重庆一中初2018级17-18学年度下期第一次定时作业(3月月考) - 图文

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一、单选。 21. Ben always has ____ breakfast at home, because his mother thinks it’s healthier. A. a B. an C. the D. /

22.My little brother is very ___ with me because I missed watching his soccer game yesterday.

A. honest B. angry C. popular D. afraid

23. It’s normal that some teenagers have trouble ____ with the relationship with their parents.

A. deal B. to deal C. dealing D. dealt

24. After some failures, Ralph was waiting for a ___ to rise up again. A. choice B. chance C. change D. challenge 25. Amy, can you help me with my French homework? ---Sure, I do know ___ words of French.

A. a few B. few C. a little D. little

26. Cindy found a lot of money on her way home. And she returned all of it to the owner.

---It’s very kind ___ her to do so.

A. of B. for C. with D. to

27.Today is Jessica’s _____ birthday. What gifts do you have for her? ---I am thinking about giving her a toy bear, since she is still a child. A. three B. thirteen C. thirteenth D. thirtieth 28. I ____ badly when the love of my life left me forever. A. hurt B. am hurt C . hurts D. was hurt 29. Do you know Steven Hawking just died a few days ago?

---_____ terrible news it was! That’s a big loss to all humans on the earth. A. What B. What a C. How D. How a

30. Justin’s father was so tired. He fell asleep as soon as he ___ down on the sofa. A. lied B. lay C. lain D. laid 31. What do you think of the high speed train in China? ---It’s so fast. No other country could do ____ in the world. A. well B. good C. better D. best

32. I was just going to leave the building ____ I heard someone cry “help!”loudly in the hallways.

A. while B. when C. before D. after

33. The girl together with her friends ___ the museum twice and they’re considering going there again.

A. has been to B. have been to C. have gone to D. has gone to 34. The light in her office is still on. I wonder _____. ---Maybe at might.

A. that she will stop working B. if will she stop working C. when will she stop working D. when she will stop working 35. Are we expected to hand in the report today?

---____. You still have three days left.

A. Yes, you must B. No, you mustn’t C. Yes, you need D. No, you needn’t 二、完型填空。

It was just before 10 a.m. on May 19,2014---a beautiful morning in the Himalayas.

John All, a ___36___ scientist, came to Nepal to collect snow for his study of pollution. His two climbing partners had returned to base came (大本营), because one of them got caught in a sudden illness. They were expected to be back in a day or two. Climbing alone in the Himalayas is quite dangerous, __37__ John couldn’t wait to do the research himself.

The temperature was __38___ 25℃ and 30℃ that day. So John __39__ a thin jacket and walked out. He tried to find a perfect place to collect fresh snow. __40___, he stepped into a big hole. He directly reached out with his right hand, but failed to catch anything. After five minutes’ dropping, John’s right leg was caught in a rock. Luckily, he __41__ falling down. Overhead, it was about seven floors up. He soon realized with __42__ what had happened: There’s no way he can climb out of this fall.

___43___ around, John felt quite worried. He tried to move his body, but he couldn’t. Instead, he felt great pain on his back. He touched his face and found that blood from his eye got frozen (冻住的)in the cold. It reminded him that if he stayed there, he would have been frozen because of the _44__ air. He made up his mind to save himself, but he had only six hours to make _45__ to the ground and to his tent, or he would die.

36. A. 44 years’old B. 44-years old C. 44 year old D. 44-year-old 37. A. because B. although C. so D. but

38. A. above B. below C. from D. between 39. A. put on B. wore C. dressed D. was dressed 40. A. Probably B. Suddenly C. Slowly D. Finally 41. A. started B. continued C. stopped D. kept

42. A. danger B. fear C. pleasure D. excitement 43. A. Looked B. To look C. Looking D. Look 44. A. fresh B. cold C. polluted D. clean 45. A. it B. him C. her D. them 三、阅读理解


Are you outgoing or shy? A risk taker or a traditionalist? What you choose to eat can tell you some surprising personal things about yourself.

According to a study, if you love spicy(辣的)food, you probably like to live an exciting life. Spicy food sets off(引发)a sense of pain, which would be a sign to stop people from eating them.Yet for some people, that’s the beauty. The researchers also find that most criminals(罪犯)love their food spicy.

Kessler from Harvard University points out that “People who love ice cream often have a sense of wonder.” She also finds that having a sweet tooth may mean you are a sweet person. That is to say people who like cake , candy, or other sweet foods are usually helpful and outgoing.

If you know the name of every vegetable and fruit in the supermarket, it shows that living a healthy lifestyle is very important to you. And there’s a higher possibility for you to live longer than meat lovers. Moreover, you are very good at getting along with others and afraid of working by yourself.

There is a saying going like this, “You are what you eat.” The food we choose to eat does say something.

46. If you like spicy food a lot, you probably____. A. like an exciting life B. living a healthy life

C. get on well with people D. have a sense of wonder

47. Having a sweet tooth means people may prefer to have ____. A. hamburgers B. hot pot C. chocolate D. vegetable soup 48. If you know vegetables and fruit very well, it shows that _____. A. you are afraid of getting along with others B. you think living a healthy life important C. you are good at working by yourself

D. you live shorter than people who love meat


Wu was on the way to visiting his elder brother in Qinghe County. He traveled for several days and arrived in Yanggu County. It was noon and he was hungry and thirsty. Before getting into an inn(客栈)he saw a sign. It said, “Three bowls and you can’t cross the mountain.”

Wu went inside and sat down. “Wine(酒),quickly.” he called. The owner of the inn offered him three bowls. Wu drank them all soon and asked for more. “I can’t give you any more wine,” said the owner, “Our wine is quite strong. Travelers who drink three bowls of it can easily get drunk and can’t cross that mountain there.” Wu didn’t care at all. He paid for more wine and took it away.

Though a bit drunk, Wu began to climb the mountain. Before long he saw a sigh put up by the government in a tree. It said, “Be Careful of Tigers! Don’t Walk Alone!” Wu planned to return to the inn but he feared that the owner would laugh at him so he decided to lie down against a big rock.

Just as he was about to fall asleep, he felt wind around him. A huge tiger jumped from behind the rock, ready to attack (袭击)him. He stood up at once holding a long stick. The tiger jumped closer, but Wu successfully got away from it. The tiger used its tail to sweep to him. Wu jumped high and didn’t get hurt. He lifted his stick to hit the tiger while it was turning around, but the stick hit a tree and broke into two. The tiger got so angry that it jumped to Wu. Again he got away from it. Then he managed to jump onto the back of the tiger, caught the skin of its head, and used his other fist(拳头)to hit the eyes, mouth, nose and ears of the tiger. Soon the tiger was bleeding all over and died on the ground.

----From Water Margin 49. Wu traveled for several days to ____.

A.fight the tiger B. visit his brother C. drink some wine D. look for a job 50. The owner of the inn refused to sell more wine to Wu because ____. A. the wine had been all sold out B. he didn’t want to make money

C. no one asked for more than three bowls D. he was afraid that Wu got drunk 51. Please put the following things in the order of time.

a. He used his fist to hit tiger. b. The tiger was bleeding and died c. He jumped onto the back of the tiger d. A tiger jumped from behind the rock. e. His stick hit a tree and broke into two. f. The tiger used its tail to sweep to him A. d-f-c-e-a-b B. c-d-a-f-e-b C. f-d-e-c-b-a D. d-f-e-c-a-b 52. According to this passage, we can know Wu is _____. A. proud and brave B. humorous and clever C. honest and wild D. strong and serious


For many of us, we all dreamed of being astronauts(宇航员)in our childhood. However, the fact is that only a few will realize their dream. But does that mean we’ll never get the chance to work in space?Of course not. Actually, some of the space jobs are not for astronauts, but they all sound just as cool.

One of the most interesting space jobs is “chief sniffer (嗅探员).George Aldrich is the chief sniffer in NASA. His job is to smell important materials (材料)before they are used in spaceships, which can help discover dangerous chemicals (化学物质)that could harm astronauts’ health. “When a spaceship is sent out into space, astronauts have no way of running away from them.” Aldrich said.

Another job, the “space tour guide”, may seem a little ahead of its time--after all, why have a tour guide when there aren’t any tourists? But now, many companies are starting to plan space trips. To be a space tour guide, you need to have rich knowledge of space, geography and history to help passengers enjoy the best of their journey. Tour guides also need to be excellent storytellers so that passengers can have a better understanding of space travel.

Astronauts often spend weeks or even months in a small capsule (太空舱)with the same group of people, which is why a “space psychologist” is also needed to help astronauts deal with problems, like feeling tired, bored and lonely. That is just as important as having a healthy body.

“Things we’ve seen in movies are becoming real job chances now,” said Rohit Talwar, CEO of fast Future Research, “So if you are interested in working in space, welcome to join us.”

53. Georage Aldrich’s job at NASA is to _____ A. make sure how large the spaceship is

B. find dangerous chemicals to keep the astronauts safe C. clean up dangerous chemicals in spaceships D. cheer astronauts up with excellent stories

54. From the article, which of the following is TRUE? A. A space tour guide needs to be an astronaut first.

B. Everyone will be able to afford space travels in the future.

C. Many companies have already taken passengers into space for traveling D. Tour guides need to be good at telling stories.

55. The underlined word “psychologist” in Para. 4 means “_____” in Chinese. A. 天文学家 B.心理学家 C.生物学家 D.语言学家

56. The best title of the article may be _____.

A. How to Travel in Space B. How to be an Astronaut C. Jobs in the Future D. Cool Jobs in Space


When parents praise(表扬) children, they are possible to say “well done” without any other word then. In this way, the praise will not be a useful encouragement for children. Instead, it may have a bad influence on them. Adele Faber, an American educator, divides praise into two different kinds. One is evaluative(评价性) praise. It means summarizing with just a few simple words. Words like “great, “wonderful” and “perfect” are usually used. The other is descriptive(描述性) praise. It means describing with details(细节) instead of just saying they are good or bad, right or wrong.

Adele thinks parents should use descriptive praise more. Compared with it, evaluative praise has some disadvantages.

Evaluative praise may bring children pressure. If you just praise them in an evaluative way, they might think they are not as good as you say and think about their disadvantages and lose hope. More possibly, evaluative praise may sound not so real that children don’t believe you really want to praise them.

Then how to correctly put descriptive praise into use? Adele offers some suggestions.

Rather than use simple words, it’s better to express with specific(具体的) feelings. Tell children what you see and how you feel. Once Adele’s daughter drew a picture and showed it to her. Adele said, “________”. Hearing this, the little girl smiled happily and drew some more “fish” among the lines. Specific description can make children feel your attention to them and get encouragement.

It’s also a great idea to describe how children influence others with their good behavior. If you do so, children will be encouraged to do more good things.

What’s more, try to praise children’s hard work instead of talent. Encouragement like “clever”, “talented” may cause children to think too highly of themselves and forget to work hard.

57. In Para.1, the example “well done” is a kind of ______. A. useful encouragement B. good influence C. evaluative praise D. descriptive praise

58. According to Adele, parents should use evaluative praise less because _____. A. it may bring children pressure

B. it may give children encouragement

C. it may make children believe you truly want to praise them D. it may make children work hard

59. Which of the following sentences can be put into the blank “ _______” in Para.5? A. What a nice picture! It’s very beautiful. B. You did a good job. Just keep doing that. C. How talented you are! You are a great artist.

D. These beautiful blue lines make me think of the sea.

60. If we put the passage into three parts, which of the following is the best?

(①=Para.1 ②=Para.2 ③=Para.3 ④=Para.4 ⑤=Para.5 ⑥=Para.6 ⑦=Para.7) A. ①; ②③; ④⑤⑥⑦ B. ①②; ③; ④⑤⑥⑦ C. ①; ②③④; ⑤⑥⑦ D. ①②③; ④⑤⑥; ⑦ 四、任务型阅读。

Spring Festival has more than 4000 years of history. Known as the most important event for Chinese people, many people who work far away from their hometowns still choose to go back home, no matter how difficult it is.

Before Spring Festival, every family has a house clean-up. Hanging new red spring couplets(春联)on their doors is an important way to celebrate the beginning of a happy new year. Also, new clothes must be bought, especially for children. Red packets, also called lucky money, are given to kids and the old to share good luck. At the get-together dinner the day before Spring Festival, people in the north usually eat jiaozi. Jiaozi looks like yuanbao, a kind of money that is used in ancient China. As for southern people, they are used to having niangao which sounds like “nianniangao”(年年高) in Chinese. Although the foods are different, the meaning behind them is quite similar.

While some people celebrate Spring Festival in an old traditional way, others think differently. Many changes have already taken place. About twenty years ago, most shops and restaurants closed their doors during this holiday. Now, housewives can shop online,buying whatever they want without going outside. As for children, they used to have nothing to do but watch their parents play mahjong all day. However, with people’s income(收入) increasing year by year, buying tickets to see a film has become a more popular way to spend time with family members now.

Most importantly, more and more young people are taking this seven-day holiday as a chance to go on trips. To be honest, it was more like a dream to travel anywhere in such a short time in the past. The fast development of transportation in China makes it possible now.

61. Is it easy for everyone to go home to celebrate Spring Festival? ________________________________________________________ 62. Who will get red packets on Spring Festival?

________________________________________________________ 63. What common things lie behind jiaozi and niangao?


64. To celebrate Spring Festival, which way will you prefer, going back to your hometown or going travelling outside ? Why?

__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 五、口语交际。 A.What’s wrong with you? B. I think it’s worth watching. C. Sounds interesting, but I can’t. D. What’s it about? E. How about two o’clock at the gate of UME? F. What’s up? G. I’d love to. A. Hello! This is Bruce. Is that Grace speaking? B: Hi, Bruce! This is Grace. ______65_________

A. Would you like to go to a movie with me this afternoon? B: ___66____. Which movie?

A: Have you heard of Amazing China? B: Not yet. ___67_____

A: It shows changes that have taken place in the past five years in China. B: That’s cool. Maybe it is more like a documentary. A: Yeah. _______68_________ B: When and where shall we meet? A:____69___ B: OK. See you. 六、完成句子。

70. He’s already read the book called Words to Remember.(改为否定句) He ____ read the book called Words to remember ____. 71. There are two glasses of orange juice in the fridge. ______ _______ orange juice is there in the fridge?

72. The Apple Store in Jiefagnbei opened about three years ago.(改为同义句) The Apple Store in Jiefangbei has ____ _____ for about three years. 73. 所有伟大的人物都有很多相似之处。 All great minds have a lot _____ ______. 74. 除非竭尽全力,你将一事无成。 You will be a failure ___ you ___ your best. 七、短文填空。

It’s second day of the primary school. My little boy got out of the gate, turned back and _75__ goodbye to me.

Actually I could send him to school again like the first day, but I didn’t. I watched him walk to school on his own. There will be some part of his life when I cannot always go along with him.

He walked along the street happily while my heart was filled with _76___. Tears ran down my face, reflecting the rising sun o the morning.

I want to tell the whole city, “This morning I gave you a little boy. He has no idea about the outside world, _77__ I do. I’m not sure if I made a right decision to give him to you.”

I gave him to the roads. I asked him to follow the traffic rules. I want to tell the people who drive in a hurry, “Could you please be more __78_?Don’t knock down my boy. I gave my loved one to you. Please let him safe home.”

I gave him to the school. I want to say to the school, “I believe you. I depend on you. What kind of education are you going to provide him _79__? This morning I gave you a happy, honest and clever boy. Many years _80__, what kind of teenager will you return to me?”

He begins to read books, listen to music, and watch movies. I want to ask all kinds of knowledge, “What can my boy learn from you? __81__ will he be like

because of you? I gave you my boy, and he is thirsty for knowledge. World, what will you give him?”

“World, this morning I gave you my cute little boy. What will you _82___ back to me then?”

75. ________ 76. ______ 77. ______ 78. _______ 79. _________ 80. ______ 81. _______ 82. _________ 八、书面表达。

请根据漫画内容,用英语写一篇文章,要点包括: 1.根据提示,简述画中故事。 2. 透过故事,分析深层寓意。 3.结合实际,谈谈你的感想。

要求:1. 80-120 词,开通已给出,不计入词数。 2. 文中不能出现自己的姓名和所在学校的名称。

Recently, I have just read a story named The Giving Tree. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

