbit thought Alice was Mary Ann, a servant.

2. Alice wasn’t comfortable in the room because she was too big and couldn’t move. 3. Alice thinks eating the mushroom will make her get bigger.

Chapter 5 – The Caterpillar Gives Alice Some Advice

Preview Questions

1. I think the Caterpillar is sitting on a very large mushroom.

2. I think the Caterpillar will give Alice advice about getting out of the rabbit hole.

3. I think the Caterpillar is going to give Alice advice because he wants to help her get home.

Review Questions

1. The Caterpillar asked Alice to explain who she was.

2. Alice’s problem with the mushroom was that she didn’t know which side to eat from.


3. The first piece of mushroom that Alice ate made her smaller than she already was.

Chapter 6 – Pig and Pepper

Preview Questions

1. From the title, I think the chapter will be about a pig that likes to eat pepper. 2. I think Alice will become as small as she normally is.

3. I think Alice will now try to find her way out of the rabbit hole.

Review Questions

1. The cook called the baby a pig.

2. The Duchess threw the baby to Alice who barely caught it. 3. The Cheshire Cat was strange because it kept grinning.

Chapter 7 – The Tea Party

Preview Questions

1. I think the Queen, the Duchess, and a lot of strange animals will be at the tea party.

2. I think Alice will demand that the Queen help her get home, which everyone will think is rude. 3. I think the Hatter and the Hare will have their tea party in a house that is shaped like something else, such as a mushroom.

Review Questions

1. There was no answer to the riddle.

2. The Mouse told a story about three sisters name Elsie, Lucie, and Tillie, who lived at the bottom of a sugar well.

3. Alice called the Hatter, the Hare, and the Mouse mad.

Chapter 8 – The Queen’s Croquet Garden

Preview Questions


1. I think the gardeners are painting the roses because they want them to be a different color. 2. I think the gardeners will have numbers instead of names because they are so many of them. 3. I think Alice will come into the garden.

Review Questions

1. The Duchess was in prison because she was late and she was rude to the Queen. 2. The King and the Queen and all of their people are dressed as playing cards. 3. The Queen kept saying, “Off with his or her head!”

Chapter 9 – Who Stole the Tarts?

Preview Questions

1. I think the Cheshire Cat completely disappeared so that the soldier couldn’t cut its head off. 2. A tart is a type of pastry that usually has a filling inside of it, such as fruit or jam. 3. I think Alice stole the tart.

Review Questions

1. Many of the croquet hoops were missing because they were the soldiers’s bodies and the Queen kept telling the soldiers to take people away. 2. The Queen wanted Alice to hear the Turtle’s story. 3. The Knave of Hearts was accused of stealing the tarts.

Chapter 10 – The Trial

Preview Questions

1. I think Alice will be asked to tell the court what she knows about the trial.

2. I think Alice will try to tell the jury that she doesn’t know anything about what happened to the tarts.

3. I don’t think Alice knows anything about the tarts and who stole them.

Review Questions


1. The King wanted the jury to get back in their box so that the trial could continue. 2. The King told Alice to leave the court because she was over a kilometer high. 3. At the end of the story, Alice wakes up and realizes it was all a strange dream.


