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《新标准大学英语》综合教程教案 Book Two Unit 1 College Culture Learning Objectives Students will ? Know about how college life has changed since the 1960s ? Master the key words and expressions ? Practice reading skills: Identifying supporting evidence for opinions; paradox ? Learn skills to express contrasting information ? Write a historical review Learning outcomes Students will ? Get to know more about college culture in 1960s and in contemporary world. ? Use some expressions and grammar points from the text ? Enhance their reading skills by distinguishing between main ideas and supporting ideas and understanding the use of paradox. ? Get to know how to express contrasting information ? Know how to write a historical overview Time Allotment Period 1-2 ? Warm-up activities ? Understanding Active reading 1 Period 3-4 ? Further Understanding of Active reading 1 ? Exercises Period 5-6 ? Check work on Active reading 2 (understanding and the use of key words and expressions) ? Language in use (structures) Period 7-8 ? Reading across culture ? Guided writing—how to write a historical overview


《新标准大学英语》综合教程教案 Book Two Active Reading 1 College Just Isn’t Special Any More Ⅰ Warm-up Activities 1. Use one key word to describe your college life. ? Suggested angle: study, teaching staff, learning atmosphere, living environment, etc. 2. What’s the difference between college life in China in 1960s and 21st century? ? Suggested angle: 1960s ? Learn just for its own sake ? Ivory tower, pure ? Before 1967: peaceful, intellectual; after 1967: Cultural Revolution, political movements ? double identities: students, Red Guards st21 century ? A means to an end, employment-orientated ? A stage to exhibit personality and talents, colorful ? Political movement is not the focus ? Multiple identities: students, entrepreneur (e.g. set up business on Taobao), volunteer for charity organization, etc) 3. What do you think student life was like in the 1960s in the west? ? Suggested angle: Key words for the 1960s in the west ? Counterculture: rebel against conservatism and social conformity ? Campus Political Demonstrations Fight for peace: Vietnam War Fight for racial justice: unfair treatment of black citizens Fight for social justice: full equality for women ? Civil rights movement: Free Speech Movement; Martin Luther King ? Hippies ? The Beatles Ⅱ Understanding of the Text 1. Background Information & Cultural Notes Radicalism is a way of thinking or behaving that is based on the belief that important political and social changes are necessary. Wanting a “radical change” means that you want something very different from the usual way. Ronald Reagan governor of California (1967-1975); 40th president (1981-1989); famous for his oratory, “The Great Communicator”; oldest when


《新标准大学英语》综合教程教案 Book Two elected as president; the only president who was an actor before; the only president who was shot but survived. The Vietnam War, broke out in 1959 and ended in 1975, involved the US in a long and increasingly unpopular war. There were widespread anti-war protests in 1969, in universities and other places, and American troops left Vietnam in 1973. President De Gaulle (1896-1970) was a French army general who became the dominant political leader of France after the Second World War and president of France (1959-1969). Prime Minister Blair (1953- ) was a lawyer from Scotland and the north of England who became leader or the Labor Party in 1994 and Prime Minister of Britain (1997-2007). The British Council is a non-government organization founded in 1934, a major international cultural relations organization which runs a wide variety of projects and activities to exchange knowledge and ideas in education, English language teaching and learning, the arts, sports, science and technology. The French Revolution began in 1789 and ended in 1799. It changed the feudal structure of France after the Storming of the Bastille on 14th July 1789, celebrated as a national holiday in France today. The monarchy was abolished and in the Reign of Terror (1792-1794) the King, the Queen, and many noblemen and opponents were executed. Chaos continued until 1799 when Napoleon Bonaparte became leader and then Emperor in 1804. At first, in 1789 before the Reign of Terror, many romantics celebrated the freedom of the French Revolution. 2. Text Organization topic: “College: special?” general idea: college today general idea: college in the 1960s a place which produces no passion a place to experience exciting and stimulating life Supporting Supporting idea1: Supporting Supporting idea2: mere place to idea2: idea1: Place to taste increase chances place not Place to fight real freedom of getting a good different from for freedom the real world job and justice Reading skills: conclusion: College isn’t special any more


《新标准大学英语》综合教程教案 Book Two 3. Expressing Contrasting Information Work in groups to find out examples of contrasting techniques in the text. To express the idea that student life has changed, the author adopts the following 3 techniques: ? Words suggesting the change ? Questions ? Comparative structure Words suggesting the change: ? These days political, social and creative awakening seems to happen not because of college, but in spite of it. ? Yet college education is no longer a topic of great national importance. ? Instead of the heady atmosphere of freedom which students in the 1960s discovered, students today are much more serious. ? Gone are the days when a son or daughter rang home once or twice a term. Questions: ? Where’s the passion today? ? What’s the matter with college? ? So why aren’t they true for the students of today? Comparative structure: ? Instead of the heady atmosphere of freedom which students in the 1960s discovered, students today are much more serious. ? In an uncertain world, many children rely on their parents’ support much longer than they used to. Ⅲ Language Points 1. Word formation usual meaning examples noun suffix added to a verb to employment -ment describe an movement example, or action, of the process referred to in the verb. noun suffix typically added to radicalism -ism an adjective and individualism refers to an capitalism ideology or romanticism movement conservatism 2. Key Words 1) clash Examples: Clashes between Somali pirates and other countries are increasingly severe. 索马里海盗和其他国家的冲突日益加剧。


《新标准大学英语》综合教程教案 Book Two Practice: Complete the sentences with appropriate prepositions. (1) Yesterday saw violent clashes __________ police and protesters. (2) The prime minister faces a clash _________ business leaders tomorrow. (3) His T-shirt clashes _________ his shorts. (4) A lot of problems have been caused by a clash _________ cultures. 2) passionate Examples: Everyone shows passionate support for World Consumer Rights Day. 每个人都热情支持国际消费者权益日。 He is quite surprised by the fact that his mother-in-law has great passion for Jay Chou. 他很惊讶岳母竟然是周杰伦的狂热粉丝。 3) protest Examples: She protested strongly at being called a snob. 她极力反对别人说她势利眼。 4) launch Examples: Many college students launch a campaign of boycotting Japanese Goods. 很多大学生发起了抵制日货的活动。 Practice: Translate the following expressions. 1. 发射人造卫星 1. launch a man-made satellite 2. 创办一个新企业 2. launch a new enterprise 3. 发动攻击 3. launch an attack 4. 发起一次活动 4. launch a campaign 5. 将新产品投放市场 5. launch a new product 5) characterize Examples: We Chinese are characterized as being generous, passionate and hospitable. 中国人以慷慨、热情和好客为特征。 Discussion: Do you know the national characteristics of some countries? ? Suggested answer: ? England: conservative, gentleman ? France: romantic ? Japan: cold-blooded, militarism ? America: pioneering, assimilative ? Italy: passionate 6) prospect Examples: I have no car, no house, no money, but I’m sure I have good prospects. 我没车、没房、没钱,但是我相信我有前途。 Discussion:


《新标准大学英语》综合教程教案 Book Two What do you want to do after graduation? What kind of job do you think will have good prospects? 3. Phrases 1) give rise to Examples: Milk powder of low quality gave rise to a serious disease of kidney. 劣质奶粉可导致严重的肾脏疾病。 Questions: Could you list more expressions indicating cause and effect? ? Suggested answer: contribute to, thanks to, owing to, because of, due to, account for, on account of, lead to, as a consequence, lie in, result from, result in, be responsible for, bring about, etc. 2) bring about Examples: A general strike launched by trade unions ultimately brought about the downfall of the government. 工会发起的大罢工最终导致政府的垮台。 Discussion: What will bring about obesity? Do you know BMI? ? Suggested answer: ? Lack of exercise ? Eating too much ? Heredity ? Stress & boredom 2? BMI = weight/height(kg/㎡) BMI 分类 WHO 标准 亚洲标准 中国标准 偏瘦 <18.5 <18.5 <18.5 正常 18.5~24.9 18.5~22.9 18.5~23.9 超重 ≥25 ≥23 ≥24 偏胖 25.0~29.9 23~24.9 24~26.9 3) keep off Examples: We had to think of a way to keep off the infection of bird flu. 我们得想个办法防止感染禽流感。 Compare: keep away from, keep back, keep to, keep up with 4) in itself Examples: Poverty in itself does not make men into a rabble. 贫困自身并不能使人成为贱民。 6 《新标准大学英语》综合教程教案 Book Two State ownership in itself does not signify collective control. 国家所有本身并不意味集体控制。 4. Important Structures ? so + inversion: something that was just said is also true about another person or thing ? neither / nor + inversion: a negative statement also applies to someone or something else. 5. Difficult Sentences 1) The liberals replied that it was the ability to tolerate noisy, dissident minorities which made universities great. 英语常用的强调结构是 “It is (was) + 被强调部分(主语、宾语或状语) + who (that)...”。一般说来,被强调部分指人时,用 who;指事物时用 that,但that 也可以指人。在美国英语中指事物时常用 which来代替 that。 2) Some people drop out, but the most apathetic stay the course because it’s too much effort to leave. “Stay the course” is used in the context of a war or battle meaning to pursue a goal regardless of any obstacles or criticism. Its modern usage was popularized by American presidents George H. W. Bush and Ronald Reagan. The phrase was first used by Bush in July 2003 while talking about his plan for Iraq, “We will stay the course, we will help this young Iraqi democracy succeed…” 3) Gone are the days when a son or daughter rang home once or twice a term. Gone are the days when意思为“······日子一去不复返了”。注意后面的从句中 要用过去时。也可以变换句型 The days when… are gone. Examples: Gone are the days when the imperialists enslaved the Chinese people. Ⅳ Summarizing Summarize the main ideas of Reading 1 Ⅴ Critical thinking Work in pairs and discuss the questions. 1. What do you think is the purpose of a university education? Should it be an end in itself or a means to an end? 2. What factors influenced your choice of university and the course you are doing? 3. Why do young people protest more than old people?


《新标准大学英语》综合教程教案 Book Two Active Reading 2 The Post-everything Generation Ⅰ Check work 1. Key Words and Expressions 2. Understanding of the Text ? What is post-everything generation? ? What are the characteristics of post-everything generation? ? Are you post--everything generation? Ⅱ Lead-in 1. Identify Icons from the 1960s. ? Bob Dylan ? John Lennon ? Marilyn Monroe ? Martin Luther King 2 Discussion Do you have an idol? How long can your passion for him last? 3. Background Information & Cultural Notes Postmodernism refers to a complex series of ideas, attitudes, new styles of art, new forms of social theory and literary theory, or historical transformations since 1945, that have developed after modernism. Influenced by disillusionment induced by WWⅡ, it refers to a state lacking a clear central hierarchy or organizing principle. 3. Text Organization Situation Claim Reasons for claim Denial evaluation of claim 4. Reading Skills Paradox occurs when two parts of a statement seem to mean the opposite of each other. Discuss the following paradoxes: how do they work and what do they mean? 1) In this world, everything changes, except change itself. 2) The more you know, the less you think you know.


《新标准大学英语》综合教程教案 Book Two 3) Trying to define humour is one of the definitions of humour. 5. Word-formation prefix meaning example post- after post-80s generation pre- before preview, preface ex- former ex-husband, ex-wife fore- before foresee, foresight re- again or back review, rethink 6. useful expressions 1. 带有讥讽意味的话 1. ironic comment 2. 突然咔嗒一声开了窍 2. Something clicked. 3. 重新审视 3. take a fresh look at 4. 从定义角度来说 4. by definition 5. 推翻强权政府 5. overthrow repressive government 6. 公民自由权 6. civil liberties 7. 在请愿书上签名 7. sign petitions 8. 政治抱负 8. political commitment 9. 激发灵感、鼓舞斗志的领袖人物 9. inspirational characters 10. 表现自我 10. assert oneself 11. 反叛 11. rebel against 12. 怀念 12. be nostalgic for 13. 与······相关 13. be associated with 14. 正在推进中的未完成的事业 14. work in progress 15. 有一定的意义 15. make a sense 7. Summarizing Summarize the main ideas of Reading 2. 8. Critical Thinking Work in pairs and discuss the question. Compare the two passages in the unit. Decide which ideas they have in common and which passage is more critical of today’s students. Language in use Group work and presentation. 1. The use of so/neither/nor + inversion 2. Collocations


《新标准大学英语》综合教程教案 Book Two Reading across cultures Student Power ⅠSkimming and Scanning Read the passage quickly and fill in each blank in no more than three words. 1) Bologna University is about _____ years old. 2) _______ students were the minimum number needed to attend a lecture. 3) The lecturer was declared ________ and given ________if not enough students were present. 4) A lecturer would be fined if he failed to ________according to an agreed timetable. 5) A lecturer had to get the permission of ________ if he wanted to leave the university for a few days during term. 6) Four students were elected as spies to report _________. 7) Students lost their power over lecturers by 1350 because _______ was changed. Ⅱ Work in Groups And Discuss the Questions. 1) Which is the oldest university in China, and when was it founded? 2) How would you describe the ideal student-teacher relationship in your mind? 3) Do you think it is easier to be a student now than in the past? Why / Why not? Guided writing Writing a historical overview 1. Time adverbials ? Indicating time in the past ? Identifying time adverbials 2. Passive voice ? Use of passive voice ? Exercises on passive voice 3. Write a short passage about the early years of your college or university. Tips: ? Set the context. ? Introduce the main focus. ? Expand the information in the previous sentence. ? Add an interesting detail. ? Say what happened at a particular moment in the university’s history. ? Write a conclusion.


《新标准大学英语》综合教程教案 Book Two Assignment 1. Writing: Write a short passage about the early years of your university. 2. Review the key words and expressions learned in Unit 1 3. Preview Active Reading 1 in Unit 2. Think about the question: Could you remember the happiest, the saddest and angriest moment in your life? Give the classmates and teacher a vivid description of those important moments.


