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一、选择题(每小题2分,共20分) 主要测试学生对基本概念的理解和应用,参考练习册每章的第一部分练习。 如:
1. Which of the following describes a memo written to a president from a department supervisor?
A A. Upward, formal, internal
2. Which sentence contains five W?s? B
B. New employees should report at 8:30 a.m. on Monday, October for an orientation session.
3. Which of the following main ideas should be communicated in a business message in indirect order? D D. Your library books are overdue and a fine has been assessed.
4. Which of the following describes a cross-cultural communication situation? C C. A receptionist speaks slowly to a client who speaks with a heavy accent.
5. Instead of making judgements based on sterotypes, you should B B. learn to understand people as individuals
6. A key to receiving honest feedback is C C. the sender?s attitude
7.An agenda is B
B. the order of business to be discussed during a meeting
8. Which of the following should be used for a message that is to provide information for a group of people (some are inside the company and some are outside)? C C. A report
9. Which of the following statements promotes goodwill by using courteous words? D D. Perhaps you overlooked last month?s statement, as your account is past due.
10. The heading of a memo in traditional format consist of B . B. TO, FROM, DATE, and SUBJECT lines
11.Which of the following is an internal barrier tocommunication? A A. The shyness of person.
12. Which of the following statements best defines communication? C C. The sending and interpreting of messages.
13. The sender signs his or her initials or name to memo to indicate that he or she C C. has read the memo
14. Which of the following is a form of secondary research? A A. Reading an article in a magazine.
15. Which of the following sentences contains a redundant expression? A A. Currently we have an overstock of red and blueT-shirt, as of his week.
16. Which type of letter is considered a goodwill letter? A A. A letter of acknowledgement.
17. Which of the following would be part of an analytical report? D D. All of the above.
18. Which of the following would be the best beginning for an acknowledgement? D D. I received your order for 15 speaker sets.
19. Which of the following is based on date? A A. Findings.
20. Which of the following is an example of external communication? B B. A collection letter sent to a customer.
21. Cultural differences can be communication barriers because D .
D. technologies used by people of different cultures vary.
22. Which of the following letter parts is optional? A A. dateline
23. Which of the following would be the best beginning for an acknowledgement? B B. Here at ABE company, we sincerely appreciate your business.
24. Which of the following is a supplementary part of a formal report? C C. Talbe of contents
25. Effective teams B . B. strive to avoid conflict
二. 正误判断 (每小题2分,共20分)选自练习册中的正误判断练习。
Write a T in the space provided if the statement is true. Write an F in the space if the statement is false.
T 1.The population of the United States is becoming even more culturally mixed.
F 2.The business environment in the United Stated is so dominated by white Americans that a company is unlikely to be owned by a non-U.S. citizen.
F 3. A muutinational company simply sells products or purchases goods from another country.
T 4. Communicating with a coworker whose background differs from your own can be just as challenging as communicating with a colleague visiting from a foreign country. T 5. Cultural differences can be communication barriers.
F 6. The English language is the most widely used language in the world.
T 7. Even a simple gesture such as a wave or a smile can mean different things to people of difference cultures.
T 8. Most Americans are comfortable with a personal space of at least 18 inches.
T 9. Learning to speak at least a few polite words of another language is usually taken as a sign of respect by others who speak that language.
F 10. It is best to avoid drawing pictures for people whose first language is not English; they will more than likely be insulted.
F 11. Cultural diversity is the most common and most important type of diversity found in the American workplace.
F 12. Stereotypes help us understand other groups of people, even without getting to know individuals within the group.
T 13. An effective work team goes through a process of development that involves getting acquainted, establishing roles,and carrying out tasks.
T 14. Members of effective work teams have a strong group identity and foster improvement by reviewing both succeses and failures. T 15.All business messages should promote goodwill. F 16. The supporting information contains the main idea.
F 17. Generally, business communications that contain positive messages are organized in direct-indirect order.
T 18. In direct order, the main idea precedes its supporting information.
19. These words are unbiased:
F a. actress F b. businessman T c. flight attendant T d. supervisor
F 20. In business communication, you should write in formal sentences rather than in a flowing, conversational style.
T 21. In good business writing, the writer sometimes addresses the receiver by name. F 22. A paragraph must have at least three sentences to be complete. F 23. Using only short, simple sentences is best for business messages.
T 24. Transitions connect senteces and paragraphs by showing relationships between them. T 25. The most common errors found when proofreading are word/letter omissions or additions, transposed letters, and misspelling.
F 6. Once you run your word processor?s spell checker, your writing will be free of spelling errors.
三、简答题(每小题4分,共20分) 部分选自练习册中的简答题练习。 What is a receiver-oriented message? 如:
What are the purposes of communication? Give an example of each.
What does the sender need to do enhance his or her chances of successful communication? List the four steps that should be used when planning a letter. What are the benefits of diversity in the workplace?
What are the four parts of a traditional memo heading?
List four techniques that can be used to state negative news tactfully. Why should every business message include an expression of goodwill? What is cultural diversity?
Why is body language important when communicating across cultures? How do some goodwill letters vary from other goodwill letters? What can result if a message is not properly planned or organized? What is a soft sale?
What are the four parts of a traditional memo heading?
How does the traditional memo format differ from the simplified memo format? What care should you take when writing and sending e-mails? Identify and describe some common abuses of memos.
What does the sender need to do to enhance his or her chances of successful communication? Why is the American workplace likely to become increasingly multicultural? How can learning about another culture aid cross-cultural communication? Why is it important for all business communications to promote goodwill? What are four types of biases to avoid in business communications?
四、阅读理解(每小题2分,共20分) 两篇商务型文章, 选自课外 Passage One
Globalization is the process which helps the development of global markets. If we want… 1. What should we do to help form a global strategy? We should C . C. consider the influences that globalization has on industries and companies. 2. ?The world is shrinking? means the world B . B. is getting smaller
3. Which of the following statements is CORRECT based on this passage? C C. A global company can always have more opportunities than a non-global company. 4. It is necessary to think globally in C . C. both A and B
5. According to the passage, how can you beat your competitors? B B. By operating your company with a global strategy.
Passage Two
You may have heard that doing business on the Internet is in some way ?insecure?. Don?t let that….
1. What is the article mainly talking about? B B. The main worries on online business.
2. According to the passage, perhaps the online business people will worry about C . C. both A and B
3. According to the passage, which of the following statements is NOT true? B B. If you are trusted by your customers online, there will be no more credit card fraud. 4. What does a friewall work for? C C. It prevents your rivals from getting access to your internal network.
5. What does the phrase “with abandon” (in the last paragraph) means in this context? A A. With assurance.
Passage Three
The people that an organization employs are probably its greatest resource. That is why the management of …
1. What is the article mainly talking about? A A. Management of personnel.
2. Surveys should be carried out in accordance with A . A. the organization?s general policy and strategy
3. How many kinds of actions should be taken to meet staff?s job satisfaction? B B. Four.
4. According to the passage, which of the following statements is NOT true? B B. Personnel training at the start of the job is more important than that in the later period. 5. People C stay in the same jobs throughout their career. C. shouldn?t
Passage Four
From time to time, whatever our occupations are, we need to persuade others to see things …
1. According to the passage, how can we favorably influence others? B B. By persuading them in favor of us.
2. According to the article, which of the following statements is true? C C. Many people have bad feeling to the word, selling.
3. According to the passage, when do customers decide to buy a produce? A
A. When they realize the product is a necessity to them.
4. If a salesperson shows you some authoritative statistics which indicate that his product is more popular than others, he is using the B skill mentioned in the last paragraph. B. third
5. The author?s attitude to selling is A A. positive
Communication skills are especially important when you communicate with people of diverse backgrounds. In addition to just writing or speaking effectively, you need to add elements of sensitivity, understanding and tolerance in your communication. 复习范围:练习册中每单元的翻译练习(共30题)。
1. Your ability to establish and build relationships affects every aspect of your life. Whether in your social, academic, or professional life, this ability determines the depth of your relationships with your friends, loved ones, family, classmates, and coworkers.
2. Written message may be composed, edited, and transmitted on computers. These written electronic messages are forms of electronic mail or e-mail.
3.Understanding your responsibilities as a participant in communication, understanding the forms of communication, and being aware of barriers to effective communication will aid you in becoming a better communicator.
4.As humans, we have two means by which to send message and two means by which we receive them. To send messages, we speak and write; these messages are accompanied by nonverbal symbols. To receive message, we read or listen.
5.Feedback is the response of a receiver of a receiver to a message. Feedback may be nonverbal (a smile, a frown, a pause, etc.) or it may be verbal (a telephone call or a letter). Any response--even no response--is feedback.
6.Company executives as well as all levels of employees must be committed to what is called a culture of inclusiveness—an environment in which people?s differences are not just accepted, but welcomed.
7.Communication skills are especially important when you communicate with people of diverse backgrounds. In addition to just writing or speaking effectively, you need to add elements of sensitivity, understanding and tolerance in your communication.
8.Successful teams are made up of individuals who have different backgrounds. In an
organization, effective work teams have to be based on function, purpose, or individual expertise rather than on personality.
9.A virtual team is one whose members don?t share a physical work space but work together on specific or long-term projects using communication technology.
10.In spite of a smile?s different meanings, it is still the best sign of general goodwill. Don?t forget to use it, especially when being introduced to people.
11.Conteous words are positive, considerate, and bias-free. Courteous business communicaitons address receivers by their proper titles, caputre the receivers? attention, and encourage a positive response.
12.A simple way to avoid biases of race and age is to avoid mentioning race or age unless it is essential to your message. Avoid disability bias by avoiding reference to a diasbling condition. If you must mention the condition, use unbiased words.
13.Good business communications use concise words. Concise means brief, to the point, or short. Concise words, nontheless, are comprehensive; they carry the writer?s full meaning.
14.To cut down on wordiness, use the active voice rather than the passive voice. Using the active voice helps you be direct and keeps your sentences from being too wordy.
15.Complete business message often include five Ws: who, what, where, when, and why. Many business messages require several paragraphs to cover the five Ws. Adjust the message for your receiver. In some cases, the receiver may not need all five pieces of information.
16.The two most common internal documents those written for use within an organization are memos and e-mail messages. The memo is a business document that has traditionally been the most common communication inside a company?s walls. However, with the advent of Internet technology, electonically sent e-mail messages are quickly replacing the memo as the communication of choice.
17. There are several advantages to sending e-mail memos: Messages can be sent to several people simultaneously. E-mail can be sent readily to anyone listed in your address book. Messages are sent in real time-information is exchanged instantaneously. 用电子邮件发送备忘录的几个优点: 信息可同时发给几个人;
电子邮件易于发送到你的地址薄上所列的任何人; 信息是实时发送的一即信息可同时交换。
18. Memos are messages that supervisors and peers will use to judge your on-the-job
performance; therefore, use them with care. Also, choose carefully the people to whom you send these internal
19. Even though memos and e-mails are the most frequently used form of written business communication, people sometimes abuse them. Abuse occures when these messages are (1) written too frequently, (2) written to gain attention, (3)written by a committee, and (4) rewritten for each level of management.
20.Meetings are an important method of exchanging information in any business setting. There are board meetings, conference, training sessions, and staff meetings. A meeting may consist of a supervisor and one employee, a group of colleagues, or employees and their vendors or clients. 会议是商务环境中一种重要的交换信息的方式。会议的类型有董事会、业务会、培训会和全体职员会。一次会议的参加者可能会由一名主管、一名雇员、一组同事、或业务员以及他们的供货商或客户所组成。
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