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1. He i s my gra ndfa ther ’s son, bu t he is not m y fath er. He is my _____.

A. cous in

B. son

C.gr and fa the r D . uncle 2. Her _____ an English teach er.

A. p aren ts B. mo ther ’s C . p aren t D . s isters ’ 3. – Is t hi s _____ orange ? -- N o, it i s _____ or ange. A . a; a n

B. your ; hi s C. an; an D. hi s ; a 4. – Is S us an he r name ? -- _______.

A. Y es, she is B. No, she isn’t C. Yes , it is D. No , Su san isn ’t 5. _____ your pen.

A.T han ks of B. Thank you C. T hank f or D. Tha nks fo r

6. ______ room is big an d brig ht.

A. Jim ’s and Da vis ’ B . J im and Davis ’s C . Jim and Davis ’s D. J im and Dav is ’ 7. – Wher e are yo ur b rot hers? -- _________. A. He is i n h is room B . Ye s, he is C. I don’t know D . N o, t hey aren’t

8. Eve ry d ay _____ has a r est an d d oes hi s homew ork af ter sc hool. A. To m B. Kat e C . Tom ’s si ster D . K ate ’s si ster 9. My fa the r _____ b read an d milk for breakfast. A. have B . ha s C. eat D. dri nks 10. This b ag is _____.

A. 5 do lla r B . 5 yua ns C .$5 D. dollars 5 11. E ach o f t he st ud ents _____ an Engli sh dic ti onar y. A.there a re B .there i s C . h ave D. h as 12.The boy i s only _____ . To da y i s hi s _____ birt hday.

A.fi ve, five B. fif th, five C. fift h, fifth D. five , f ifth 13.Th e Ar t Fe stival is on _____. A. May thirt y-o ne B. Ma y 31th C. May t hirty-f irst D. May thirti et h-fi rst

14. H e i s _____ boy.

A. an 18-ye ar-old B . a 18-y ea r-old C. an 18-years-o ld D . a 18-years-old

15. _____ pe opl e _____ the movies on weekends.

A. Do, g o to B. Does , g o to C. Do, g o D. Do es, goes

16. I can p lay _____ footb all, but I can ’t pla y _____ piano and _____chess.

A. the, /, / B ./ , the , / C. the, the , t he D . / , / , the 17. T he first day of a w eek is _____.

A. Mo nday B . Sunday C. Saturda y D. January 18. --Is yo ur r oom big o r small?

-- _____.

A. Yes, it is B . Yes , it’s C. No, i t i sn’t D. I t’s small 19. – D o you kn ow L iu Zig e? -- Yes . S he i s a _____ star .

A.swi mmer B. s wi m C.swim ing D. swimmi ng 20. I can see three _______an d two _____ over there.

A .a pp le tre es, men te ac her s B. apple s trees,man teacher s C. ap ple trees, ma n tea chers D. a pples tre e, men teacher 二. 阅读理解。(每小题2分,共30分) A

r y

ou i s _____.

A. TV play B. Spor ts C. A rou nd th e Wo rld D.

T alk s how

( ) 22. The pro gramme of _____ will let you know much about we stern

(西方的) coun trie s.(国家)

A . Sisters B. Ar ound Chi na C. Aroun d the World D. On

T V Ne xt Week

( )23. If y ou w ant to k now something ab out t ige rs, e lepla nts a nd

monke ys , t he be st progr mamme for y ou is _____ .

A. Around Chi na B. A nima l Worl d C. TV Pla y D. Foreig

n Art s



( )24. E nglish clas sroo m is a pro gramme that _____ .

A.lets y ou k now so meth ing a bout classr ooms B. t ell s you some thi ng abou t st udent s

C. lets you know something ab ou t sch ool life D .teach es you Eng lish

( ) 25. The p rog ra mme at the end of C ha nnel 2 means _____ on TV next w eek .

A. new s B. pro grammes B. pe op le D . pl ace s


Sch ool Eve nts

OPEN DAY: August 16th , 2011, 9:00—12:00 am

Al l pa rents can com e to our sc hoo l , h av e a cup of coff ee , and m ee t our tea chers an d o ther parents.

Par ents ca n go t o the cl assroo ms , have a t al k wit h the prin cipal ( 校长) , hav e a l ook a t th e clu bs a nd ask a ny ques tions.

All r equirem ents (要求)fo r a h appy s chool are wel come L unch time : 11:30—12: 00 am Pl ease to Ro om 305 f or lunch.

Al l parent s a re welcome . Please contact u s. Conta ct: Me lod ie L ezar , the p rincipal T el: 021-4617431 Ema il:

S chool: G oodwin Midd le S cho ol 阅读上面一则学习海报,选择正确答案。 ( )26. Wh en is the school ’s O pen Day ?

A. Ju ly 16th .

B. A ugu st 16th C . I n June D. 11:30-12:00 am

( )27. The parents can be i n the s ch ool f or _____ ho urs.(小时)

A. on e B. two C. thr ee D. fo ur

( )28. The paren ts can hav e a lo ok at _____ on th e Op en Day

A. other parent s

B. the teachers classr oom C.Room 305 D.classrooms a nd club

( )29. Wh er e d o paren ts have lu nch on the Open Day?

A. In a pa rk

B. R oom 305

C. At h ome D . In the classr oom

( )30. Wha t’s the name of the s cho ol?

A . G oo dwin Mi ddle Scho ol B. M elodie Le zar, C. D. 021-4617431


J oh n like s c hocolates (巧克力糖)ver y much, bu t hi s mo th er 36 hi m. They are b ad 37 his teeth , she t hinks . Bu t John has a ver y nic e 38 ,the ol d man loves his g ra nds on ver y much and s omet ime s he b uys John so me 39 . Then hi s moth er lets him 40 th em , because 41 wan ts 42 the old man hap py.



43 a Sunday ev en ing , i t is Jo hn ’s sev enth bir thday . He s ay s , “Ple ase , God(上帝), mak e them give me a b ox 44 ch ocolate s for my bi rthday.” His mo the r says , “Go d can ’t

45 y ou . Don ’t sh out (喊叫)。” “I k now,”s ays the cle ver boy w ith a smile. “But gr andfa the r i n th e next room , and he c an .”

( )36. A. don’t gi ve B. gives C. doesn ’t gi ve D. n ot give

( )37. A. at B. for C. in D . with ( )38.A . gran dfath er B. grandmother C. choco la te s D. father ( )39.A. fruit B.chocola tes C . vege tables D. French fries

( )40.A.e ats B . to eat C. ea ti ng D. ea t ( )41.A .he B. it C. she D. t hey ( )42.A. to ma ke B. mak e C. to m akes D. make s ( )43.A .On B. I n C . At D. For ( )44.A./ B. of C. in D. for ( )45.A.he ar B. he ars C. list en to D .list en

四.按要求填词(每空0.5分,共10分) A . 句型转换

46. Ho w ol d is yo ur mo ther ?( 同义句) _____ yo ur _____ _____?

47. P leas e s how m e your watch .(同义句)

Please _____ ______ _____ _____ me.

48. Today is De cembe r 9th ( 就划线部分填空) ______ t he _____ today . B . 在空格处填入适当的词,完成句子。 49. 他低价买了一辆车。

He b uys a ca r _____ _____ _____ ______. 50. 他经常帮我学英语。

He of ten _____ _____ _____ E ngl ish . 51.看一看我们店里的东西。

_____ ______ ______ ______ the things in our shop. 五.看图填词。(每空1分,共10分)

Here are thre e 52 of my fr iends . In the first photo you can see Ben. He is a t all b oy 53 short and str aight hai r(短而直的头发). He likes p laying 54 very m uch . J ack is in the second pho to. He is wea ring a 55 56 gl asses(眼镜). He is 57 a nd fat. He is ver y smart. I n the 58 p hoto , you c an see 59 60 .T hey are s ingi ng a son g. The girl on the left i s Lucy . She 61 from Lo ndon. Th e girl on th e righ t is Wang Ling . S he is a beaut iful Chinese girl. 六.读写综合。

A. 请阅读下面的广告,填写下列表格。

Help want ed f or Beij ing Scho ol Tr ip Bo ys and g irls (12-16years o ld) Are y ou good with kid s?

We ne ed help w it h spor ts , m usic and Engli sh . Com e and join us ! O ur emai l addres s:

Te leph one number :88663589



B .假如你是谭婷,想参加这次学校郊游, 请发一封电子邮件,介绍一下你的兴趣爱好和能力。 要求:语句通顺,语法正确,50词左右。开头和结尾已给出。

Dea r sir,

I want to ___________________________________

___________________________ ______________________________




I hope t o get your l etter soon.

Yo urs,

Tan T in g

(请把答案写在背后的答案卷上) 七年级第一学期英语竞赛 答案卷 一. 单项选择(每小题1分,共20分) 二. 阅读理解 (每小题2分,共30分) 三.完型填空(每小题1分,共10分) 四.按要求填词(每空0.5分,共10分) 46. _______ _________ ________ 47 ________ _________ _________ _________ 48. _______ _________

49. ________ _________ _________ _________

学校: 班别 姓名: 座号:


-- 50. ________ _________ _________

51. ________ _________ _________ _________


52. _________ 53. _________ 54. _________ 55. _________ 56. _________ 57. _________ 58. _________ 59. _________ 60. _________ 61. _________


B.假如你是谭婷,想参加这次学校郊游, 请发一封电子邮件,介绍一下你的兴趣爱好和能力。 要求:语句通顺,语法正确,50词左右。开头和结尾已给出。(15分) Dear sir,

I wa nt to ______________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


I hope to get your lett er soon .


Tan Ting



二. 单项选择(每小题1分,共20分)

二. 阅读理解 (每小题2分,共30分) 学








46. What ’s , mot her ’s , age 47. sh ow, y our, w at ch, to 48. What ’s , da te 49. at a low pri ce 50. h elps me learn /w ith 51. Hav e a lo ok a t


52.phot os 53.with 54. ba sketb all 55.pa ir 56. of

57. shor t 58. third 59.two 60.girls 61. is /c om es 六.读写综合。

B.假如你是谭婷,想参加这次学校郊游, 请发一封电子邮件,介绍一下你的兴趣爱好和能力。 要求:语句通顺,语法正确,50词左右。开头和结尾已给出。(15分) D e ar sir,

I want to join yo ur Beijin g S ch oo l Trip to h elp the kids wi th sp ort s ,m us ic a nd English. My n am e is Ta n T ing. I ’m 15 years o ld .I ’m a stu de nt i n N O.1 Midd le Sc ho ol. I ca n pla y the gu itar well and I can s ing many so ngs. I can sw im, play b asket ba ll an d I can spea k Engli sh we ll.And I think I c an be good w ith k ids. I hope to get your letter soon.

Your s,

Ta n T ing

