
更新时间:2023-12-09 20:28:01 阅读量: 教育文库 文档下载






1. Introduction


1.1 These terms and conditions, including the attached Schedules, form the agreement (\between you, and us, UBE Services (the Broker) and shall govern all dealings between you and us. Please sign and return one copy of this Agreement to confirm your acceptance of the terms herein. 本文之条款和条件,包括所附之附件,即为阁下与UBE Services (\经纪商\之间签订之合约 (\本约\,规管本公司与阁下之间的所有交易。 请把已签署之一份合约本寄回本公司,以确认阁下接受本约之所有条款。

1.2This Agreement shall come into force on the date that we acknowledge receipt of the signed copy of this Agreement from you (\

本约应于本公司确认收到阁下签署之合约本之日期生效(\生效日期\。 2. Definitions


2.1 In this Agreement the following terms shall have the following meanings: 于本约中,以下用语之定义分别如下:

\ \本法\指2000 年金融服务与市场法;

\the rules of any relevant investment exchange, and any other applicable laws, rules and regulations as in force from time to time and to which this Agreement is subject;

\适用法规\指本法,相关规例或本约须受其规范之任何其它相关主 管机关之规例、任何相关投资交易所之规例,以及任何 其它适用之法律、规例与法规;

\means a day on which any relevant investment exchange or commercial bank is generally open for business in any of London, New York or Tokyo; \营业日\指任何投资交易所或商业银行于伦敦、纽约或东京之营业日;

\Agreement\means the terms of business between us and a Client, to which the Client has consented in writing;


\enter into a Client Agreement;


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2.2 References to statutory provisions, or to related enactments, orders or instruments are references to those provisions, enactments, orders or instruments as amended or as re-enacted or as their application is modified from time to time.


2.3 In this Agreement unless the context otherwise requires: 于本约中,除非依其前后文另有他义,否则:

(a) capitalised terms used herein and not defined herein, shall have the meaning set out in the UBEforex Rules;

使用大写字词但本约中未定义者,均照 UBEforex规例之定义解释;

(b) words denoting the singular shall include the plural and vice versa and words denoting a given gender shall include all other genders;


(c) headings are for convenience only and shall not affect interpretation of this Agreementand references to clauses are to clauses of this Agreement;


(d) References to persons include references to any person, corporations and to any association or partnership.

在提及人时,均包括任何人、公司法人与任何社团或合伙。 3. Opening of Accounts


3.1 From time to time you may notify us that you wish us to accept a prospective Client for the purposes of this Agreement. We may, however, in our absolute discretion, refuse without prior notice to accept any prospective Client without giving any reason or being liable for any resulting loss. If we agree to accept any person introduced by you, then such person will enter into a Client Agreement with us and we will open an account in our books [in the name of the Client], whereupon the Client shall be bound by the terms of the Client Agreement.


3.2 If you are a corporate body which qualifies as a Market Counterparty or Wholesale Intermediate Customer with proper financial licensing in your \country an omnibus account may be

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established. If this is the case your company signs a single agreement with us and opens a single omnibus account from which all your clients would hold a fraction of the overall pooled funds. In this case your clients would sign only your account not ours and their identity would remain private. 若阁下是法人团体并具备市场对手的资格或是于阁下之国家持有合规金融牌照,阁下可以设立一个综合帐户。若是这样贵公司与本公司签订单一合约及开立一个综合帐户,而阁下之所有客户将持有全部汇集基金之一部分,这样阁下之客户将只与阁下就帐户签订合约而 非本公司之合约,他们各自身分将会保持机密。

3.3 You are independent of us and you shall have no authority to bind us in any way unless specifically contemplated herein or agreed by us in writing. Your Services hereunder shall not be exclusive and we shall be entitled at any time to appoint any other person or entity to provide services to us in any jurisdiction, whether or not similar to the Services to be provided by you hereunder.

阁下是独立于本公司,除非于本约中明确说明或是经本公司书面同意,阁下将不会有权力以任何方法约束本公司。阁下于下文的服务条款将不会是专有的,而本公司有权可于任何 时间于任何司法管辖权委任其它人士或实体为本公司提供服务,不管是否跟下文服务条款 中阁下向本公司提供之服务相似。 4. Regulatory Matters


4.1 For the purposes of the Rules and in carrying out your instructions on behalf of the Client, you agree that we shall treat the Client as our client. We will classify the Client in accordance with the Rules.


4.2 If giving any instructions on behalf of the Client, you warrant that you have been duly appointed and given Power of Attorney to act on behalf of the Client to act in accordance with this Agreement. 如阁下代表客户作出指示,阁下因而保证阁下已经正式获委任及授予代理人之权力根据本约代表客户行事。

4.3 You confirm that: 阁下确认:

(a) you have obtained all necessary authorisations (including, without limitation, any regulatory or governmental consents, approvals or licences) to enable you to enter into and perform your obligations under this Agreement and you undertake to maintain such authorisations, licences and consents during the term of this Agreement;

阁下已经取得全部必需之许可(包括不限于任何监管或政府同意、认可或牌照) 赋予阁下订立及履行根据本约之义务,以及于本约有效期间持续拥有上述许可、牌照及认可;

(b) your activities in introducing prospective Clients to us will not require us to obtain any authorisation, licence or consent from any regulatory authority to carry on regulated activities of the kind contemplated under this Agreement in any relevant jurisdiction or to promote our services to such prospective Clients;

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(c) you will notify us immediately of any actual or potential contravention of any such legal or regulatory requirement and we are entitled to assume that all necessary authorisation, licence or consent remains in effect until you notify us otherwise;


(d) you will notify us immediately if any actual or proposed judgement, order, disciplinary sanction is imposed upon or entered against you or any other action or claim is taken against you (including without limitation any pending litigation), in relation to your activities under the Applicable Regulations which has, or may have, in our reasonable opinion, a material adverse effect on your reputation or financial standing;


(e) you have, prior to execution of this Agreement, fairly disclosed to us all information (including, without limitation, any material information relating to your regulatory standing and details of any material difficulties previously encountered by you in the provision to Clients of such similar services as those contemplated in this Agreement) which may reasonably be considered material to us in deciding whether to deal with you and/or any Client or in determining the basis on which our services should be provided;

阁下必须于履行本约前向本公司完全地揭露所有资料(包括不限于任何有关阁下监 管状况,以及之前任何阁下就客户条款而言,对如同本约预期进行之活动相似之服 务曾遇到任何重大困难之详情),而此等资料可能是本公司合理地决定是否与阁下及/或任何客户交易或决定本公司应提供服务之准则;

(f)In the event of any disputes or complaints from IB’s client or inside the agent, UBEforex will freeze up relevant accounts and conduct corresponding investigation and then impose proper disciplinary measures on such agents and also UBEforex has the rights to further cancel the qualifications of IB. 在代理商的任何客户或代理商内部产生投诉或纠纷的情况下,UBEforex将冻结相关账户并进行核查,对出现问题的代理商将给予相应处理,并保留取消代理资格的权利。

(g) all information supplied by you to us (including, without limitation, information relating to any Client or its account) is true, complete and accurate in all material respects and you will advise us forthwith of any material change to information previously provided;

所有由阁下向本公司提供之数据(包括但不限于有关任何客户或其帐户之数据)在所 有要项上均为正确、完整及准确,若任何已提供之数据有任何重要更改,阁下将立即通知本公司;

(h) you will comply with all applicable legal and regulatory requirements in each jurisdiction in which you carry on business.


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Notwithstanding the termination of this Agreement, you will indemnify us against any loss or liability suffered by us as a result of any contravention of any such legal or regulatory requirement.


4.4 We will deal directly with clients that sign our agreements but may in our absolute discretion dealwith you directly. For Market Counterparties, that are fully regulated Counterparties licensed in your home territory to deal with clients an Omnibus account maybe opened for you to deal with your clients. We will give to you and the Client all information, disclosures, explanations and documents which we are required to provide under the Rules or any Applicable Regulations.


4.5 We are entitled to assume, without enquiry, that any information which you give to us about the Client is complete and accurate and that it remains so unless we are advised otherwise by you. 本公司在没有咨询的情况下有权假定阁下向本公司提供有关客户之资料为完整及准确,直 至接获阁下之通知。

4.6 You will confirm to us in writing whether or not you have conducted such enquiries as may be appropriate to comply with Rules and any other legal or regulatory requirements relating to money laundering regulations to which you may be subject. 阁下将向本公司以书面确认阁下有否进行适当的调查以遵从相关条例,以及任何其它有关 洗钱条例之法律或监管规定的管制。

4.7 In certain circumstances, we may require further information about the Clients and/or we may apply our own identification/verification procedures.You shall comply with all reasonable requests or instructions notified to you by us from time to time.Upon such requests or instructions you agree to provide us with any relevant information which you may have concerning persons introduced to us by you so as to ensure that we can comply with our obligations to verify the identity of Clients under the UK anti-money laundering regulations and with our responsibilities under the Act and all other Applicable Regulations with respect to such Clients. Your oblig ations to us contained in herein shall survive the termination of this Agreement. You will notify us immediately when you become aware of any changes in the information which you have provided to us in relation to any Client.

在某种情况下,本公司可能进一步要求有关客户之信息及/或本公司可能应用本公司之识别 及核实程序。阁下应遵行所有本公司不时向阁下通知之合理要求或指示。在收到上述要求 或指示后,阁下同意向本公司提供所有有关阁下向本公司介绍之客户之相关资料,以保证 本公司可履行公司之义务,依据英国反洗钱条例查证客户之身分以及本公司根据本法及所 有其它对上述客户适用法规之责任。阁下就包含于本约中对本公司之义务,于本约终止后 仍然持续有效。当阁下发现之前向本公司提供有关任何客户资料有任何变更,阁下将立刻 通知本公司。 5. Services to be provided to Clients


5.1 We will provide our services on an execution-only basis in respect of all transactions including

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