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周次 时间 2.25—2.27 单元 教学内容 计划实际备注 课时 课时 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Lesson 1 3.1—3.5 3.8—3.12 3.15—3.19 3.22—3.26 3.29—4.2 4.5—4.9 4.12—4.16 4.19—4.23 4.26—4.30 5.3—5.7 5.10—5.14 5.17—5.21 5.24—5.28 5.30—6.4 6.7—6.11 Lesson 2 Lesson 3 Lesson 4 Lesson 5 Lesson 6 Lesson 7 Lesson 8 Lesson 9 Lesson10 Lesson 11 Lesson 12 At the greengrocer’s 2 I’m hungry What’s for breakfast? Help yourselves,please! Let’s go to McDonald’s What food do you like? In the restaurant 期中复习 期中考试 What do you need? The doctor’s advice 总结复习 Would you like to go outside With me? What’s your hobby? A sports meeting How often do you go hiking? Have a good time! 期末复习 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 14 15 16 17 18 19 6.14—6.18 Lesson 13 6.21—6.25 Lesson 14 6.28—7.2 20 7.5—7.9 期末考试

陕西旅游出版社小学英语第六册教案 Lesson 1 At the greengrocer’s

本课通过在水果蔬菜店水果蔬菜选购,学习表达自己的一些喜好及一些水果蔬菜的名称。学会说What do you want?询问别人的需要。会说 We want some vegetables.I would like cherries.等句型来表达自己的需要。掌握单词和短语greens , celery , cherries , nice and sweat。归纳字母a在重读开音节中的读音规则。 教学目的 :

1.会说会用这些句子: What do you want? We want some vegetables.

I would like cherries. 2.会说会用会写这些单词:

greens celery cherries nice and sweat 3.了解字母a在重读开音节中的读音规则。 课前准备:

1.教师准备一张水果蔬菜店的张贴画,画中尽量多地画出各种水果蔬菜 。 2:准备 greens celery cherries nice and sweat 的单词卡片。

3.准备一些蔬菜和水果的图片 如:洋葱,胡萝卜,西红柿,黄瓜,茄子,青菜,芹菜 ,苹


4. 准备一些实物。蔬菜:洋葱,胡罗卜,西红柿,黄瓜,茄子,青菜,芹菜 。水果:苹果,

香蕉,樱桃,草莓等。 5.录音机及录音带。 6. 学生准备纸和水彩笔。 教学过程:

1. 热身(Warming up)

老师利用一张水果蔬菜店的张贴画,师生进行对话引出本课话题。 T: Look at the picture.Is it beautiful?

2 SS: Yes.

T: What is it?老师边指着张贴画边慢慢地说: It’s a greengrocer’s. What’s in the greengrocer’s? Let’s ’t,

T: That are those? Do you know? 老师再指着学生们学过的另一种水果或蔬菜问,让学生个别回答。 S: … .

2. 新课展示(New Presentation)


1)老师展示蔬菜水果店的张贴画介绍生词:This is a greengrocer’s. It is beautiful,

isn’t it?

But what is a greengrocer’s?

A greengrocer’s is a kind of shop . We can buy kinds of fruits and vegetables

in it.

老师出示词卡,师生拼读拼写单词green-gro-cer’s greengrocer’s 师生一起分别用升调和降调反复朗读这个单词。

greengrocer’s 是一个合成词,由green和grocer “供应商,杂货商”两个单词构成。’s这种所有格形式通常用来表示 “某人的家,某人的店”等意思。 如:医生的诊所the doctor’

理发店 the barber’s 我叔叔的家 my uncle’s

要去买水果蔬菜,我们可以说:We are going to the greengrocer’s. 在买水果蔬菜,就说;We are at the greengrocer’s. 2) 老师自问自答:What can we buy there?

We can buy fruits there. We can buy bananas, apples, peaches, grapes. Watermelon and cherries. (出示各种水果,最后出示没学过的水果樱桃 ) 老师出示词卡,师生拼读拼写单词 cher-ry cherry 樱桃. 老师拿着樱桃或图片,让学生边看边学说话。

Look.These are cherries.Small,red and round. They are nice and sweat.I like them. 3) Nice and sweat.又甜又好吃。我们常用这个短语形容好吃的水果。 如:

The appls are nice and sweat.

3 老师启发学生想一想,自己平常吃的水果那些都可以用这个短语来说,学生可能会想出很多。比如:

The grapes are nice and sweat.

What about the peaches ? Wow! They are nice and sweat. The watermelon is nice and sweat.

4) Now I want to cook.I want some vegetables.我想做饭,想要一些蔬菜。

复习单词 vegetable 蔬菜,注意纠正个别学生的发音,不要把第二个音节中的 读成 。

5)What do you want? I want some greens.

出示图卡和词卡 ,学习单词green 。我们学过这个单词,问问学生是否记得是什么意思。 以前我们学的是名词绿色,或形容词绿色的。但在这里它是名词,青菜。 6)What are these? They are celeries.

老师指着张贴画上的芹菜自问自答 。

出示图卡和词卡 ,学习单词 ce-le-ry celery 芹菜。 这个单词按音节很好记。师生一起从小声到大声重复单词四遍。

7)I want some celeries, too. But celeries are expensive.

出示词卡 ,学习单词ex-pen-sive expensive 形容词,贵的。 这个单词按音节很好记,但要注意,这个单词的重音在第二个音节上。师生一起从小声到大声重复单词四遍。 学会用这个单词,如:

The coat is nice but expensive.

The bananas are not expensive, but the cherries are very expensive.香蕉不贵,但樱桃很贵。 3.听录音学习对话:

Let’s listen to the dialogue,then answer the questions. (播放对话部分录音) 1)Where are they?

(They are at the greengrocer’s.)

2)What do they want? (They want some fruit. )

3)What does Tom want?

(He would like cherries.) 4)Are cherries expensive?

4 (Yes,they are.)

5)What about Dad? What does ’t want.... …isare expensive.

It isThey are nice and sweat. 5 语音学习:

老师先引导学生复习元音字母a在重读闭音节,也就是以辅音结尾的音节中的读音规则,读短音 ,如:flag map cat fat bad

然后老师再给出另一组单词,引导学生归纳元音字母a在重读开音节中,也就是以元音结尾的音节,或以不发音的字母e结尾的音节中读长音,即: ,如:name face lake cake plane

读读下面的单词:late tape date snake page


Lesson 2 I’m ’t like….这些句型来询问对方想吃什麽,回答自己喜欢吃什么。在食物这方面的话题中掌握更多的单词和短语:beef soup coke chocolate beer chicken 教学目的 :

1.会说会用这些句子: I’m ’t like…. 2.会说会用会写这些单词:

beef soup coke chocolate beer chicken 3.复习并能熟练运用thirsty, 的单词卡片和图片。 3.准备一些实物, 如:巧克力,可乐,啤酒等 4.录音机及录音带。 教学过程:

2. 热身(Warming up)


T: Look at the picture. What’s on the table? 老师指着画面提问,让学生观察 。 SS: There is some food. 老师引导学生观察,说话。

T: Yes.There are some delicious dishes and some nice drinks. 老师在边展示画面边慢慢地描述完之后,向学生A 提问What do you like,A?

SA: I like?.老师启发学生尽量多的说出自己喜欢吃的食物,把学生说出的食物在图中指



T: Do you like them,B? What else do you like? SB :I like ?. But I don’t like?

T: 老师先说出自己喜欢的与学生相同的食物,然后再慢慢地说出本课要学习的新内容。I like ? and ?,too. But I also like to eat beef and chicken.They are delicious. I like to drink soup , coke and beer . They are nice ,too. 2. 新课展示(New Presentation)


1) 老师边咽口水,装出很饿的样子,一边说话: I’m the table.饭好了。桌子上有好多好吃的。 Let’s see.Oh,What is it?

老师指着图中的牛肉慢慢的重复: beef, beef, beef. 出示词卡 ,师生一起拼读单词beef, beef, beef。 ee是个常见的字母组合,读 。

2)老师指向桌子上的鸡肉缓慢而神秘的说出I like beef.But I also like chicken.从小声到大声重复三遍chicken chicken, chicken

出示词卡 ,师生一起拼读单词chi-cken chi-cken chicken

这是一个双音节词,ch 是个常见的字母组合,读 . ck字母组合读 . 3) Game: Beef or chicken?通过这个活动来巩固一下单词。

老师先通过发指令让喜欢吃鸡肉的同学站起来,大声地说三遍这个单词,然后再发指令让喜欢吃牛肉的同学站起来,大声地说三遍这个单词,最后分别由喜欢吃鸡肉和喜欢吃牛肉的同学对抗,大声地说句子:We like?. We don’t like?.

T: Who likes chicken? Please stand up. Say “chicken” together three times. T:Who likes beef ? Please stand up. Say “beef” together three times. SS:We like chicken. chicken, chicken, chicken .

We don’t like beef. Beef, beef, beef . SS:We like beef. Beef, beef, beef .

We don’t like chicken. chicken, chicken, chicken . 4) Dinner is ready.

dinner饭,一般指正餐,比较丰盛。Meal就是普通的一顿饭。但有时也互用。 5) 老师指示图中的蔬菜喝汤说:There are vegetables and soup. They are delicious.


6 出示词卡 ,师生一起拼读单词 soup 注意其中的字母组合读。

出示词卡 ,师生一起拼读单词 delicious美味。de-li-cious 有三个音节,重音在第二个音节,最后一个音节中cious读 delicious 说说这些句子:The food is delicious.

I like the delicious soup.

My mother often cooks delicious food for us.

6) 老师满足的拍着肚皮,但做出要喝的样子说: Now I’m full but thirsty. I want some drinks.

I like coke(指着图中的可乐) and beer(指着图中的啤酒). 出示词卡 ,师生一起拼读单词coke 。

出示词卡 ,师生一起拼读单词 beer 字母组合 eer 读 . Drink在这里是名词,饮料的意思。

如:What drinks do you like, water,coke,coffee, tea, milk,spring or beer? (出示各种饮料 )

I like water or tea.I don’t like coke or spring .我爱喝水或茶,我不爱喝可


7)I like?. I don’t like?.我喜欢?。我不喜欢?。 如:I like beef.I don’t like chicken.

My grandpa likes tea.He doesn’t like coke. Miss White likes milk.She doesn’t like coffee.

8) Now I’m full.我吃饱了。Full 满的。在这里指吃饱了。 3.听录音学习对话:

A:Let’s listen to the dialogue,then answer the questions. (播放对话部分录音) 1)What’s on the table? (A lot of food.)

2)Is Snow White .She doesn’t like beef. She likes the soup,too. It’s delicious.)

4)Is she thirsty?

(Yes.She wants some drinks.She likes coke.)

5)Whose Dwarfs’ groups:做个调查,调查的对象可以是家人、朋友或同学,把他们喜欢的吃的、喝的填入列表中,然后在小组内说说各自的调查结果。

7 grandpa grandma Dad Mum likes

Lesson3 What’s for breakfast?

我们学习了一些蔬菜水果食物饮料及自己的喜好。本课我们要继续学习食物方面的话题,学习一日三餐要吃什么。学会说What’s for breakfastlunchdinner(supper)? We ) 老师再次播放第一个课件,开始教授句型词汇。

What’s for breakfast?早餐我们吃什么?也可以这样问:What do we ’t ’t like dread.

Sometimes I .I the evening.

老师播放第二个课件,继续教授句型词汇。 (课件中是主页下图中的两个人物.A是男孩 B是妈妈)

A:I’m to the dialogue,then answer the questions. 1)What do they sea


these theme beef keep meat read team leader beat 4 Help yourselves,please.

我们学习了一些蔬菜水果食物饮料及自己的喜好。本课通过句型What’s your favorite…? 继续学习食物方面的话题,学说自己喜爱的食物。学会请别人吃东西Help yourself to…,用动词的单数第三人称likes,wants等谈论他人喜欢什么,不喜欢什么。掌握单词和短语grapes, dates, fish, rice。 教学目的 :


What’s your favorite fruit ? I like bananas.

Help yourselves, please. Help yourself to some fish. Thank you.

8 dislkes 2.会说会用会写这些单词: grapes dates fish rice 课前准备:


2.准备一张16页主图一家人用餐的张贴画,画中尽量多的画出各种饭菜 。 3.准备grapes dates fish rice 的单词卡片。

4.准备更多的食物饮料类的图片 。 如:火腿肠,热狗,牛奶,果汁,面包,稀饭,馒头,包子,汤,可乐,水,茶等 教学过程:

3. 热身(Warming up)

老师展示课件,课件中的两个人物A是男孩 B是妈妈。 对话内容如下: A:I’m )

1) 老师利用一张一家人用餐的张贴画,师生进行对话引出本课话题。

T: Look at the picture. What’s on the table? 老师指着画面提问,让学生观察 。 SS: There are some fruits. 老师引导学生观察,说话。

T: Yes.There are some nice fruits. 老师边展示画面边慢慢的描述:I like bananas. Banana is me favorite fruit. 之后,向学生A 提问:

What do you like,A? What’s your favorite fruit? SA: I like?.

老师启发 说出自己喜欢吃的水果,把学生说出的水果在图中指示出来,图中没有的话可通过画片或实物等方式展示出来。在引导学生用另一种方式: My favorite fruit is ?.

T: Do you like them,B? 老师再转向另一个学生。What’s your favorite fruit? SB :I like ?and ?. 老师引导学生说话 ?and ? are my favorite fruits. 2)They are my favorite food.这是我最爱吃的食物。 Juice is my favorite drink.果汁是我最爱喝的饮料。 favorite 形容词 喜爱的,爱吃的。

我们可以这样问:What’s your favorite ??来了解某人的喜好。回答可以是: My favorite? is?.

9 I like?.

师生互动练习句型:让学生猜一猜老师的喜好。 (1)T:Do you know my favorite color?

SS: Your favorite color is redgreenpurpleyellowblue? 老是可以通过自己的衣着来显示自己喜欢的颜色。 T:? is my favorite color. I like ?. (2)T: What’s my favorite subject?

SS:Your favorite subject is ChineseMathsArtsEnglish? T:? is my favorite subject. I like ?. (3)Y:What is my favorite animal? SS:Your favorite animal is …. T:? is my favorite color. I like ?.

3) Grapes are my favorite fruit . And I like dates,too. They are nice and sweat. 出示词卡 ,师生一起拼读单词grape, date 。

这两个单词都符合读音规则,而且都是很正规的含有元音字母a的开音节的单词,让学生联想一下前面学过的字母a的读音规则,看他们能不能按照读音规则一下子就记住这两个单词的拼写。 师生问答:

What’s your favorite fruite? My favorite fruite is?. I like?.

4) My favorite food is rice(示该词图卡).And I like fish (示该词图卡)very much.

出示词卡 ,师生一起拼读单词 rice , fish 。

这两个单词也都符合读音规则,而且都是很正规的含有元音字母i的开音节和闭音节的单词,让学生联想一下前面学过的i在重读闭音节中的读音规则,看他们能不能按照读音规则一下子就记住fish 这个单词。再介绍一下i在重读开音节中的读音规则,看他们能不能按照读音规则记住rice 这个单词。 5) Help yourselves,please.吃吧吃吧。

Help yourself to some vegetables.吃点蔬菜吧。

Help yourself to…请别人吃东西,吃点…吧。常在餐桌上用这样的话来招呼别人吃东西。回答可以说:Thank you.之类的话。


yourself 是反身代词,也叫自身代词,你自己。 yourselves 是复数。其他的此类代词还有:

myself ourselves

to the dialogue,then answer the questions. 1) What’s the grandma’s favorite fruit? (She likes bananas.)

2)What about the grandpa? (He likes dates.) 3)Does Sam like grapes?

(No,’t.His favorite fruit is pineapple.)

4)What does Billy like,do you know? (Apples,I think.)


1)Whose favorite?


T:(拿出一张鱼或其他任意一张图片问)Whose favorite food(drink) is it?

S:(喜欢这种食物或饮料的同学要迅速站起,并大声说)Fish is my favorite food(drink).

I like it very much.

T:(图片给这个学生)Help yourself to some fish. S: Thank you.

老师还可以让学生分组进行活动。 2)小组活动:我是小记者

老师先设计一个调查表,表中确定几项采访内容,让每个学生在别的小组里选择采访对象,通过跟别人交流完成表格。然后回到自己小组,逐一进行汇报。 表格里可参照下列形式: Hisher favorite Food Drink Sport A B 11 C Color Animal Singer Subject A, B,C分别为三个采访对象。

活动前老师可以先规定好要用到的基本句型: What’s your favorite…? My favorite… is…. I like …. Xxx’ favorite… is…. HeShe likes….

Lesson 5 Let’s go to McDonald’s.

中餐很美味,你吃过西餐吗?McDonald’s是全球最大的西餐快餐店之一,在那里吃个汉堡,来块鸡翅,喝杯可乐,还可以吃个冰激淋,不错吧。 学习在McDonald’s里吃东西。学习句型:What can I do for you? What would you like? I’d like a apple pie .掌握词汇: I do for you?

What would you like? I’d like a apple pie . 2.会说会用会写这些单词: ’t know.

B:Let’s go to McDonald’s .

A: McDonald’s . That’s great.I like the )


Waitress: (热情的招呼客人) Hello.What can I do for you? Mum: (转向儿子) What would you like, dear? Boy:(回答妈妈) I’d like a apple pie .

Mum: (转向服务员)Two apple pie and some French fries. Waitress: (服务员抬头再问)What else? Mum: A coke and a strawberry ice cream. Waitress: Is that all? Mum: Yes.How much?

12 Waitress: Forty yuan. Mum:Here you are. Waitress:Thank you. 1) What can I do for you?

This is a sentence a waiter or waitress often uses in the market or restaurantto greet the customer.服务用语,我能为你做点什么呐?你要点什么?常用的服务用语还有: Can I be: I’d like….我想要点….

What would you like? 你想要点什么?The sentence is often used to ask somebody what be: I’d like….我想要点….


T:What can I do for you?(给学生出示一张图片,引导学生按图回答) Ss:I’d like ….

T:Here you are.(把图片教给学生) Ss:Thank you.


2) I’d like a apple pie . 通过图卡让学生认识这两种食物。

出示词卡 ,师生一起拼读单词 water 冰。 cream奶油。 ice cream 冰激凌。 I Like ice cream very much.It is nice and cool.

5)Is that all?就这些吗?可用来询问别人:说完了吗?要的东西就是这些吗? 回答可以是:That’s all.就这些了。 6)Any more?还有别的吗?还要什么吗? 回答可以是:No more.That’s all.没别的啦。

7) How much? 多少钱? This is a way to ask for price.


Let’s listen to the dialogue,then answer the questions. 1) What would the boy like? (He would like a apple pie .)

2)What about the mother? (She wants a .)


13 词汇巩固游戏:What’s missing?

老师把今天所学的单词图片一个一个给学生看,大家一起说一遍,然后老师把这些图片贴在黑板上,再让学生看图说词,当学生已经能够顺利的说出所有单词时,老师突然去掉一张图片,问学生:What’s missing? 让学生想想,是什么不见了。学生猜出的顺利时,老师可以一次去掉两张图片,甚至三张,及时增加难度,直至老师把全部的图片都拿掉,学生也能把今天学的单词全部说出来为止。


字母i 在重读闭音节中,也就是以辅音结尾的音节中, 读短音 。 如:pig film milk 。

在重读开音节中,也就是以元音结尾的音节中, 读长音,也就是字母音 。 如 kite Mike bike nice

给出更多的单词,包括一些生的单词让学生试着读出,帮助他们掌握这个读音规则:write ice polite knife pie kite shine fine ride

Lesson6 What food do you like?

各种美食,各地的风味。这一课我们来了解不同国家的人们不同的饮食习惯。 你是哪儿人?你喜欢吃什么口味?本课学习掌握这些句子:Where are you from? I come from America. I often eat 教学目的 :


Where are you from? Where does eat

3.复习一些国名,了解更多的地名,复习方位词in the southnorthwesteast of…。 课前准备:

1.教师准备课件,课件中一个中国小伙子与一个外国小伙正在麦当劳同桌进餐,一起交谈。对话内容参照 Warming up 。

2:准备dumplings vegetables noodles fried chicken 的单词卡片。

3.准备更多的食物饮料的图片 如:火腿肠,热狗,汉堡,牛奶,果汁,面包,米饭,稀饭,馒头,包子,汤,鸡,鱼,牛肉,羊肉,蔬菜,可乐,果汁,咖啡,水,茶等。 准备所学的蔬菜的图卡。

4. 准备一些国家的国旗:中国4面,美国,英国,日本,法国国旗各一面。

14 5.准备一张中国地图和一张世界地图。在准备一张空白的世界地图,上面标有几个国家和中国的东西南北各一个城市。 教学过程:

4. 热身(Warming up)


A: Where are you from, Mrs Smith? Are you English? B: No.I’m from New York. I’m an American. A:Do you like eat the south of China. B:Do you often eat )

1)I’m from the north of China.

I come from America. I’m from Japan. I’m from England.

(1)Be from spe from sp.是一个用来表示某人来自某地,某人是某地人的句型。后面可以跟国名或地名。


Mr.Black is from New York .It’s in the east of America.He is an American. She comes from Japan. She is a Japanese.

Rose is from France. She comes from Paris. She is French. I’m a Chinese. I come from Xi’an.

I’m not from England. I’m not English. 归纳一下这些单词:

国名 某国的,某国人

England English London America American New York

China Chinese Beijing France French Paris Japan Japanese Tokyo (2)In the eastwestnorthsouth of 在某个范围的某个方位。


老师展示中国地图, ,让学生看图说话,熟练运用这个短语。老师提问,让学生在地图上寻找,回答:

Where is Shanghai Lasa GuangzhouShengyang? It’s in the eastwestsouthnorth of China.

2)Linda and Billy are from America. They often eat . She likes fish and vegetables. Robin is from France.He is a French .He likes fried chicken.


Li Gang is from Changsha. She likes rice.

Zhang Dan comes from Beijing.He often eats mutton and beef. I’m from Xi’an .I like porridge,pan cake and stuffed buns.

3) 出示词卡 ,师生一起拼读单词 ve-ge-table vegetable(示图卡 ) 多音节词,按音节来记,注意要读准单词重音。


There are many vegetables on the farm. Look.What are they? There are greens,tomatoes,carrats, and celeries. What’s your favorite vegetables? I like ?.

4)出示词卡 ,师生一起拼读单词 fried chicken.

fried油炸的。 chicken鸡肉。

fried chicken (示词卡 ) fried chicken

5)I’m from Changsha. Changsha is in the south of China. We often eat rice. We

don’t like noodles.

出示图卡、词卡 ,师生一起拼读单词noodles 面条 注意这个单词中的字母oo组合读 。 说说这些句子:

The people in the south of China like rice.

The people in the north of China like noodles and dumplings. People in Beijing,Tianjin, Xi’an likes noodles very much. And they often eat dumplings.

6) 出示图卡,词卡 ,师生一起拼读单词 Dump-ling dumpling , dumplings

16 这个单词是个双音节词,第一个音节为中都闭音节,元音字母u读短音 。ing字母组合读 。

3. 巩固活动:

老师把准备的空白的世界地图贴在黑板上,地图上标有下列国家: America,France,England,Japan 在中国范围内标有下列城市: Xining,Tianjin, Changsha,Shanghai

老师把四面中国国旗(没面国旗旗杆上分别标有Xining,Tianjin,Changsha,Shanghai这些城市)和美国,英国,日本,法国的国旗分发给几位同学,然后, (1) 指着地图上的美国问: T:Look! Look! What is it?

SS:Yes.Yes. It is America. Who is from America? (拿着美国国旗的同学马上站起来说) S1:I’m from America. SS:What do you like to eat?

S1:I like to eat the north of China.Who comes from Beijing? (拿着国旗上标有北京的同学马上站起来说) S2:I come from Beijing. SS:What do you like to eat?

S2:I like to eat noodles and dumplings. T:What does she like to eat? SS:She likes to eat dumplings.



Let’s listen to the dialogue,then answer the questions. 1)What do people in the north like ? (Noodles.)

2)Do Americans often eat noodles? (No.They often eat .) 3)What about Japanese?

(They like vegetables.)

17 Lesson 7 In the restaurant

在餐馆就餐,我们首先看看菜单,这里有什么饭菜,价钱怎样,再决定自己吃什么。 这些句子能帮你顺利的在餐馆就餐:May I today. 2.会说会用会写这些单词: pork meat salad menu

3. 准备前几课学过的的食物饮料的图片和词卡。 如:火腿肠,热狗,汉堡,牛奶,果汁,面包,米饭,面条,饺子 ,汤,鸡,鱼,大肉,牛肉, 蔬菜,可乐,果汁,咖啡, 茶等。 4.了解字母o 在重读开音节中的读音规则。 课前准备:

1. 根据对话内容,参找31页主图做一个课件。课件中的对话参照句型词汇学习中的内容设计。 2.教师准备两个手偶一个男孩,一个母亲。 3.准备pork meat salad menu 的单词卡片。

4.准备一个类似于餐馆的菜单,上面标有各种食物的名称 。 教学过程:

5. 热身(Warming up)

手偶A:Tom B:Mum 对话引出话题: A:Mum,I’m ice cream. B:Sorry.You may )


A是一位服务员。 B,C,D分别是顾客 。 A:What would you like? Can I ? A:Sorry.We beef but no chicken today. D:Ok.I want some beef.

May I ’t.

如:May I ice cream,mum? Ok. May I ’t.

如:Shall we ’t like meat. She is thin. Shall we to the dialogue,then answer the questions. 1)What would Nancy like ? (Salad.)

18 2)What about Bruce? (He likes some meat.) 3)Do they ’t .)


复习字母o在重读闭音节中,也就是以辅音结尾的音节中, 读短音 的现象。 给学生一些单词,包括一些生词让学生通过拼读得以巩固: fox box dog cock top clock mop

o在重读开音节中,也就是以元音结尾的音节中, 读长音 。

如:nose 8 What do you need?

我们用餐时,常根据各人不同的口味调不同的调料。中餐,西餐需要不同的餐具。这一课我们要学学调料和餐具。本课要学的句型:What do you need? I need some ketchup. Pass me the knife,please.要掌握的单词:picnic ketchup sugar salt knife fork chopsticks spoon 教学目的 :


What do you need? I need some ketchup. Pass me the knife,please. 2.会说会用会写这些单词:

picnic ketchup sugar salt knife fork chopsticks spoon 3.了解中西方的不同饮食方式,掌握一些饮食文化 。 课前准备:

1.教师准备一张孩子们野餐的的张贴画,画中尽量多的画出食物、调料、水果和餐具 。 2:准备picnic ketchup sugar salt knife fork chopsticks spoon 的单词卡片和图片。

3.准备一些食物、调料和餐具 。

4. 准备一些有缺失部分的词卡。如:p_cn_c s_gar sug_ _ ke_ _ _up s_ _t _ _ife kn_fe f_ _k _ _opsti_ _s ch_pst_cks sp_ _n

5.根据对话内容,参照主图准备一段孩子们进行野餐的课件,展示本课话题。课件中的对话内容参照句型词汇学习 。

19 教学过程:

6. 热身(Warming up)

老师展示一家人用餐的张贴画,师生通过看图说话,利用单词卡片了解本课生词和句型。 T: look at the picture. What are they doing, ? SS: They are the milk. I like mike with sugar.

2. 新课展示(New Presentation)

老师播放课件。 课件中的人物分别是本课主图中的Maggie, Billy ,Bruce, Alice和Linda Maggie:Oh.I’m .

Bruce: Ok.Here you are.What do you need,Alice? Alice: Bread and milk. Pass me the knife,please. Bruce: Here it is!

Linda: You can the milk. I like milk with sugar.

1)A:What a big meal!真是一顿大餐!这种感叹句学生们以前应该见过,是What+名词构成。

名词前也可以有形容词修饰。比如下列句子: What a nice gift! What a day! What a lovely girl!

2)Let’s the park this Sunday.

3) I’d like some sausages. I need a knife and a fork.我需要一付刀叉。need 动词,


如:What do you need?

I need an umbrella. It’s raining . 请给我一把勺子。

pass me ... 递给我,传给我。这是一个祈使句。相似的句子还有: give me? 给我? show me? 给我看? bring me? 给我拿来?

回答说:Here you are.或 Here it is. 给你。

出示图卡和词卡拼读spoon 注意字母组合oo 读 。比如说: I need a spoon for the soup.我要个勺子喝汤 。 Here you are. 6) I need some ketchup.


