综合英语unit 12 Where the Sun Always Rises
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Where the Sun Always Rises
Part I Communicative Activities
Expressions of natural phenomena:
dawn, sunrise, twilight, sunset, moonlit, mist, fog, rain, snow, storm, hail, flowering, budding, …
Expressions of flowers:
lily, rose, tulip, gardenia, daisy, daffodil, chrysanthemum, poinsettia, violet, sunflower, cactus, … beginning to grow or develop a new leaf or a flower adj. 发展中的,萌发中的 e.g. The trees are budding early this year.
When and to whom do we usually send this flower? Is this tree common in China?
When it appears in ancient Chinese poetry, what is the implication? Can you give an example? This flower is not peach, nor pear or plum flower. It is a flower which blooms in most parts in China. (It is an apricot blossom.)
Who is related to the apricot blossom in Chinese culture? In western countries:
Chrysanthemum (in general) - Cheerfulness; you’re a wonderful friend Chrysanthemum (red) - I love you
Chrysanthemum (white) – Truth, purity, ingenuous
Chrysanthemum (yellow) -Slighted love, In Spain and South Europe this flower means death too. Chinese usually leave them for deceased relatives or friends when attending funerals or visiting tombs.
Willow frequently symbolizes the wish that the visitor or would-be traveler will stay longer in Chinese poems. It plays on the pun ‘Stay’(留) in Chinese. It is also used in the Chinese idiom; ‘lingering like a willow’ (杨柳依依).
In English, however, the willow has a reputation being a healing and protective tree. It is supposed to have magical properties and to protect women and babies during childbirth. This tree is strongly linked to lunar rhythms and the feminine ability to banish depression and sadness.
In China, apricot blossom is related to two professions: doctors and teachers(杏林,杏坛). Its implication in the West of spring and love is somewhat similar, but not as clear as in Chinese (chrysanthemum) (willow)
Expressions of tress:
pine, willow, poplar, fir, plane tree, magnolia, redwood, … Expressions of countryside animals / insects
sheep, pig, buffalo, cow, bull, deer, goat, lizard, cicada, butterfly, dragonfly, frog, tadpole, ant, bee, termite, wasp, mosquito, fly, beetle, cricket, grasshopper, …
This crocodile seems to be waiting for something, and it looks quite timid but crocodiles are of course not the symbol of kindness, though it may shed tears. What are words that can be used to describe the crocodile?
The tiny little creature is one of the role-models in nature from which humans draw lessons. What
are the qualities that make ants so admirable?
Alligator (Crocodile) - Aggression, survival, adaptability, cunning, deceptiveness
e.g. She shed crocodile tears (i.e. pretended to be sorry) when she dismissed him from his job. Ant - Group minded, perseverance, self-disciplining, group effort, teamwork, industriousness, orderliness, virtue, strength, stamina(精力;活力), honor Verbs for talking about the countryside / changes (of life)
(The trees / flowers) blossom/are in full blossom in April, (Morning) awaken at the crack of dawn, (The leaves) decay in winter, (The little pond) sparkles in the sun, (Early morning mist) disappears with the sunrise, (The wind) wanes / dies away, (The storm) subsides, (The flood water) recedes, (The garden) thrives after rain. (Changes) bring new life into the village; (Old occupations) die / disappear / are replaced by …, (New entertainment) comes into being, (Village life) declines / is gone forever. (Automobiles / Machinery) sweep(s) away...
decay: vi. & vt. to be slowly destroyed by a natural chemical process, or to make something do this 腐朽, 腐烂; 蛀蚀
e.g. The dampness of the climate decayed the books. 气候潮湿,把书都霉坏了。
sparkle: vi. to shine in small bright flashes 冒火花; 闪耀 e.g. The wet grass sparkles in the sun.
Her diamonds sparkled in the candle-light.
wane: if sth such as power, influence, or a feeling wanes, it becomes gradually less strong or less important 变小,亏缺,呈下弦
e.g. Her enthusiasm for the expedition was waning rapidly. 她对这次出行的热劲迅速减低。
subside: vi. if bad weather conditions subside, they gradually return to a normal state 退落; 消退; 消失
e.g. The flood waters subsided.
recede: vi. if water recedes, it moves back from an area that it was covering 退, 后退;远去 e.g. As the tide receded we were able to look for shells. 潮水退去,我们就能寻找贝壳了。
thrive: vi. to become very successful or very strong and healthy 茁壮成长; 茂盛生长 e.g. Rice thrives in this hot weather.
decline: vi. to decrease in quantity or importance; to become gradually worse in quality下降,下跌;减少; 衰退, 衰落
e.g. As one grows older one's memory declines.
Her influence declined after she lost the election.
sweep sth←→ away: to completely destroy sth or make sth disappear 消失;彻底清除;完全打消
e.g. Abraham drew near him and said, will you really sweep away good and bad together? The village was swept away when the dam burst.
他靠近天主说:你真的打算把善和恶习都一起消灭掉吗? 村庄在水坝决堤时被冲走了。
blossom: vi. if trees blossom, they produce flowers 开花
The Woman on the hilltop New Words & Phrases
Answers to the questions
idealistic: 理想主义的;空想的 acre: n. 英亩
materialistic: emphasizing on the possession of material wealth, properties, money or other valuable goods 实物主义的; 实利主义的;唯物论的
congested: less crowded, more space for fewer people 拥挤的 hectic: less busy adj.兴奋的,繁忙的 companionship: 陪伴
rat race: ruthless and fierce competition for power , position, and wealth 【俚】(商界)日常紧张的竞争活动;无意义的竞争
contemplation: thinking deeply and carefully, meditation 沉思,冥想
preach: 鼓吹;反复灌输 be perched on/above etc sth: vt. 使坐落于;使处于 recurrent dream: dreams repeated and pursued by many people 屡次梦见
1. Why do some people prefer to live in the countryside and not in the city?
They prefer to live in the countryside because the cities are too congested, polluted, and life there is too hectic while the countryside has clean air, fewer people, a slower pace, and natural beauty. Describe Sharon’s farm.
Sharon lives on a one acre farm perched on a hilltop. On her farm she has goats, chickens, a cat and a dog. There is a vegetable garden and a flower garden. There are also apple trees on her land. 2. What does Sharon’s family think of her lifestyle?
Her family thinks she is crazy and wasting her life away, and that she should be making money and working as a professional.
3. What kind of hard times has Sharon experienced on her farm?
Sharon has experienced the hard times of terrible storms when branches crashed down everywhere near her house and heavy flooding during rainy season which made the roads impassable. On two occasions some dangerous wild animals passed through her land and threatened her animals. 1. Does Sharon have any regrets?
Sharon has no regrets and feels fortunate to be living \and truths of nature.\
Interactibr Speaking
Analyzing the essay and give your opinions on the Chinese concepts of Beauty of Nature.
Part IIReading Comprehension & Language Activities Pre-reading Tasks: page 187
Where the Sun Always Rises
1. to take notice of sth with your eyes 注意到;看到 e.g. He took in every detail of her appearance. She took in the scene at a glance. 他仔仔细细打量了她一番。
2. slam: vi. & vt. if a door, gate etc slams, or if someone slams it, it shuts with a loud noise (使…)砰地关上;猛地关上;啪嗒一声关上 -synonym bang e.g. 他的邻居当着他的面把门砰然关闭。 We heard the car door slam.
His neighbor slammed the door in his face.
3. the last person/thing: used to make a strong negative statement about someone or sth the last thing sb needs/wants, etc: sth that you certainly do not want or need, etc. e.g. It was the last thing I’d expected to happen.
The last thing I want to do is to fling a man's past in his face. 我压根儿就没料到会发生这件事。
e.g. She's the last person I'd expect to meet in a disco (=I would not expect to meet her in a disco at all) .
Money was the last thing I cared about right now.
4. miss doing: to fail to hit , catch, reach, etc, sth 未击中;未得到;未达到;错过 e.g. She narrowly missed hitting him. 她差一点打着他。
e.g. The car just missed hitting a little boy who was crossing the road. e.g. She fired at the target but missed.
5. gingerly: adv. in a careful way, because you are afraid of being hurt, of making a noise, etc. 极度小心谨慎地;极为小心地; 轻手轻脚地
e.g. This delicate political issue must be handled gingerly. 他在喝咖啡以前先小心地尝一尝。 处理这个微妙的政治问题必须慎之又慎。 He tasted the coffee gingerly before drinking it.
6. pick one’s way ( across, along, among, over, through, etc. sth) : to walk in a slow careful way, choosing exactly where to put your feet down 择路而行;小心看着路行走;行路谨慎 e.g. 她小心翼翼地在高低不平的地面上行走。 他小心地走下狭窄的楼梯间。
She picked her way delicately over the rough ground. He picked his way down the narrow staircase.
7. catch one’s breath: a. to pause for a moment after a lot of physical effort in order to breathe normally again (跑或激烈运动后)歇气 e.g. 他一直在跑,没有停下来喘口气。
一天工作后他们坐下来喝咖啡休息休息。 He runs all the way, without stopping to catch his breath.
After the day’s work they sat down over coffee to catch their breath. e.g. The song was so beautiful that it made me catch my breath. 这首歌太好了,我禁不住屏息而听。
catch one’s breath: b. to stop breathing for a moment because sth has surprised, frightened, or shocked you (由于恐惧、震惊等)屏息,屏气
8. Silhouette: n. a dark image, shadow, or shape that you see against a light background (浅色背景上的) 黑色轮廓像; (用黑纸剪成的)侧面影像; 剪影
silhouette: ( usu. Passive) silhouette sb. /sth. ( against sth.) to make sth. appear as a silhouette 使呈现暗色轮廓
e.g. 在地平线上现出一排光秃秃的树。
There was a line of bald trees silhouetted against the horizon.
9. pulsate: vi. to bear or move with a strong, regular rhythm like a heart beating (有规律地跳动或发声);均匀震动;搏动
e.g. The whole room was pulsating with music.
The air seemed to pulsate with the bright light. 空气似乎随着亮光而颤动。 天空中开始闪烁着淡紫色、玫瑰红和琥珀色。高处,一片柔和的蓝色中,一颗孤星仍在闪耀。银色的雾霭从湖面上袅袅升起,万籁俱寂。
10. make a landing: an act of bring an aircraft or spacecraft down to the ground 降落,着落;登陆 e.g. 太空旅行者成功地登上月球。
由於发动机出现故障,飞机不得不紧急著陆。 The space travellers made a successful landing on the moon.
Because of engine trouble the plane have to make an emergency landing.
11. maneuver: AmE ( BrE manoeuvre) [vi., vt. always + adv./prep.] to move or turn sth skillfully or carefully (使谨慎或熟练地)移动,运动或转动 e.g. 几乎没有什么活动空间。
她小心翼翼地将车开进了车库。 vi. There was very little room to maneuver.
vt. She maneuvered the car carefully into the garage.
12. streak: [vt. usually passive] to cover sth with lines of colour, liquid etc 形成条纹 streak with
e.g. His hand was streaked with blood. 他的头发开始变得灰白。
His hair is beginning to streak with grey. 他的手上有血痕。
13. intent: adj. giving careful attention to sth so that you think about nothing else 专心的;专注的 intent on/upon adv. intently e.g. Jake listened intently.
I noticed her gazing intently at one of the photos. 14. take sth ? in
e.g. Fish take in oxygen through their gills.
The United Kingdom takes in England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland. If the skirt is too big, we can take in the waist.
I had to read the letter twice before I could take it all in. 鱼用鳃吸取氧气。
联合王国包括英格兰、 威尔士、 苏格兰、 北爱尔兰。 要是裙子太大了,我们可以把腰部收紧一些。
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