
更新时间:2024-05-23 11:23:01 阅读量: 综合文库 文档下载



1. Any time you need to prepare a multi-page report, like an e-marketing plan, writer’s block can be a problem.


2. Products like e-marketing Suite by Embellix can help you overcome writer’s block by providing you with an effective template and writing outline to follow. 由EMBELLIX开发的电子营销套装产品,可以为人们提供可资效仿的实用写作模板及大纲,从而有助于人们克服作者阻滞的障碍。

3. Writing an e-marketing plan is partly an exercise in answering a series of critical questions.


4. Not only e-marketing experts but also professionals who know how to apply professional styles and formatting to create great looking reports have designed products like e-marketing Suite by Embllix.


5. Your e-marketing plan content is critical but almost as critical is the look and “feel” of your reports. Management may interpret poor looking e-marketing plans as less credible. Be sure to polish your e-marketing plan document.


1. Participation in a public system is also a fairly low-risk alternative; however, functionality has been slow to develop, and in many cases participants have had to manually update their internal system.


2. “e-Procurement” capabilities privately or publicly are to determine whether your current procurement processes are better than those of the public exchanges. 电子采购,无论是私营还是公共模式,都将确定您当下的采购程序是否优于公共交换的模式。 3. One of the key advantages of the private system is that many Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) vendors are already adding this capability to their systems, which may greatly reduce the difficulty and expense of integrating those functions.


4. We believe retailers will eventually participate in an amalgamation of these models.


5. Smaller retailers may learn to rely on public models and third-party procurement service.



1. 大多数的中小企业都能够访问互联网。

Almost all small and medium-sized firms have access to the Internet.

2. 电子商务商务的应用并没有想象的那么迅速,只有约1/3的企业真正实现在 线销售。

The adoption of e-Business has not been so fast as expected, with only one third of the firms virtually selling online.

3. 访问互联网是中小企业迈向电子商务的第一步。

Obtaining access to the Internet is the first step for SMBs to take toward e-Business. 4. 通过电子商务,员工能够更容易地与客户沟通并收集关于客户、合作伙伴和竞争对手的信息。 With e-Business, employees can more readily communicate with customers, and gather information on customers, partners and competitors. 5. 有效地实现销售、采购和获取资源是中小企业日常业务的核心。

Efficiently selling, buying and accessing resources are critical processes that lie at the heart of SMBs’ daily business efforts.

1. 澳大利亚证券学院认为CRM是其生存的基础,证明了风险与投资的恰当性。 The Securities Institute of Australia believes that CRM is the basis of their existence, demonstrate the appropriateness of the risk and investment.

2. 澳大利亚证券学院既是金融行业中的教育实体,也是一个基于会员化管理的组织。

The Securities Institute of Australia is both an educational body and a membership-based organization in the finance industry.

3. 缺乏集中的信息,信息系统缺乏弹性以及信息分析不充分,都对证券学院的客户关系管理能力构成挑战。

The lack of centralized information, lack of flexibility in the information systems and inadequate information analysis constitute a challenge to the CRM capabilities of the SIA.

4. 证券学院希望给学生和会员们提供更大范围的一对一服务,而不是给一大批学生提供一个范围严格限定的服务。

The SIA wants to provide an enhanced range of one-to-one services to its students and members, rather than offer a restricted range of services for cohorts of students. 5. 尽管人们目前还没有认识到CRM有多么地好,但它拥有巨大潜力。 People don't yet realize how good the CRM will be,but but it has huge potential.

